`about' as a subheading, 28.104
`Abraham Fleming: Elizabethan maker of indexes and "tables"' (Painting-Stubbs), 29.109–13
`Academic partnership' (Cooter), 22.83
`Accessing documents and information in a world without frontiers' (Hudon), 21.156–29
`After the Prize: Indexing at the Einstein Papers Project' (Hirschmann), 29.98–109
`Alexander Cruden and his Concordance' (Farrow), 20.55–26
`Alexander von Humboldt's Kosmos: indexing it' (Lubrich and Ette), 25.2–26
`All is revealed' (Franke) (letter), 20.32
`Also-greats' (Bell), 23.215
`An alternative index to an 1877 `handbook of quotations' (Bell), 25.255–26
`And so to bed': the index to The diary of Samuel Pepys (Leise), 29.4–11
`Annotating document content: a knowledge management perspective' (Ciravegna and Petrelli), 25.23–27
`Another [;;]How to make an index[::]' (Hewitt), 23.200–21
`Another view of science indexing' (letter) (Johncocks), 29.184–25
`An/the/an index of confusion' (O'Leary), 25.182
`ANZSI promotion and publicity (P&P)' (Russell and McMaster), 28.167–29
`Apples, pears and oranges: three important books on indexing' (Pincoe), 23.124–28
`The application of index entries to search and retrieval of books and book content' (Stelmach), 21.127–31
`The Arabian Nights and Orientalism: perspectives from East to West' (TLS review, extract), 25.242
`Arabic names' (Hedden), CP2:, 9
`Archival value in South Africa' (Meyer, Calitz and Brink), 23.70–23
`Are abstracting and indexing databases still relevant?' (Rabe), 23.80–22
`The Atlantic Monthly's [;;]proper-name index[::]' (Healy), 24.68–70
`AusSI Web Indexing Prize 1998' (Walker), 21.108–10
`Australian Aboriginal names' (Triffitt), CP2:, 1
`Authors and indexes' (Letters to the Editor of the TLS, November and December 2006), 25.183–26
`Authors and indexing' (Curran), 27.80–23
`Automated indexing: feeding the AutoComplete monster' (Jermey), 28.74–25
`Back-of-the-book indexing in the Netherlands today' (Bosschieter), 25.86–28
`Be a peach: enhancing your work through training' (Booth), 23.18–22
`Bernard Levin and The Indexer' (Bell), 24.127–32
`The Blair Index Project' (Shuttleworth), 28.175, 29.44
`The bliss of excessive fondness' (Bell), 22.127
`The body of a reference work in relation to its index: an analysis of Wordmanship' (Weinberg), 20.18–22
`Bombelli of Bologna' (letter), 23.37–28
`Book indexes: experiences and expectations in the German Democratic Republic (GDR)' (Schmidmaier), 25.83–25
`Book indexes in France: mediaeval specimens and modern practices' (Weinberg), 22.2–13
`Book Indexing Postal Tutorials' (Hall), 23.8–10
`Books Ä the core for public libraries' (Bakewell) (letter), 26.24
`A book-style index for the web: the University of Texas Policies and Procedures Website' (Fetters), 21.73–26
`Bringing it home: learning to index books by correspondence' (USDA course) (Manley and Harwood), 20.185–27
`The British Museum catalogue of Hebrew incunabula: an evaluation of its information design and indexes' (Weinberg), 25.12–15
`Broadcasting on indexing' (Matthews), 21.173–24
`Building a collage for indexers and bibliographers: photo albums, mirrors, magnifying glasses and crystal balls out of Africa' (Fourie), 27.146–51
`Building a global legal index: a work in progress' (Davis), 22.123–27
`The Canadian perspective' (Faulkner), 24.183
`Capturing moving images online' (Cameron), 24.142–24
`Cardinal Giuseppe Garampi: an eighteenth-century pioneer in indexing' (Burns), 22.61–24
`A cautionary tale' (Bell), 21.24
`Changing boundaries' (Jacobs) (editorial), 23.113–14
`Chicken or egg theory: do we truly know how they search?' (M‚nard), 29.150–26
`A Chinese typewriter' (1952 US Patent application), 27.107–10
`Christian history: 3,000 years and an author's indexing thereof' (MacCulloch), 28.108–29
`Clindex,' 24.61
in German, 24.95
reviews of, 24.157
`A Cold War card index is Romania's best hope' (MacGlashan), 25.256
`Colloque International: indici, index, indexation, Lille, 3-4 November 2005' (MacGlashan), 25.45–26
`Comparative evaluation of thesaurus creation software' (Hedden), 26.50–29
`Compiling an anthology of indexes' (Bell), 23.32–23
`Computer contrarian' (Bell), 22.24
^All the world's a globe, .^ (Dingle) (discussed by Hazel Bell), 20.208
Abbott, N Joan, `Psychology and neuroscience of indexing: what goes on in the mind of the indexer?,' 25.154–60
abbreviations:. see acronyms and abbreviations, use of; locators, abbreviations in
Abel, Richard:. see Graham, Gordon and Richard Abel (eds)
Aboriginal media, indexing of, 20.94
Aboriginal names, CP2:, 1
CAAMA (Central Australian Aboriginal Media Association), 20.94
OZBIB (Linguistic Bibliography of Aboriginal Australia and Torres Strait Islands), 26.127–31
aboutness, fiction indexing and, 28.51, 28.55
Abrahams, Marc
`Holy fathers,' 25.127
Etiquette (Post), index as a social wonderland, 27.32
photograph of, 26.64
Abrams, William, `The indexer facing the cryptic text: a folly index as inspired by Jorge Luis Borges, presented as a cautionary example of over-indexing,' 26.68–71
`Library & information science vs business: a comparison of approaches to abstracting' (Spiteri), 20.197–200
bibliography of, preparation, 20.197–200
business needs and, 20.197–200
CAS (Chemical Abstracts Service), 27.2
continuing relevance, 23.80–22, 27.2
definition, 20.197
Emerald Abstracts, 27.2
ePublications, 23.80–22
Explorations in indexing and abstracting: pointing, virtue and power (reviewed), 20.174
glossary for (Wellisch) (reviewed), 22.107–28
guidelines for writing, 20.199–200
Inspec database (IET), 27.2
purpose, 20.198
theory and practice of, 21.148, 24.51
types of abstract, 20.198–29
academic publishing:. see scholarly publishing
accents:. see diacritics
Access:. see Microsoft Access
accessibility considerations in case of visual or other impairment, 26.62, 27.76–29
accounts:. see invoice preparation
accreditation:. see professionalism in indexing, recognition
accuracy:. see disclaimers; liability of indexers
Acrobat:. see Adobe Acrobat
acronyms and abbreviations, use of, 20.89, abbreviations in. see also locators
Biblical indexing and, 5
inconsistent use of stop, 29.28
The Oxford dictionary of abbreviations (reviewed), 22.163
web indexing and, 20.127
Adobe Acrobat, 28.129, coates3137
Adobe FrameMaker:. see Framemaker
Adobe InDesign, CINDEX and, coates5793
Adobe PageMaker, 21.160–23
Adshead, Gordon R and Vivienne Monty, Index to the Monetary Times (reviewed), 20.232
advertisements, to index or not? 26.119, 26.120, 27.2, 27.3
advertising, funding of internet search tools, 23.210–15
Africa: a bibliography of sources (Kagan) (reviewed), 26.188–29
Africa: a guide to reference material (McIlwaine) (reviewed), 26.189–90
Africa Centre, database, 23.92
African Journal Archive, 28.132
African musical instruments, indexing, 21.169–72
African names, `Khoe-San names (African click languages)' (Willet), 1
Afrikaans names, `Dutch, German, Austrian, Flemish and Afrikaans names' (Pitchford), 1
Agate, James, indexes and, 26.174
age of indexers, 20.59
Agee, Victoria, review by, 24.242–23
Ahermaa, Martin, reviews by, 27.46
`The AHRC Mander and Mitchenson Theatre Collection Access for Research Project: Uncovering the archive' (Davis and Nield), 25.197–29
Ait El Mekki, Touria:. see Zaragayouna, Ha‹fa, Touria Ait El Mekki, Laurent Audibert and Adeline Nazarenko
Aitchison, Jean, Alan Gilchrist and David Bawden, Thesaurus construction and use: a practical manual (reviewed), 21.149, 23.53
Alakus, Meral, articles by
`Newspaper archives: indexing Cumhuriyet,' 29.171–29
`Turkish names,' 5
`A Turkish treasure trove,' 26.8–13
`A women's thesaurus in Turkey: addressing the challenge,' 25.176–81
Alberta Legislative Assembly, indexing the proceedings of, 23.138–29
alcohol and drug problems, thesaurus, 20.49
Alexandria, library at, 25.259
Allot, Philip, Invisible power: a philosophical adventure story (reviewed), 25.150–21
dictionary of, 23.55–26
indexing or, 25.42
Alpern, Andrew, `Skirting the issue?' (letter), 23.38
alpha headers, 28.65
alphabetically structured reference works, need for an index:. see encyclopaedias; reference works, need for an index
alphanumerical sort order, alphanumeric notation; transliteration problems, sort orders/retrieval of; classification; locators. see also articles, treatment in an index; Chinese characters
`The gentle art' (Partridge), 28.172
`Logical order' (Cousins) (letter), 20.31
alternative methods of, 25.95–26, 25.96, 25.97, 25.109, 25.237, 25.238
alternatives to, 20.75–26, 20.76, 20.135–26, 25.95–26, 25.96, 25.110, 25.236, 25.237, 25.238
Arabic, relevance in, 1
audiovisual media, 25.251
Biblical indexing and, 4
BS 1749 (alphanumeric and other arrangement in indexes), declaration of obsolescence, 26.96
capitalization, relevance, 20.75, 25.91
Chicago Manual, 20.75
in children's index, 21.175–26
Chinese, relevance in, 22.21–22, sort orders/retrieval of. see also Chinese characters
click languages, 1
computers (1960s) and, 29.19
database indexing and, 20.127
development of index, role in, 25.236–27, 30.6
embedded indexing and, 24.216
first/forename as determining factor, 28.79
glosses and, 25.96
Hebrew alphabet and, 25.247
homograph arrangement and, 20.31, 20.87–28, 20.217, 21.189. see also homographic arrangement
ISO 999 recommendations, 20.75–26, 20.114
letter-by-letter arrangement, 20.114
letter-by-letter v word-by-word, 21.3, 27.189
Liber floriger chartarum cenobii Farfensis (Gregory of Catino), 25.96–27
machine and manual sorting, variation between, 20.75, 20.162
in medical indexing, 20.47, 27.59
in multilingual index, 23.192
musical themes, 25.251
NISO TR-03-1999, 20.33, 22.215
numbers and symbols, 20.75, 28.174
origins and history, 20.156–29, 21.113–14, 25.74, 25.95, 25.95–26, 25.95–27, 25.96, 25.236, 25.259, 25.259–60
Punch, 25.261
punctuation, 20.75
search engine algorithms, advantages, 30.6
sort translation table, 20.75
spaces, 20.75
symbols, 20.75
telephone directories, 5
translation of index and, 25.90
as unscholarly practice, 25.239
web indexing and, 20.127, 25.251, 28.110–11, 28.113–14
Welsh indexing and, 23.192
AltaVista, 25.193
Altschiller, Donald, The information revolution (ed.) (reviewed), 20.109
Amazon Kindle:. see Kindle books
Ambaum, Gene and Bill Barnes, `Unshelved' (cartoon), 28.144
ambitious projects:. see large/ambitious projects
Amduat (Book of the Hidden Space), index to, 25.258
Ament, Kurt, Indexing: a nuts-and-bolts guide for technical writers (reviewed), 27.190–21
American Society of Indexers:. see ASI
anachronisms:. see time lapse between original text and indexing, issues raised by
Anagnostelis, Betsy:. see Welsh, Sue, Betsy Anagnostelis and Alison Cooke
Anderson, Charles R, `Indexing with a computer: past and present,' 22.23–24
Anderson, James D, `Indexing, teaching of,. see [;;]Information retrieval design[::]', 23.2–27
Anderson, James D and P‚rez-Carballo, Jos‚, Information retrieval design: principles and options for information description, organization, display, and access in information retrieval databases, digital libraries, catalogs, and indexes (reviewed), 24.159–60
Anderson, Margaret Dampier
memories of (Wallis), 25.229
obituary, 20.218
Wheatley Medal, 20.218
Anderson, Sarah, photograph of, 28.125
Andrews, Peter and Barbara Hird, `Islamic and Middle Eastern materials,' 29.127–29
Andrews, Peter and Meg Davies, `Notes on the indexing of biblical and related materials' (Andrews and Davies), 1
Angus, Jane, reviews by, 20.51, 22.218–19, 23.179
annotations:. see glosses
annual report indexing, 28.168–29, 28.191
training course (ANZSI), 28.169
Anthology for the Millennium (Blake et al (eds))
`Recollections' (extract from) (Hewitt), 24.205
reviewed, 22.110
anthology of indexes, compilation of (Bell), 23.32–23
antonyms, dictionary of, 23.240
Anzovin, Steven:. see Kane, Joseph Nathan, Steven Anzovin and Janet Podell
ANZSI (Australia and New Zealand Society of Indexers). see also AusSI (Australian Society of Indexers)
`Disintermediate or die? Volunteer societies in an information age' (Jermey), 25.265–26
`Educating indexers: ANZSI reviews its policies,' 28.123–25
activities of, 24.179–80, 25.47, 26.36, 26.83, 26.134, 28.180
archives, 25.273
awards, display of, 25.274
courses, 25.202, 25.272, 27.179–80, 28.30, 28.168
database indexing fees, 26.83
events, 24.145–26, 24.224, 25.45, 25.134
GAMES (Committee strategy meeting), 25.134
as guest editors of The Indexer, 28.97
incorporation, 28.180
Indexing Resources section, establishment of, 26.134
library, 25.273
life memberships, 28.34
membership numbers, 26.36
organizational changes, 25.202
publications, 26.134
reasons for leaving/not joining, 28.77
recommended fees, 27.88, 28.168
Registered Indexer status, 25.202, 26.82, 28.124, 28.168
tips for indexers, 27.89
tyranny of distance, solutions to, 27.178, 27.179
volunteers, 25.136–27
ANZSI conferences
2005, 24.145
2006, 24.226
2007, 25.135, 25.274
2009, 26.179, 28.33–24
publication of proceedings, 25.63, 26.177
SI conferences compared, 26.133
ANZSI Index Series, 26.178
ANZSI Medal, 25.202, 2006 (no award). see also Robert D Williamson Award (VALA)
2004, 24.225
2007, 26.37
2008 (judges' report), 27.8
2009, 28.34
criteria, 27.8
ANZSI promotion/marketing
`ANZSI promotion and publicity (P&P)' (Russell and McMaster), 28.167–29
bookmark, 27.88, 28.167
Year of Annual Report Indexes (2010), 28.168–29
Year of Family History Indexes (2011), 28.169
ANZSI publications, 28.168
ANZSI Index Series, 26.178
conference proceedings, 25.63, 26.177
Indexing your annual report: a guide (Russell and McMaster), 28.168–29, 28.191
Newsletter, 26.176, 26.177, 27.149, 28.180
ANZSI training:. see continuing professional development (CPD), ANZSI plans; mentoring schemes (ANZSI); training for indexers (ANZSI)
ANZSI website
changes, 26.83, 26.134
discussion feature, 27.178
APA (American Psychological Association) style guide, 28.174
Apocryphal/Deuterocanonical books, CP5:3, 5
Appellate Body Repertory, WTO, 24.218–22, 25.91
Appleby, Melinda, reviews by, 26.94
Arabic, indexing and
`Islamic and Middle Eastern materials' (Hird and Andrews), 29.127–29
sort order, 1
transliteration problems, 2
Arabic names, elements of, CP3:1, 2
Archaeologia Cambrensis
index to (review), 24.240, 27.95
indexing of, 23.187–91
indexing the archaeology of Wales, 23.187–91
SIG, 29.131
thesauri for, 21.52–23, 22.53–24, 27.95
Archbold, Neil, photograph of, 24.226
Archer, Dawn, What's in a word-list? Investigating word frequency and keyword extraction (reviewed), 27.143–24
indexing Vitruvius' De architectura:. see De architectura (Vitruvius), indexing of
thesaurus for, 22.53–24, 27.71
archives. see also genealogical and family history indexing
`Glasgow Art Club archives' (van Asperen), 25.290, 26.25–32
`In the Savoy archives,' 28.48, 29.48
`A Turkish treasure trove' (Alakus), 26.8–11
`The AHRC Mander and Mitchenson Theatre Collection Access for Research Project: Uncovering the archive' (Davis and Nield), 25.297–29
caring for the archive, 26.31–22
Girton College Archive, 24.203–25
indexing, 21.164–28, 24.200–22
indexing society archives, 25.273
Manual of archival description (reviewed), 22.218–19
technological developments and, 21.164–28, 24.203–25
Vatican Secret Archive, 22.61–24
World guide to library, archive and information science education (reviewed), 26.143
archives (State/national)
Australia, 23.34, 24.200–22. see also Australian archives
Scotland (SCAN), 26.143
South Africa, 23.70–23, archives, accessing. see also South Africa
Sweden (SVAR (Svensk Arkivinformation)), 26.143
Arioflotga (Kuppner) (reviewed), 28.96
Armitage, Brian, 20.32
Armstrong, Chris J, Staying legal: a guide to issues and practice for users and publishers of electronic resources (reviewed), 22.55
Around the World (ATW), editors. see also Network of Indexers
Browne, Glenda, 24.145–27, 24.224–26, 25.47–50, 25.134–27, 25.202–25, 25.272–26, 26.36–40, 26.83–26, 26.132–25, 26.176–29, 27.34–26, 27.88–90, 27.128–33, 27.176–80, 28.30–25, 28.79–82, 28.126–34
Hudoba, Terri, 28.176–84, 29.33–28, 29.130–27, 29.185–29
Jacobs, Christine, 21.132–23, 21.184–25, 22.43–24, 22.98–29, 22.152–23, 22.197–28, 23.34–25, 23.92–23
Theron, Christie, 23.169–71, 23.224–26, 24.42–23, 24.100–22
Art and architecture thesaurus (AAT), 27.71
art book and catalogue indexing, 26.132
art history, research awards, 23.92–23
art of indexing
`The art of indexing' (Uschtrin and Fassbender), 29.13–18
ejournals and, 21.62–23
taking out the art and mystery, 27.7, coates2998
articles, treatment in an index
`The definite article: acknowledging [;;]The[::] in index entries' (Browne), 22.119–22
`An/the/an index of confusion' (O'Leary), 25.181
`Na and the missing library books' (Flynn), 25.182
Arabic, 9
author as indexers and, 27.82
BS 3700/ISO 999, 20.75
Cartulary of St Julian of Auvergne (Brioude), 25.9
Irish/Celtic languages and, 25.181
personal names:. see personal names
as measure of index quality, 26.160, 26.161
ASAIB (Association of Southern African Indexers and Bibliographers). see also International Agreement of indexing societies
activities and events other than conferences, 21.184–25, 23.169, 24.42–23, 24.101, 24.146, 24.224, 25.47
establishment (1994), 20.134
membership numbers, 26.36
publications:. see ASAIB publications
Website/blog, 25.47
ASAIB Award (best index/best bibliography), 23.169
2004, 24.225
2005, 25.48
2007, 25.48, 26.132, 26.135
2008, 27.90
2011, 29.136
ASAIB conferences, 25.134, 25.203, 25.274, 26.39, 26.83, 26.131, 26.132, 26.179, 27.89, 27.128–30, 28.132, 29.135, 2006 (Africana), 2007 (Biography, the Beautiful), 2008 (Remarkable South African Women: revealed through indexing and bibliography), 2009 (Africa visited and revisited) (Triennial International Meeting), 2010 (The Indexer in Publishing), 2011 (Whys and wherefores of indexing)
2000, 22.152
2003, 23.224
2004, 24.100
2005, 24.147, 24.226
2006, 25.47
2009 (Africa visited and revisited) (Triennial International Meeting), 27.128
publication of proceedings, 23.107–28
ASAIB publications
Directory for Freelance Indexers, 25.134, 27.34
Directory for Freelance Indexers (2006), 25.134
Indexing for Southern Africa, 25.47, 25.202, 25.215, 26.177
Newsletter, 26.36, 26.176
ASCII/ANSI, 26.146–27
ASI. see also International Agreement of indexing societies; special interest groups (SIGs) (ASI)
40th anniversary, 25.275
activities and events other than conferences, 21.132–23, 22.43, 22.98, 24.42, 24.101, 24.145, 24.224, 25.47, 25.134
archives, 25.273
change of name, 26.83
directory of indexers, 21.133
incorporation and, 26.38
Indexer Locator, 27.12
Jobs Hotline, 27.12
Key Words:. see Key Words (ASI newsletter/journal)
membership numbers, 26.36
publishers, lists of, 27.88
reasons for leaving/not joining, 28.76
Recommended Indexing Agreement, 27.88
Society for Technical Communications (STC), memorandum of agreement, 29.36
Speakers' Guide, 27.89
strategic plan (2006), 25.202
training:. see training for indexers (ASI)
volunteers, 25.136–27
ASI, history of
1968-1977, 20.212–13
1983-87, 21.135
1992-5, 22.81
oral history (Dorothy Thomas), 20.45
ASI awards:. see Kohlrabi, Order of; Web Indexing Award (ASI SIG); H W Wilson Award
ASI chapters, Southeast Chapter formed (November 2010), 28.180
ASI conferences, 20.45, 25.134, 25.274–25, 26.39, 26.83, 26.132–23, 27.130–21, 28.132–23, 29.135, 1993 (25th anniversary conference), 2006 (joint conference with IASC/SCAD), 2007 (Philadelphia) (`Liberating the index'), 2008 (Colorado), 2009 (Portland, Oregon) (`Scaling the heights'), 2010 (Minneapolis), 2011 (Providence)
1995 (joint conference with IASC/SCAD), 20.33–24
1998, 20.187
2001, 22.197
2002, 23.92
2003 (joint conference with IASC/SCAD), 23.224
2004, 24.42
2005, 24.100, 24.147, 24.226
conference blogs, 28.133
guest editors of The Indexer (October 2002), 23.57
ASI promotion/marketing
`Marketing moves into the spotlight Ä ASI takes the initiative' (Rogers), 28.169–71
social networking and, 28.169
ASI publications
1999, 21.185
advertisement, 27.8, 27.91, 28.68, 28.141, 28.153
Publications Committee, 26.177
ASI website
award-winning indexes and, 27.180
copyright protection policy, 26.130
redesign (2010), 28.180
Asian names, `Indexing Asian names' (Akhtar), 2
Aslib, and SI, 20.161
associateship, 20.180–21. see also professionalism in indexing, recognition
Association of Southern African Indexers and Bibliographers (ASAIB):. see ASAIB (Association of Southern African Indexers and Bibliographers)
Atlas of the World (Ptolemy), as first index, 25.259–60
atlases, indexing:. see maps and cartography
Attwooll, David, `Wired reference: Confessions of an e-publisher' (extract), 25.88
ATW:. see Around the World (ATW), editors
Audibert, Laurent:. see Zaragayouna, Ha‹fa, Touria Ait El Mekki, Laurent Audibert and Adeline Nazarenko
audiovisual media
`It ain't just what you say but the way that you say it: indexing a DVD' (Crystal), 27.173–25
`repagination' and, 27.175
The audiovisual cataloging current (Roe), 23.111
content-based retrieval, 28.165
keyword searches, problems, 28.165
locators, 25.251, 27.172
melodic strings, 28.165
music indexing, 28.164–25
natural language and, 27.173–24
parameter designation, 28.165
user requirements, 27.173–25
The August Indexer; Proceedings from the Second International Conference, 27-9 August 1999, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia (reviewed), 22.162
AusSI, history of, 20.213–14, 21.135
AusSI (Australian Society of Indexers). see also ANZSI (Australia and New Zealand Society of Indexers)
activities and events other than conferences, 20.94, 21.132–23, 21.184, 22.43, 23.170
conferences, 20.33, 20.35, 20.113, 21.94, 22.162, 22.197, 23.224–25, 2001 (joint conference with China Society of Indexers)
