Subject index: Volume 20 (1996) to Volume 28 (2010)

The index to The Indexer is prepared cumulatively on an issue by issue basis, currently up to volume 28 (2010).  Further issues and retrospective cumulation will be undertaken as time allows.

Reviews of books are indexed under book reviews, under author and, where appropriate, under one or more subject headings. ‘Publications received and publications noted’ are listed in full, with author, under publications received (excluding those included under book reviews) but are not normally featured elsewhere in the index. Articles are indexed under article title, author (usually under the subheading ‘articles by’) and one or more subject headings. Article titles are in single quotes. Book and journal titles are in italic.  Regular features are in bold.

For access options for articles please see the full list of issues.

Abbott, N Joan, 'Psychology and neuroscience of indexing: what goes on in the mind of the indexer?' 25.154-160
Aboriginal media, indexing of 20.94
Aboriginal names Centrepiece 2:1
CAAMA (Central Australian Aboriginal Media Association) 20.94
OZBIB (Linguistic Bibiography of Aboriginal Australia and Torres Strait Islands) 26.127-131
aboutness, fiction indexing and 28.51, 55
Abrahams, Marc
Etiquette (Post), index as a social wonderland 27.32
'Holy fathers' 25.127
photograph of 26.64
Abrams, William, 'The indexer facing the cryptic text: a folly index as inspired by Jorge Luis Borges, presented as a cautionary example of over-indexing' 26.68-71
bibliography of, preparation 20.197-200
business needs and 20.197-200
CAS (Chemical Abstracts Service) 27.2
continuing relevance 23.80-82, 27.2
definition 20.197
Emerald Abstracts 27.2
ePublications 23.80-82
Explorations in indexing and abstracting: pointing, virtue and power (reviewed) 20.174
glossary for (Wellisch) (reviewed) 22.107-108
guidelines for writing 20.199-200
Inspec database (IET) 27.2
'Library & information science vs business: a comparison of approaches to abstracting' (Spiteri) 20.197-200
purpose 20.198
theory and practice of 21.148, 24.51
types of abstract 20.198-199
'Academic partnership' (Cooter) 22.83
academic publishing: see scholarly publishing
accents: see diacritics
Access: see Microsoft Access
accessibility considerations in case of visual or other impairment 27.76-79
'Accessing documents and information in a world without frontiers' (Hudon) 21.156-159
acronyms and abbreviations, use of 20.89
Biblical indexing and, Biblical indexing Centrepiece 5 (vol. 26(4)):4, Centrepiece 5 (vol. 26(4)):5
The Oxford dictionary of abbreviations (reviewed) 22.163
web indexing and 20.127
Adobe FrameMaker
5.5 21.160-163
general 26.133, 27.190
Adobe PageMaker 21.160-163
Adshead, Gordon R and Vivienne Monty, Index to the Monetary Times (reviewed) 20.232
advertisements, to index or not? 26.119, 120, 27.2, 3
advertising, funding of internet search tools 23.210-215
Africa: a biliography of sources (Kagan) (reviewed) 26.188-189
Africa: a guide to reference material (McIlwaine) (reviewed) 26.189-190
Africa Centre, database 23.92
African musical instruments, indexing 21.169-172
African names, 'Khoe-San names (African click languages)' (Willet) Centrepiece 3:1
Afrikaans names, 'Dutch, German, Austrian, Flemish and Afrikaans names' (Pitchford) Centrepiece 1:11
Agate, James, indexes and 26.174
age of indexers 20.59
Agee, Victoria, review by 24.242-243
Ahermaa, Martin, reviews by 27.46
'The AHRC Mander and Mitchenson Theatre Collection Access for Research Project: Uncovering the archive' (Davis and Nield) 25.197-199
Aitchison, Jean, Alan Gilchrist and David Bawden, Thesaurus construction and use: a practical manual (reviewed) 21.149, 23.53
Alakus, Meral
articles by
'Turkish names' Centrepiece 2:5
'A Turkish treasure trove' 26.8-13
'A women's thesaurus in Turkey: addressing the challenge' 25.176-181
Alberta Legislative Assembly, indexing the proceedings of 23.138-139
alcohol and drug problems, thesaurus 20.49
'Alexander Cruden and his Concordance' (Farrow) 20.55-56
'Alexander von Humboldt's Kosmos: indexing it' (Lubrich and Ette) 25.2-6
Alexandria, library at 25.259
'All is revealed' (Franke) (letter) 20.32
All the world's a globe ... (Dingle) (discussed by Hazel Bell) 20.208
Allot, Philip, Invisible power: a philosophical adventure story (reviewed) 25.150-151
dictionary of 23.55-56
indexing or 25.42
Alpern, Andrew, 'Skirting the issue?' (letter) 23.38
alpha headers 28.65
alphabetically structured reference works, need for an index: see encyclopaedias; reference works, need for an index
alphanumerical sort order
alternative methods of
by pronunciation 25.109
De inventoribus rerum (Polydore Vergil) 25.238
indices capitum (chapter titles) 25.238
initial letter, limitation to 25.95-96, 97, 238
third or fourth letter, extension to 25.96, 237
alternatives to
in biographical indexing 20.76, 135-136
by etymology 25.95-96
chronological order 25.237
meaning of terms 25.236
order of appearance/page number order 25.110, 237, 238
phonetics 25.236
within an index 20.75-76, 135-136, 25.96
Arabic, relevance in Centrepiece 2:11
audiovisual media 25.251
Biblical indexing and Centrepiece 5:4
capitalization, relevance 20.75, 25.91
Chicago Manual 20.75
in children's index 21.175-176
Chinese, relevance in 22.21-22
click languages Centrepiece 3:1
database indexing and 20.127
development of index, role in 25.236-237
first/forename as determining factor 28.79
glosses and 25.96
Hebrew alphabet and 25.247
homograph arrangement and 20.31, 87-88, 217, 21.189
letter-by-letter arrangement 20.114
letter-by-letter v word-by-word 21.3, 27.189
Liber floriger chartarum cenobii Farfensis (Gregory of Catino) 25.96-97
'Logical order' (Cousins) (letter) 20.31
machine and manual sorting, variation between 20.162
BS 3700/ISO 999 20.75
Working Party on Filing Rules (CIG) 20.162
in medical indexing 20.47, 27.59
in multilingual index 23.192
musical themes 25.251
numbers and symbols 20.75
origins and history 21.113-114, 25.95-96
19th century America 20.156-159
Callimachus and 25.259
in early French indexes 25.74, 95-97
in Greece 25.95, 259-260
lemmata and 25.96
Speculum historiale (Vincent of Beauvais) 25.236
Zendototus as inventor of 25.259
Punch 25.261
punctuation 20.75
sort translation table 20.75
spaces 20.75
BS 1749 (alphanumeric and other arrangement in indexes), declaration of obsolescence 26.96
ISO 999 recommendations 20.75-76, 114
NISO TR-03-1999 20.33, 22.215
symbols 20.75
telephone directories Centrepiece 3:5
translation of index and 25.90
as unscholarly practice 25.239
web indexing and 20.127, 25.251
Welsh indexing and 23.192
'Also-greats' (Bell) 23.215
AltaVista 25.193
Altschiller, Donald, The information revolution (ed.) (reviewed) 20.109
Amazon Kindle 26.132
Amduat (Book of the Hidden Space), index to 25.258
Ament, Kurt, Indexing: a nuts-and-bolts guide for technical writers (reviewed) 27.190-191
