Notes for contributors

Articles are welcomed on all aspects of indexing and related matters and their application to the analysis, organization and accessibility of recorded knowledge and ideas.

All accepted articles will be copy-edited before publication, but contributors should as far as possible follow the guidelines below. Any queries should be addressed to the Editor (

  • Full-length articles (normally not exceeding around 8000 words) and shorter items (1000 words or less) should be submitted initially to the Editor ( as a Microsoft Word document.
  • To facilitate anonymous refereeing, author details and biographical information should be included on a separate page.
  • An informative abstract should be included.
  • References should be indicated in the text in the form: (Wellisch, 1996; Mulvany, 1999: 161). All references cited in the text should be listed at the end of the article in the form:
    • Books
      Wellisch, H. H. (1996) Indexing from A to Z, 2nd edn. New York: H. W. Wilson.
    • Chapters in books
      Wallis, E. (2000) ‘The National Curriculum of England and Wales and indexes’, in K. G. B. Bakewell and P. L. Williams, Indexing children’s books. Sheffield: Society of Indexers, pp. 6–13.
    • Conference papers
      Mitchell, Joan (1997) ‘Classification as a multilingual access tool.’ Unpublished paper presented at Information and restructuring for democracy conference, Warsaw, Poland, 5–7 November.
    • Journal articles
      Mulvany, N. (1999) ‘Software tools for indexing: revisited’, The Indexer 21(4), 160–3.
  • Notes (if any) should be listed in one numerical sequence at the end of the article, and indicated by superior numbers in the text.
  • No detailed formatting of electronic versions of articles is required, but there should be a clear indication of any hierarchy of headings and any material (e.g. index extracts) that should be set displayed. Italics should be used sparingly for emphasis, for foreign words and phrases and for book and journal titles. Spelling may follow either UK or American practice, provided it remains consistent throughout an article (except where a quotation has a different version). Punctuation should normally follow UK usage, particularly as regards the use of single rather than double quote marks (though the placing of these in American-spelling may follow American practice). The Indexer copy-editing team will undertake any necessary fine-tuning
  • Tables and diagrams should complement the text and should indicate clearly what they are meant to show. All should have captions. They should be referred to in the text (as Figure 1, Table 1, etc.) and their approximate position indicated. Tables and figures should ideally be saved in separate files, not as part of the text file, but captions should be included in the text file. All figures should be supplied as high-resolution jpg, png or pdf files. Lettering should be of an appropriate size for reduction to fit the printed page dimensions of The Indexer (190 x 130 mm.).The use of colour is acceptable (and will be retained in the online version of the article) but please use colours that will convert successfully to greyscale in the printed copy of the journal.
  • Final versions of articles accepted for publication (including a brief biographical note, all references and any tables or figures) should be sent initially to the Editor for final editorial approval.
  • Contributors are responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce any third-party copyright material used in their articles. Permission is not required for short quotations from reviews or articles.
  • Proofs will be sent to the first author only of any multi-authored article and should be returned within a week of receipt in order that the production schedule is not delayed. Proofs will normally be emailed as Adobe Acrobat (PDF) files. Authors should ensure that they have provided both an email address and a full postal address for mailing of complimentary copies of the journal issue.
  • Items for inclusion in ‘Indexes Reviewed’ should be sent to the Indexes Reviewed Editor ( The whole review, plus full publication details (publication, volume, issue, page, date, name of reviewer if known), should be sent. For legal reasons, unsupported extracts cannot be accepted, although the passage to be quoted may be indicated. Copyright permission is not required.
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