Foundation Fellows, 20.180–21
indexing services, guide for editors, 20.194
Newsletter, 20.34
recommended fees, 20.35
AusSI Medal, 1995, 20.34–25, 20.37
AusSI Web Indexing Prize (including extensive lists of internet resources)
1996, 20.121–24
1997, 21.15–18
1998, 21.100, 21.108–10
AustLII:. see Australasian Legal Information Institute (AustLII)
Australasian Legal Information Institute (AustLII), 22.123–27
`Learning architecture: issues in indexing. Australian education in a Web 2.0 world' (Mitchell), 26.163–28
CAAMA (Central Australian Aboriginal Media Association), 20.94
copyright issues, 23.92
legal resources on the internet, 20.124
Macquarrie Dictionary, authoritative status, 26.166
moral rights, 26.130
thesauri in, 26.165
Australia, indexing in
business practices, 29.32
editorial, 22.113
UC Berkeley Extension Course and, 29.30
Australian and New Zealand Society of Indexers:. see ANZSI (Australia and New Zealand Society of Indexers)
Australian archives
Bringing them home project, 23.34, 26.178
indexing state and federal archives, 24.200–22
Australian English, 20.110
Australian Legal Information Institute (AustLII), global legal index, 22.123–27
Australian Parliamentary Library index (AusSI Web Indexing Prize), 20.121
Australian Society of Indexers (AusSI):. see ANZSI (Australia and New Zealand Society of Indexers); AusSI (Australian Society of Indexers)
Australian State and Federal Archives, 24.200–22
Austrian names, `Dutch, German, Austrian, Flemish and Afrikaans names' (Pitchford), 1
Authex Plus, 27.190
author/citation indexes. see also names (general); personal names
`et al,' handling of, 27.82–23
CP5:, 1
in China, 22.128–29, 27.179
differentiation, methods of, 27.4
journal evaluation and, 27.179
multiple authors, 27.4
reasons for, 27.83
titles of works, inclusion, 27.4
authority lists/files. see also controlled vocabularies; thesauri and glossaries, construction and use of
biota names, 27.54
British Columbia Hansard and, 27.67–28
changing usage and, 27.99
choosing, 27.55
controlled vocabularies and, 26.122, 27.66–28, 27.71
creating, 27.54–25, 27.67–28
as guidelines, 27.66
image-indexing and, 27.71
MACREX and, 27.54
strait jacket, whether, 27.66
ULAN (Union List of Artist Names), 27.71
Word concordance feature as basis of, 28.127
`author pays' principle, 20.191, 21.62, 21.133, 25.183, 26.152, 26.153–24, 26.155, 27.80, 28.97
attitudes to indexing, 25.84–25, 27.80–23
citations, liking for, 27.83
correcting errors of, 25.268
fairness to the subjects of the index and, 25.164–25
How to write a paper, 20.52
research for, 24.115–16
authors, relations with, 20.4, 24.18–20, 26.186, 27.83, 28.97. see also client relations
author revisions to index, 27.15, 27.83
direct contact vs editor as intermediary, 29.15, 29.119–20
keywords supplied by, difficulties related to, 27.1, 27.3, 27.83
science indexing and, 29.115–17
authors as indexers. see also professionalism in indexing
`author does/does not do it best' principle, 25.183–26, 25.217, 25.221, 26.80–21, 27.81–22, 29.2–23, 29.14–15
`Christian history: 3,000 years and an author's indexing thereof' (MacCulloch), 28.108–29
`First person indicative' (Bell), 24.97
`Marot, Hofstadter, index,' 21.22–23
`Perilous power in authorial hands,' 21.122–23
alphabetical order, difficulties with, 27.81
articles, treatment of, 27.82
assessing/creating an index distinguished, 29.120
An author's guide to publishing (reviewed), 21.104
An author's guide to scholarly publishing (reviewed), 20.231
automatic indexing and, 20.4, 21.122–23, 25.183–26
cross-references, difficulties with, 29.116, 29.120
double posting and, 29.120
as an enhancement of one's understanding of own book, 21.22–23
examples of author-created science indexes, 29.118
financial considerations, 26.87, 27.80
Indexing: a nuts-and-bolts guide for technical writers (Ament) (reviewed), 27.190–21
Indexing your book (Vickers), 27.137
journal publishing and, 20.231
long strings, 27.81, 29.2, 29.116, 29.120
measuring the quality of, 26.158
Mentors and friends (Norrie), 28.24–25
multi-author works, 29.15
natural language order, preference for, 27.81
Norrie, Ian, 28.24–25
over-indexing, tendency towards, 26.160
poor author indexes, handling of, 27.81–22
practice in different countries compared, 27.80
Scarcely ever out of my thoughts (Junor), 27.140
science indexing and, 29.115–16
software for indexers and, 26.186, 27.81
training/guidance for, 27.137, 27.190–21, 29.14
The Autocar, indexes to, 25.200–21
autocompletion, `Automated indexing: feeding the AutoComplete monster' (Jermey), 28.74–25
AutoHotKey, 28.127–28
automated indexing. see also faceted classification; search and retrieval techniques (electronic)
`Example-based text categorization (EBTC): the key to automatic indexing and classification' (Xue Chunxiang and Hou Hanqing), 27.117–23
`Patterns and hidden meanings: the dawn of automated indexing' (Hirschmann), 29.19–22
`The Persian Agrovoc in an indexing context' (Falahati Qadimi Fumani), 29.23–29
as aid to, 25.77, 25.122–25, 25.123, 25.123–24
authors as indexers and, 20.4, 21.122–23, 25.183–26
computer-assisted indexing/dedicated indexing software distinguished, 25.217
Concordance (Watt), 27.46–27
concordance and index, failure to appreciate distinction, 25.217, 29.13
continental Europe and English-speaking countries compared, 25.78
a critique, 21.122–23, 26.81
fiction indexing and, 28.50
homonyms and, 29.19–20
human indexer, continuing need for, 24.217, 26.81, 28.102–23, 29.13
image indexing and:. see illustrations, images and photographs, search and retrieval techniques (electronic)
IndexStar and, 27.126
Information Retrieval Language and Intelligent Information Processing Series (CSI), 28.132
Inhaltserschliessung durch Indexieren: Prinzipien und Praxis (Fugmann), 21.197
machine-based techniques for thesaurus construction, limitations, 25.177, 25.179
medical indexing and, 27.60
mixed views on, 29.21
over-indexing and, 29.2
regenerating index for presentational purposes, 26.169
semi-automatic indexing, 25.23–27
tagging and, 26.168–29
thesauri term selection and, 29.24
traditional indexing and, 27.147
word searching, acceptability, 20.51–22, 20.174, 22.25, 23.198
awards. see also ANZSI Medal; ASAIB Award (best index/best bibliography); AusSI Medal; Bernard Levin Award; Betty Moys Prize; Carey Award; Hines Award; Kohlrabi, Order of; Robert D Williamson Award (VALA); Tamarack Award; Tamarack Award (ISC/SCI); Walford Award f
`Have we got them right?' (MacGlashan), 29.136
`Time for a rethink' (Kingdom), 29.137
Ig Nobel Prize (2007), 25.234, 26.2, 26.64–25
judging, 22.191–24
peer recognition awards (Schroeder), 20.137
Ayto, John, The Oxford dictionary of rhyming slang (reviewed), 23.182
back-of-the-book indexing, frequency
in 19th century America, 20.156–29
in China, 25.134, 26.4, 26.5–26, 27.104
in continental Europe, 25.74–28, 25.86–28
backup devices, 28.80, 28.130–21, 28.177, 28.179
off-site backup, 28.80
Bagheri, Mansoureh, `Indexing training in Iran,' 25.105–28
Bagheri, Masoumeh
`Development of thesauri in Iran,' 25.19–22
photograph of, 25.20
Baker, Nicholson, Double fold: libraries and the assault on paper (reviewed), 23.242–23
Bakewell, K G B. see also Bakewell, K G B and Paula L Williams; Mathews, Paula L and K G B Bakewell
letters from, 23.38, 23.95, 24.45, 25.268, 26.24
memories of (Wallis), 25.230
obituary of, 21.146, 23.226–27
photograph of, 21.185
Bakewell, K G B and Paula L Williams
`Indexing children's information books,' 21.174–29
Indexes to children's information books (reviewed), 22.162–23
Bakewell, K G B, articles by
`Hail and farewell,' 20.3
`Indexing after the millennium 6: standards and good practice,' 21.160
Balay, Robert, ^Early periodical indexes: bibliographies and indexes of literature published in periodicals before, 23.51, 1900^ (reviewed)
Baldick, Chris, The concise Oxford dictionary of literary terms (reviewed), 23.55
Ball, Elizabeth, obituary for Audrey Judkins, 24.148
Ballard, J G, as indexer, 20.209
Baltimore County Legacy Web project, 21.184
Bancroft, R F, photograph of, 26.102
Bantu languages, CP3:, 1
Banwell, C C, Wheatley Medal, 21.34
Barber, Katherine, Six words you never knew had something to do with pigs: and other interesting facts about the English language, 29.46–27
Barham, Ann
reviews by, 20.175
Wheatley Medal, runner-up, 20.37
Barlow, Caroline
letters from, 21.40, 25.131, 28.186
reviews by, 20.230, 21.101, 21.103, 21.149, 21.197–28, 21.199, 22.164–25, 23.110–11, 25.59–62
Barlow, Caroline, articles by, `Serials indexing: from journals to databases,' 27.2–26
Barlow, Patrick, as indexer, 20.208
Barnes, Bill:. see Ambaum, Gene and Bill Barnes
Barnes, Julian
Letters from London 1990-1995, 22.147–28
Something to declare, 23.102–23
Baron, Naomi S, Alphabet to email: how written English evolved and where it's heading (reviewed), 23.54
Barr, Fiona, review by, 23.183
Bart, Peter and Michael Steehouder, Basisboek technische communicatie (reviewed), 27.45
Basch, Reva. see also Sabroski, Suzanne (ed. Reva Basch), Electronic information delivery: ensuring quality and value (reviewed), 20.51–22
Basisboek technische communicatie (Bart and Steedhouder) (reviewed), 27.45
Batchelor, Judy
`Homograph arrangement' (letter), 21.189
`Indexing after the millennium 7: relieving information poverty,' 21.107
reviews by, 21.149–50
SI activities, 20.95–26
Bates, Catherine, `Wondrous taxonomy,' 22.95
Bawden, David:. see Aitchison, Jean, Alan Gilchrist and David Bawden
Beare, Geraldine
`MACREX - a history' (Drusilla Calvert interview), 24.18–20
editorial, 24.1
Indexing newspapers, magazines and other periodicals (reviewed), 22.53
photograph of, 26.65
reviews by, 20.45–26, 23.241–22, 25.63, 25.292, 27.44
Beare, Geraldine, articles by
`NEWSPLAN conference,' 24.24–26
`Past, present and future,' 25.257–64
`What is an index?,' 24.6–28
Beathaisn‚is a Naoi: Forl¡onadh agus Inn‚acsanna (reviewed by Liam MacCo¡l in the Irish Times), 27.48
Beauvais, Vincent of, Speculum historiale, 25.236, 25.237
BeBook One, 28.116–17
Bede, the Venerable, De Orthographia, 25.95–26
Bego, Harry, TExtract (reviewed), 24.250–21, 27.84–27
Belder, Jacqueline, photograph of, 26.37
Bell, Hazel K
awards, 20.113, 24.226, 24.230 photo, 25.135
bibliography of indexing, 23.224, 23.228
classified contents, 1996-7, 21.28–32
classified contents of The Indexer, 20.141–28, 1958–1995 (compiler)
as editor of The Indexer (1978-95), 20.1–23, 20.95, 26.103
The Federica Indexes (notice of publication), 26.59
From flock beds to professionalism, 26.59, 27.25, 27.45
Index Makers:. see index makers (Bell)
Indexers and indexes in fact and fiction, 23.51–22, 23.170–21, 25.7
Indexing biographies and other stories of human lives, 21.148–29, 24.43, 24.113
indexing career, 20.164–25
letters to the editor, 21.41, 23.38, 25.40–22, 27.137, 28.83
LOGOS: The Journal of the World Book Community, 23.225, 23.228
memories of, 25.232, 25.233–24
obituaries for, 22.40–21
photograph of, 24.230, 26.59, 26.65
retirement as editor of The Indexer, 20.1–23, 20.95
reviews by, 20.45, 22.162, 24.54–25, 24.116, 24.164–26, 25.67, 25.149–51
A stage mother's story (reviewed), 25.221–22
on Hans H Wellisch, 20.2
Bell, Hazel K and Aidan, `Indexers Lament,' 28.132
Bell, Hazel K and Maureen MacGlashan, obituary for Richard Raper, 25.228
Bell, Hazel K, articles by
`Also-greats,' 23.215
`An alternative index to an 1877 `handbook of quotations,' 25.255–26
`Bernard Levin and The Indexer,' 24.127–32
`The bliss of excessive fondness,' 22.127
`A cautionary tale,' 21.24
`Compiling an anthology of indexes,' 23.32–23
`Computer contrarian,' 22.24
`[;;]Discursive, dispersed, heterogeneous[::] . indexing Seven pillars of wisdom,' 24.9–11
`Fiction published with indexes: in chronological order of publication' (Bell), 25.169–75
`First person indicative,' 24.97
`The greatest and the worst indexes,' 23.158–63
`History of indexing societies':. see `History of indexing societies' (Bell)
`The index belligerent,' 22.60
`An index for Thalia,' 22.147–28
`Index on trial,' 22.64
`The Indexer thirty years ago,' 21.42–23, 21.186–29, 22.39, 22.97–28, 22.151, 22.195–26
`The Indexer thirty years ago,' 23.39–40, 23.94–25, 23.171–22, 23.229
`The Indexer thirty years ago,' 24.43–24, 24.104–25, 24.149, 24.229–30
`Indexes as fiction and fiction as paper-chase,' 20.209–11
`Indexes in my bottom drawer,' 22.209
`Indexes past: The Golden Bough,' 22.105
`Indexing as hard labour: international instances,' 22.71
`Interim indexes and their fate,' 28.24–25
`Kiss and tell and index,' 21.180–21
`The making of a dictionary: James A H Murray,' 20.78–80
`Perilous powers in authorial hands,' 21.122–23
`Publishing and prostitution,' 22.133–24
`Something to indicate,' 23.102–24
`Strange purposes of indexes,' 23.167–28
`Telling it like it is: reporting conferences and seminars,' 25.43–24
`There's more to an index.,' 20.14
`Thirty-nine to one: indexing the novels of Angela Thirkell,' 21.6–10
`An unauthorizable index,' 24.83
`Hans H Wellisch 1920-2004,' 24.40–21
`Whom should we aim to please?,' 20.3–25
`The world's greatest index,' 20.208
Bella (Kaunokki), 28.53–24
Bemath, Abdul S
^The Mazruiana collection revisited: Ali A Mazrui debating the African condition: an annotated and select thematic bibliography, 25.70, 1962–2003^ (compiler) (reviewed)
`Politics and food: a review of Hunger for freedom, 27.142–23
ASAIB Award (2007), 25.48, 26.132, 26.135, 26.179
ASAIB Award (2011), 29.136
reviews by, 26.188–90
Bennett, Roger, Betty Moys Prize, 26.135
Bennett, Roger, articles by, `TExtract: a regular user's view,' 27.84–27
Bennett, Tony, New keywords: a revised vocabulary of culture and society (reviewed), 24.246
Berger, Jean, `Indexation, memory, power and representations at the beginning of the 12th century: the rediscovery of pages from the tables to the Liber de Honoribus, the first Cartulary of the Collegiate Church of St Julian of Auvergne (Brioude),' 25.95–29
Berkeley training course:. see training for indexers; `UC Berkeley Extension Course
Bernard Levin Award
2003, 24.42
2004, 24.226
Berson, Joel, articles by, `The [;;]sin of classification[::] and an example thereof,' 25.187–29
Best, David P, The fourth resource: information and its management (ed.) (reviewed), 20.230
Bestseller (Goldsmith), index too, 23.168
Betty Moys Prize. see also Moys, Elizabeth Mary (Betty)
2003, 24.42
2005, 24.226
2006, 25.135
2007, 25.273
2008, 26.135
2009, 27.180
Bex, Tony and Richard J Watts, Standard English: the widening debate (eds) (reviewed), 22.54–25
bias:. see neutrality in an indexer/index, desirability
Biblical indexing
`Index structures in early Hebrew Biblical word lists' (Weinberg), 22.178–86
`Notes on the indexing of biblical and related materials' (Andrews and Davies), 1
abbreviations, 5
canonical orders:. see canonical orders
citation indexes, 4
Epistles, treatment of, 5
Gospels, treatment of, 5
heading order, 5
Hebrew word lists, 22.178–86
identical names of persons, need to distinguish, 5
locators and, 25.74, 25.96, 25.249–51, 30.6
middle ages and, 25.260
names of books, alternatives, 4
names of books, numbers attached to, 4
non-canonical literature, 5
Revelation/Apocalypse, 5
ScrIndex, 26.145
sort order, 5
subject indexes, 4
thesaurus, 23.179–80
tractates, relevance, 25.249
^Cheshire: a genealogical bibliography, Vols 1 and, 2^ (Raymond), 20.54
`Bibliography in a digital age' (Triffitt), 26.127–31
ASAIB awards, 27.90
OZBIB, copyright problems, 26.128–31
bibliographies, construction
of abstracting, 20.197–200
AusSI Web Indexing prize 1997, 20.177
BS ISO/CD, 26.96, 690 (guidelines for bibliographic references)
education, 20.177
An introduction to bibliography for literary students (reviewed), 20.52–23
Principles of bibliographical description (reviewed), 20.52–23
separators and, 25.244–26
Walford Award 1966, 20.96
for a web index, 20.7
bibliographies, indexing
`ISALLIS: from Termatrex to internet' (Burger), 23.66–27
INSPIRE, 28.2–25
The Lesotho Annotated Bibliography, 22.197–28
Scottish Poetry Library (SPL), 28.2–25
South Africa, index to national bibliography, 23.58–62
web indexing and, 20.6–27, 25.251
bibliography of indexing
`Indexing: a current awareness bibliography' (Wheeler), 20.25–30, 20.81–26, 20.137–40, 20.149–52, 20.201–27, 21.25–32, 21.77–84
`A plea for bibliographic quality' (Weinberg) (letter), 21.90
Can you recommend a good book on indexing? Collected reviews on the organization of information (Weinberg), 21.147–28
LOGOS: The Journal of the World Book Community, 23.225, 23.228
Bibliophiles, International Association of, 23.226
Bierce, Ambrose, The devil's dictionary (reviewed), 24.161–22
bilingual journals, 28.154–62
Bilodeau, Stephanie, `The Parliament of Canada: indexing the work of the Senate committees,' 26.114–17
Bilton, Helen, `Society of Indexers fee negotiations survey,' 27.20–24
binary organization, relevance to indexing, 25.236
Binkowski, Edith
`Nulli secundus: a volunteer effort,' 25.125–27
photograph of, 28.75
biographical dictionaries, Beathaisn‚is a Naoi: Forl¡onadh agus Inn‚acsanna (reviewed by Liam MacCo¡l in the Irish Times), 27.48
biographical indexing
`Biography indexing rules' (Bell) (letter), 21.41
`Updike on indexing,' 21.92
alphanumerical order and the alternatives, 20.135–26
Indexing biographies and other stories of human lives (reviewed), 21.148–29, 24.113
indexing of main character, 23.38
review, 24.113
The boy who loved books (reviewed), 25.292
A stage mother's story (reviewed), 25.221–22
biological sciences, indexing:. see medical indexing
biota names. see also botany; environmental/natural history indexing
classification issues, 27.53
compound names, 27.54
consistency and accuracy, ways of achieving, 27.54, 27.54–25, 27.55
double posting, 27.52, 27.54
familiarity with, 27.51
format and style, 27.51–22
glosses, 27.52–23
inversion vs natural order, 27.54
long strings, 27.56
mixed subheading types, 27.53–24
scientific and common names, choosing between, 27.52
BIPT (Book Indexing Postal Tutorials), 20.182–24, 23.8–10
Biram, Kerry, ANZSI Medal, 26.37
Black, Alistair, Dave Muddiman and Helen Plant, The early information society (reviewed), 25.294–25
Blake, Doreen. see also Anthology for the Millennium (Blake et al (eds)); Blake, Doreen, MichŠle Clarke, Anne McCarthy, June Morrison
Bernard Levin Award, 24.42
photograph of, 21.185
Blake, Doreen, articles by, `Some thoughts on the early days of indexing,' 25.230–21
Blake, Doreen, MichŠle Clarke, Anne McCarthy, June Morrison, Indexing the medical and biological sciences, 20.47, 23.237, 27.59, 27.60
Blake, Dorothy and Ruth Bowden, Wheatley Medal, 21.33
Bleazard, Louise, review by, 23.237
Bletchley Park, indexing in, 22.31–23, 22.189–90
blind indexing:. see web indexing, indexing blind
Block, Marylaine (ed.), Net effects: how librarians can manage the unintended consequences of the internet (reviewed), 24.54
Blogging and RSS: a librarian's guide (reviewed), 25.222
Boekesteijn, Erik and Jaap van de Geer, Shanachie tour: a library road trip across America (reviewed), 27.46
Bolton, Rohan
editorial (joint), 24.167–70
reviews by, 24.247, 25.64–25, 25.151
Bolton, Rohan, articles by
`Diary of a trainee indexer, 24.175–28
`Why indexing?,' 24.171
Boodson, K, Wheatley Medal, 21.34
book indexing (closed-system), 23.23–31
Book Indexing Postal Tutorials:. see BIPT (Book Indexing Postal Tutorials)
book reviewing
`Delle recensioni, ovvero delle lusinghe e dei veleni' (Santoro), discussion of, 26.172–24
`Lies and venom: some thoughts on reviews and reviewers' (MacGlashan), 26.172–24
`niceness' and, 26.172–23
choice of books for, 26.172
fairness and, 26.171–22
in The Indexer, 26.173–24
justification for, 26.172
purpose of, 26.173
reviewers, suitability, 26.172–23
book reviews. see also publications received (excluding those included under book reviews)
^The Gilbert & Sullivan Journal 56-year index: covering the years, 20.175–26, 1925–1981 (vols 1-10)^
^Scottish Printed Books, 27.45–26, 1508–2008^ (Kamm)
^The works of John Wesley vol. 24. Journals and diaries VII, ^ (index), 25.68–29
The 20th century cumulative index, The Indexer, volumes 1 to 21, 1958-1999, 23.238–40
The accidental taxonomist, 21.191–22
The adventure of English: 500 AD to 2000: the biography of a language, 24.54
Africa: a guide to reference material, 26.189–90
AIDS and HIV/AIDS-related terminology, 20.176
An alphabet for gourmets, 25.70–21
Alphabet to email: how written English evolved and where it's heading, 23.54
Alphabetical Order, 25.150
The American Heritage Stedman's medical dictionary, 20.108
American Society of Indexers oral history. Vol. 1, 20.44
Annual review of information science and technology, volume 40, 2006, 25.62–23
Archaeologia Cambrensis 1961-1980, Index to, 24.240
Archaeologia Cambrensis 1981-2000, Index to, 27.95
Arioflotga, 28.96
ASIS thesaurus of information science and librarianship, 21.197–28
The August Indexer; Proceedings from the Second International Conference, 27-9 August 1999, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, 22.162
An author's guide to publishing, 21.104
An author's guide to scholarly publishing, 20.231
Avators of the word: from papyrus to cyberspace, 22.165
Basic facts about family history research in Yorkshire, 20.111–12
Basisboek technische communicatie, 27.45
Better wordpower, 22.162
Beyond book indexing: how to get started in Web indexing, embedded indexing, and other computer-based media, 22.106
Blogging and RSS: a librarian's guide, 25.222
The Book on the bookshelf, 22.165–26
Born digital: understanding the first generation of digital natives, 29.45–26
The boy who loved books, 25.292