'An alternative index to an 1877 'handbook of quotations' (Bell) 25.255-256
'An/the/an index of confusion' (O'Leary) 25.182
Anderson, Charles R, 'Indexing with a computer: past and present' 22.23-24
Anderson, James D, 'Indexing, teaching of, See "Information retrieval design"' 23.2-7
Anderson, James D and Pérez-Carballo, José, Information retrieval design: principles and options for information description, organization, display, and access in information retrieval databases, digital libraries, catalogs, and indexes (reviewed) 24.159-160
Anderson, Margaret Dampier
memories of (Wallis) 25.229
obituary 20.218
Wheatley Medal 20.218
Andrews, Peter and Meg Davies, 'Notes on the indexing of biblical and related materials' (Andrews and Davies) Centrepiece 5:1
Angus, Jane, reviews by 20.51, 22.218-219, 23.179
'Annotating document content: a knowledge management perspective' (Ciravegna and Petrelli) 25.23-27
'Another "How to make an index"' (Hewitt) 23.200-201
anthology of indexes, compilation of (Bell) 23.32-33
Anthology for the Millennium (Blake et al (eds))
'Recollections' (extract from) (Hewitt) 24.205
reviewed 22.110
antonyms, dictionary of 23.240
ANZSI (Australia and New Zealand Society of Indexers)
activities of 24.179-180, 25.47, 26.36, 83, 134
archives 25.273
awards, display of 25.274
database indexing fees 26.83
events 24.145-146, 224, 25.45, 134
GAMES (Committee strategy meeting) 25.134
Indexing Resources section, establishment of 26.134
library 25.273
life memberships 28.34
membership numbers 26.36
mentoring scheme 24.189-191, 25.47, 27.26-28
organizational changes 25.202
'Disintermediate or die? Volunteer societies in an information age' (Jermey) 25.265-266
promotion of indexing, bookmark 27.88
publications 26.134
reasons for leaving/not joining 28.77
recommended fees 27.88
Registered Indexer status 25.202, 26.82
tips for indexers 27.89
training courses 25.202, 272, 27.179-180, 28.30
tyranny of distance, solutions to 27.178, 179
volunteers 25.136-137
ANZSI conferences
2005 24.145
2006 24.226
2007 25.135, 274
2009 26.179, 28.33-34
publication of proceedings 25.63, 26.177
SI conferences compared 26.133
ANZSI Index Series 26.178
2004 24.225
2006 (no award) 25.202
2007 26.37
2008 (judges' report) 27.8
2009 28.34
criteria 27.8
ANZSI publications
ANZSI Index Series 26.178
conference proceedings 25.63, 26.177
Newsletter 26.176, 177, 27.149
availability 27.149
ANZSI website
changes 26.83, 134
discussion feature 27.178
Apocryphal/Deuterocanonical books CP5:3, CP5:5
Appellate Body Repertory, WTO 24.218-222, 25.91
Appleby, Melinda, reviews by 26.94
'Apples, pears and oranges: three important books on indexing' (Pincoe) 23.124-128
'The application of index entries to search and retrieval of books and book content' (Stelmach) 21.127-131
'The Arabian Nights and Orientalism: perspectives from East to West' (TLS review, extract) 25.242
Arabic, indexing and
sort order Centrepiece 2:11
transliteration problems Centrepiece 2:9, Centrepiece 3:12
Arabic names, elements of Centrepiece 3:12
'Arabic names' (Hedden) Centrepiece 2:9
Archaeologia Cambrensis
index to (review) 24.240, 27.95
indexing of 23.187-191
indexing the archaeology of Wales 23.187-191
thesauri for 21.52-53, 22.53-54, 27.95
Archbold, Neil, photograph of 24.226
Archer, Dawn, What's in a word-list? Investigating word frequency and keyword extraction (reviewed) 27.143-144
indexing Vitruvius' De architectura: see De architectura (Vitruvius), indexing of
thesaurus for 22.53-54, 27.71
'Archival value in South Africa' (Meyer, Calitz and Brink) 23.70-73
'The AHRC Mander and Mitchenson Theatre Collection Access for Research Project: Uncovering the archive' (Davis and Nield) 25.297-299
caring for the archive 26.31-32
Girton College Archive 24.203-205
'Glasgow Art Club archives' (van Asperen) 25.290, 26.25-32
indexing 21.164-168, 24.200-202
indexing society archives 25.273
Manual of archival description (reviewed) 22.218-219
technological developments and 21.164-168, 24.203-205
'A Turkish treasure trove' (Alakus) 26.8-11
Vatican Secret Archive 22.61-64
World guide to library, archive and information science education (reviewed) 26.143
archives (State/national)
Australia 23.34, 24.200-202
Scotland (SCAN) 26.143
South Africa 23.70-73
Sweden (SVAR (Svensk Arkivinformation)) 26.143
'Are abstracting and indexing databases still relevant?' (Rabe) 23.80-82
Arioflotga (Kuppner) (reviewed) 28.96
Armitage, Brian 20.32
Armstrong, Chris J, Staying legal: a guide to issues and practice for users and publishers of electronic resources (reviewed) 22.55
Around the World (ATW), editors
Browne, Glenda 24.145-147, 224-226, 25.47-50, 134-137, 202-205, 272-276, 26.36-40, 83-86, 132-135, 176-179, 27.34-36, 88-90, 128-133, 176-180, 28.30-35, 79-82
Jacobs, Christine 21.132-133, 184-185, 22.43-44, 98-99, 152-153, 197-198, 23.34-35, 92-93
Theron, Christie 23.169-171, 224-226, 24.42-43, 100-102
Art and architecture thesaurus (AAT) 27.71
art book and catalogue indexing 26.132
art history, research awards 23.92-93
articles, treatment in an index
'An/the/an index of confusion' (O'Leary) 25.181
Arabic Centrepiece 2:9
author as indexers and 27.82
BS 3700/ISO 999 20.75
Cartulary of St Julian of Auvergne (Brioude) 25.9
'The definite article: acknowledging "The" in index entries' (Browne) 22.119-122
Irish/Celtic languages and 25.181
'Na and the missing library books' (Flynn) 25.182
personal names: see personal names
ASAIB (Association of Southern African Indexers and Bibliographers)
activities and events other than conferences 21.184-185, 23.169, 24.42-43, 101, 146, 224, 25.47
establishment (1994) 20.134
membership numbers 26.36
publications: see ASAIB publications
Website/blog 25.47
ASAIB Award (best index/best bibliography) 23.169
2004 24.225
2005 25.48
2007 25.48, 26.132, 135
2008 27.90
ASAIB conferences
2000 22.152
2003 23.224
2004 24.100
2005 24.147, 226
2006 25.47
2006 (Africana) 25.134
2007 (Biography, the Beautiful) 25.203, 274
2008 (Remarkable South African Women: revealed through indexing and bibliography) 26.39, 83, 132
2009 (Africa visited and revisited) (Triennial International Meeting) 26.39, 131, 132, 179, 27.89, 128-130
photographs of 27.128
publication of proceedings 23.107-108
ASAIB publications
Directory for Freelance Indexers 25.134, 27.34
Directory for Freelance Indexers (2006) 25.134
Indexing for Southern Africa 25.47, 202, 215, 26.177
distribution 26.176
no. 24 26.36
ASCII/ANSI 26.146-147
ASI (American Society of Indexing/[pre-2008] American Society of Indexers)
40th anniversary 25.275
birthday cake (photo) 25.275
activities and events other than conferences 21.132-133, 22.43, 98, 24.42, 101, 145, 224, 25.47
credentialling 25.134
usability study 25.134
archives 25.273
change of name 26.83
directory of indexers 21.133
incorporation and 26.38
Indexer Locator 27.12
Jobs Hotline 27.12
membership numbers 26.36
publications (1999) 21.185
publications (advertisement) 27.8, 91, 28.68