Brief Entry: a newsletter for law indexers, 20.174
British Museum materials thesaurus, 21.52–23
BS 8723 2005, 25.64–25
The Builder illustrations index 1843-1883, 20.45–26
The Cambridge Australian English style guide, 20.110
The Cambridge encyclopaedia, 21.55
The Cambridge encyclopaedia of the English language, 20.50
The Cambridge grammar of the English language, 23.108–29
The Cambridge guide to English usage, 24.162–23
Cambridge international dictionary of idioms, 21.198
Can you recommend a good book on indexing? Collected reviews on the organization of information, 21.147–28
Cassell dictionary of word and phrase origins, 21.198
Cataloguing and classification for Library Technicians, 23.54
Cataloguing and organizing digital resources: a how-to-do-it manual for librarians, 24.240–21
Chambers biographical dictionary, 23.170
Chambers book of facts, 23.180
Chambers dictionary of quotations, 25.67–28
Chambers dictionary of synonyms and antonyms, 23.240
Chambers history of science and technology, 22.107
The Chicago manual of style, 23.236–27
Choice and form of entries, 20.175
Chronology of words and phrases: a thousand years in the history of English, 23.111
Clarke's Publishing Agreements: a book of precedents, 25.295–26
Collins thesaurus of the Bible, 23.179–80
The Columbia guide to digital publishing, 23.240–21
Communicating in style, 24.53
Computer support to indexing, 22.52
Concevoir l'index d'un livre: histoire, actualit‚s, perspectives, 28.139–40
Concise dictionary of library and information science, 20.227, 22.216
The concise Oxford dictionary of current English, 20.50
The concise Oxford dictionary of literary terms, 23.55
The concise Oxford dictionary of politics, 24.53–24
Consider the source: a critical guide to 100 prominent news and information sites on the Web, 26.47–28
Copyright for library and information service professionals, 22.166
Copyright: interpreting the law for libraries, archives and information services, 21.104
Covert and Overt: Recollecting and Connecting Intelligence Service and Information Science, 25.148–29
Creating an information service, 20.230
Das Buchregister: methodische Grundlagen und praktische Anwendungen, 25.217
Designing usable electronic text, 24.115
The devil's dictionary, 24.161–22
Dictionary of lexicography, 21.102
A dictionary of weights, measures and units, 23.181
Digital information and knowledge management: new opportunities for research libraries, 26.94
Directory of UK and Irish book publishers, 1997, 20.229
Do we want to keep our newspapers? 23.241–22
Double fold: libraries and the assault on paper, 23.242–23
Dr Johnson's dictionary: the extraordinary story of the book that defined the world, 24.241
The early information society, 25.294–25
Early periodical indexes: bibliographies and indexes of literature published in periodicals before 1900, 23.51
Ecstatic occasions, expedient forms: 85 contemporary poets select and comment on their poems, 24.164–25
Edinburgh history of the book in Scotland. Vol. 4: Professionalism and diversity 1880-2000, 27.143
Editing Canadian English, 22.109
Editing historical records, 23.105
Education for library cataloging: international perspectives, 25.222–23
Effective literature searching for research, 22.110
Electronic information delivery: ensuring quality and value (NAIS Report), 20.51–22
Encarta world English dictionary, 22.107
Erg nzte Anmerkungen, ein Supplement zu Georg Queri, Kraftbayrish, 28.143–24
Everyday grammar, 23.54
The extreme searcher's internet handbook: a guide for the serious researcher, 28.95–26
Facing the text: content and structure in book indexing, 24.111
Famous first facts: a record of first happenings, discoveries and inventions in American history, 21.149–50
The fight for English: how language pundits ate, shot and left, 25.291
Finding and using health and medical information on the internet, 23.53–24
The finger: a handbook, 143.47–148
The fit, 24.116
From flock beds to professionalism: a history of indexers, 27.44
The fourth resource: information and its management, 20.230
Gallimaufry: a hodgepodge of our vanishing vocabulary, 25.295
Genealogy and indexing, 24.111–12
The Gilbert & Sullivan sorting system: a classification scheme for use with the materials of G & S studies, 23.179
Girton: thirty years . in the life of a Cambridge college, 25.69–70
The Gladstone diaries with Cabinet minutes and prime-ministerial correspondence, Vol. xiv: Index, 20.46
Glossary of terminology in abstracting, classification, indexing, and thesaurus construction, 22.107–28
Gower handbook of library and information management (ed.), 21.151
A guide to world language dictionaries, 21.151
Harrod's librarians' glossary, 20.108–29, 22.107, 26.46
Henry Fielding's Tom Jones: an index: with summaries of chapters appended, 25.293–24
Herbarium, 24.241–22
The Hindu Index, January-December 1994, 20.46
Historical atlas of Toronto, 27.46
A History of information storage and retrieval, 22.215
A history of reading, 24.55–26
The history of reading in the West, 22.166–27
By hook or by crook: a journey in search of English, 26.46–27
How language works, 25.65
How mumbo-jumbo conquered the world, 24.245–26
How to index a book, 25.61
How to write a paper, 20.52
Human aspects of library automation, 21.103
Human information retrieval, 28.140–22
Hunting and gathering on the information savanna: conversations on modeling human search abilities, 24.51–22
The illustrated dictionary of electronics, 21.54
An illustrated dictionary of little-known words from literary classics, 20.228
The impact of information on society: an examination of its nature, value and usage, 21.198–29
Impacts of changing production technologies, 20.51–22
Index it right! Advice from the experts, vol. 1, 25.62–23
Index it right! Advice from the experts, vol. 2, 28.140
Index to book reviews in England 1775-1800, 22.106
Index to the Monetary Times, 20.232
An index to the Rev. William Carrigan's The history and antiquities of the diocese of Ossory, 25.219–20
Index to The Sir Arthur Sullivan Society Magazine nos 1-40, 1997-1995, 20.175–26
Indexers and indexes in fact and fiction, 23.51–22
An Indexer's guide to the internet, 22.51
Indexes: writing, editing, production, 20.175
Indexing: a nuts-and-bolts guide for technical writers, 27.190–21
Indexing and abstracting in theory and practice, 21.148, 24.51
Indexing basics, 27.189–90
Indexing biographies and other stories of human lives (second edition), 21.148–29
Indexing biographies and other stories of human lives (third edition), 24.113
Indexing books, 24.248–29
Indexing children's books, 22.162–23
Indexing collections of electronic images: a review, 20.47
The indexing companion, 25.214–15
The indexing companion workbook: book indexing, 28.46
Indexing: engage, enlighten, enrich: proceedings from the ANZI conference, Melbourne, Australia: 17-19 March 2005, 25.63
Indexing for editors, 21.101–22, 23.105
Indexing for editors and authors: a practical guide to understanding indexes, 26.186–27
Indexing for Southern Africa: a manual compiled in celebration of ASAIB's first decade 1994-2004, 25.215
Indexing from A to Z (1995), 24.124–28
Indexing from A to Z (1996), 20.175
Indexing multimedia and creative works: the problems of meaning and interpretation, 24.242
Indexing newspapers, magazines and other periodicals, 22.53
Indexing specialties: cookbooks, 27.142–23
Indexing specialties: history, 21.197
Indexing specialties: law, 23.105–26
Indexing specialties: medicine, 22.51
Indexing specialties: psychology, 23.106
Indexing specialties: scholarly books, 25.62
Indexing specialties: websites, 26.191
Indexing: the manual of good practice, 23.52
Indexing the medical and biological sciences, 20.47, 23.237
Indexing your annual report: a guide, 28.191
Information and emotion: the emergent affective paradigm in information behavior research and theory, 26.94–25
The information audit: a practical guide, 23.180
Information in the electronic age, 22.108
Information representation and retrieval in the digital age, 24.53, 28.142–23
Information retrieval design: principles and options for information description, organization, display, and access in information retrieval databases, digital libraries, catalogs, and indexes, 24.159–60
The information revolution, 20.109
The information society: a study of continuity and change, 22.216–17
Information strategy in practice, 24.114
Inhaltserschliessung durch Indexieren: Prinzipien und Praxis, 21.197
Inside book publishing, 27.45
Inside indexing: the decision-making process, 24.242–23
International genealogy and local history, 26.143–24
International Literary Market Place (ILMP 2006), 25.147
The internet: a writer's guide, 23.109–10
The internet for library and information service professionals, 20.110
An introduction to bibliography for literary students, 20.52–23
Introduction to indexing and abstracting, 22.211
Introduction to modern information retrieval, 29.45
Introductory concepts in information science, 22.164
The invisible art: the pursuit of book making, 23.181–22
Invisible forms: a guide to literary curiosities, 22.211–12
Invisible power: a philosophical adventure story, 25.150–21
The ISTC Handbook of professional communication and information design, 22.217
Johnson' dictionary: a modern selection, 20.109
The journal of the Parson Woodforde Society: an index to the contents. Vol. 1 No. 1, 21.55
Journal publishing, 20.231
Journeys through the market: travel, travellers and the book trade, 22.167
Joy of cooking, 25.220–21
Key concepts in language and linguistics, 22.54
Kierkegaard's writings 26: cumulative index, 22.212–13
Know it all, find it fast: an A-Z source guide for the enquiry desk, 24.243–24
Knowledge management in practice: connections and context, 26.187–28
Kurt Vonnegut: a man without a country, 25.69
Language, society and power: an introduction, 22.54–25
Language and the internet, 23.110
Language is power: the story of standard English and its enemies, 21.103
Librarianship and information work worldwide 2000, 22.217–18
The library and information professional's guide to the internet, 20.110
Library book: an architectural journey through the London Library, 25.218
The life and opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman (index to), 25.112–13
In lighter vein: occasional writings, 22.218
Linnaeus' Philosophia Botanica, 25.149
Literally entitled: a dictionary of the origins of the titles of major literary works., 20.176
The literature of the book: a select bibliography, with critical essays, of books by, about and for the book profession, 24.244
Long live Latin: a Latin miscellany, 24.245
Looking for information: a survey of research on information seeking, needs and behavior, 24.52
The Lord of the Rings, 23.106–27
Lost for words: the hidden history of the Oxford English Dictionary, 25.66
Lost for words: the mangling and manipulating of the English language, 24.163–24
Managing information, 21.103
Manual of archival description, 22.218–19
Marginalia: readers writing in books, 23.55
Marketing your indexing services, 22.52
Marketing your indexing services,' 29.191
Mastering indexing skills: steps along the way. Papers read at a conference held in Johannesburg on 27th June 2001, 23.107–28
The Mazruiana collection revisited: Ali A Mazrui debating the African condition: an annotated and select thematic bibliography 1962-2003, 25.70
MDA archaeological objects thesaurus, 21.52–23
The meaning of everything: the story of the Oxford English Dictionary, 24.54–25
The meaning of Tingo: and other extraordinary words from around the world, 25.65–26
Medicine and science at Exeter Cathedral Library: a short-title catalogue of printed books, 1483-1900, with a list of 10th- to 19th-century manuscripts, 24.114
Metadata for information management and retrieval, 24.159
MHRA style guide: a handbook for authors, editors, and writers of theses, 27.44–25
Moys classification and thesaurus for legal materials, 23.52–23
Names of persons: national usages for entry in catalogues (4th revised and enlarged edition), 21.53–24
Net crimes & misdemeanors: outmaneuvering with spammers, stalkers and con artists, 25.223–24
Net effects: how librarians can manage the unintended consequences of the internet, 24.54
New Hart's rules, 25.63–24
New keywords: a revised vocabulary of culture and society, 24.246
The New OPL Sourcebook: A Guide for Solo and Small Libraries, 25.147–28
New Oxford dictionary for writers and editors, 25.63
New Oxford spelling dictionary, 25.63
New Writing 9, 22.213
NewsLink email newsletter, 25.218–19
NISO TR-03-1999, NISO technical report: guidelines for alphabetic arrangement of letters and sorting of numerals and other symbols, 22.215–16
OCLC 1967-97: thirty years of furthering access to the world's information, 21.152
Organizing knowledge: an introduction to managing access to information, 22.164–25
The Oxford companion to English literature, 22.163–24
The Oxford dictionary of abbreviations, 22.163
The Oxford dictionary of allusions, 23.55–26
The Oxford dictionary of English grammar, 20.51
The Oxford dictionary of foreign words and phrases, 22.163
The Oxford dictionary of idioms, 22.163
The Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, 24.160–21
The Oxford dictionary of phrase and fable, 22.219
The Oxford dictionary of rhyming slang, 23.182
The Oxford dictionary of thematic quotations, 22.167
The Oxford guide to style, 23.109
The Oxford guide to world English, 23.182–23
Oxford history of English lexicography (OHEL), 28.11
The Oxford names companion, 23.243
The Oxford paperback crossword dictionary, 22.52
The Oxford spelling dictionary, 22.163
Oxford visual dictionary. English, French, German, Spanish, 20.228–29
Partnering in the information industry, 20.229–30
PDF Index Generator, 28.47–28
Pears cyclopaedia 2005-2006: a book of reference and background information for all the family, 25.66–27
Please don't eat the daisies, 25.166
The pocket book of Scottish quotations, 22.110
Practical information policies, 22.109
Principles of bibliographical description, 20.52–23
The Private Papers of Henry Ryecroft, 25.149–50
Producing the eighteenth-century book: writers and publishers in England, 1650-80, 28.93
Public sector records management: a practical guide, 26.47
Puzzles in paper: concepts in historical watermarks, 23.243
Quarter Sessions records for family historians: a select list, 20.111–12
Reading Pathological Society library catalogue, 17th-19th century, 22.55
Red, 25.151
The reference sources handbook, 20.229
Renaissance computer: knowledge technology in the first age of print, 22.218
Research for writers, 24.115–16
Running an indexing business, 23.52
Samuel Johnson's dictionary, 24.241
Samuel Richardson's Clarissa: an index with summaries of letters appended, 22.213–14
Saturday, 24.246–27
Scientific style and format: the CSE manual for authors, editors and publishers, 25.291–22
Scottish poetry index: an index to poetry and poetry-related material in Scottish literary magazines, 1953Ä, Vol. 1, 20.48
Sequels: an annotated guide to novels in series, 21.55–26
Shakespeare's words: a glossary and language companion, 23.183
Shanachie tour: a library road trip across America, 27.46
Shipwreck index of the British Isles. Vol. 1, 20.48
Six words you never knew had something to do with pigs: and other interesting facts about the English language, 29.46–27
Slang down the ages: the historical development of slang, 23.244
Slavic & East European Information Resources, 22.165
Small publishers A-Z: the guide to good publishing, 21.55
Software engineering Ä Recommended Practice for the internet Ä Web Site Management and Web Site Life Cycle (BS ISO/IEC 23026:2006), 25.216
Software for indexing, 23.237–28
Spellbound, 25.146
A stage mother's story, 25.221–22
Standard English: the widening debate, 22.54–25
Starting an indexing business, 22.51–22, 27.191–22
Staying legal: a guide to issues and practice for users and publishers of electronic resources, 22.55
The stories of English, 24.114–15
The stuff of thought: language as a window into human nature, 26.190–21
The subversive copy editor: advice from Chicago (or, how to negotiate good relationships with your writers, your colleagues, and yourself), 28.46–27
Super searchers make it on their own: top independent information specialists share their secrets for starting and running a research business, 23.180–21
Technical services management, 1965-1990: festschrift for Katherine Luther Henderson, 20.174
Text editing, print and the digital world, 27.95–26
Thesaurus and use: a practical manual, 23.53
Thesaurus construction and use: a practical manual, 21.149, 23.53
Thesaurus of disability index terms, 20.227
Thesaurus of monument types: a standard for use in archaeological and architectural recording, 22.53–24
The thesaurus: review, renaissance and revision, 24.158–29
Transferred illusions: digital technoloogy and the form of print, 28.47
Treasures of the National Maritime Museum, 24.247
Understanding data and information systems for recordkeeping (Bantin), 26.188
UNESCO thesaurus: a structured list of descriptors for indexing and retrieving literature, 20.108
The University of Google, 26.48
The unsung sixties: memoirs of social innovation, 24.165–26
Used books: marking readers in Renaissance England, 28.93–24
Visualizing subject access for 21st century information, 21.199
The warden of English: the life of H.W. Fowler, 23.56
The web library: building a world class personal library with free web resources, 24.244–25
Web site indexing: enhancing access to information within websites, 22.214, 24.113
Website indexes, 25.223
What's in a word-list? Investigating word frequency and keyword extraction, 27.143–24
Who's who in the Middle Ages, 22.219
Who's who in the UK information world 1995/96, 20.49
Why is Q always followed by U? 27.192
Wikipedia: a new community of practice, 28.94–25
Wilkie Collins: an illustrated guide, 21.104
The wired world: an introduction to the theory and practice of the information society, 23.110–11
A word in your shell-like: 6,000 curious and everyday phrases explained, 24.164
Wordmanship: a dictionary, 20.18–22
Words on words: quotations about language and languages, 22.167
World guide to library, archive and information science education, 26.143
The writer's handbook 1999, 21.151–22
Writer's reference set (3 volumes): New Oxford dictionary for writers and editors; New Hart's rules; New Oxford spelling dictionary, 25.63–24
You don't look like a librarian, 28.144
book reviews, editors
gender and, 27.165–26
Lennie, Frances and Christopher Phipps, 26.143–24, 26.186–91, 27.95
Phipps, Christopher and Michael Jackson, 27.142–24, 27.189–92, 28.46–28, 28.93–26, 28.139–44, 29.45–28, 29.191–22
book reviews in England 1775-1800, Index to, 22.106
bookmarks, as marketing tool, 27.88, 28.167
books. see also layout/format and style (including typography and printing techniques); publishing practice
books about, 28.93, 28.93–24
component parts (paratext), 22.211–12, 25.111
early printed, 22.218
evolution, 22.165–26
prediction of demise of market, 25.206, 26.83
purchasing decisions, 22.200–21
searching for, index terms as aid, 21.127–31
trade in, 22.167
Booth, Pat F
Indexing: the manual of good practice, 23.52, 23.124–28, 26.178
reviews by, 21.53–24, 21.148, 22.214, 22.217, 23.53, 23.180, 23.238–40, 24.54, 24.113, 24.243–24
Booth, Pat F and Mary Piggott, Choice and form of entries, 20.175
Booth, Pat F, articles by
`Be a peach: enhancing your work through training,' 23.18–22
`Good practice in indexing Ä the new edition of International Standard ISO 999,' 20.114
`How we index: six ways to work,' 20.89–92
`Lifelong indexing: freelancing and CPD,' 21.2–25
`Translating and indexing: some thoughts on their relationship,' 25.89–92
Borges, Jorge Luis, how not to index him, 26.68–71
Bosanko, Susan
`The first women's college' (letter), 25.39–40
photograph of, 26.65
Bosschieter, Pierke
`Browser bar':. see Browser bar: links for indexers
`The Kindle[TM] and the indexer,' 28.116–18
Basisboek technische communicatie, contribution to, 27.45
personal names, guides to, Centrepiece 5 (vol. 26(2)):1
photograph of, 25.226, 25.275, 26.37
reviews by, 25.223, 27.46
Bosschieter, Pierke, articles by, `Back-of-the-book indexing in the Netherlands today,' 25.86–28
Boswell, James, indexed, 24.84
botany. see also biota names
`Indexing botanical and horticultural texts' (George), 25.253–24
gardening handbooks, relevance of index, 27.141
Herbarium (New South Wales Botanical Gardens) (reviewed), 24.241–22
index Kewensis, 28.121
Linnaeus' Philosophia Botanica (reviewed), 25.149
BounceBack, 28.130
Bowers, Fredson, Principles of bibliographical description (reviewed), 20.52–23
Bowman, John, Wheatley commendation (2007), 25.273, 26.37–28
Box, 28.130
The boy who loved books (reviewed), 25.292
brackets:. see parentheses
Brackney, Michael, letters from, 20.87–28, 20.217, 25.42, 25.269
Bradley, Philip
`Reminiscences of a reviews editor,' 24.38–29
book reviews (editor), 20.45–54, 20.108–12, 20.174–26, 20.227–32, 21.52–26, 21.101–24, 21.147–52, 21.197–29, 22.51–25
obituary of, 27.30
reviews by, 20.50, 20.109, 20.176, 20.228–29, 21.102, 22.54, 22.107, 22.163, 22.218
Bradley, Philip and Nancy Mulvany (eds), book reviews, 22.106–11, 22.162–28, 22.211–19, 23.51–26, 23.105–11, 23.179–83, 23.236–44
Bragg, Melvyn, The adventure of English: 500 AD to 2000: the biography of a language (reviewed), 24.54
Braille, indexing in, 27.78
Bream, Alex, `The policemen of literature' (Boston Globe), 24.147
Bremmer, Diane, reviews by, 27.142
Brenner, Diane and Marilyn Rowland, Beyond book indexing: how to get started in Web indexing, embedded indexing, and other computer-based media (reviewed), 22.106
Bridge, Noeline
`French names,' 8
`Verifying personal names on the Web,' 23.149–56
names Centrepieces editor, appointment as, 26.145
Brind, Jackie, review by, 25.150
Brink, Ilma:. see Meyer, Madelaine, Letitia Calitz and Ilma Brink
British Columbia Legislative Assembly, indexing the proceedings of, 27.66–29
British Library Newspaper Library, 27.4
British Record Society, 24.15
British standards:. see standards (British)
Britton, Barbara
`Gordon, John Ainsworth: a celebration' (obituary), 21.38–29
obituary of Valerie Lewis Chandler, 27.136
Britton, Barbara, articles by
(Britton), 25.233–24
`How we index: six ways to work,' 20.90
broadband, availability, 28.80
Brown, Carolyn, articles by, `The Poehlman case: understanding and indexing ethical problems in scientific journals,' 29.179–84
Brown, Fred
`Indexing workshops for technical writers,' 23.134–27
reviews by, 25.218–19, 26.191
Brown, Moira, photograph of, 27.180
Browne, Glenda
ANSZI Medal winner (2008), 27.8, 27.36
Around The World (editor):. see Around the World (ATW), editors, Browne, Glenda
client relations and, 29.34, 29.35–26
Ig Nobel Prize (2007), 25.234, 26.2, 26.64–25
photograph of, 25.226, 26.2, 27.180, 28.107, 28.125
resigns as ATW editor, 28.49, 28.97, 28.134
reviews by, 24.162–23, 27.189–90
Web site indexing: enhancing access to information within websites (reviewed), 22.214, 24.113
Browne, Glenda and Jonathan Jermey
`Indexing the future of information,' 24.32–26
The indexing companion (reviewed), 25.214–15
The indexing companion workbook: book indexing (reviewed), 28.46
Browne, Glenda, articles by
`Classified versus specific entry in book indexes: guidelines for decision-making,' 28.6–11
`The definite article: acknowledging [;;]The[::] in index entries,' 22.119–22
`Disclaimers in indexes and databases' (Weinberg) (letter), 25.201
`Future of indexing in a Web 2.0 world,' 26.85
`Headings in indexes: revisiting the relationship between mains and subs,' 28.104–27
`Indexing in Australia and New Zealand' (editorial), 22.113
`Professional liability of indexers,' 20.70–23
`Professionalism . some comments in reply to John Simkin and Elizabeth Wallis' (letter), 21.91–22
Browne, Stella, 24.97
Browser bar, introduction of, 25.73
Browser bar: links for indexers
Bosschieter, Pierke, 25.199, 25.279, 26.192, 27.91, 27.181, 28.37, 28.120
Bosschieter, Pierke and Linda Sutherland, 25.152
browsers:. see Netscape; website construction
catalogues and indexes, 28.51
library shelves, 28.50
Brunt, Rodney, `Indexing the intelligence: some inferences, some speculations,' 22.187–90
BS:. see standards (British)
Buckland, Michael, articles by, `Professional ethics and The Indexer (letter), 26.136
The Builder illustrations index 1843-1883, 20.45–26, 27.6
Bulletin (ISC/SCI newsletter)
distribution, 26.176
obtaining material for, 26.177
relaunch, 25.203
Burger, Marlene. see also Kalley, Jacqueline A, Elna Schoeman and Marlene Burger
`Indexing in South Africa,' 23.57
`Indexing traditional African musical instruments,' 21.169–72
`ISALLIS: from Termatrex to internet,' 23.66–27
obituary for Christie Theron, 24.148
photograph of, 25.275
review by, 25.70
Burial Indexing Project ('Shroud project'), 23.34
Burns, Charles, `Cardinal Giuseppe Garampi: an eighteenth-century pioneer in indexing,' 22.61–24
business needs, abstracting, 20.197–200
business practice for the indexer. see also economic considerations; marketing and promotion of indexing/indexers; negotiating skills for indexers
`The little extras: a customer service approach to indexing' (Weaver), 27.9–16
additional skills and, 28.153, 30.47
alternative indexes, submission, 29.36
banking arrangements, 28.178
business ethics, 25.162, 27.15
communication methods:. see communication methods
contracts:. see contracts for indexers
cross-border indexing and, 28.177–28, 29.32
deadlines, importance of meeting, 27.14, 27.191, 29.35
distance working, 28.176–80
emergency arrangements, importance, 27.14. see also computer management
estimating for a job, 27.10, 30.100–32
expenses, calculating, 28.152
feedback to clients, 29.36
freelancing:. see freelancing
indexing as a business, 22.51–22, 23.52
invoice preparation, 28.129–30, 29.32
key decisions, 30.9–10, coates2709
maintaining contact, 27.12–14, 28.178–29
mistakes, making good, 27.14–15
piper vs payer, 30.9–10
preparation for business, 28.151
promoting an understanding of the indexing process, 27.9–10
record-keeping, 28.81
re-locating a business, 28.176–29
running a research business, 23.180–21
Running an indexing business (Perlman, ed.), 23.52
serials indexing, 27.6
software compatibility, need to test, 27.6
software to assist, 28.129–31
staged payments, 27.6
Starting an indexing business (Zafran, ed.), 22.51–22, 27.191
starting an indexing career, 28.151–23
subcontracting, 28.151–22
submission of index in preparation, 27.6
taxes and social security, 28.178, coates2691
time differences, 28.179, 29.32
time management, software tools, 28.130
training in, 27.89
turning down work, 27.15
unacceptable client demands, 27.15
Butcher, Judith, Copy-editing: the Cambridge Handbook (Wheatley Medal), 20.218, 21.34
CAAMA (Central Australian Aboriginal Media Association), 20.94
calendars and dates, The Fitzroy Dearborn calendar of world history (reviewed), 22.214–15
California State Library Home Page, 20.127–29
Calitz, Letitia:. see Meyer, Madelaine, Letitia Calitz and Ilma Brink
Callimachus, alphanumerical sort order and, 25.259
Calvert, Drusilla
interview with, 24.18–20
photograph of, 21.185
Calvert, Drusilla, articles by
`Deconstructing indexing standards,' 20.74–28
`Psychology and neuroscience of indexing: what goes on in the mind of the indexer?,' 25.154–60
Documentation Centre, 26.178
human rights, indexing of, 26.178
Cambrian Archaeological Association, journal of, 23.187–91
The Cambridge Australian English style guide, 20.110
Cambridge history of the book in Britain: Volume VI, 1830-1914, index reviewed, 27.134
Cambridge Mozart encyclopedia, 25.37
Cambridge University Press (CUP), indexing for, 30.7
CUP-XML indexing distinguished, 30.9
topic maps and, 26.62
Cameron, Ann, `Capturing moving images online,' 24.142–24
Campbell, Barry, photograph of, 26.65
Campbell, Robert:. see Page, Gillian, Robert Campbell, Jack Meadows
Canada, indexing in. see also IASC/SCAD (Indexing and Abstracting Society of Canada/Soci‚t‚ Canadienne pour l'Analyse de Documents); ISC/SCI (Indexing Society of Canada/Soci‚t‚ canadienne d'indexation)
`Indexing legislative text: Alberta Hansard' (Grist), 23.138–29
`One index, two formats: print versus web indexes for political debates in British Columbia' (McClung), 28.110–15
`The Parliament of Canada: indexing the work of the Senate committees' (Bilodeau), 26.114–17
Chinese names in, 26.143–24
Descriptive and visual dictionary of objects (Canadian Heritage Parks), 27.71
French indexes, 29.146–50
Home Children (1869-1930), 23.34–25
National Library index of French-language songs, 21.133
publishers' style sheets, 29.31
UC Berkeley Extension course and, 29.30
Canadian English, 22.108, 29.31
The Canadian press stylebook, 29.31
The Canadian style, 29.31
spelling, 29.31
canonical orders. see also Biblical indexing
25.249-51, 1
Apocryphal/Deuterocanonical books, 5
date of establishment, 4
Greek canon, 1
Massoretic text (MT), 1. see also Massoretic text (MT)
non-canonical literature, 5
Protestant canon, 5
Roman Catholic canon, 2
Septuagint, 2
capitalization of headings, 26.187, 27.191
BS 3700/ISO 999, 20.75
sort order and, 20.75, 25.91
Carbonite, 28.80, 28.130
Card, Orson Scott, The originist (extract), 21.61
card indexes, role, 28.108
Harsd”rffer, Philipp (1653), 25.238
International Catalogue of Scientific Literature (1898-1921), 28.122
Mundaneum Project, 28.121
serendipity and, 28.108
Thomas, Professor Keith's use of, 28.121–22
US War Department (1887), 28.121
Vincent Placcius (1689), 25.238
virtual card indexes, 28.108
Carey, Gordon V, SI founder member, 20.162–23
Carey Award
1997, 20.113
1998, 21.57
2003, 24.42
2009, 27.180
establishment, 21.34, 21.36
Carroll, Lewis, as indexer, 20.11–13
Carter, Ruth C:. see Smith, Linda C and Ruth C Carter; Sun, Dajin D and Ruth C Carter
carto-bibliography in South Africa, 23.63–25
cartography:. see maps and cartography
cartoons, indexing of. see also illustrations, images and other non-textual matter, handling in an index
`Indexing cartoons' (Hiley), 25.100–24
captions, role, 25.101, 29.124
the collection, 25.100–21
embedded text, 25.101–22
establishment, 25.100
find aids/locators, 25.101
implied content, 25.101
index fields, 25.101
interactive indexing (folksonomies), 25.104
online catalogue, 25.100–21
thesaurus, 25.100, 25.102
variant images, choosing between, 25.102, 25.102–23, 25.103
Cartulary of St Julien of Brioude. see also monasteries, indexing in
alphabetical order and, 25.97
article, treatment in the index, 25.97
authenticity, 25.97
content and organization, 25.97
date, 25.96
purpose of index, 25.97–28
CAS (Chemical Abstracts Service), 27.2
Case, David, The journal of the Parson Woodforde Society: an index to the contents. Vol. 1 No. 1 (ed.) (reviewed), 21.55
Case, Donald O, Looking for information: a survey of research on information seeking, needs and behavior (reviewed), 24.52
caste and the indexing of names, CP3:1, 2
catalogues. see also fiction retrieval, indexing for
in ancient times, 25.258–29
indexing of, 25.132
paper catalogues, limitations, 28.50
search techniques, 27.64–25
cataloguing, history of, 26.81 n. 2
cataloguing skills and the indexer, 24.171, 26.80–21. see also classification; libraries and librarians
metatag creation and, 28.9
Cauchi, Simon, `Homograph arrangement (3): copy-editor survey' (letter), 20.217
Cavallo, Guglielmo and Roger Chartier (eds), The history of reading in the West (reviewed), 22.166–27
Cawkell, A E, Indexing collections of electronic images: a review (reviewed), 20.47
CBIR (content-based image retrieval), 27.70
indexing:. see web indexing
preparing, 26.171
publishers' views on, 21.62–23
Celtic:. see Irish language
censorship, effect on indexes. see also Index librorum prohibitorum
16th century Italy, 25.110, 25.111
cartoons, 25.103
religious censorship, 21.115–16
Central Electronic Archive (CEA), 21.166–28
Centrepieces. see also list of Centrepieces on home page menu
Bridge, Noeline, appointment as names editor, 26.145
introduction of, 25.73
OPs and, 26.177
scope and coverage, 26.177
Chalker, Sylvia and Edmund Weiner, The Oxford dictionary of English grammar (reviewed), 20.51
Chandler, Arthur R, review by, 20.110
Chandler, Valerie Lewis, obituary of, 27.136
Chartier, Roger:. see Cavallo, Guglielmo and Roger Chartier (eds)
Chen Yuan, 27.103
The Chicago manual of style, 23.236–27, 27.60, 28.174
children, indexing for, 22.44, 22.52–23
`Indexing children's information books' (Bakewell and Williams), 21.174–29
`Indexing for children' (Dixon), 20.8–10
alphanumerical sort order, 21.175–26
cross-references and, 20.9–10, 20.193
Indexes to children's information books, 22.162–23, 26.177
locators and, 20.193–24
national curriculum (UK) and, 20.120, 20.193
SI/Liverpool John Moores University research project, 20.37, 20.120, 20.193–24
subheadings, 20.193
China, indexing in
`Book indexing in China' (Dai), 26.3–27
`Chinese index science: stepping forward to the new century' (Ge Yong-Qing), 22.76–28
`Example-based text categorization (EBTC): the key to automatic indexing?' (Hou Hanqing with Xue Chunxiang), 27.117–23
`Index and sequence' (Wan Guoding), 27.105
`Term selection: the key to successful indexing' (Zhang Qiyu), 27.97, 27.98–102
`Wan Guoding: indexing pioneer' (Wang Yage and Hou Hanqing), 27.97, 27.102–26
Agricultural index (Wan Guoding), 27.104
back-of-the-book indexes, frequency, 25.134, 26.4, 26.5–26, 27.104
China Library Association (CLA), role, 27.104
collection indexing, 25.134
CSI contribution to, 26.6
education system, effect, 26.5
Harvard-Yeching Sinological Institute Indexing Office, role, 26.4, 26.6, 27.102
history of, 26.3–27, 27.101, 27.102–26
Index Movement, 27.102
indexing manuals and textbooks, 26.5, 26.7
indexing standards:. see standards (Chinese)
journal databases, 27.112–13
key figures in, biographical notes, 27.106
Library Association of China, role, 26.4
Lin Yutang, 27.102
May Fourth Movement and, 27.102
multiple indexes, 27.99, 27.104
natural language order and, 27.104
promotion of, 27.104
publishing industry's attitude towards, 26.5–26
Sinological Index Series, 27.102, 27.103
standards:. see standards (Chinese)
theory of indexing, 27.105
thesauri, use of, 27.99
training of indexers, 27.104
yearbook indexing, 26.6
China, Republic of (1911-49)
`Republic of China (1911-49): retrieving the past' (Wu Peijuan), 27.97, 27.113–16
definition, 27.111
journal databases, 27.97, 27.111, 27.111–16
literary heritage, 27.112
National Index to Chinese Newspapers and Periodicals, 27.112
publishing in, 27.111
Shanghai Library Republic of China collection, 27.112
Shanghai Library Republic of China Journal Title Database, 27.97, 27.112, 27.112–15, 27.112–16
Western influences, 27.111
China Society of Indexers (CSI):. see CSI (China Society of Indexers)
Chinese. see also Chinese characters
`Indexing A comparison of the original Lao Qida and the Lao Qida yanjie' (Howarth), 26.152–25
classical Chinese, 26.152–23
colloquial Chinese (14th-century), 26.153
history of, 26.152–23
Korean traders, 13th and 14th century textbooks for, 26.152–25
software for indexers, 22.21–22, 26.6, 27.97, 27.124, 27.124–27. see also IndexStar
Chinese [Social Sciences] Citation Index, 22.128–29, 27.179
Chinese characters
`A Chinese typewriter' (1952 US Patent application), 27.107–10
ideograms, brain's processing of, 25.158
Pinyin, 22.23–24, 26.4–25
sort orders/retrieval of, 22.21–22, 26.4–25, 27.37, 27.102–23, 27.102–24, 27.103, 27.103–24, 27.124
Chinese Library Classification (CLC), 27.117–22
Chinese names
`Chinese personal names' (Dai), 1
`The hundred surnames: a Pinyin index,' 3
British Columbia archives and, 26.143–24
Chowdhury, G G, Introduction to modern information retrieval (reviewed), 29.45
Christie, Margaret, The oboist's bedside book (notice of publication), 26.59
Christmas cards, as marketing tool, 27.88
chronological order, 25.237
Chulick, Mary Ann, All creatures great and . dead, 26.179
Chunxiang, Xue:. see Xue Chunxiang (with Hou Hanqing)
development of, 24.135–27
diacritics and, 27.171
discussion list, 22.128–29
embedded/XML indexing and, 24.208–29, 30.50
index statistics and, 26.161–22
repagination and, 27.170–21
retrospective cumulative indexing and, 28.159–60
reviewed, 25.168–29
web indexing and, 20.6–27
Y2K (millennium) compliance, 21.57
Ciravegna, Fabio and Daniela Petrelli, `Annotating document content: a knowledge management perspective,' 25.23–27
citation indexes:. see author/citation indexes
Clancy, Julitta, review by, 20.174
Clapham, Sophia, photograph of, 24.170
Clark, Giles and Angus Phillips, Inside book publishing (reviewed), 27.45
Clarke, Gillian, reviews by, 27.45
Clarke, MichŠle. see also Blake, Doreen, MichŠle Clarke, Anne McCarthy, June Morrison
letters from, 23.165, 26.35
photograph of, 21.185
reviews by, 20.52, 20.110–11, 20.231, 22.110, 22.167, 25.70–21
Clarke, Paula. see also Peebles, Paula
Clarke's Publishing Agreements: a book of precedents (reviewed), 25.295–26
classics, indexing of, locators, 25.237
classification. see also cataloguing skills and the indexer; Dewey classification system; Library of Congress Subject Heading Guide (LCSH); Universal Decimal Classification (UDC)
`Classified v. specific indexing: a re-examination in principle' (Moys), 20.135–26, 20.153–25
`Classified versus specific entry in book indexes: guidelines for decision making' (Browne), 28.6–11
`Dorking - A retrospective and update' (Piggott), 20.215
`Example-based text categorization (EBTC): the key to automatic indexing?' (Hou Hanqing and Xue Chunxiang), 27.97, 27.117–22
`The [;;]sin of classification[::] and an example thereof' (Berson), 25.187–29
biota names and, 27.52
Cataloging and classification standards and rules (Riemer), 20.232
Cataloguing and classification: trends, transformations, teaching and training (Shearer, Thomas), 21.56
category subheadings, problems raised by, 27.53, 27.56–27
Chinese Library Classification (CLC), 27.117–22
classified entry (indirectly specific), 28.7, 28.8
classified entry (non-specific, up-posted), 28.7, 28.8–29
contents lists and, 28.9
in cookery book indexing, 28.9
cross-references and, 27.57, 28.8
definitions, 20.135, 25.187–28, 28.7
double posting and, 25.189, 26.254–25, 28.105–26
Education for library cataloging: international perspectives (Sun and Carter), 25.222–23
hierarchical vs concept/category groupings, 28.8–29, 29.119
hierarchy and association of terms distinguished, 25.189, 29.119
hybrid indexes, 28.8
Iconclass, 27.71
image-indexing and, 27.71
informative indexing (Extraktions-Indexieren) as, 25.217
inversion and, 20.136, 28.7–28
in legal indexing, 20.154–25, 25.189, 28.9
length/density of index and, 28.8, 28.10
in medical indexing, 25.189
in newspaper, periodical and journal indexing, 25.189, 28.9
Samuel Palmer's indexes to The Times and, 27.7
place names and, 27.56
recommended use of, 25.189, 25.219–20
space considerations, 25.189, 28.8
specific direct entry, pros and cons, 28.7–28
specificity, difficulty of determining, 28.10
subheadings, overuse, 28.9
table of contents, mirroring of, 28.9
taxonomic arrangement of subject-matter and, 27.53
thematic approach distinguished, coates3004
Turkey, problems in, 26.9–12
tyranny of, 26.120
usability considerations, 25.187–90, 28.9
web indexing and, 20.33–24
Bella Hass Weinberg on, 20.218
whose classification? 25.188
Classification Research Group, 23.204–28
Classification for Information Retrieval (1957 Dorking Conference), 20.215
Classified Contents, compilers
Bell, Hazel, 20.141–28, 21.28–32
Lambert, Sue (Volume 25-8) (available only on the Website, )
Moys, Betty
Nic C¢il, R¢is¡n (Volume 29) (available only on the Website, )
Shuter, Janet
Cleveland, Donald B and Ana D Cleveland, Introduction to indexing and abstracting (reviewed), 22.211
click languages, CP3:, 1
client relations. see also authors, relations with; business practice for the indexer
approaches to, coates2824
cues clients send, coates2808
cues indexers send, coates2857
difficult relationships, coates2873
instrumental compliance, coates2881
terminating the relationship, coates2881
trust as basis, coates3905
Clifton, Gloria and Nigel Rigby (eds), Treasures of the National Maritime Museum (reviewed), 24.247
Clinton, Bill, autobiography
index, 24.61, 24.95, 24.157, 25.76
reviews of, 24.157
Cloete, L M, review by, 25.215
closed-system indexing, 23.23–31
Cloutier, Alfred O, Indexing basics (reviewed), 27.189–90
clustering/nesting technique
benefits, coates3053
definition, coates3061
thematic indexing compared, coates3053
Coates, Peter Ralph
`MeloDex: Indexing hymn tunes,' 21.37
ASAIB Award, 27.90
Coates, Sylvia, articles by
`Software solutions,' 27.168–72
`Subject knowledge Ä how it helps take care of the business,' 28.173–25
`Teaching book indexing: cognitive skills and term selection,' 23.15–17
`UC Berkeley Extension course: learning to index at a distance,' 24.186–28
Coates, Sylvia, Heather Ebbs and Max McMaster, `Globalization and the indexer: reflections from the UC Berkeley Extension course,' 29.31–23
Cochrane, Pauline Atherton and Eric H Johnson, ^Visualizing subject access for 21st century information, .^ (eds) (reviewed), 21.199
code markers:. see tagging with code markers
A code of practice? 20.181, 20.189
Code of Professional Conduct (SI), 26.41
code-breaking, 22.31–23, 22.187–90
Coe, Mary
ASI Conference, 2008, 26.133
ASI Conference, 2009, 27.131
cognitive skills and processes
`How can we take a socio-cognitive approach in teaching indexing and abstracting,' 23.83–25, 27.147
`Teaching book indexing: cognitive skills and term selection,' 23.15–17
emotional dictionary/thesaurus project, 22.152
folksonomies and, 28.52
image-indexing and, 28.102
indexer's need for, 25.168
information-seeking behaviour, 25.28–31, 28.52, 28.102
Cole, Rosemary, photograph of, 24.170
collective wisdom, 28.60
Collins, Wilkie, guide to life and works of, 21.104
Collison, Robert, SI founder member, 20.161–23
Colloquium Capensis 2000, 23.226
colons, in locators, 25.246
column numbers:. see locators, column numbers
Combs, Michele, `XML indexing,' 30.47–52
commas, use as separator, 25.244
commonplace books (loci communes)
Bishop Jebb's, 25.264
indexing of, 22.114–18, 25.235, 25.237–28
as memory aid and index locorum distinguished, 25.239
communication methods
emails, 20.63–24, 28.151, 29.33–24
face-to-face, 29.34
file transfer, 20.63–24, 28.130, 28.151
social events, 29.34
The Communicator, articles on indexing (Johncocks), 27.45
company names, indexing of, mergers and acquisitions, need to track, 27.5
compound names/headings
biochemistry, 27.60
biota names, 27.54
natural language order vs inversion and, 27.54
parliamentary indexing and, 27.67–28
personal names, 5
science indexing and, 29.121–22
computer equipment, indexers' choices (2010), 28.79–80. see also furniture/non-computer equipment for indexers
backup devices, 28.80
emergency power supplies, 28.80–21
keyboards, 28.79
mice, 28.79
monitors, 28.79
netbooks, 28.79, 28.176
printers, 28.80
scanners, 28.80
computer management. see also information management; search and retrieval techniques (electronic)
`Degunking your computer' (Duntemann), 26.132
`Misbehaving computers' (Jermey), 25.195–26
misbehaving computers (Dear), 25.267