Publications Committee 26.177
publishers, lists of 27.88
reasons for leaving/not joining 28.76
Recommended Indexing Agreement 27.88
Speakers' Guide 27.89
strategic plan (2006) 25.202
ASI Training in Indexing Course 25.202, 28.30
licensing of SI distance learning course 25.134
volunteers 25.136-137
ASI conferences
1993 (25th anniversary conference) 20.45
1995 (joint conference with IASC/SCAD) 20.33-34
1998 20.187
2001 22.197
2002 23.92
2003 (joint conference with IASC/SCAD) 23.224
2004 24.42
2005 24.100, 147, 226
2006 (joint conference with IASC/SCAD) 25.134
2007 (Philadelphia) ('Liberating the index') 25.274-275
2008 (Colorado) 26.39, 83, 132-133
2009 (Portland, Oregon) ('Scaling the heights') 27.130-131
guest editors of The Indexer (October 2002), editorial 23.57
ASI, history of
1968-1977 20.212-213
1983-87 21.135
1992-5 22.81
oral history (Dorothy Thomas) 20.45
ASI website
award-winning indexes and 27.180
copyright protection policy 26.130
Asian names, 'Indexing Asian names' (Akhtar) Centrepiece 3:12
Aslib, and SI 20.161
associateship 20.180-181
Association of Southern African Indexers and Bibliographers (ASAIB): see ASAIB (Association of Southern African Indexers and Bibliographers)
'The Atlantic Monthly's "proper-name index"' (Healy) 24.68-70
Atlas of the World (Ptolemy), as first index 25.259-260
atlases, indexing: see maps and cartography
Attwooll, David, 'Wired reference: Confessions of an e-publisher' (extract) 25.88
audiovisual media
The audiovisual cataloging current (Roe) 23.111
'It ain't just what you say but the way that you say it: indexing a DVD' (Crystal) 27.173-175
locators 25.251, 27.172
'repagination' and 27.175
natural language and 27.173-174
user requirements 27.173-175
The August Indexer; Proceedings from the Second International Conference, 27-9 August 1999, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia (reviewed) 22.162
history of
1972-77 20.213-214
1983-87 21.135
AusSI (Australian Society of Indexers)
activities and events other than conferences 20.94, 21.132-133, 184, 22.43, 23.170
1995 20.33, 35
1996 (Robertson) 21.94
1997 (The futureproof indexer) 20.113
1999 (proceedings) 22.162
2001 (joint conference with China Society of Indexing) 22.197
2003 23.224-225
Foundation Fellows 20.180-181
indexing services, guide for editors 20.194
Newsletter 20.34
recommended fees 20.35
AusSI Medal, 1995 20.34-35, 37
'AusSI Web Indexing Prize 1998' (Walker) 21.108-110
AusSI Web Indexing Prize (including extensive lists of internet resources)
1996 20.121-124
1997 21.15-18
1998 21.100, 108-110
Australasian Legal Information Institute (AustLII) 22.123-127
CAAMA (Central Australian Aboriginal Media Association) 20.94
copyright issues 23.92
indexing in (editorial) 22.113
'Learning architecture: issues in indexing. Australian education in a Web 2.0 world' (Mitchell) 26.163-168
legal resources on the internet 20.124
Macquarrie Dictionary, authoritative status 26.166
moral rights 26.130
thesauri in, examples 26.165
'Australian Aboriginal names' (Triffitt) Centrepiece 2:1
Australian archives
Bringing them home project 23.34, 26.178
indexing state and federal archives 24.200-202
Australian English 20.110
Australian Legal Information Institute (AustLII), global legal index 22.123-127
Australian and New Zealand Society of Indexers: see ANZSI (Australia and New Zealand Society of Indexers)
Australian Parliamentary Library index (AusSI Web Indexing Prize) 20.121
Australian State and Federal Archives 24.200-202
Austrian names, 'Dutch, German, Austrian, Flemish and Afrikaans names' (Pitchford) Centrepiece 1:11
Authex Plus 27.190
author/citation indexes CP5:1
in China 22.128-129, 27.179
differentiation, methods of 27.4
'et al', handling of 27.82-83
journal evaluation and 27.179
multiple authors 27.4
reasons for 27.83
titles of works, inclusion 27.4
authority lists/files
biota names 27.54
British Columbia Hansard and 27.67-68
changing usage and 27.99
choosing 27.55
controlled vocabularies and 26.122, 27.66-68, 71
creating 27.54-55, 67-68
as guidelines 27.66
image-indexing and 27.71
MACREX and 27.54
strait jacket, whether 27.66
ULAN (Union List of Artist Names) 27.71
attitudes to indexing 25.84-85, 27.80-83
'author pays' principle 20.191, 21.62, 133, 25.183, 26.152, 153-154, 155, 27.80
citations, liking for 27.83
correcting errors of 25.268
fairness to the subjects of the index and 25.164-165
How to write a paper 20.52
research for 24.115-116
working with 20.4, 24.18-20, 26.186, 27.83
author revisions to index 27.15, 83
keywords supplied by, difficulties related to 27.1, 3, 83
authors as indexers
alphabetical order, difficulties with 27.81
as an enhancement of one's understanding of own book 21.22-23
articles, treatment of 27.82
'author does/does not do it best' principle 25.183-186, 217, 26.80-81, 27.81-82
professional input, desirability 25.221
An author's guide to publishing (reviewed) 21.104
An author's guide to scholarly publishing (reviewed) 20.231
automatic indexing and 20.4, 21.122-123, 25.183-186
financial considerations 26.87, 27.80
Indexing: a nuts-and-bolts guide for technical writers (Ament) (reviewed) 27.190-191
Indexing your book (Vickers) 27.137
journal publishing and 20.231
long strings 27.81
'Marot, Hofstadter, index' 21.22-23
measuring the quality of 26.158
Mentors and friends (Norrie) 28.24-25
natural language order, preference for 27.81
Norrie, Ian 28.24-25
over-indexing, tendency towards 26.160
'Perilous power in authorial hands' 21.122-123
poor author indexes, handling of 27.81-82
practice in different countries compared 27.80
Scarcely ever out of my thoughts (Junor) 27.140
software for indexers and 26.186, 27.81
training/guidance for 27.137, 190-191
'Authors and indexes' (Letters to the Editor of the TLS, November and December 2006) 25.183-186
'Authors and indexing' (Curran) 27.80-83
The Autocar, indexes to 25.200-201
autocompletion, 'Automated indexing: feeding the AutoComplete monster' (Jermey) 28.74-75
'Automated indexing: feeding the AutoComplete monster' (Jermey) 28.74-75
automatic indexing
as aid to
cross-references 25.123-124
locators 25.123
selection of terms 25.77, 122-125
authors as indexers and 20.4, 21.122-123, 25.183-186
computer-assisted indexing/dedicated indexing software distinguished 25.217
concordance and index, failure to appreciate distinction 25.217
Concordance (Watt) 27.46-47
continental Europe and English-speaking countries compared 25.78
a critique 21.122-123, 26.81
'Example-based text categorization (EBTC): the key to automatic indexing and classification' (Xue Chunxiang and Hou Hanqing) 27.117-123
fiction indexing and 28.50
IndexStar and 27.126
Inhaltserschliessung durch Indexieren: Prinzipien und Praxis (Fugmann) 21.197
machine-based techniques for thesaurus construction, limitations 25.177, 179
medical indexing and 27.60
regenerating index for presentational purposes 26.169
semi-automatic indexing 25.23-27