`Abraham Fleming: Elizabethan maker of indexes and "tables"' (Painting-Stubbs), 29.109–13
`Academic partnership' (Cooter), 22.83
`Accessing documents and information in a world without frontiers' (Hudon), 21.156–29
`After the Prize: Indexing at the Einstein Papers Project' (Hirschmann), 29.98–109
`Alexander Cruden and his Concordance' (Farrow), 20.55–26
`Alexander von Humboldt's Kosmos: indexing it' (Lubrich and Ette), 25.2–26
`All is revealed' (Franke) (letter), 20.32
`Also-greats' (Bell), 23.215
`An alternative index to an 1877 `handbook of quotations' (Bell), 25.255–26
`And so to bed': the index to The diary of Samuel Pepys (Leise), 29.4–11
`Annotating document content: a knowledge management perspective' (Ciravegna and Petrelli), 25.23–27
`Another [;;]How to make an index[::]' (Hewitt), 23.200–21
`Another view of science indexing' (letter) (Johncocks), 29.184–25
`An/the/an index of confusion' (O'Leary), 25.182
`ANZSI promotion and publicity (P&P)' (Russell and McMaster), 28.167–29
`Apples, pears and oranges: three important books on indexing' (Pincoe), 23.124–28
`The application of index entries to search and retrieval of books and book content' (Stelmach), 21.127–31
`The Arabian Nights and Orientalism: perspectives from East to West' (TLS review, extract), 25.242
`Arabic names' (Hedden), CP2:, 9
`Archival value in South Africa' (Meyer, Calitz and Brink), 23.70–23
`Are abstracting and indexing databases still relevant?' (Rabe), 23.80–22
`The Atlantic Monthly's [;;]proper-name index[::]' (Healy), 24.68–70
`AusSI Web Indexing Prize 1998' (Walker), 21.108–10
`Australian Aboriginal names' (Triffitt), CP2:, 1
`Authors and indexes' (Letters to the Editor of the TLS, November and December 2006), 25.183–26
`Authors and indexing' (Curran), 27.80–23
`Automated indexing: feeding the AutoComplete monster' (Jermey), 28.74–25
`Back-of-the-book indexing in the Netherlands today' (Bosschieter), 25.86–28
`Be a peach: enhancing your work through training' (Booth), 23.18–22
`Bernard Levin and The Indexer' (Bell), 24.127–32
`The Blair Index Project' (Shuttleworth), 28.175, 29.44
`The bliss of excessive fondness' (Bell), 22.127
`The body of a reference work in relation to its index: an analysis of Wordmanship' (Weinberg), 20.18–22
`Bombelli of Bologna' (letter), 23.37–28
`Book indexes: experiences and expectations in the German Democratic Republic (GDR)' (Schmidmaier), 25.83–25
`Book indexes in France: mediaeval specimens and modern practices' (Weinberg), 22.2–13
`Book Indexing Postal Tutorials' (Hall), 23.8–10
`Books Ä the core for public libraries' (Bakewell) (letter), 26.24
`A book-style index for the web: the University of Texas Policies and Procedures Website' (Fetters), 21.73–26
`Bringing it home: learning to index books by correspondence' (USDA course) (Manley and Harwood), 20.185–27
`The British Museum catalogue of Hebrew incunabula: an evaluation of its information design and indexes' (Weinberg), 25.12–15
`Broadcasting on indexing' (Matthews), 21.173–24
`Building a collage for indexers and bibliographers: photo albums, mirrors, magnifying glasses and crystal balls out of Africa' (Fourie), 27.146–51
`Building a global legal index: a work in progress' (Davis), 22.123–27
`The Canadian perspective' (Faulkner), 24.183
`Capturing moving images online' (Cameron), 24.142–24
`Cardinal Giuseppe Garampi: an eighteenth-century pioneer in indexing' (Burns), 22.61–24
`A cautionary tale' (Bell), 21.24
`Changing boundaries' (Jacobs) (editorial), 23.113–14
`Chicken or egg theory: do we truly know how they search?' (M‚nard), 29.150–26
`A Chinese typewriter' (1952 US Patent application), 27.107–10
`Christian history: 3,000 years and an author's indexing thereof' (MacCulloch), 28.108–29
`Clindex,' 24.61
in German, 24.95
reviews of, 24.157
`A Cold War card index is Romania's best hope' (MacGlashan), 25.256
`Colloque International: indici, index, indexation, Lille, 3-4 November 2005' (MacGlashan), 25.45–26
`Comparative evaluation of thesaurus creation software' (Hedden), 26.50–29
`Compiling an anthology of indexes' (Bell), 23.32–23
`Computer contrarian' (Bell), 22.24
^All the world's a globe, .^ (Dingle) (discussed by Hazel Bell), 20.208
Abbott, N Joan, `Psychology and neuroscience of indexing: what goes on in the mind of the indexer?,' 25.154–60
abbreviations:. see acronyms and abbreviations, use of; locators, abbreviations in
Abel, Richard:. see Graham, Gordon and Richard Abel (eds)
Aboriginal media, indexing of, 20.94
Aboriginal names, CP2:, 1
CAAMA (Central Australian Aboriginal Media Association), 20.94
OZBIB (Linguistic Bibliography of Aboriginal Australia and Torres Strait Islands), 26.127–31
aboutness, fiction indexing and, 28.51, 28.55
Abrahams, Marc
`Holy fathers,' 25.127
Etiquette (Post), index as a social wonderland, 27.32
photograph of, 26.64
Abrams, William, `The indexer facing the cryptic text: a folly index as inspired by Jorge Luis Borges, presented as a cautionary example of over-indexing,' 26.68–71
`Library & information science vs business: a comparison of approaches to abstracting' (Spiteri), 20.197–200
bibliography of, preparation, 20.197–200
business needs and, 20.197–200
CAS (Chemical Abstracts Service), 27.2
continuing relevance, 23.80–22, 27.2
definition, 20.197
Emerald Abstracts, 27.2
ePublications, 23.80–22
Explorations in indexing and abstracting: pointing, virtue and power (reviewed), 20.174
glossary for (Wellisch) (reviewed), 22.107–28
guidelines for writing, 20.199–200
Inspec database (IET), 27.2
purpose, 20.198
theory and practice of, 21.148, 24.51
types of abstract, 20.198–29
academic publishing:. see scholarly publishing
accents:. see diacritics
Access:. see Microsoft Access
accessibility considerations in case of visual or other impairment, 26.62, 27.76–29
accounts:. see invoice preparation
accreditation:. see professionalism in indexing, recognition
accuracy:. see disclaimers; liability of indexers
Acrobat:. see Adobe Acrobat
acronyms and abbreviations, use of, 20.89, abbreviations in. see also locators
Biblical indexing and, 5
inconsistent use of stop, 29.28
The Oxford dictionary of abbreviations (reviewed), 22.163
web indexing and, 20.127
Adobe Acrobat, 28.129, coates3137
Adobe FrameMaker:. see Framemaker
Adobe InDesign, CINDEX and, coates5793
Adobe PageMaker, 21.160–23
Adshead, Gordon R and Vivienne Monty, Index to the Monetary Times (reviewed), 20.232
advertisements, to index or not? 26.119, 26.120, 27.2, 27.3
advertising, funding of internet search tools, 23.210–15
Africa: a bibliography of sources (Kagan) (reviewed), 26.188–29
Africa: a guide to reference material (McIlwaine) (reviewed), 26.189–90
Africa Centre, database, 23.92
African Journal Archive, 28.132
African musical instruments, indexing, 21.169–72
African names, `Khoe-San names (African click languages)' (Willet), 1
Afrikaans names, `Dutch, German, Austrian, Flemish and Afrikaans names' (Pitchford), 1
Agate, James, indexes and, 26.174
age of indexers, 20.59
Agee, Victoria, review by, 24.242–23
Ahermaa, Martin, reviews by, 27.46
`The AHRC Mander and Mitchenson Theatre Collection Access for Research Project: Uncovering the archive' (Davis and Nield), 25.197–29
Ait El Mekki, Touria:. see Zaragayouna, Ha‹fa, Touria Ait El Mekki, Laurent Audibert and Adeline Nazarenko
Aitchison, Jean, Alan Gilchrist and David Bawden, Thesaurus construction and use: a practical manual (reviewed), 21.149, 23.53
Alakus, Meral, articles by
`Newspaper archives: indexing Cumhuriyet,' 29.171–29
`Turkish names,' 5
`A Turkish treasure trove,' 26.8–13
`A women's thesaurus in Turkey: addressing the challenge,' 25.176–81
Alberta Legislative Assembly, indexing the proceedings of, 23.138–29
alcohol and drug problems, thesaurus, 20.49
Alexandria, library at, 25.259
Allot, Philip, Invisible power: a philosophical adventure story (reviewed), 25.150–21
dictionary of, 23.55–26
indexing or, 25.42
Alpern, Andrew, `Skirting the issue?' (letter), 23.38
alpha headers, 28.65
alphabetically structured reference works, need for an index:. see encyclopaedias; reference works, need for an index
alphanumerical sort order, alphanumeric notation; transliteration problems, sort orders/retrieval of; classification; locators. see also articles, treatment in an index; Chinese characters
`The gentle art' (Partridge), 28.172
`Logical order' (Cousins) (letter), 20.31
alternative methods of, 25.95–26, 25.96, 25.97, 25.109, 25.237, 25.238
alternatives to, 20.75–26, 20.76, 20.135–26, 25.95–26, 25.96, 25.110, 25.236, 25.237, 25.238
Arabic, relevance in, 1
audiovisual media, 25.251
Biblical indexing and, 4
BS 1749 (alphanumeric and other arrangement in indexes), declaration of obsolescence, 26.96
capitalization, relevance, 20.75, 25.91
Chicago Manual, 20.75
in children's index, 21.175–26
Chinese, relevance in, 22.21–22, sort orders/retrieval of. see also Chinese characters
click languages, 1
computers (1960s) and, 29.19
database indexing and, 20.127
development of index, role in, 25.236–27, 30.6
embedded indexing and, 24.216
first/forename as determining factor, 28.79
glosses and, 25.96
Hebrew alphabet and, 25.247
homograph arrangement and, 20.31, 20.87–28, 20.217, 21.189. see also homographic arrangement
ISO 999 recommendations, 20.75–26, 20.114
letter-by-letter arrangement, 20.114
letter-by-letter v word-by-word, 21.3, 27.189
Liber floriger chartarum cenobii Farfensis (Gregory of Catino), 25.96–27
machine and manual sorting, variation between, 20.75, 20.162
in medical indexing, 20.47, 27.59
in multilingual index, 23.192
musical themes, 25.251
NISO TR-03-1999, 20.33, 22.215
numbers and symbols, 20.75, 28.174
origins and history, 20.156–29, 21.113–14, 25.74, 25.95, 25.95–26, 25.95–27, 25.96, 25.236, 25.259, 25.259–60
Punch, 25.261
punctuation, 20.75
search engine algorithms, advantages, 30.6
sort translation table, 20.75
spaces, 20.75
symbols, 20.75
telephone directories, 5
translation of index and, 25.90
as unscholarly practice, 25.239
web indexing and, 20.127, 25.251, 28.110–11, 28.113–14
Welsh indexing and, 23.192
AltaVista, 25.193
Altschiller, Donald, The information revolution (ed.) (reviewed), 20.109
Amazon Kindle:. see Kindle books
Ambaum, Gene and Bill Barnes, `Unshelved' (cartoon), 28.144
ambitious projects:. see large/ambitious projects
Amduat (Book of the Hidden Space), index to, 25.258
Ament, Kurt, Indexing: a nuts-and-bolts guide for technical writers (reviewed), 27.190–21
American Society of Indexers:. see ASI
anachronisms:. see time lapse between original text and indexing, issues raised by
Anagnostelis, Betsy:. see Welsh, Sue, Betsy Anagnostelis and Alison Cooke
Anderson, Charles R, `Indexing with a computer: past and present,' 22.23–24
Anderson, James D, `Indexing, teaching of,. see [;;]Information retrieval design[::]', 23.2–27
Anderson, James D and P‚rez-Carballo, Jos‚, Information retrieval design: principles and options for information description, organization, display, and access in information retrieval databases, digital libraries, catalogs, and indexes (reviewed), 24.159–60
Anderson, Margaret Dampier
memories of (Wallis), 25.229
obituary, 20.218
Wheatley Medal, 20.218
Anderson, Sarah, photograph of, 28.125
Andrews, Peter and Barbara Hird, `Islamic and Middle Eastern materials,' 29.127–29
Andrews, Peter and Meg Davies, `Notes on the indexing of biblical and related materials' (Andrews and Davies), 1
Angus, Jane, reviews by, 20.51, 22.218–19, 23.179
annotations:. see glosses
annual report indexing, 28.168–29, 28.191
training course (ANZSI), 28.169
Anthology for the Millennium (Blake et al (eds))
`Recollections' (extract from) (Hewitt), 24.205
reviewed, 22.110
anthology of indexes, compilation of (Bell), 23.32–23
antonyms, dictionary of, 23.240
Anzovin, Steven:. see Kane, Joseph Nathan, Steven Anzovin and Janet Podell
ANZSI (Australia and New Zealand Society of Indexers). see also AusSI (Australian Society of Indexers)
`Disintermediate or die? Volunteer societies in an information age' (Jermey), 25.265–26
`Educating indexers: ANZSI reviews its policies,' 28.123–25
activities of, 24.179–80, 25.47, 26.36, 26.83, 26.134, 28.180
archives, 25.273
awards, display of, 25.274
courses, 25.202, 25.272, 27.179–80, 28.30, 28.168
database indexing fees, 26.83
events, 24.145–26, 24.224, 25.45, 25.134
GAMES (Committee strategy meeting), 25.134
as guest editors of The Indexer, 28.97
incorporation, 28.180
Indexing Resources section, establishment of, 26.134
library, 25.273
life memberships, 28.34
membership numbers, 26.36
organizational changes, 25.202
publications, 26.134
reasons for leaving/not joining, 28.77
recommended fees, 27.88, 28.168
Registered Indexer status, 25.202, 26.82, 28.124, 28.168
tips for indexers, 27.89
tyranny of distance, solutions to, 27.178, 27.179
volunteers, 25.136–27
ANZSI conferences
2005, 24.145
2006, 24.226
2007, 25.135, 25.274
2009, 26.179, 28.33–24
publication of proceedings, 25.63, 26.177
SI conferences compared, 26.133
ANZSI Index Series, 26.178
ANZSI Medal, 25.202, 2006 (no award). see also Robert D Williamson Award (VALA)
2004, 24.225
2007, 26.37
2008 (judges' report), 27.8
2009, 28.34
criteria, 27.8
ANZSI promotion/marketing
`ANZSI promotion and publicity (P&P)' (Russell and McMaster), 28.167–29
bookmark, 27.88, 28.167
Year of Annual Report Indexes (2010), 28.168–29
Year of Family History Indexes (2011), 28.169
ANZSI publications, 28.168
ANZSI Index Series, 26.178
conference proceedings, 25.63, 26.177
Indexing your annual report: a guide (Russell and McMaster), 28.168–29, 28.191
Newsletter, 26.176, 26.177, 27.149, 28.180
ANZSI training:. see continuing professional development (CPD), ANZSI plans; mentoring schemes (ANZSI); training for indexers (ANZSI)
ANZSI website
changes, 26.83, 26.134
discussion feature, 27.178
APA (American Psychological Association) style guide, 28.174
Apocryphal/Deuterocanonical books, CP5:3, 5
Appellate Body Repertory, WTO, 24.218–22, 25.91
Appleby, Melinda, reviews by, 26.94
Arabic, indexing and
`Islamic and Middle Eastern materials' (Hird and Andrews), 29.127–29
sort order, 1
transliteration problems, 2
Arabic names, elements of, CP3:1, 2
Archaeologia Cambrensis
index to (review), 24.240, 27.95
indexing of, 23.187–91
indexing the archaeology of Wales, 23.187–91
SIG, 29.131
thesauri for, 21.52–23, 22.53–24, 27.95
Archbold, Neil, photograph of, 24.226
Archer, Dawn, What's in a word-list? Investigating word frequency and keyword extraction (reviewed), 27.143–24
indexing Vitruvius' De architectura:. see De architectura (Vitruvius), indexing of
thesaurus for, 22.53–24, 27.71
archives. see also genealogical and family history indexing
`Glasgow Art Club archives' (van Asperen), 25.290, 26.25–32
`In the Savoy archives,' 28.48, 29.48
`A Turkish treasure trove' (Alakus), 26.8–11
`The AHRC Mander and Mitchenson Theatre Collection Access for Research Project: Uncovering the archive' (Davis and Nield), 25.297–29
caring for the archive, 26.31–22
Girton College Archive, 24.203–25
indexing, 21.164–28, 24.200–22
indexing society archives, 25.273
Manual of archival description (reviewed), 22.218–19
technological developments and, 21.164–28, 24.203–25
Vatican Secret Archive, 22.61–24
World guide to library, archive and information science education (reviewed), 26.143
archives (State/national)
Australia, 23.34, 24.200–22. see also Australian archives
Scotland (SCAN), 26.143
South Africa, 23.70–23, archives, accessing. see also South Africa
Sweden (SVAR (Svensk Arkivinformation)), 26.143
Arioflotga (Kuppner) (reviewed), 28.96
Armitage, Brian, 20.32
Armstrong, Chris J, Staying legal: a guide to issues and practice for users and publishers of electronic resources (reviewed), 22.55
Around the World (ATW), editors. see also Network of Indexers
Browne, Glenda, 24.145–27, 24.224–26, 25.47–50, 25.134–27, 25.202–25, 25.272–26, 26.36–40, 26.83–26, 26.132–25, 26.176–29, 27.34–26, 27.88–90, 27.128–33, 27.176–80, 28.30–25, 28.79–82, 28.126–34
Hudoba, Terri, 28.176–84, 29.33–28, 29.130–27, 29.185–29
Jacobs, Christine, 21.132–23, 21.184–25, 22.43–24, 22.98–29, 22.152–23, 22.197–28, 23.34–25, 23.92–23
Theron, Christie, 23.169–71, 23.224–26, 24.42–23, 24.100–22
Art and architecture thesaurus (AAT), 27.71
art book and catalogue indexing, 26.132
art history, research awards, 23.92–23
art of indexing
`The art of indexing' (Uschtrin and Fassbender), 29.13–18
ejournals and, 21.62–23
taking out the art and mystery, 27.7, coates2998
articles, treatment in an index
`The definite article: acknowledging [;;]The[::] in index entries' (Browne), 22.119–22
`An/the/an index of confusion' (O'Leary), 25.181
`Na and the missing library books' (Flynn), 25.182
Arabic, 9
author as indexers and, 27.82
BS 3700/ISO 999, 20.75
Cartulary of St Julian of Auvergne (Brioude), 25.9
Irish/Celtic languages and, 25.181
personal names:. see personal names
as measure of index quality, 26.160, 26.161
ASAIB (Association of Southern African Indexers and Bibliographers). see also International Agreement of indexing societies
activities and events other than conferences, 21.184–25, 23.169, 24.42–23, 24.101, 24.146, 24.224, 25.47
establishment (1994), 20.134
membership numbers, 26.36
publications:. see ASAIB publications
Website/blog, 25.47
ASAIB Award (best index/best bibliography), 23.169
2004, 24.225
2005, 25.48
2007, 25.48, 26.132, 26.135
2008, 27.90
2011, 29.136
ASAIB conferences, 25.134, 25.203, 25.274, 26.39, 26.83, 26.131, 26.132, 26.179, 27.89, 27.128–30, 28.132, 29.135, 2006 (Africana), 2007 (Biography, the Beautiful), 2008 (Remarkable South African Women: revealed through indexing and bibliography), 2009 (Africa visited and revisited) (Triennial International Meeting), 2010 (The Indexer in Publishing), 2011 (Whys and wherefores of indexing)
2000, 22.152
2003, 23.224
2004, 24.100
2005, 24.147, 24.226
2006, 25.47
2009 (Africa visited and revisited) (Triennial International Meeting), 27.128
publication of proceedings, 23.107–28
ASAIB publications
Directory for Freelance Indexers, 25.134, 27.34
Directory for Freelance Indexers (2006), 25.134
Indexing for Southern Africa, 25.47, 25.202, 25.215, 26.177
Newsletter, 26.36, 26.176
ASCII/ANSI, 26.146–27
ASI. see also International Agreement of indexing societies; special interest groups (SIGs) (ASI)
40th anniversary, 25.275
activities and events other than conferences, 21.132–23, 22.43, 22.98, 24.42, 24.101, 24.145, 24.224, 25.47, 25.134
archives, 25.273
change of name, 26.83
directory of indexers, 21.133
incorporation and, 26.38
Indexer Locator, 27.12
Jobs Hotline, 27.12
Key Words:. see Key Words (ASI newsletter/journal)
membership numbers, 26.36
publishers, lists of, 27.88
reasons for leaving/not joining, 28.76
Recommended Indexing Agreement, 27.88
Society for Technical Communications (STC), memorandum of agreement, 29.36
Speakers' Guide, 27.89
strategic plan (2006), 25.202
training:. see training for indexers (ASI)
volunteers, 25.136–27
ASI, history of
1968-1977, 20.212–13
1983-87, 21.135
1992-5, 22.81
oral history (Dorothy Thomas), 20.45
ASI awards:. see Kohlrabi, Order of; Web Indexing Award (ASI SIG); H W Wilson Award
ASI chapters, Southeast Chapter formed (November 2010), 28.180
ASI conferences, 20.45, 25.134, 25.274–25, 26.39, 26.83, 26.132–23, 27.130–21, 28.132–23, 29.135, 1993 (25th anniversary conference), 2006 (joint conference with IASC/SCAD), 2007 (Philadelphia) (`Liberating the index'), 2008 (Colorado), 2009 (Portland, Oregon) (`Scaling the heights'), 2010 (Minneapolis), 2011 (Providence)
1995 (joint conference with IASC/SCAD), 20.33–24
1998, 20.187
2001, 22.197
2002, 23.92
2003 (joint conference with IASC/SCAD), 23.224
2004, 24.42
2005, 24.100, 24.147, 24.226
conference blogs, 28.133
guest editors of The Indexer (October 2002), 23.57
ASI promotion/marketing
`Marketing moves into the spotlight Ä ASI takes the initiative' (Rogers), 28.169–71
social networking and, 28.169
ASI publications
1999, 21.185
advertisement, 27.8, 27.91, 28.68, 28.141, 28.153
Publications Committee, 26.177
ASI website
award-winning indexes and, 27.180
copyright protection policy, 26.130
redesign (2010), 28.180
Asian names, `Indexing Asian names' (Akhtar), 2
Aslib, and SI, 20.161
associateship, 20.180–21. see also professionalism in indexing, recognition
Association of Southern African Indexers and Bibliographers (ASAIB):. see ASAIB (Association of Southern African Indexers and Bibliographers)
Atlas of the World (Ptolemy), as first index, 25.259–60
atlases, indexing:. see maps and cartography
Attwooll, David, `Wired reference: Confessions of an e-publisher' (extract), 25.88
ATW:. see Around the World (ATW), editors
Audibert, Laurent:. see Zaragayouna, Ha‹fa, Touria Ait El Mekki, Laurent Audibert and Adeline Nazarenko
audiovisual media
`It ain't just what you say but the way that you say it: indexing a DVD' (Crystal), 27.173–25
`repagination' and, 27.175
The audiovisual cataloging current (Roe), 23.111
content-based retrieval, 28.165
keyword searches, problems, 28.165
locators, 25.251, 27.172
melodic strings, 28.165
music indexing, 28.164–25
natural language and, 27.173–24
parameter designation, 28.165
user requirements, 27.173–25
The August Indexer; Proceedings from the Second International Conference, 27-9 August 1999, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia (reviewed), 22.162
AusSI, history of, 20.213–14, 21.135
AusSI (Australian Society of Indexers). see also ANZSI (Australia and New Zealand Society of Indexers)
activities and events other than conferences, 20.94, 21.132–23, 21.184, 22.43, 23.170
conferences, 20.33, 20.35, 20.113, 21.94, 22.162, 22.197, 23.224–25, 2001 (joint conference with China Society of Indexers)