tagging and 26.168-169
traditional indexing and 27.147
word searching, acceptability 20.51-52, 174, 22.25, 23.198
Ig Nobel Prize (2007) 25.234, 26.2, 64-65
judging 22.191-194
Ayto, John, The Oxford dictionary of rhyming slang (reviewed) 23.182

Back to top
back-of-the-book indexing, frequency
in 19th century America 20.156-159
in China 25.134, 26.4, 5-6, 27.104
in continental Europe 25.74-78, 86-88
'Back-of-the-book indexing in the Netherlands today' (Bosschieter) 25.86-88
backup devices 28.80
off-site backup 28.80
Bagheri, Mansoureh, 'Indexing training in Iran' 25.105-108
Bagheri, Masoumeh
'Development of thesauri in Iran' 25.19-22
photograph of 25.20
Baker, Nicholson, Double fold: libraries and the assault on paper (reviewed) 23.242-243
Bakewell, K G B
articles by
'Hail and farewell' 20.3
'Indexing after the millennium 6: standards and good practice' 21.160
letters from
'Books - the core for public libraries' 26.24
'Eats, shoots and leaves' 24.45
'Nobody's fooled' 25.268
'Thou shalt not publish indexless books' 23.38
'Without benefit of index' 23.95
memories of (Wallis) 25.230
obituary of
Chris Needham 21.146
Mary Piggott 23.226-227
photograph of 21.185
Bakewell, K G B and Paula L Williams
Indexes to children's information books (reviewed) 22.162-163
'Indexing children's information books' 21.174-179
Balay, Robert, Early periodical indexes: bibliographies and indexes of literature published in periodicals before 1900 (reviewed) 23.51
Baldick, Chris, The concise Oxford dictionary of literary terms (reviewed) 23.55
Ball, Elizabeth, obituary for Audrey Judkins 24.148
Ballard, J G, as indexer 21.209
Baltimore County Legacy Web project 21.184
Bancroft, R F, photograph of 26.102
Bantu languages Centrepiece 3:1
Banwell, C C, Wheatley Medal 21.34
Barham, Ann
reviews by 20.175
Wheatley Medal, runner-up 20.37
Barlow, Caroline
articles by, 'Serials indexing: from journals to databases' 27.2-6
letters from
'Counterblasts to "professionalism" - 2' 21.40
'The sociology of indexing' 25.131
reviews by 20.230, 21.101, 103, 149, 197-198, 199, 22.164-165, 23.110-111, 25.59-62
Barlow, Patrick, as indexer 20.208
Barnes, Julian
Letters from London 1990-1995 22.147-148
Something to declare 23.102-103
Baron, Naomi S, Alphabet to email: how written English evolved and where it's heading (reviewed) 23.54
Barr, Fiona, review by 23.183
Bart, Peter and Michael Steehouder, Basisboek technische communicatie (reviewed) 27.45
Basch, Reva
Electronic information delivery: ensuring quality and value (reviewed) 20.51-52
Basisboek technische communicatie (Bart and Steedhouder) (reviewed) 27.45
Batchelor, Judy
'Homograph arrangement' (letter) 21.189
'Indexing after the millennium 7: relieving information poverty' 21.107
reviews by 21.149-150
SI activities 20.95-96
Bates, Catherine, 'Wondrous taxonomy' 22.95
'Be a peach: enhancing your work through training' (Booth) 23.18-22
Beare, Geraldine
articles by
'NEWSPLAN conference' 24.24-26
'Past, present and future' 25.257-264
'What is an index?' 24.6-8
editorial 24.1
Indexing newspapers, magazines and other periodicals (reviewed) 22.53
'MACREX - a history' (Drusilla Calvert interview) 24.18-20
photograph of 26.65
reviews by 20.45-46, 23.241-242, 25.63, 292, 27.44
Beathaisnéis a Naoi: Forl?onadh agus Innéacsanna (reviewed by Liam MacCo?l in the Irish Times) 27.48
Beauvais, Vincent of, Speculum historiale 25.236, 237
Bede, the Venerable, De Orthographia 25.95-96
Bego, Harry, TExtract (reviewed) 24.250-251, 27.84-87
Belder, Jacqueline, photograph of 26.37
Bell, Hazel K
articles by
'Also-greats' 23.215
'An alternative index to an 1877 'handbook of quotations' 25.255-256
'Bernard Levin and The Indexer' 24.127-132
'The bliss of excessive fondness' 22.127
'A cautionary tale' 21.24
'Compiling an anthology of indexes' 23.32-33
'Computer contrarian' 22.24
'"Discursive, dispersed, heterogeneous" ... indexing Seven pillars of wisdom' 24.9-11
'First person indicative' 24.97
'The greatest and the worst indexes' 23.158-163
'History of indexing societies': see 'History of indexing societies' (Bell)
'The index belligerent' 22.60
'An index for Thalia' 22.147-148
'Index on trial' 22.64
'The Indexer thirty years ago' 21.42-43, 186-189, 22.39, 97-98, 151, 195-196, 24.43-44, 104-105, 149, 229-230
'Indexes as fiction and fiction as paper-chase' 20.209-211
'Indexes in my bottom drawer' 22.209
'Indexes past: The Golden Bough' 22.105
'Indexing as hard labour: international instances' 22.71
'Interim indexes and their fate' 28.24-25
'Kiss and tell and index' 21.180-181
'The making of a dictionary: James A H Murray' 20.78-80
'Perilous powers in authorial hands' 21.122-123
'Publishing and prostitution' 22.133-134
'Something to indicate' 23.102-104
'Strange purposes of indexes' 23.167-168
'Telling it like it is: reporting conferences and seminars' 25.43-44
'The Indexer thirty years ago' 23.39-40, 94-95, 171-172, 229
'There's more to an index...' 20.14
'Thirty-nine to one: indexing the novels of Angela Thirkell' 21.6-10
'An unauthorizable index' 24.83
'Hans H Wellisch 1920-2004' 24.40-41
'Whom should we aim to please?' 20.3-5
'The world's greatest index' 20.208
Carey Award 20.113
Wheatley Medal winner 24.226, 230 photo, 25.135
bibliography of indexing 23.224, 228
classified contents, 1996-7 21.28-32
classified contents of The Indexer 1958-1995 (compiler) 20.141-148
as editor of The Indexer (1978-95) 20.1-3, 95, 26.103
The Federica Indexes (notice of publication) 26.59
From flock beds to professionalism 26.59, 27.25, 45
Index Makers: see index makers (Bell)
Indexers and indexes in fact and fiction
discussion of 25.7
reviewed 23.51-52
reviews of 23.170-171
Indexing biographies and other stories of human lives
second edition (reviewed) 21.148-149
third edition 24.43
reviewed 24.113
indexing career 20.164-165
letters to the editor
'Author-indexers, guidance for' 27.137
'Biographies: indexing the main character' 23.38
'Biography indexing rules' 21.41
'Inter-indexer consistency' 28.83
'The sociology of indexing' 25.40-42
LOGOS: The Journal of the World Book Community 23.225, 228
memories of 25.233-234
Lee 25.232
obituaries for, William Sebastian Heckscher 22.40-41
photograph of 24.230, 26.59, 65
retirement as editor of The Indexer 20.1-3, 95
reviews by 20.45, 22.162, 24.54-55, 116, 164-166, 25.67, 149-151
A stage mother's story (reviewed) 25.221-222
on Hans H Wellisch 20.2
Bell, Hazel K and Maureen MacGlashan, obituary for Richard Raper 25.228
Bella (Kaunokki) 28.53-54
Bemath, Abdul S
ASAIB Award (2007) 25.48, 26.132, 135, 179
'Politics and food: a review of Hunger for freedom 27.142-143
reviews by 26.188-190
The Mazruiana collection revisited: Ali A Mazrui debating the African condition: an annotated and select thematic bibliography 1962-2003 (compiler) (reviewed) 25.70
Bennett, Roger
articles by, 'TExtract: a regular user's view' 27.84-87
Betty Moys Prize 26.135
Bennett, Tony, New keywords: a revised vocabulary of culture and society (reviewed) 24.246