Foundation Fellows, 20.180–21
indexing services, guide for editors, 20.194
Newsletter, 20.34
recommended fees, 20.35
AusSI Medal, 1995, 20.34–25, 20.37
AusSI Web Indexing Prize (including extensive lists of internet resources)
1996, 20.121–24
1997, 21.15–18
1998, 21.100, 21.108–10
AustLII:. see Australasian Legal Information Institute (AustLII)
Australasian Legal Information Institute (AustLII), 22.123–27
`Learning architecture: issues in indexing. Australian education in a Web 2.0 world' (Mitchell), 26.163–28
CAAMA (Central Australian Aboriginal Media Association), 20.94
copyright issues, 23.92
legal resources on the internet, 20.124
Macquarrie Dictionary, authoritative status, 26.166
moral rights, 26.130
thesauri in, 26.165
Australia, indexing in
business practices, 29.32
editorial, 22.113
UC Berkeley Extension Course and, 29.30
Australian and New Zealand Society of Indexers:. see ANZSI (Australia and New Zealand Society of Indexers)
Australian archives
Bringing them home project, 23.34, 26.178
indexing state and federal archives, 24.200–22
Australian English, 20.110
Australian Legal Information Institute (AustLII), global legal index, 22.123–27
Australian Parliamentary Library index (AusSI Web Indexing Prize), 20.121
Australian Society of Indexers (AusSI):. see ANZSI (Australia and New Zealand Society of Indexers); AusSI (Australian Society of Indexers)
Australian State and Federal Archives, 24.200–22
Austrian names, `Dutch, German, Austrian, Flemish and Afrikaans names' (Pitchford), 1
Authex Plus, 27.190
author/citation indexes. see also names (general); personal names
`et al,' handling of, 27.82–23
CP5:, 1
in China, 22.128–29, 27.179
differentiation, methods of, 27.4
journal evaluation and, 27.179
multiple authors, 27.4
reasons for, 27.83
titles of works, inclusion, 27.4
authority lists/files. see also controlled vocabularies; thesauri and glossaries, construction and use of
biota names, 27.54
British Columbia Hansard and, 27.67–28
changing usage and, 27.99
choosing, 27.55
controlled vocabularies and, 26.122, 27.66–28, 27.71
creating, 27.54–25, 27.67–28
as guidelines, 27.66
image-indexing and, 27.71
MACREX and, 27.54
strait jacket, whether, 27.66
ULAN (Union List of Artist Names), 27.71
Word concordance feature as basis of, 28.127
`author pays' principle, 20.191, 21.62, 21.133, 25.183, 26.152, 26.153–24, 26.155, 27.80, 28.97
attitudes to indexing, 25.84–25, 27.80–23
citations, liking for, 27.83
correcting errors of, 25.268
fairness to the subjects of the index and, 25.164–25
How to write a paper, 20.52
research for, 24.115–16
authors, relations with, 20.4, 24.18–20, 26.186, 27.83, 28.97. see also client relations
author revisions to index, 27.15, 27.83
direct contact vs editor as intermediary, 29.15, 29.119–20
keywords supplied by, difficulties related to, 27.1, 27.3, 27.83
science indexing and, 29.115–17
authors as indexers. see also professionalism in indexing
`author does/does not do it best' principle, 25.183–26, 25.217, 25.221, 26.80–21, 27.81–22, 29.2–23, 29.14–15
`Christian history: 3,000 years and an author's indexing thereof' (MacCulloch), 28.108–29
`First person indicative' (Bell), 24.97
`Marot, Hofstadter, index,' 21.22–23
`Perilous power in authorial hands,' 21.122–23
alphabetical order, difficulties with, 27.81
articles, treatment of, 27.82
assessing/creating an index distinguished, 29.120
An author's guide to publishing (reviewed), 21.104
An author's guide to scholarly publishing (reviewed), 20.231
automatic indexing and, 20.4, 21.122–23, 25.183–26
cross-references, difficulties with, 29.116, 29.120
double posting and, 29.120
as an enhancement of one's understanding of own book, 21.22–23
examples of author-created science indexes, 29.118
financial considerations, 26.87, 27.80
Indexing: a nuts-and-bolts guide for technical writers (Ament) (reviewed), 27.190–21
Indexing your book (Vickers), 27.137
journal publishing and, 20.231
long strings, 27.81, 29.2, 29.116, 29.120
measuring the quality of, 26.158
Mentors and friends (Norrie), 28.24–25
multi-author works, 29.15
natural language order, preference for, 27.81
Norrie, Ian, 28.24–25
over-indexing, tendency towards, 26.160
poor author indexes, handling of, 27.81–22
practice in different countries compared, 27.80
Scarcely ever out of my thoughts (Junor), 27.140
science indexing and, 29.115–16
software for indexers and, 26.186, 27.81
training/guidance for, 27.137, 27.190–21, 29.14
The Autocar, indexes to, 25.200–21
autocompletion, `Automated indexing: feeding the AutoComplete monster' (Jermey), 28.74–25
AutoHotKey, 28.127–28
automated indexing. see also faceted classification; search and retrieval techniques (electronic)
`Example-based text categorization (EBTC): the key to automatic indexing and classification' (Xue Chunxiang and Hou Hanqing), 27.117–23
`Patterns and hidden meanings: the dawn of automated indexing' (Hirschmann), 29.19–22
`The Persian Agrovoc in an indexing context' (Falahati Qadimi Fumani), 29.23–29
as aid to, 25.77, 25.122–25, 25.123, 25.123–24
authors as indexers and, 20.4, 21.122–23, 25.183–26
computer-assisted indexing/dedicated indexing software distinguished, 25.217
Concordance (Watt), 27.46–27
concordance and index, failure to appreciate distinction, 25.217, 29.13
continental Europe and English-speaking countries compared, 25.78
a critique, 21.122–23, 26.81
fiction indexing and, 28.50
homonyms and, 29.19–20
human indexer, continuing need for, 24.217, 26.81, 28.102–23, 29.13
image indexing and:. see illustrations, images and photographs, search and retrieval techniques (electronic)
IndexStar and, 27.126
Information Retrieval Language and Intelligent Information Processing Series (CSI), 28.132
Inhaltserschliessung durch Indexieren: Prinzipien und Praxis (Fugmann), 21.197
machine-based techniques for thesaurus construction, limitations, 25.177, 25.179
medical indexing and, 27.60
mixed views on, 29.21
over-indexing and, 29.2
regenerating index for presentational purposes, 26.169
semi-automatic indexing, 25.23–27
tagging and, 26.168–29
thesauri term selection and, 29.24
traditional indexing and, 27.147
word searching, acceptability, 20.51–22, 20.174, 22.25, 23.198
awards. see also ANZSI Medal; ASAIB Award (best index/best bibliography); AusSI Medal; Bernard Levin Award; Betty Moys Prize; Carey Award; Hines Award; Kohlrabi, Order of; Robert D Williamson Award (VALA); Tamarack Award; Tamarack Award (ISC/SCI); Walford Award f
`Have we got them right?' (MacGlashan), 29.136
`Time for a rethink' (Kingdom), 29.137
Ig Nobel Prize (2007), 25.234, 26.2, 26.64–25
judging, 22.191–24
peer recognition awards (Schroeder), 20.137
Ayto, John, The Oxford dictionary of rhyming slang (reviewed), 23.182
back-of-the-book indexing, frequency
in 19th century America, 20.156–29
in China, 25.134, 26.4, 26.5–26, 27.104
in continental Europe, 25.74–28, 25.86–28
backup devices, 28.80, 28.130–21, 28.177, 28.179
off-site backup, 28.80
Bagheri, Mansoureh, `Indexing training in Iran,' 25.105–28
Bagheri, Masoumeh
`Development of thesauri in Iran,' 25.19–22
photograph of, 25.20
Baker, Nicholson, Double fold: libraries and the assault on paper (reviewed), 23.242–23
Bakewell, K G B. see also Bakewell, K G B and Paula L Williams; Mathews, Paula L and K G B Bakewell
letters from, 23.38, 23.95, 24.45, 25.268, 26.24
memories of (Wallis), 25.230
obituary of, 21.146, 23.226–27
photograph of, 21.185
Bakewell, K G B and Paula L Williams
`Indexing children's information books,' 21.174–29
Indexes to children's information books (reviewed), 22.162–23
Bakewell, K G B, articles by
`Hail and farewell,' 20.3
`Indexing after the millennium 6: standards and good practice,' 21.160
Balay, Robert, ^Early periodical indexes: bibliographies and indexes of literature published in periodicals before, 23.51, 1900^ (reviewed)
Baldick, Chris, The concise Oxford dictionary of literary terms (reviewed), 23.55
Ball, Elizabeth, obituary for Audrey Judkins, 24.148
Ballard, J G, as indexer, 20.209
Baltimore County Legacy Web project, 21.184
Bancroft, R F, photograph of, 26.102
Bantu languages, CP3:, 1
Banwell, C C, Wheatley Medal, 21.34
Barber, Katherine, Six words you never knew had something to do with pigs: and other interesting facts about the English language, 29.46–27
Barham, Ann
reviews by, 20.175
Wheatley Medal, runner-up, 20.37
Barlow, Caroline
letters from, 21.40, 25.131, 28.186
reviews by, 20.230, 21.101, 21.103, 21.149, 21.197–28, 21.199, 22.164–25, 23.110–11, 25.59–62
Barlow, Caroline, articles by, `Serials indexing: from journals to databases,' 27.2–26
Barlow, Patrick, as indexer, 20.208
Barnes, Bill:. see Ambaum, Gene and Bill Barnes
Barnes, Julian
Letters from London 1990-1995, 22.147–28
Something to declare, 23.102–23
Baron, Naomi S, Alphabet to email: how written English evolved and where it's heading (reviewed), 23.54
Barr, Fiona, review by, 23.183
Bart, Peter and Michael Steehouder, Basisboek technische communicatie (reviewed), 27.45
Basch, Reva. see also Sabroski, Suzanne (ed. Reva Basch), Electronic information delivery: ensuring quality and value (reviewed), 20.51–22
Basisboek technische communicatie (Bart and Steedhouder) (reviewed), 27.45
Batchelor, Judy
`Homograph arrangement' (letter), 21.189
`Indexing after the millennium 7: relieving information poverty,' 21.107
reviews by, 21.149–50
SI activities, 20.95–26
Bates, Catherine, `Wondrous taxonomy,' 22.95
Bawden, David:. see Aitchison, Jean, Alan Gilchrist and David Bawden
Beare, Geraldine
`MACREX - a history' (Drusilla Calvert interview), 24.18–20
editorial, 24.1
Indexing newspapers, magazines and other periodicals (reviewed), 22.53
photograph of, 26.65
reviews by, 20.45–26, 23.241–22, 25.63, 25.292, 27.44
Beare, Geraldine, articles by
`NEWSPLAN conference,' 24.24–26
`Past, present and future,' 25.257–64
`What is an index?,' 24.6–28
Beathaisn‚is a Naoi: Forl¡onadh agus Inn‚acsanna (reviewed by Liam MacCo¡l in the Irish Times), 27.48
Beauvais, Vincent of, Speculum historiale, 25.236, 25.237
BeBook One, 28.116–17
Bede, the Venerable, De Orthographia, 25.95–26
Bego, Harry, TExtract (reviewed), 24.250–21, 27.84–27
Belder, Jacqueline, photograph of, 26.37
Bell, Hazel K
awards, 20.113, 24.226, 24.230 photo, 25.135
bibliography of indexing, 23.224, 23.228
classified contents, 1996-7, 21.28–32
classified contents of The Indexer, 20.141–28, 1958–1995 (compiler)
as editor of The Indexer (1978-95), 20.1–23, 20.95, 26.103
The Federica Indexes (notice of publication), 26.59
From flock beds to professionalism, 26.59, 27.25, 27.45
Index Makers:. see index makers (Bell)
Indexers and indexes in fact and fiction, 23.51–22, 23.170–21, 25.7
Indexing biographies and other stories of human lives, 21.148–29, 24.43, 24.113
indexing career, 20.164–25
letters to the editor, 21.41, 23.38, 25.40–22, 27.137, 28.83
LOGOS: The Journal of the World Book Community, 23.225, 23.228
memories of, 25.232, 25.233–24
obituaries for, 22.40–21
photograph of, 24.230, 26.59, 26.65
retirement as editor of The Indexer, 20.1–23, 20.95
reviews by, 20.45, 22.162, 24.54–25, 24.116, 24.164–26, 25.67, 25.149–51
A stage mother's story (reviewed), 25.221–22
on Hans H Wellisch, 20.2
Bell, Hazel K and Aidan, `Indexers Lament,' 28.132
Bell, Hazel K and Maureen MacGlashan, obituary for Richard Raper, 25.228
Bell, Hazel K, articles by
`Also-greats,' 23.215
`An alternative index to an 1877 `handbook of quotations,' 25.255–26
`Bernard Levin and The Indexer,' 24.127–32
`The bliss of excessive fondness,' 22.127
`A cautionary tale,' 21.24
`Compiling an anthology of indexes,' 23.32–23
`Computer contrarian,' 22.24
`[;;]Discursive, dispersed, heterogeneous[::] . indexing Seven pillars of wisdom,' 24.9–11
`Fiction published with indexes: in chronological order of publication' (Bell), 25.169–75
`First person indicative,' 24.97
`The greatest and the worst indexes,' 23.158–63
`History of indexing societies':. see `History of indexing societies' (Bell)
`The index belligerent,' 22.60
`An index for Thalia,' 22.147–28
`Index on trial,' 22.64
`The Indexer thirty years ago,' 21.42–23, 21.186–29, 22.39, 22.97–28, 22.151, 22.195–26
`The Indexer thirty years ago,' 23.39–40, 23.94–25, 23.171–22, 23.229
`The Indexer thirty years ago,' 24.43–24, 24.104–25, 24.149, 24.229–30
`Indexes as fiction and fiction as paper-chase,' 20.209–11
`Indexes in my bottom drawer,' 22.209
`Indexes past: The Golden Bough,' 22.105
`Indexing as hard labour: international instances,' 22.71
`Interim indexes and their fate,' 28.24–25
`Kiss and tell and index,' 21.180–21
`The making of a dictionary: James A H Murray,' 20.78–80
`Perilous powers in authorial hands,' 21.122–23
`Publishing and prostitution,' 22.133–24
`Something to indicate,' 23.102–24
`Strange purposes of indexes,' 23.167–28
`Telling it like it is: reporting conferences and seminars,' 25.43–24
`There's more to an index.,' 20.14
`Thirty-nine to one: indexing the novels of Angela Thirkell,' 21.6–10
`An unauthorizable index,' 24.83
`Hans H Wellisch 1920-2004,' 24.40–21
`Whom should we aim to please?,' 20.3–25
`The world's greatest index,' 20.208
Bella (Kaunokki), 28.53–24
Bemath, Abdul S
^The Mazruiana collection revisited: Ali A Mazrui debating the African condition: an annotated and select thematic bibliography, 25.70, 1962–2003^ (compiler) (reviewed)
`Politics and food: a review of Hunger for freedom, 27.142–23
ASAIB Award (2007), 25.48, 26.132, 26.135, 26.179
ASAIB Award (2011), 29.136
reviews by, 26.188–90
Bennett, Roger, Betty Moys Prize, 26.135
Bennett, Roger, articles by, `TExtract: a regular user's view,' 27.84–27
Bennett, Tony, New keywords: a revised vocabulary of culture and society (reviewed), 24.246
Berger, Jean, `Indexation, memory, power and representations at the beginning of the 12th century: the rediscovery of pages from the tables to the Liber de Honoribus, the first Cartulary of the Collegiate Church of St Julian of Auvergne (Brioude),' 25.95–29
Berkeley training course:. see training for indexers; `UC Berkeley Extension Course
Bernard Levin Award
2003, 24.42
2004, 24.226
Berson, Joel, articles by, `The [;;]sin of classification[::] and an example thereof,' 25.187–29
Best, David P, The fourth resource: information and its management (ed.) (reviewed), 20.230
Bestseller (Goldsmith), index too, 23.168
Betty Moys Prize. see also Moys, Elizabeth Mary (Betty)
2003, 24.42
2005, 24.226
2006, 25.135
2007, 25.273
2008, 26.135
2009, 27.180
Bex, Tony and Richard J Watts, Standard English: the widening debate (eds) (reviewed), 22.54–25
bias:. see neutrality in an indexer/index, desirability
Biblical indexing
`Index structures in early Hebrew Biblical word lists' (Weinberg), 22.178–86
`Notes on the indexing of biblical and related materials' (Andrews and Davies), 1
abbreviations, 5
canonical orders:. see canonical orders
citation indexes, 4
Epistles, treatment of, 5
Gospels, treatment of, 5
heading order, 5
Hebrew word lists, 22.178–86
identical names of persons, need to distinguish, 5
locators and, 25.74, 25.96, 25.249–51, 30.6
middle ages and, 25.260
names of books, alternatives, 4
names of books, numbers attached to, 4
non-canonical literature, 5
Revelation/Apocalypse, 5
ScrIndex, 26.145
sort order, 5
subject indexes, 4
thesaurus, 23.179–80
tractates, relevance, 25.249
^Cheshire: a genealogical bibliography, Vols 1 and, 2^ (Raymond), 20.54
`Bibliography in a digital age' (Triffitt), 26.127–31
ASAIB awards, 27.90
OZBIB, copyright problems, 26.128–31
bibliographies, construction
of abstracting, 20.197–200
AusSI Web Indexing prize 1997, 20.177
BS ISO/CD, 26.96, 690 (guidelines for bibliographic references)
education, 20.177
An introduction to bibliography for literary students (reviewed), 20.52–23
Principles of bibliographical description (reviewed), 20.52–23
separators and, 25.244–26
Walford Award 1966, 20.96
for a web index, 20.7
bibliographies, indexing
`ISALLIS: from Termatrex to internet' (Burger), 23.66–27
INSPIRE, 28.2–25
The Lesotho Annotated Bibliography, 22.197–28
Scottish Poetry Library (SPL), 28.2–25
South Africa, index to national bibliography, 23.58–62
web indexing and, 20.6–27, 25.251
bibliography of indexing
`Indexing: a current awareness bibliography' (Wheeler), 20.25–30, 20.81–26, 20.137–40, 20.149–52, 20.201–27, 21.25–32, 21.77–84
`A plea for bibliographic quality' (Weinberg) (letter), 21.90
Can you recommend a good book on indexing? Collected reviews on the organization of information (Weinberg), 21.147–28
LOGOS: The Journal of the World Book Community, 23.225, 23.228
Bibliophiles, International Association of, 23.226
Bierce, Ambrose, The devil's dictionary (reviewed), 24.161–22
bilingual journals, 28.154–62
Bilodeau, Stephanie, `The Parliament of Canada: indexing the work of the Senate committees,' 26.114–17
Bilton, Helen, `Society of Indexers fee negotiations survey,' 27.20–24
binary organization, relevance to indexing, 25.236
Binkowski, Edith
`Nulli secundus: a volunteer effort,' 25.125–27
photograph of, 28.75
biographical dictionaries, Beathaisn‚is a Naoi: Forl¡onadh agus Inn‚acsanna (reviewed by Liam MacCo¡l in the Irish Times), 27.48
biographical indexing
`Biography indexing rules' (Bell) (letter), 21.41
`Updike on indexing,' 21.92
alphanumerical order and the alternatives, 20.135–26
Indexing biographies and other stories of human lives (reviewed), 21.148–29, 24.113
indexing of main character, 23.38
review, 24.113
The boy who loved books (reviewed), 25.292
A stage mother's story (reviewed), 25.221–22
biological sciences, indexing:. see medical indexing
biota names. see also botany; environmental/natural history indexing
classification issues, 27.53
compound names, 27.54
consistency and accuracy, ways of achieving, 27.54, 27.54–25, 27.55
double posting, 27.52, 27.54
familiarity with, 27.51
format and style, 27.51–22
glosses, 27.52–23
inversion vs natural order, 27.54
long strings, 27.56
mixed subheading types, 27.53–24
scientific and common names, choosing between, 27.52
BIPT (Book Indexing Postal Tutorials), 20.182–24, 23.8–10
Biram, Kerry, ANZSI Medal, 26.37
Black, Alistair, Dave Muddiman and Helen Plant, The early information society (reviewed), 25.294–25
Blake, Doreen. see also Anthology for the Millennium (Blake et al (eds)); Blake, Doreen, MichŠle Clarke, Anne McCarthy, June Morrison
Bernard Levin Award, 24.42
photograph of, 21.185
Blake, Doreen, articles by, `Some thoughts on the early days of indexing,' 25.230–21
Blake, Doreen, MichŠle Clarke, Anne McCarthy, June Morrison, Indexing the medical and biological sciences, 20.47, 23.237, 27.59, 27.60
Blake, Dorothy and Ruth Bowden, Wheatley Medal, 21.33
Bleazard, Louise, review by, 23.237
Bletchley Park, indexing in, 22.31–23, 22.189–90
blind indexing:. see web indexing, indexing blind
Block, Marylaine (ed.), Net effects: how librarians can manage the unintended consequences of the internet (reviewed), 24.54
Blogging and RSS: a librarian's guide (reviewed), 25.222
Boekesteijn, Erik and Jaap van de Geer, Shanachie tour: a library road trip across America (reviewed), 27.46
Bolton, Rohan
editorial (joint), 24.167–70
reviews by, 24.247, 25.64–25, 25.151
Bolton, Rohan, articles by
`Diary of a trainee indexer, 24.175–28
`Why indexing?,' 24.171
Boodson, K, Wheatley Medal, 21.34
book indexing (closed-system), 23.23–31
Book Indexing Postal Tutorials:. see BIPT (Book Indexing Postal Tutorials)
book reviewing
`Delle recensioni, ovvero delle lusinghe e dei veleni' (Santoro), discussion of, 26.172–24
`Lies and venom: some thoughts on reviews and reviewers' (MacGlashan), 26.172–24
`niceness' and, 26.172–23
choice of books for, 26.172
fairness and, 26.171–22
in The Indexer, 26.173–24
justification for, 26.172
purpose of, 26.173
reviewers, suitability, 26.172–23
book reviews. see also publications received (excluding those included under book reviews)
^The Gilbert & Sullivan Journal 56-year index: covering the years, 20.175–26, 1925–1981 (vols 1-10)^
^Scottish Printed Books, 27.45–26, 1508–2008^ (Kamm)
^The works of John Wesley vol. 24. Journals and diaries VII, ^ (index), 25.68–29
The 20th century cumulative index, The Indexer, volumes 1 to 21, 1958-1999, 23.238–40
The accidental taxonomist, 21.191–22
The adventure of English: 500 AD to 2000: the biography of a language, 24.54
Africa: a guide to reference material, 26.189–90
AIDS and HIV/AIDS-related terminology, 20.176
An alphabet for gourmets, 25.70–21
Alphabet to email: how written English evolved and where it's heading, 23.54
Alphabetical Order, 25.150
The American Heritage Stedman's medical dictionary, 20.108
American Society of Indexers oral history. Vol. 1, 20.44
Annual review of information science and technology, volume 40, 2006, 25.62–23
Archaeologia Cambrensis 1961-1980, Index to, 24.240
Archaeologia Cambrensis 1981-2000, Index to, 27.95
Arioflotga, 28.96
ASIS thesaurus of information science and librarianship, 21.197–28
The August Indexer; Proceedings from the Second International Conference, 27-9 August 1999, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, 22.162
An author's guide to publishing, 21.104
An author's guide to scholarly publishing, 20.231
Avators of the word: from papyrus to cyberspace, 22.165
Basic facts about family history research in Yorkshire, 20.111–12
Basisboek technische communicatie, 27.45
Better wordpower, 22.162
Beyond book indexing: how to get started in Web indexing, embedded indexing, and other computer-based media, 22.106
Blogging and RSS: a librarian's guide, 25.222
The Book on the bookshelf, 22.165–26
Born digital: understanding the first generation of digital natives, 29.45–26
The boy who loved books, 25.292
Brief Entry: a newsletter for law indexers, 20.174
British Museum materials thesaurus, 21.52–23
BS 8723 2005, 25.64–25
The Builder illustrations index 1843-1883, 20.45–26
The Cambridge Australian English style guide, 20.110
The Cambridge encyclopaedia, 21.55
The Cambridge encyclopaedia of the English language, 20.50
The Cambridge grammar of the English language, 23.108–29
The Cambridge guide to English usage, 24.162–23
Cambridge international dictionary of idioms, 21.198
Can you recommend a good book on indexing? Collected reviews on the organization of information, 21.147–28
Cassell dictionary of word and phrase origins, 21.198
Cataloguing and classification for Library Technicians, 23.54
Cataloguing and organizing digital resources: a how-to-do-it manual for librarians, 24.240–21
Chambers biographical dictionary, 23.170
Chambers book of facts, 23.180
Chambers dictionary of quotations, 25.67–28
Chambers dictionary of synonyms and antonyms, 23.240
Chambers history of science and technology, 22.107
The Chicago manual of style, 23.236–27
Choice and form of entries, 20.175
Chronology of words and phrases: a thousand years in the history of English, 23.111
Clarke's Publishing Agreements: a book of precedents, 25.295–26
Collins thesaurus of the Bible, 23.179–80
The Columbia guide to digital publishing, 23.240–21
Communicating in style, 24.53
Computer support to indexing, 22.52
Concevoir l'index d'un livre: histoire, actualit‚s, perspectives, 28.139–40
Concise dictionary of library and information science, 20.227, 22.216
The concise Oxford dictionary of current English, 20.50
The concise Oxford dictionary of literary terms, 23.55
The concise Oxford dictionary of politics, 24.53–24
Consider the source: a critical guide to 100 prominent news and information sites on the Web, 26.47–28
Copyright for library and information service professionals, 22.166
Copyright: interpreting the law for libraries, archives and information services, 21.104
Covert and Overt: Recollecting and Connecting Intelligence Service and Information Science, 25.148–29
Creating an information service, 20.230
Das Buchregister: methodische Grundlagen und praktische Anwendungen, 25.217
Designing usable electronic text, 24.115
The devil's dictionary, 24.161–22
Dictionary of lexicography, 21.102
A dictionary of weights, measures and units, 23.181
Digital information and knowledge management: new opportunities for research libraries, 26.94
Directory of UK and Irish book publishers, 1997, 20.229
Do we want to keep our newspapers? 23.241–22
Double fold: libraries and the assault on paper, 23.242–23
Dr Johnson's dictionary: the extraordinary story of the book that defined the world, 24.241
The early information society, 25.294–25
Early periodical indexes: bibliographies and indexes of literature published in periodicals before 1900, 23.51
Ecstatic occasions, expedient forms: 85 contemporary poets select and comment on their poems, 24.164–25
Edinburgh history of the book in Scotland. Vol. 4: Professionalism and diversity 1880-2000, 27.143
Editing Canadian English, 22.109
Editing historical records, 23.105
Education for library cataloging: international perspectives, 25.222–23
Effective literature searching for research, 22.110
Electronic information delivery: ensuring quality and value (NAIS Report), 20.51–22
Encarta world English dictionary, 22.107
Erg nzte Anmerkungen, ein Supplement zu Georg Queri, Kraftbayrish, 28.143–24
Everyday grammar, 23.54
The extreme searcher's internet handbook: a guide for the serious researcher, 28.95–26
Facing the text: content and structure in book indexing, 24.111
Famous first facts: a record of first happenings, discoveries and inventions in American history, 21.149–50
The fight for English: how language pundits ate, shot and left, 25.291
Finding and using health and medical information on the internet, 23.53–24
The finger: a handbook, 143.47–148
The fit, 24.116
From flock beds to professionalism: a history of indexers, 27.44
The fourth resource: information and its management, 20.230
Gallimaufry: a hodgepodge of our vanishing vocabulary, 25.295
Genealogy and indexing, 24.111–12
The Gilbert & Sullivan sorting system: a classification scheme for use with the materials of G & S studies, 23.179
Girton: thirty years . in the life of a Cambridge college, 25.69–70
The Gladstone diaries with Cabinet minutes and prime-ministerial correspondence, Vol. xiv: Index, 20.46
Glossary of terminology in abstracting, classification, indexing, and thesaurus construction, 22.107–28
Gower handbook of library and information management (ed.), 21.151
A guide to world language dictionaries, 21.151
Harrod's librarians' glossary, 20.108–29, 22.107, 26.46
Henry Fielding's Tom Jones: an index: with summaries of chapters appended, 25.293–24
Herbarium, 24.241–22
The Hindu Index, January-December 1994, 20.46
Historical atlas of Toronto, 27.46
A History of information storage and retrieval, 22.215
A history of reading, 24.55–26
The history of reading in the West, 22.166–27
By hook or by crook: a journey in search of English, 26.46–27
How language works, 25.65
How mumbo-jumbo conquered the world, 24.245–26
How to index a book, 25.61
How to write a paper, 20.52
Human aspects of library automation, 21.103
Human information retrieval, 28.140–22
Hunting and gathering on the information savanna: conversations on modeling human search abilities, 24.51–22
The illustrated dictionary of electronics, 21.54
An illustrated dictionary of little-known words from literary classics, 20.228
The impact of information on society: an examination of its nature, value and usage, 21.198–29
Impacts of changing production technologies, 20.51–22
Index it right! Advice from the experts, vol. 1, 25.62–23
Index it right! Advice from the experts, vol. 2, 28.140
Index to book reviews in England 1775-1800, 22.106
Index to the Monetary Times, 20.232
An index to the Rev. William Carrigan's The history and antiquities of the diocese of Ossory, 25.219–20
Index to The Sir Arthur Sullivan Society Magazine nos 1-40, 1997-1995, 20.175–26
Indexers and indexes in fact and fiction, 23.51–22
An Indexer's guide to the internet, 22.51
Indexes: writing, editing, production, 20.175
Indexing: a nuts-and-bolts guide for technical writers, 27.190–21
Indexing and abstracting in theory and practice, 21.148, 24.51
Indexing basics, 27.189–90
Indexing biographies and other stories of human lives (second edition), 21.148–29
Indexing biographies and other stories of human lives (third edition), 24.113
Indexing books, 24.248–29
Indexing children's books, 22.162–23
Indexing collections of electronic images: a review, 20.47
The indexing companion, 25.214–15
The indexing companion workbook: book indexing, 28.46
Indexing: engage, enlighten, enrich: proceedings from the ANZI conference, Melbourne, Australia: 17-19 March 2005, 25.63
Indexing for editors, 21.101–22, 23.105
Indexing for editors and authors: a practical guide to understanding indexes, 26.186–27
Indexing for Southern Africa: a manual compiled in celebration of ASAIB's first decade 1994-2004, 25.215
Indexing from A to Z (1995), 24.124–28
Indexing from A to Z (1996), 20.175
Indexing multimedia and creative works: the problems of meaning and interpretation, 24.242
Indexing newspapers, magazines and other periodicals, 22.53
Indexing specialties: cookbooks, 27.142–23
Indexing specialties: history, 21.197
Indexing specialties: law, 23.105–26
Indexing specialties: medicine, 22.51
Indexing specialties: psychology, 23.106
Indexing specialties: scholarly books, 25.62
Indexing specialties: websites, 26.191
Indexing: the manual of good practice, 23.52
Indexing the medical and biological sciences, 20.47, 23.237
Indexing your annual report: a guide, 28.191
Information and emotion: the emergent affective paradigm in information behavior research and theory, 26.94–25
The information audit: a practical guide, 23.180
Information in the electronic age, 22.108
Information representation and retrieval in the digital age, 24.53, 28.142–23
Information retrieval design: principles and options for information description, organization, display, and access in information retrieval databases, digital libraries, catalogs, and indexes, 24.159–60
The information revolution, 20.109
The information society: a study of continuity and change, 22.216–17
Information strategy in practice, 24.114
Inhaltserschliessung durch Indexieren: Prinzipien und Praxis, 21.197
Inside book publishing, 27.45
Inside indexing: the decision-making process, 24.242–23
International genealogy and local history, 26.143–24
International Literary Market Place (ILMP 2006), 25.147
The internet: a writer's guide, 23.109–10
The internet for library and information service professionals, 20.110
An introduction to bibliography for literary students, 20.52–23
Introduction to indexing and abstracting, 22.211
Introduction to modern information retrieval, 29.45
Introductory concepts in information science, 22.164
The invisible art: the pursuit of book making, 23.181–22
Invisible forms: a guide to literary curiosities, 22.211–12
Invisible power: a philosophical adventure story, 25.150–21
The ISTC Handbook of professional communication and information design, 22.217
Johnson' dictionary: a modern selection, 20.109
The journal of the Parson Woodforde Society: an index to the contents. Vol. 1 No. 1, 21.55
Journal publishing, 20.231
Journeys through the market: travel, travellers and the book trade, 22.167
Joy of cooking, 25.220–21
Key concepts in language and linguistics, 22.54
Kierkegaard's writings 26: cumulative index, 22.212–13
Know it all, find it fast: an A-Z source guide for the enquiry desk, 24.243–24
Knowledge management in practice: connections and context, 26.187–28
Kurt Vonnegut: a man without a country, 25.69
Language, society and power: an introduction, 22.54–25
Language and the internet, 23.110
Language is power: the story of standard English and its enemies, 21.103
Librarianship and information work worldwide 2000, 22.217–18
The library and information professional's guide to the internet, 20.110
Library book: an architectural journey through the London Library, 25.218
The life and opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman (index to), 25.112–13
In lighter vein: occasional writings, 22.218
Linnaeus' Philosophia Botanica, 25.149
Literally entitled: a dictionary of the origins of the titles of major literary works., 20.176
The literature of the book: a select bibliography, with critical essays, of books by, about and for the book profession, 24.244
Long live Latin: a Latin miscellany, 24.245
Looking for information: a survey of research on information seeking, needs and behavior, 24.52
The Lord of the Rings, 23.106–27
Lost for words: the hidden history of the Oxford English Dictionary, 25.66
Lost for words: the mangling and manipulating of the English language, 24.163–24
Managing information, 21.103
Manual of archival description, 22.218–19
Marginalia: readers writing in books, 23.55
Marketing your indexing services, 22.52
Marketing your indexing services,' 29.191
Mastering indexing skills: steps along the way. Papers read at a conference held in Johannesburg on 27th June 2001, 23.107–28
The Mazruiana collection revisited: Ali A Mazrui debating the African condition: an annotated and select thematic bibliography 1962-2003, 25.70
MDA archaeological objects thesaurus, 21.52–23
The meaning of everything: the story of the Oxford English Dictionary, 24.54–25
The meaning of Tingo: and other extraordinary words from around the world, 25.65–26
Medicine and science at Exeter Cathedral Library: a short-title catalogue of printed books, 1483-1900, with a list of 10th- to 19th-century manuscripts, 24.114
Metadata for information management and retrieval, 24.159
MHRA style guide: a handbook for authors, editors, and writers of theses, 27.44–25
Moys classification and thesaurus for legal materials, 23.52–23
Names of persons: national usages for entry in catalogues (4th revised and enlarged edition), 21.53–24
Net crimes & misdemeanors: outmaneuvering with spammers, stalkers and con artists, 25.223–24
Net effects: how librarians can manage the unintended consequences of the internet, 24.54
New Hart's rules, 25.63–24
New keywords: a revised vocabulary of culture and society, 24.246
The New OPL Sourcebook: A Guide for Solo and Small Libraries, 25.147–28
New Oxford dictionary for writers and editors, 25.63
New Oxford spelling dictionary, 25.63
New Writing 9, 22.213
NewsLink email newsletter, 25.218–19
NISO TR-03-1999, NISO technical report: guidelines for alphabetic arrangement of letters and sorting of numerals and other symbols, 22.215–16
OCLC 1967-97: thirty years of furthering access to the world's information, 21.152
Organizing knowledge: an introduction to managing access to information, 22.164–25
The Oxford companion to English literature, 22.163–24
The Oxford dictionary of abbreviations, 22.163
The Oxford dictionary of allusions, 23.55–26
The Oxford dictionary of English grammar, 20.51
The Oxford dictionary of foreign words and phrases, 22.163
The Oxford dictionary of idioms, 22.163
The Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, 24.160–21
The Oxford dictionary of phrase and fable, 22.219
The Oxford dictionary of rhyming slang, 23.182
The Oxford dictionary of thematic quotations, 22.167
The Oxford guide to style, 23.109
The Oxford guide to world English, 23.182–23
Oxford history of English lexicography (OHEL), 28.11
The Oxford names companion, 23.243
The Oxford paperback crossword dictionary, 22.52
The Oxford spelling dictionary, 22.163
Oxford visual dictionary. English, French, German, Spanish, 20.228–29
Partnering in the information industry, 20.229–30
PDF Index Generator, 28.47–28
Pears cyclopaedia 2005-2006: a book of reference and background information for all the family, 25.66–27
Please don't eat the daisies, 25.166
The pocket book of Scottish quotations, 22.110
Practical information policies, 22.109
Principles of bibliographical description, 20.52–23
The Private Papers of Henry Ryecroft, 25.149–50
Producing the eighteenth-century book: writers and publishers in England, 1650-80, 28.93
Public sector records management: a practical guide, 26.47
Puzzles in paper: concepts in historical watermarks, 23.243
Quarter Sessions records for family historians: a select list, 20.111–12
Reading Pathological Society library catalogue, 17th-19th century, 22.55
Red, 25.151
The reference sources handbook, 20.229
Renaissance computer: knowledge technology in the first age of print, 22.218
Research for writers, 24.115–16
Running an indexing business, 23.52
Samuel Johnson's dictionary, 24.241
Samuel Richardson's Clarissa: an index with summaries of letters appended, 22.213–14
Saturday, 24.246–27
Scientific style and format: the CSE manual for authors, editors and publishers, 25.291–22
Scottish poetry index: an index to poetry and poetry-related material in Scottish literary magazines, 1953Ä, Vol. 1, 20.48
Sequels: an annotated guide to novels in series, 21.55–26
Shakespeare's words: a glossary and language companion, 23.183
Shanachie tour: a library road trip across America, 27.46
Shipwreck index of the British Isles. Vol. 1, 20.48
Six words you never knew had something to do with pigs: and other interesting facts about the English language, 29.46–27
Slang down the ages: the historical development of slang, 23.244
Slavic & East European Information Resources, 22.165
Small publishers A-Z: the guide to good publishing, 21.55
Software engineering Ä Recommended Practice for the internet Ä Web Site Management and Web Site Life Cycle (BS ISO/IEC 23026:2006), 25.216
Software for indexing, 23.237–28
Spellbound, 25.146
A stage mother's story, 25.221–22
Standard English: the widening debate, 22.54–25
Starting an indexing business, 22.51–22, 27.191–22
Staying legal: a guide to issues and practice for users and publishers of electronic resources, 22.55
The stories of English, 24.114–15
The stuff of thought: language as a window into human nature, 26.190–21
The subversive copy editor: advice from Chicago (or, how to negotiate good relationships with your writers, your colleagues, and yourself), 28.46–27
Super searchers make it on their own: top independent information specialists share their secrets for starting and running a research business, 23.180–21
Technical services management, 1965-1990: festschrift for Katherine Luther Henderson, 20.174
Text editing, print and the digital world, 27.95–26
Thesaurus and use: a practical manual, 23.53
Thesaurus construction and use: a practical manual, 21.149, 23.53
Thesaurus of disability index terms, 20.227
Thesaurus of monument types: a standard for use in archaeological and architectural recording, 22.53–24
The thesaurus: review, renaissance and revision, 24.158–29
Transferred illusions: digital technoloogy and the form of print, 28.47
Treasures of the National Maritime Museum, 24.247
Understanding data and information systems for recordkeeping (Bantin), 26.188
UNESCO thesaurus: a structured list of descriptors for indexing and retrieving literature, 20.108
The University of Google, 26.48
The unsung sixties: memoirs of social innovation, 24.165–26
Used books: marking readers in Renaissance England, 28.93–24
Visualizing subject access for 21st century information, 21.199
The warden of English: the life of H.W. Fowler, 23.56
The web library: building a world class personal library with free web resources, 24.244–25
Web site indexing: enhancing access to information within websites, 22.214, 24.113
Website indexes, 25.223
What's in a word-list? Investigating word frequency and keyword extraction, 27.143–24
Who's who in the Middle Ages, 22.219
Who's who in the UK information world 1995/96, 20.49
Why is Q always followed by U? 27.192
Wikipedia: a new community of practice, 28.94–25
Wilkie Collins: an illustrated guide, 21.104
The wired world: an introduction to the theory and practice of the information society, 23.110–11
A word in your shell-like: 6,000 curious and everyday phrases explained, 24.164
Wordmanship: a dictionary, 20.18–22
Words on words: quotations about language and languages, 22.167
World guide to library, archive and information science education, 26.143
The writer's handbook 1999, 21.151–22
Writer's reference set (3 volumes): New Oxford dictionary for writers and editors; New Hart's rules; New Oxford spelling dictionary, 25.63–24
You don't look like a librarian, 28.144
book reviews, editors
gender and, 27.165–26
Lennie, Frances and Christopher Phipps, 26.143–24, 26.186–91, 27.95
Phipps, Christopher and Michael Jackson, 27.142–24, 27.189–92, 28.46–28, 28.93–26, 28.139–44, 29.45–28, 29.191–22
book reviews in England 1775-1800, Index to, 22.106
bookmarks, as marketing tool, 27.88, 28.167
books. see also layout/format and style (including typography and printing techniques); publishing practice
books about, 28.93, 28.93–24
component parts (paratext), 22.211–12, 25.111
early printed, 22.218
evolution, 22.165–26
prediction of demise of market, 25.206, 26.83
purchasing decisions, 22.200–21
searching for, index terms as aid, 21.127–31
trade in, 22.167
Booth, Pat F
Indexing: the manual of good practice, 23.52, 23.124–28, 26.178
reviews by, 21.53–24, 21.148, 22.214, 22.217, 23.53, 23.180, 23.238–40, 24.54, 24.113, 24.243–24
Booth, Pat F and Mary Piggott, Choice and form of entries, 20.175
Booth, Pat F, articles by
`Be a peach: enhancing your work through training,' 23.18–22
`Good practice in indexing Ä the new edition of International Standard ISO 999,' 20.114
`How we index: six ways to work,' 20.89–92
`Lifelong indexing: freelancing and CPD,' 21.2–25
`Translating and indexing: some thoughts on their relationship,' 25.89–92
Borges, Jorge Luis, how not to index him, 26.68–71
Bosanko, Susan
`The first women's college' (letter), 25.39–40
photograph of, 26.65
Bosschieter, Pierke
`Browser bar':. see Browser bar: links for indexers
`The Kindle[TM] and the indexer,' 28.116–18
Basisboek technische communicatie, contribution to, 27.45
personal names, guides to, Centrepiece 5 (vol. 26(2)):1
photograph of, 25.226, 25.275, 26.37
reviews by, 25.223, 27.46
Bosschieter, Pierke, articles by, `Back-of-the-book indexing in the Netherlands today,' 25.86–28
Boswell, James, indexed, 24.84
botany. see also biota names
`Indexing botanical and horticultural texts' (George), 25.253–24
gardening handbooks, relevance of index, 27.141
Herbarium (New South Wales Botanical Gardens) (reviewed), 24.241–22
index Kewensis, 28.121
Linnaeus' Philosophia Botanica (reviewed), 25.149
BounceBack, 28.130
Bowers, Fredson, Principles of bibliographical description (reviewed), 20.52–23
Bowman, John, Wheatley commendation (2007), 25.273, 26.37–28
Box, 28.130
The boy who loved books (reviewed), 25.292
brackets:. see parentheses
Brackney, Michael, letters from, 20.87–28, 20.217, 25.42, 25.269
Bradley, Philip
`Reminiscences of a reviews editor,' 24.38–29
book reviews (editor), 20.45–54, 20.108–12, 20.174–26, 20.227–32, 21.52–26, 21.101–24, 21.147–52, 21.197–29, 22.51–25
obituary of, 27.30
reviews by, 20.50, 20.109, 20.176, 20.228–29, 21.102, 22.54, 22.107, 22.163, 22.218
Bradley, Philip and Nancy Mulvany (eds), book reviews, 22.106–11, 22.162–28, 22.211–19, 23.51–26, 23.105–11, 23.179–83, 23.236–44
Bragg, Melvyn, The adventure of English: 500 AD to 2000: the biography of a language (reviewed), 24.54
Braille, indexing in, 27.78
Bream, Alex, `The policemen of literature' (Boston Globe), 24.147
Bremmer, Diane, reviews by, 27.142
Brenner, Diane and Marilyn Rowland, Beyond book indexing: how to get started in Web indexing, embedded indexing, and other computer-based media (reviewed), 22.106