Berger, Jean, 'Indexation, memory, power and representations at the beginning of the 12th century: the rediscovery of pages from the tables to the Liber de Honoribus, the first Cartulary of the Collegiate Church of St Julian of Auvergne (Brioude)' 25.95
Bernard Levin Award
2003 24.42
2004 24.226
'Bernard Levin and The Indexer' (Bell) 24.127-132
Berson, Joel, articles by, 'The "sin of classification" and an example thereof' 25.187-189
Best, David P, The fourth resource: information and its management (ed.) (reviewed) 20.230
Bestseller (Goldsmith), index too 23.168
Betty Moys Prize
2003 24.42
2005 24.226
2006 25.135
2007 25.273
2008 26.135
2009 27.180
Bex, Tony and Richard J Watts, Standard English: the widening debate (eds) (reviewed) 22.54-55
Biblical indexing
abbreviations Centrepiece 5 (vol. 26(4)):4, Centrepiece 5 (vol. 26(4)):5
book of Revelation/Apocalypse Centrepiece 5 (vol. 26(4)):5
canonical orders: see canonical orders
citations indexes Centrepiece 5 (vol. 26(4)):1
Epistles, treatment of Centrepiece 5 (vol. 26(4)):5
Gospels, treatment of Centrepiece 5 (vol. 26(4)):5
heading order Centrepiece 5 (vol. 26(4)):5
Hebrew word lists 22.178-186
locators and 25.74, 96, 249-251
tractates, relevance 25.249
names of books
choosing between alternatives Centrepiece 5 (vol. 26(4)):4
identical names of persons, need to distinguish Centrepiece 5 (vol. 26(4)):4, Centrepiece 5 (vol. 26(4)):5
numbers attaching to, handling of Centrepiece 5 (vol. 26(4)):4
need for in middle ages 25.260
non-canonical literature Centrepiece 5 (vol. 26(4)):5
'Notes on the indexing of biblical and related materials' (Andrews and Davies) Centrepiece 5 (vol. 26(4)):1
ScrIndex 26.145
sort order Centrepiece 5 (vol. 26(4)):4, Centrepiece 5 (vol. 26(4)):5
citations indexes Centrepiece 5 (vol. 26(4)):4
subject indexes Centrepiece 5 (vol. 26(4)):4
subject indexes Centrepiece 5 (vol. 26(4)):4
thesaurus of 23.179-180
ASAIB awards 27.90
'Bibliography in a digital age' (Triffitt) 26.127-131
Cheshire: a genealogical bibliography, Vols 1 and 2 (Raymond) 20.54
OZBIB, copyright problems 26.128-131
bibliographies, construction
of abstracting 20.197-200
AusSI Web Indexing prize 1997 20.177
BS ISO/CD 690 (guidelines for bibliographic references) 26.96
education 20.177
An introduction to bibliography for literary students (reviewed) 20.52-53
Principles of bibliographical description (reviewed) 20.52-53
separators and 25.244-246
Walford Award 1966 20.96
for a web index 20.7
bibliographies, indexing
INSPIRE 28.2-5
'ISALLIS: from Termatrex to internet' (Burger) 23.66-67
The Lesotho Annotated Bibliography 22.197-198
Scottish Poetry Library (SPL) 28.2-5
South Africa, index to national bibliography 23.58-62
web indexing and 20.6-7, 25.251
bibliography of indexing
Can you recommend a good book on indexing? Collected reviews on the organization of information (Weinberg) 21.147-148
'Indexing: a current awareness bibliography' (Wheeler) 20.25-30, 81-86, 137-140, 149-152, 201-207, 21.25-32, 77-84
LOGOS: The Journal of the World Book Community 23.225, 228
'A plea for bibliographic quality' (Weinberg) (letter) 21.90
Bibliophiles, International Association of 23.226
Bierce, Ambrose, The devil's dictionary (reviewed) 24.161-162
Bilodeau, Stephanie, 'The Parliament of Canada: indexing the work of the Senate committees' 26.114-117
Bilton, Helen, 'Society of Indexers fee negotiations survey' 21.20-24
binary organization, relevance to indexing 25.236
Binkowski, Edith
'Nulli secundus: a volunteer effort' 25.125-127
photograph of 28.75
biographical dictionaries, Beathaisnéis a Naoi: Forl?onadh agus Innéacsanna (reviewed by Liam MacCo?l in the Irish Times) 27.48
biographical indexing
alphanumerical order and the alternatives 20.135-136
'Biography indexing rules' (Bell) (letter) 21.41
Indexing biographies and other stories of human lives (reviewed) 21.148-149, 24.113
indexing of main character 23.38
review 24.113
'Updike on indexing' 21.92
The boy who loved books (reviewed) 25.292
A stage mother's story (reviewed) 25.221-222
biological sciences, indexing: see medical indexing
biota names
classification issues 27.53
taxonomic arrangement of subject-matter and 27.53
compound names 27.54
consistency and accuracy, ways of achieving
authority lists/files 27.54
PDF files and 27.54-55
reference authorities 27.55
spell checks 27.54-55
double posting
detailed indexing at 'preferred' heading 27.52
natural language order vs inversion and 27.54
of synonyms 27.52
familiarity with 27.51
format and style 27.51-52
glosses 27.52-53
inversion vs natural order
choosing between 27.54
double posting and 27.54
long strings 27.56
mixed subheading types 27.53-54
scientific and common names, choosing between 27.52
BIPT (Book Indexing Postal Tutorials) 20.182-184, 23.8-10
Biram, Kerry, ANZSI Medal, commendation 26.37
Black, Alistair, Dave Muddiman and Helen Plant, The early information society (reviewed) 25.294-295
Blake, Doreen
articles by, 'Some thoughts on the early days of indexing' 25.230-231
Bernard Levin Award 24.42
photograph of 21.185
Blake, Doreen, Michèle Clarke, Anne McCarthy, June Morrison
Indexing the medical and biological sciences
reviewed 20.47, 23.237
as style guide/standard 27.59, 60
Blake, Dorothy and Ruth Bowden, Wheatley Medal 21.33
Bleazard, Louise, review by 23.237
Bletchley Park, indexing in 22.31-33, 189-190
blind indexing: see web indexing, indexing blind
'The bliss of excessive fondness' (Bell) 22.127
Block, Marylaine (ed.), Net effects: how librarians can manage the unintended consequences of the internet (reviewed) 24.54
Blogging and RSS: a librarian's guide (reviewed) 25.222
'The body of a reference work in relation to its index: an analysis of Wordmanship' (Weinberg) 20.18-22
Boekesteijn, Erik and Jaap van de Geer, Shanachie tour: a library road trip across America (reviewed) 27.46
Bolton, Rohan
articles by
'Diary of a trainee indexer, February 2003-May 2005' 24.175-178
'Why indexing?' 24.171
editorial (joint) 24.167-170
reviews by 24.247, 25.64-65, 151
'Bombelli of Bologna' (letter) 23.37-38
Boodson, K, Wheatley Medal 21.34
'Book indexes: experiences and expectations in the German Democratic Republic (GDR)' (Schmidmaier) 25.83-85
'Book indexes in France: mediaeval specimens and modern practices' (Weinberg) 22.2-13
book indexing (closed-system) 23.23-31
Book Indexing Postal Tutorials: see BIPT (Book Indexing Postal Tutorials)
'Book Indexing Postal Tutorials' (Hall) 23.8-10
book reviewing
choice of books for 26.172
'Delle recensioni, ovvero delle lusinghe e dei veleni' (Santoro), discussion of 26.172-174
fairness and 26.171-172
justification for 26.172
'Lies and venom: some thoughts on reviews and reviewers' (MacGlashan) 26.172-174
'niceness' and 26.172-173
purpose of 26.173
reviewers, suitability 26.172-173
in The Indexer 26.173-174
book reviews
The 20th century cumulative index, The Indexer, volumes 1 to 21, 1958-1999 23.238-240