Bridge, Noeline
`French names,' 8
`Verifying personal names on the Web,' 23.149–56
names Centrepieces editor, appointment as, 26.145
Brind, Jackie, review by, 25.150
Brink, Ilma:. see Meyer, Madelaine, Letitia Calitz and Ilma Brink
British Columbia Legislative Assembly, indexing the proceedings of, 27.66–29
British Library Newspaper Library, 27.4
British Record Society, 24.15
British standards:. see standards (British)
Britton, Barbara
`Gordon, John Ainsworth: a celebration' (obituary), 21.38–29
obituary of Valerie Lewis Chandler, 27.136
Britton, Barbara, articles by
(Britton), 25.233–24
`How we index: six ways to work,' 20.90
broadband, availability, 28.80
Brown, Carolyn, articles by, `The Poehlman case: understanding and indexing ethical problems in scientific journals,' 29.179–84
Brown, Fred
`Indexing workshops for technical writers,' 23.134–27
reviews by, 25.218–19, 26.191
Brown, Moira, photograph of, 27.180
Browne, Glenda
ANSZI Medal winner (2008), 27.8, 27.36
Around The World (editor):. see Around the World (ATW), editors, Browne, Glenda
client relations and, 29.34, 29.35–26
Ig Nobel Prize (2007), 25.234, 26.2, 26.64–25
photograph of, 25.226, 26.2, 27.180, 28.107, 28.125
resigns as ATW editor, 28.49, 28.97, 28.134
reviews by, 24.162–23, 27.189–90
Web site indexing: enhancing access to information within websites (reviewed), 22.214, 24.113
Browne, Glenda and Jonathan Jermey
`Indexing the future of information,' 24.32–26
The indexing companion (reviewed), 25.214–15
The indexing companion workbook: book indexing (reviewed), 28.46
Browne, Glenda, articles by
`Classified versus specific entry in book indexes: guidelines for decision-making,' 28.6–11
`The definite article: acknowledging [;;]The[::] in index entries,' 22.119–22
`Disclaimers in indexes and databases' (Weinberg) (letter), 25.201
`Future of indexing in a Web 2.0 world,' 26.85
`Headings in indexes: revisiting the relationship between mains and subs,' 28.104–27
`Indexing in Australia and New Zealand' (editorial), 22.113
`Professional liability of indexers,' 20.70–23
`Professionalism . some comments in reply to John Simkin and Elizabeth Wallis' (letter), 21.91–22
Browne, Stella, 24.97
Browser bar, introduction of, 25.73
Browser bar: links for indexers
Bosschieter, Pierke, 25.199, 25.279, 26.192, 27.91, 27.181, 28.37, 28.120
Bosschieter, Pierke and Linda Sutherland, 25.152
browsers:. see Netscape; website construction
catalogues and indexes, 28.51
library shelves, 28.50
Brunt, Rodney, `Indexing the intelligence: some inferences, some speculations,' 22.187–90
BS:. see standards (British)
Buckland, Michael, articles by, `Professional ethics and The Indexer (letter), 26.136
The Builder illustrations index 1843-1883, 20.45–26, 27.6
Bulletin (ISC/SCI newsletter)
distribution, 26.176
obtaining material for, 26.177
relaunch, 25.203
Burger, Marlene. see also Kalley, Jacqueline A, Elna Schoeman and Marlene Burger
`Indexing in South Africa,' 23.57
`Indexing traditional African musical instruments,' 21.169–72
`ISALLIS: from Termatrex to internet,' 23.66–27
obituary for Christie Theron, 24.148
photograph of, 25.275
review by, 25.70
Burial Indexing Project ('Shroud project'), 23.34
Burns, Charles, `Cardinal Giuseppe Garampi: an eighteenth-century pioneer in indexing,' 22.61–24
business needs, abstracting, 20.197–200
business practice for the indexer. see also economic considerations; marketing and promotion of indexing/indexers; negotiating skills for indexers
`The little extras: a customer service approach to indexing' (Weaver), 27.9–16
additional skills and, 28.153, 30.47
alternative indexes, submission, 29.36
banking arrangements, 28.178
business ethics, 25.162, 27.15
communication methods:. see communication methods
contracts:. see contracts for indexers
cross-border indexing and, 28.177–28, 29.32
deadlines, importance of meeting, 27.14, 27.191, 29.35
distance working, 28.176–80
emergency arrangements, importance, 27.14. see also computer management
estimating for a job, 27.10, 30.100–32
expenses, calculating, 28.152
feedback to clients, 29.36
freelancing:. see freelancing
indexing as a business, 22.51–22, 23.52
invoice preparation, 28.129–30, 29.32
key decisions, 30.9–10, coates2709
maintaining contact, 27.12–14, 28.178–29
mistakes, making good, 27.14–15
piper vs payer, 30.9–10
preparation for business, 28.151
promoting an understanding of the indexing process, 27.9–10
record-keeping, 28.81
re-locating a business, 28.176–29
running a research business, 23.180–21
Running an indexing business (Perlman, ed.), 23.52
serials indexing, 27.6
software compatibility, need to test, 27.6
software to assist, 28.129–31
staged payments, 27.6
Starting an indexing business (Zafran, ed.), 22.51–22, 27.191
starting an indexing career, 28.151–23
subcontracting, 28.151–22
submission of index in preparation, 27.6
taxes and social security, 28.178, coates2691
time differences, 28.179, 29.32
time management, software tools, 28.130
training in, 27.89
turning down work, 27.15
unacceptable client demands, 27.15
Butcher, Judith, Copy-editing: the Cambridge Handbook (Wheatley Medal), 20.218, 21.34
CAAMA (Central Australian Aboriginal Media Association), 20.94
calendars and dates, The Fitzroy Dearborn calendar of world history (reviewed), 22.214–15
California State Library Home Page, 20.127–29
Calitz, Letitia:. see Meyer, Madelaine, Letitia Calitz and Ilma Brink
Callimachus, alphanumerical sort order and, 25.259
Calvert, Drusilla
interview with, 24.18–20
photograph of, 21.185
Calvert, Drusilla, articles by
`Deconstructing indexing standards,' 20.74–28
`Psychology and neuroscience of indexing: what goes on in the mind of the indexer?,' 25.154–60
Documentation Centre, 26.178
human rights, indexing of, 26.178
Cambrian Archaeological Association, journal of, 23.187–91
The Cambridge Australian English style guide, 20.110
Cambridge history of the book in Britain: Volume VI, 1830-1914, index reviewed, 27.134
Cambridge Mozart encyclopedia, 25.37
Cambridge University Press (CUP), indexing for, 30.7
CUP-XML indexing distinguished, 30.9
topic maps and, 26.62
Cameron, Ann, `Capturing moving images online,' 24.142–24
Campbell, Barry, photograph of, 26.65
Campbell, Robert:. see Page, Gillian, Robert Campbell, Jack Meadows
Canada, indexing in. see also IASC/SCAD (Indexing and Abstracting Society of Canada/Soci‚t‚ Canadienne pour l'Analyse de Documents); ISC/SCI (Indexing Society of Canada/Soci‚t‚ canadienne d'indexation)
`Indexing legislative text: Alberta Hansard' (Grist), 23.138–29
`One index, two formats: print versus web indexes for political debates in British Columbia' (McClung), 28.110–15
`The Parliament of Canada: indexing the work of the Senate committees' (Bilodeau), 26.114–17
Chinese names in, 26.143–24
Descriptive and visual dictionary of objects (Canadian Heritage Parks), 27.71
French indexes, 29.146–50
Home Children (1869-1930), 23.34–25
National Library index of French-language songs, 21.133
publishers' style sheets, 29.31
UC Berkeley Extension course and, 29.30
Canadian English, 22.108, 29.31
The Canadian press stylebook, 29.31
The Canadian style, 29.31
spelling, 29.31
canonical orders. see also Biblical indexing
25.249-51, 1
Apocryphal/Deuterocanonical books, 5
date of establishment, 4
Greek canon, 1
Massoretic text (MT), 1. see also Massoretic text (MT)
non-canonical literature, 5
Protestant canon, 5
Roman Catholic canon, 2
Septuagint, 2
capitalization of headings, 26.187, 27.191
BS 3700/ISO 999, 20.75
sort order and, 20.75, 25.91
Carbonite, 28.80, 28.130
Card, Orson Scott, The originist (extract), 21.61
card indexes, role, 28.108
Harsd”rffer, Philipp (1653), 25.238
International Catalogue of Scientific Literature (1898-1921), 28.122
Mundaneum Project, 28.121
serendipity and, 28.108
Thomas, Professor Keith's use of, 28.121–22
US War Department (1887), 28.121
Vincent Placcius (1689), 25.238
virtual card indexes, 28.108
Carey, Gordon V, SI founder member, 20.162–23
Carey Award
1997, 20.113
1998, 21.57
2003, 24.42
2009, 27.180
establishment, 21.34, 21.36
Carroll, Lewis, as indexer, 20.11–13
Carter, Ruth C:. see Smith, Linda C and Ruth C Carter; Sun, Dajin D and Ruth C Carter
carto-bibliography in South Africa, 23.63–25
cartography:. see maps and cartography
cartoons, indexing of. see also illustrations, images and other non-textual matter, handling in an index
`Indexing cartoons' (Hiley), 25.100–24
captions, role, 25.101, 29.124
the collection, 25.100–21
embedded text, 25.101–22
establishment, 25.100
find aids/locators, 25.101
implied content, 25.101
index fields, 25.101
interactive indexing (folksonomies), 25.104
online catalogue, 25.100–21
thesaurus, 25.100, 25.102
variant images, choosing between, 25.102, 25.102–23, 25.103
Cartulary of St Julien of Brioude. see also monasteries, indexing in
alphabetical order and, 25.97
article, treatment in the index, 25.97
authenticity, 25.97
content and organization, 25.97
date, 25.96
purpose of index, 25.97–28
CAS (Chemical Abstracts Service), 27.2
Case, David, The journal of the Parson Woodforde Society: an index to the contents. Vol. 1 No. 1 (ed.) (reviewed), 21.55
Case, Donald O, Looking for information: a survey of research on information seeking, needs and behavior (reviewed), 24.52
caste and the indexing of names, CP3:1, 2
catalogues. see also fiction retrieval, indexing for
in ancient times, 25.258–29
indexing of, 25.132
paper catalogues, limitations, 28.50
search techniques, 27.64–25
cataloguing, history of, 26.81 n. 2
cataloguing skills and the indexer, 24.171, 26.80–21. see also classification; libraries and librarians
metatag creation and, 28.9
Cauchi, Simon, `Homograph arrangement (3): copy-editor survey' (letter), 20.217
Cavallo, Guglielmo and Roger Chartier (eds), The history of reading in the West (reviewed), 22.166–27
Cawkell, A E, Indexing collections of electronic images: a review (reviewed), 20.47
CBIR (content-based image retrieval), 27.70
indexing:. see web indexing
preparing, 26.171
publishers' views on, 21.62–23
Celtic:. see Irish language
censorship, effect on indexes. see also Index librorum prohibitorum
16th century Italy, 25.110, 25.111
cartoons, 25.103
religious censorship, 21.115–16
Central Electronic Archive (CEA), 21.166–28
Centrepieces. see also list of Centrepieces on home page menu
Bridge, Noeline, appointment as names editor, 26.145
introduction of, 25.73
OPs and, 26.177
scope and coverage, 26.177
Chalker, Sylvia and Edmund Weiner, The Oxford dictionary of English grammar (reviewed), 20.51
Chandler, Arthur R, review by, 20.110
Chandler, Valerie Lewis, obituary of, 27.136
Chartier, Roger:. see Cavallo, Guglielmo and Roger Chartier (eds)
Chen Yuan, 27.103
The Chicago manual of style, 23.236–27, 27.60, 28.174
children, indexing for, 22.44, 22.52–23
`Indexing children's information books' (Bakewell and Williams), 21.174–29
`Indexing for children' (Dixon), 20.8–10
alphanumerical sort order, 21.175–26
cross-references and, 20.9–10, 20.193
Indexes to children's information books, 22.162–23, 26.177
locators and, 20.193–24
national curriculum (UK) and, 20.120, 20.193
SI/Liverpool John Moores University research project, 20.37, 20.120, 20.193–24
subheadings, 20.193
China, indexing in
`Book indexing in China' (Dai), 26.3–27
`Chinese index science: stepping forward to the new century' (Ge Yong-Qing), 22.76–28
`Example-based text categorization (EBTC): the key to automatic indexing?' (Hou Hanqing with Xue Chunxiang), 27.117–23
`Index and sequence' (Wan Guoding), 27.105
`Term selection: the key to successful indexing' (Zhang Qiyu), 27.97, 27.98–102
`Wan Guoding: indexing pioneer' (Wang Yage and Hou Hanqing), 27.97, 27.102–26
Agricultural index (Wan Guoding), 27.104
back-of-the-book indexes, frequency, 25.134, 26.4, 26.5–26, 27.104
China Library Association (CLA), role, 27.104
collection indexing, 25.134
CSI contribution to, 26.6
education system, effect, 26.5
Harvard-Yeching Sinological Institute Indexing Office, role, 26.4, 26.6, 27.102
history of, 26.3–27, 27.101, 27.102–26
Index Movement, 27.102
indexing manuals and textbooks, 26.5, 26.7
indexing standards:. see standards (Chinese)
journal databases, 27.112–13
key figures in, biographical notes, 27.106
Library Association of China, role, 26.4
Lin Yutang, 27.102
May Fourth Movement and, 27.102
multiple indexes, 27.99, 27.104
natural language order and, 27.104
promotion of, 27.104
publishing industry's attitude towards, 26.5–26
Sinological Index Series, 27.102, 27.103
standards:. see standards (Chinese)
theory of indexing, 27.105
thesauri, use of, 27.99
training of indexers, 27.104
yearbook indexing, 26.6
China, Republic of (1911-49)
`Republic of China (1911-49): retrieving the past' (Wu Peijuan), 27.97, 27.113–16
definition, 27.111
journal databases, 27.97, 27.111, 27.111–16
literary heritage, 27.112
National Index to Chinese Newspapers and Periodicals, 27.112
publishing in, 27.111
Shanghai Library Republic of China collection, 27.112
Shanghai Library Republic of China Journal Title Database, 27.97, 27.112, 27.112–15, 27.112–16
Western influences, 27.111
China Society of Indexers (CSI):. see CSI (China Society of Indexers)
Chinese. see also Chinese characters
`Indexing A comparison of the original Lao Qida and the Lao Qida yanjie' (Howarth), 26.152–25
classical Chinese, 26.152–23
colloquial Chinese (14th-century), 26.153
history of, 26.152–23
Korean traders, 13th and 14th century textbooks for, 26.152–25
software for indexers, 22.21–22, 26.6, 27.97, 27.124, 27.124–27. see also IndexStar
Chinese [Social Sciences] Citation Index, 22.128–29, 27.179
Chinese characters
`A Chinese typewriter' (1952 US Patent application), 27.107–10
ideograms, brain's processing of, 25.158
Pinyin, 22.23–24, 26.4–25
sort orders/retrieval of, 22.21–22, 26.4–25, 27.37, 27.102–23, 27.102–24, 27.103, 27.103–24, 27.124
Chinese Library Classification (CLC), 27.117–22
Chinese names
`Chinese personal names' (Dai), 1
`The hundred surnames: a Pinyin index,' 3
British Columbia archives and, 26.143–24
Chowdhury, G G, Introduction to modern information retrieval (reviewed), 29.45
Christie, Margaret, The oboist's bedside book (notice of publication), 26.59
Christmas cards, as marketing tool, 27.88
chronological order, 25.237
Chulick, Mary Ann, All creatures great and . dead, 26.179
Chunxiang, Xue:. see Xue Chunxiang (with Hou Hanqing)
development of, 24.135–27
diacritics and, 27.171
discussion list, 22.128–29
embedded/XML indexing and, 24.208–29, 30.50
index statistics and, 26.161–22
repagination and, 27.170–21
retrospective cumulative indexing and, 28.159–60
reviewed, 25.168–29
web indexing and, 20.6–27
Y2K (millennium) compliance, 21.57
Ciravegna, Fabio and Daniela Petrelli, `Annotating document content: a knowledge management perspective,' 25.23–27
citation indexes:. see author/citation indexes
Clancy, Julitta, review by, 20.174
Clapham, Sophia, photograph of, 24.170
Clark, Giles and Angus Phillips, Inside book publishing (reviewed), 27.45
Clarke, Gillian, reviews by, 27.45
Clarke, MichŠle. see also Blake, Doreen, MichŠle Clarke, Anne McCarthy, June Morrison
letters from, 23.165, 26.35
photograph of, 21.185
reviews by, 20.52, 20.110–11, 20.231, 22.110, 22.167, 25.70–21
Clarke, Paula. see also Peebles, Paula
Clarke's Publishing Agreements: a book of precedents (reviewed), 25.295–26
classics, indexing of, locators, 25.237
classification. see also cataloguing skills and the indexer; Dewey classification system; Library of Congress Subject Heading Guide (LCSH); Universal Decimal Classification (UDC)
`Classified v. specific indexing: a re-examination in principle' (Moys), 20.135–26, 20.153–25
`Classified versus specific entry in book indexes: guidelines for decision making' (Browne), 28.6–11
`Dorking - A retrospective and update' (Piggott), 20.215
`Example-based text categorization (EBTC): the key to automatic indexing?' (Hou Hanqing and Xue Chunxiang), 27.97, 27.117–22
`The [;;]sin of classification[::] and an example thereof' (Berson), 25.187–29
biota names and, 27.52
Cataloging and classification standards and rules (Riemer), 20.232
Cataloguing and classification: trends, transformations, teaching and training (Shearer, Thomas), 21.56
category subheadings, problems raised by, 27.53, 27.56–27
Chinese Library Classification (CLC), 27.117–22
classified entry (indirectly specific), 28.7, 28.8
classified entry (non-specific, up-posted), 28.7, 28.8–29
contents lists and, 28.9
in cookery book indexing, 28.9
cross-references and, 27.57, 28.8
definitions, 20.135, 25.187–28, 28.7
double posting and, 25.189, 26.254–25, 28.105–26
Education for library cataloging: international perspectives (Sun and Carter), 25.222–23
hierarchical vs concept/category groupings, 28.8–29, 29.119
hierarchy and association of terms distinguished, 25.189, 29.119
hybrid indexes, 28.8
Iconclass, 27.71
image-indexing and, 27.71
informative indexing (Extraktions-Indexieren) as, 25.217
inversion and, 20.136, 28.7–28
in legal indexing, 20.154–25, 25.189, 28.9
length/density of index and, 28.8, 28.10
in medical indexing, 25.189
in newspaper, periodical and journal indexing, 25.189, 28.9
Samuel Palmer's indexes to The Times and, 27.7
place names and, 27.56
recommended use of, 25.189, 25.219–20
space considerations, 25.189, 28.8
specific direct entry, pros and cons, 28.7–28
specificity, difficulty of determining, 28.10
subheadings, overuse, 28.9
table of contents, mirroring of, 28.9
taxonomic arrangement of subject-matter and, 27.53
thematic approach distinguished, coates3004
Turkey, problems in, 26.9–12
tyranny of, 26.120
usability considerations, 25.187–90, 28.9
web indexing and, 20.33–24
Bella Hass Weinberg on, 20.218
whose classification? 25.188
Classification Research Group, 23.204–28
Classification for Information Retrieval (1957 Dorking Conference), 20.215
Classified Contents, compilers
Bell, Hazel, 20.141–28, 21.28–32
Lambert, Sue (Volume 25-8) (available only on the Website, )
Moys, Betty
Nic C¢il, R¢is¡n (Volume 29) (available only on the Website, )
Shuter, Janet
Cleveland, Donald B and Ana D Cleveland, Introduction to indexing and abstracting (reviewed), 22.211
click languages, CP3:, 1
client relations. see also authors, relations with; business practice for the indexer
approaches to, coates2824
cues clients send, coates2808
cues indexers send, coates2857
difficult relationships, coates2873
instrumental compliance, coates2881
terminating the relationship, coates2881
trust as basis, coates3905
Clifton, Gloria and Nigel Rigby (eds), Treasures of the National Maritime Museum (reviewed), 24.247
Clinton, Bill, autobiography
index, 24.61, 24.95, 24.157, 25.76
reviews of, 24.157
Cloete, L M, review by, 25.215
closed-system indexing, 23.23–31
Cloutier, Alfred O, Indexing basics (reviewed), 27.189–90
clustering/nesting technique
benefits, coates3053
definition, coates3061
thematic indexing compared, coates3053
Coates, Peter Ralph
`MeloDex: Indexing hymn tunes,' 21.37
ASAIB Award, 27.90
Coates, Sylvia, articles by
`Software solutions,' 27.168–72
`Subject knowledge Ä how it helps take care of the business,' 28.173–25
`Teaching book indexing: cognitive skills and term selection,' 23.15–17
`UC Berkeley Extension course: learning to index at a distance,' 24.186–28
Coates, Sylvia, Heather Ebbs and Max McMaster, `Globalization and the indexer: reflections from the UC Berkeley Extension course,' 29.31–23
Cochrane, Pauline Atherton and Eric H Johnson, ^Visualizing subject access for 21st century information, .^ (eds) (reviewed), 21.199
code markers:. see tagging with code markers
A code of practice? 20.181, 20.189
Code of Professional Conduct (SI), 26.41
code-breaking, 22.31–23, 22.187–90
Coe, Mary
ASI Conference, 2008, 26.133
ASI Conference, 2009, 27.131
cognitive skills and processes
`How can we take a socio-cognitive approach in teaching indexing and abstracting,' 23.83–25, 27.147
`Teaching book indexing: cognitive skills and term selection,' 23.15–17
emotional dictionary/thesaurus project, 22.152
folksonomies and, 28.52
image-indexing and, 28.102
indexer's need for, 25.168
information-seeking behaviour, 25.28–31, 28.52, 28.102
Cole, Rosemary, photograph of, 24.170
collective wisdom, 28.60
Collins, Wilkie, guide to life and works of, 21.104
Collison, Robert, SI founder member, 20.161–23
Colloquium Capensis 2000, 23.226
colons, in locators, 25.246
column numbers:. see locators, column numbers
Combs, Michele, `XML indexing,' 30.47–52
commas, use as separator, 25.244
commonplace books (loci communes)
Bishop Jebb's, 25.264
indexing of, 22.114–18, 25.235, 25.237–28
as memory aid and index locorum distinguished, 25.239
communication methods
emails, 20.63–24, 28.151, 29.33–24
face-to-face, 29.34
file transfer, 20.63–24, 28.130, 28.151
social events, 29.34
The Communicator, articles on indexing (Johncocks), 27.45
company names, indexing of, mergers and acquisitions, need to track, 27.5
compound names/headings
biochemistry, 27.60
biota names, 27.54
natural language order vs inversion and, 27.54
parliamentary indexing and, 27.67–28
personal names, 5
science indexing and, 29.121–22
computer equipment, indexers' choices (2010), 28.79–80. see also furniture/non-computer equipment for indexers
backup devices, 28.80
emergency power supplies, 28.80–21
keyboards, 28.79
mice, 28.79
monitors, 28.79
netbooks, 28.79, 28.176
printers, 28.80
scanners, 28.80
computer management. see also information management; search and retrieval techniques (electronic)
`Degunking your computer' (Duntemann), 26.132
`Misbehaving computers' (Jermey), 25.195–26
misbehaving computers (Dear), 25.267