A guide to world language dictionaries 21.151
The adventure of English: 500 AD to 2000: the biography of a language 24.54
Africa: a guide to reference material 26.189-190
AIDS and HIV/AIDS-related terminology 20.176
Alphabet to email: how written English evolved and where it's heading 23.54
Alphabetical Order 25.150
The American Heritage Stedman's medical dictionary 20.108
American Society of Indexers oral history. Vol. 1 20.44
An alphabet for gourmets 25.70-71
Annual review of information science and technology, volume 40, 2006 25.62-63
Archaeologia Cambrensis 1961-1980, Index to 24.240
Archaeologia Cambrensis 1981-2000, Index to 27.95
Arioflotga 28.96
ASIS thesaurus of information science and librarianship 21.197-198
The August Indexer; Proceedings from the Second International Conference, 27-9 August 1999, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia 22.162
An author's guide to publishing 21.104
An author's guide to scholarly publishing 20.231
Avators of the word: from papyrus to cyberspace 22.165
Basic facts about family history research in Yorkshire 20.111-112
Basisboek technische communicatie 27.45
Better wordpower 22.162
Beyond book indexing: how to get started in Web indexing, embedded indexing, and other computer-based media 22.106
Blogging and RSS: a librarian's guide 25.222
The Book on the bookshelf 22.165-166
The boy who loved books 25.292
Brief Entry: a newsletter for law indexers 20.174
British Museum materials thesaurus 21.52-53
BS 8723 2005 25.64-65
The Builder illustrations index 1843-1883 20.45-46
By hook or by crook: a journey in search of English 26.46-47
The Cambridge Australian English style guide 20.110
The Cambridge encyclopaedia 21.55
The Cambridge encyclopaedia of the English language 20.50
The Cambridge grammar of the English language 23.108-109
The Cambridge guide to English usage 24.162-163
Cambridge international dictionary of idioms 21.198
Can you recommend a good book on indexing? Collected reviews on the organization of information 21.147-148
Cassell dictionary of word and phrase origins 21.198
Cataloguing and classification for Library Technicians 23.54
Cataloguing and organizing digital resources: a how-to-do-it manual for librarians 24.240-241
Chambers biographical dictionary 23.170
Chambers book of facts 23.180
Chambers dictionary of quotations 25.67-68
Chambers dictionary of synonyms and antonyms 23.240
Chambers history of science and technology 22.107
The Chicago manual of style 23.236-237
Choice and form of entries 20.175
Chronology of words and phrases: a thousand years in the history of English 23.111
Clarke's Publishing Agreements: a book of precedents 25.295-296
Collins thesaurus of the Bible 23.179-180
The Columbia guide to digital publishing 23.240-241
Communicating in style 24.53
Computer support to indexing 22.52
Concise dictionary of library and information science 20.227, 22.216
The concise Oxford dictionary of current English 20.50
The concise Oxford dictionary of literary terms 23.55
The concise Oxford dictionary of politics 24.53-54
Consider the source: a critical guide to 100 prominent news and information sites on the Web 26.47-48
Copyright: interpreting the law for libraries, archives and information services 21.104
Copyright for library and information service professionals 22.166
Covert and Overt: Recollecting and Connecting Intelligence Service and Information Science 25.148-149
Creating an information service 20.230
Das Buchregister: methodische Grundlagen und praktische Anwendungen 25.217
Designing usable electronic text 24.115
The devil's dictionary 24.161-162
Dictionary of lexicography 21.102
A dictionary of weights, measures and units 23.181
Digital information and knowledge management: new opportunities for research libraries 26.94
Directory of UK and Irish book publishers, 1997 20.229
Do we want to keep our newspapers? 23.241-242
Double fold: libraries and the assault on paper 23.242-243
Dr Johnson's dictionary: the extraordinary story of the book that defined the world 24.241
The early information society 25.294-295
Early periodical indexes: bibliographies and indexes of literature published in periodicals before 1900 23.51
Ecstatic occasions, expedient forms: 85 contemporary poets select and comment on their poems 24.164-165
Edinburgh history of the book in Scotland. Vol. 4: Professionalism and diversity 1880-2000 27.143
Editing Canadian English 22.109
Editing historical records 23.105
Education for library cataloging: international perspectives 25.222-223
Effective literature searching for research 22.110
Electronic information delivery: ensuring quality and value (NAIS Report) 20.51-52
Encarta world English dictionary 22.107
Everyday grammar 23.54
The extreme searcher's internet handbook: a guide for the serious researcher 28.95-96
Facing the text: content and structure in book indexing 24.111
Famous first facts: a record of first happenings, discoveries and inventions in American history 21.149-150
The fight for English: how language pundits ate, shot and left 25.291
Finding and using health and medical information on the internet 23.53-54
The fit 24.116
The fourth resource: information and its management 20.230
From flock beds to professionalism: a history of indexers 27.44
Gallimaufry: a hodgepodge of our vanishing vocabulary 25.295
Genealogy and indexing 24.111-112
The Gilbert & Sullivan Journal 56-year index: covering the years 1925-81 (vols 1-10) 20.175-176
The Gilbert & Sullivan sorting system: a classification scheme for use with the materials of G & S studies 23.179
Girton: thirty years ... in the life of a Cambridge college 25.69-70
The Gladstone diaries with Cabinet minutes and prime-ministerial correspondence, Vol. xiv: Index 20.46
Glossary of terminology in abstracting, classification, indexing, and thesaurus construction 22.107-108
Gower handbook of library and information management (ed.) 21.151
Harrod's librarians' glossary 20.108-109, 22.107, 26.46
Henry Fielding's Tom Jones: an index: with summaries of chapters appended 25.293-294
Herbarium 24.241-242
The Hindu Index, January-December 1994 20.46
Historical atlas of Toronto 27.46
A History of information storage and retrieval 22.215
A history of reading 24.55-56
The history of reading in the West 22.166-167
How language works 25.65
How mumbo-jumbo conquered the world 24.245-246
How to index a book 25.61
How to write a paper 20.52
Human aspects of library automation 21.103
Hunting and gathering on the information savanna: conversations on modeling human search abilities 24.51-52
The illustrated dictionary of electronics 21.54
An illustrated dictionary of little-known words from literary classics 20.228
The impact of information on society: an examination of its nature, value and usage 21.198-199
Impacts of changing production technologies 20.51-52
In lighter vein: occasional writings 22.218
Index it right! Advice from the experts, vol.1 25.62-63
Index to book reviews in England 1775-1800 22.106
Index to the Monetary Times 20.232
An index to the Rev. William Carrigan's The history and antiquities of the diocese of Ossory 25.219-220
Index to The Sir Arthur Sullivan Society Magazine nos 1-40, 1997-1995 20.175-176
An Indexer's guide to the internet 22.51
Indexers and indexes in fact and fiction 23.51-52
Indexes: writing, editing, production 20.175
Indexing: engage, enlighten, enrich: proceedings from the ANZI conference, Melbourne, Australia: 17-19 March 2005 25.63
Indexing: the manual of good practice 23.52
Indexing: a nuts-and-bolts guide for technical writers 27.190-191
Indexing and abstracting in theory and practice 21.148, 24.51
Indexing basics 27.189-190
Indexing biographies and other stories of human lives (second edition) 21.148-149
Indexing biographies and other stories of human lives (third edition) 24.113
Indexing books 24.248-249
Indexing children's books 22.162-163
Indexing collections of electronic images: a review 20.47
The indexing companion 25.214-215
The indexing companion workbook: book indexing 28.46
Indexing for editors 21.101-102, 23.105
Indexing for editors and authors: a practical guide to understanding indexes 26.186-187
Indexing from A to Z (1995) 24.124-128
Indexing from A to Z (1996) 20.175
Indexing the medical and biological sciences 20.47, 23.237
Indexing multimedia and creative works: the problems of meaning and interpretation 24.242
Indexing newspapers, magazines and other periodicals 22.53
Indexing for Southern Africa: a manual compiled in celebration of ASAIB's first decade 1994-2004 25.215
Indexing specialties: cookbooks 27.142-143
Indexing specialties: history 21.197
Indexing specialties: law 23.105-106
Indexing specialties: medicine 22.51
Indexing specialties: psychology 23.106
Indexing specialties: scholarly books 25.62
Indexing specialties: websites 26.191
The information audit: a practical guide 23.180
Information in the electronic age 22.108
Information and emotion: the emergent affective paradigm in information behavior research and theory 26.94-95
Information representation and retrieval in the digital age 24.53
Information retrieval design: principles and options for information description, organization, display, and access in information retrieval databases, digital libraries, catalogs, and indexes 24.159-160
The information revolution 20.109
The information society: a study of continuity and change 22.216-217
Information strategy in practice 24.114
Inhaltserschliessung durch Indexieren: Prinzipien und Praxis 21.197
Inside book publishing 27.45
Inside indexing: the decision-making process 24.242-243
International genealogy and local history 26.143-144
International Literary Market Place (ILMP 2006) 25.147
The internet: a writer's guide 23.109-110
The internet for library and information service professionals 20.110
An introduction to bibliography for literary students 20.52-53
Introduction to indexing and abstracting 22.211
Introductory concepts in information science 22.164
The invisible art: the pursuit of book making 23.181-182
Invisible forms: a guide to literary curiosities 22.211-212
Invisible power: a philosophical adventure story 25.150-151
The ISTC Handbook of professional communication and information design 22.217
Johnson' dictionary: a modern selection 20.109
The journal of the Parson Woodforde Society: an index to the contents. Vol. 1 No. 1 21.55
Journal publishing 20.231
Journeys through the market: travel, travellers and the book trade 22.167
Joy of cooking 25.220-221
Key concepts in language and linguistics 22.54
Kierkegaard's writings 26: cumulative index 22.212-213
Know it all, find it fast: an A-Z source guide for the enquiry desk 24.243-244
Knowledge management in practice: connections and context 26.187-188
Kurt Vonnegut: a man without a country 25.69
Language and the internet 23.110
Language is power: the story of standard English and its enemies 21.103
Language, society and power: an introduction 22.54-55
Librarianship and information work worldwide 2000 22.217-218
Library book: an architectural journey through the London Library 25.218
The library and information professional's guide to the internet 20.110
The life and opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman (index to) 25.112-113
Linnaeus' Philosophia Botanica 25.149
Literally entitled: a dictionary of the origins of the titles of major literary works... 20.176
The literature of the book: a select bibliography, with critical essays, of books by, about and for the book profession 24.244
Long live Latin: a Latin miscellany 24.245
Looking for information: a survey of research on information seeking, needs and behavior 24.52
The Lord of the Rings 23.106-107
Lost for words: the hidden history of the Oxford English Dictionary 25.66
Lost for words: the mangling and manipulating of the English language 24.163-164
Managing information 21.103
Manual of archival description 22.218-219
Marginalia: readers writing in books 23.55
Marketing your indexing services 22.52
Mastering indexing skills: steps along the way. Papers read at a conference held in Johannesburg on 27th June 2001 23.107-108
The Mazruiana collection revisited: Ali A Mazrui debating the African condition: an annotated and select thematic bibliography 1962-2003 25.70
MDA archaeological objects thesaurus 21.52-53
The meaning of everything: the story of the Oxford English Dictionary 24.54-55
The meaning of Tingo: and other extraordinary words from around the world 25.65-66
Medicine and science at Exeter Cathedral Library: a short-title catalogue of printed books, 1483-1900, with a list of 10th- to 19th-century manuscripts 24.114
Metadata for information management and retrieval 24.159
MHRA style guide: a handbook for authors, editors, and writers of theses 27.44-45
Moys classification and thesaurus for legal materials 23.52-53
Names of persons: national usages for entry in catalogues (4th revised and enlarged edition) 21.53-54
Net crimes & misdemeanors: outmaneuvering with spammers, stalkers and con artists 25.223-224
Net effects: how librarians can manage the unintended consequences of the internet 24.54
New Hart's rules 25.63-64
New keywords: a revised vocabulary of culture and society 24.246
The New OPL Sourcebook: A Guide for Solo and Small Libraries 25.147-148
New Oxford dictionary for writers and editors 25.63
New Oxford spelling dictionary 25.63
New Writing 9 22.213
NewsLink email newsletter 25.218-219
NISO TR-03-1999, NISO technical report: guidelines for alphabetic arrangement of letters and sorting of numerals and other symbols 22.215-216
OCLC 1967-97: thirty years of furthering access to the world's information 21.152
Organizing knowledge: an introduction to managing access to information 22.164-165
The Oxford companion to English literature 22.163-164
The Oxford dictionary of abbreviations 22.163
The Oxford dictionary of allusions 23.55-56
The Oxford dictionary of English grammar 20.51
The Oxford dictionary of foreign words and phrases 22.163
The Oxford dictionary of idioms 22.163
The Oxford Dictionary of National Biography 24.160-161
The Oxford dictionary of phrase and fable 22.219
The Oxford dictionary of rhyming slang 23.182
The Oxford dictionary of thematic quotations 22.167
The Oxford guide to style 23.109
The Oxford guide to world English 23.182-183
Oxford history of English lexicography (OHEL) 28.11
The Oxford names companion 23.243
The Oxford paperback crossword dictionary 22.52
The Oxford spelling dictionary 22.163
Oxford visual dictionary. English, French, German, Spanish 20.228-229
Partnering in the information industry 20.229-230
PDF Index Generator 28.47-48
Pears cyclopaedia 2005-2006: a book of reference and background information for all the family 25.66-67
Please don't eat the daisies 25.166
The pocket book of Scottish quotations 22.110
Practical information policies 22.109
Principles of bibliographical description 20.52-53
The Private Papers of Henry Ryecroft 25.149-150
Producing the eighteenth-century book: writers and publishers in England, 1650-80 28.93
Public sector records management: a practical guide 26.47
Puzzles in paper: concepts in historical watermarks 23.243
Quarter Sessions records for family historians: a select list 20.111-112
Reading Pathological Society library catalogue, 17th-19th century 22.55
Red 25.151
The reference sources handbook 20.229
Renaissance computer: knowledge technology in the first age of print 22.218
Research for writers 24.115-116
Running an indexing business 23.52
Samuel Johnson's dictionary 24.241
Samuel Richardson's Clarissa: an index with summaries of letters appended 22.213-214
Saturday 24.246-247
Scientific style and format: the CSE manual for authors, editors and publishers 25.291-292
Scottish poetry index: an index to poetry and poetry-related material in Scottish literary magazines, 1953-, Vol. 1 20.48
Scottish Printed Books 1508-2008 (Kamm) 27.45-46
Sequels: an annotated guide to novels in series 21.55-56
Shakespeare's words: a glossary and language companion 23.183
Shanachie tour: a library road trip across America 27.46
Shipwreck index of the British Isles. Vol. 1 20.48
Slang down the ages: the historical development of slang 23.244
Slavic & East European Information Resources 22.165
Small publishers A-Z: the guide to good publishing 21.55
Software engineering - Recommended Practice for the internet - Web Site Management and Web Site Life Cycle (BS ISO/IEC 23026:2006) 25.216
Software for indexing 23.237-238
Spellbound 25.146
A stage mother's story 25.221-222
Standard English: the widening debate 22.54-55
Starting an indexing business 22.51-52, 27.191-192
Staying legal: a guide to issues and practice for users and publishers of electronic resources 22.55
The stories of English 24.114-115
The stuff of thought: language as a window into human nature 26.190-191
The subversive copy editor: advice from Chicago (or, how to negotiate good relationships with your writers, your collegaues, and yourself) 28.46-47
Super searchers make it on their own: top independent information specialists share their secrets for starting and running a research business 23.180-181
Technical services management, 1965-1990: festschrift for Katherine Luther Henderson 20.174
Text editing, print and the digital world 27.95-96
The thesaurus: review, renaissance and revision 24.158-159
Thesaurus construction and use: a practical manual 21.149, 23.53
Thesaurus of disability index terms 20.227
Thesaurus of monument types: a standard for use in archaeological and architectural recording 22.53-54
Thesaurus and use: a practical manual 23.53
Transferred illusions: digital technoloogy and the form of print 28.47
Treasures of the National Maritime Museum 24.247
Understanding data and information systems for recordkeeping (Bantin) 26.188
UNESCO thesaurus: a structured list of descriptors for indexing and retrieving literature 20.108
The University of Google 26.48
The unsung sixties: memoirs of social innovation 24.165-166
Used books: marking readers in Renaissance England 28.93-94
Visualizing subject access for 21st century information 21.199
The warden of English: the life of H.W. Fowler 23.56
The web library: building a world class personal library with free web resources 24.244-245
Web site indexing: enhancing access to information within websites 22.214, 24.113
Website indexes 25.223
What's in a word-list? Investigating word frequency and keyword extraction 27.143-144
Who's who in the Middle Ages 22.219
Who's who in the UK information world 1995/96 20.49
Why is Q always followed by U? 27.192
Wikipedia: a new community of practice 28.94-95
Wilkie Collins: an illustrated guide 21.104
The wired world: an introduction to the theory and practice of the information society 23.110-111
A word in your shell-like: 6,000 curious and everyday phrases explained 24.164
Wordmanship: a dictionary 20.18-22
Words on words: quotations about language and languages 22.167
The works of John Wesley vol. 24. Journals and diaries VII (index) 25.68-69
World guide to library, archive and information science education 26.143
The writer's handbook 1999 21.151-152
Writer's reference set (3 volumes): New Oxford dictionary for writers and editors; New Hart's rules; New Oxford spelling dictionary 25.63-64
book reviews, editors
gender and 27.165-166
Lennie, Frances and Christopher Phipps 26.143-144, 186-191, 27.95
Phipps, Christopher and Michael Jackson 27.142-144, 189-192, 28.46-48, 93-96
book reviews in England 1775-1800, Index to 22.106
'A book-style index for the web: the University of Texas Policies and Procedures Website' (Fetters) 21.73-76
bookmarks, as marketing tool 27.88
books about
Producing the eighteenth-century book: writers and publishers in England, 1650-80 (reviewed) 28.93
Used books: marking readers in Renaissance England (Sherman) (reviewed) 28.93-94
component parts (paratext) 22.211-212, 25.111
early printed 22.218
evolution 22.165-166
prediction of demise of market 25.206, 26.83
purchasing decisions 22.200-201
searching for, index terms as aid 21.127-131
trade in 22.167
'Books - the core for public libraries' (Bakewell) (letter) 26.24
Booth, Pat F
articles by
'Be a peach: enhancing your work through training' 23.18-22
'Good practice in indexing - the new edition of International Standard ISO 999' 20.114
'How we index: six ways to work' 20.89-92
'Lifelong indexing: freelancing and CPD' 21.2-5
'Translating and indexing: some thoughts on their relationship' 25.89-92
Indexing: the manual of good practice
compared with other indexing manuals 23.124-128
reviewed 23.52
SI endorsement 26.178
reviews by 21.53-54, 148, 22.214, 217, 23.53, 180, 238-240, 24.54, 113, 243-244
Booth, Pat F and Mary Piggott, Choice and form of entries 20.175
Borges, Jorge Luis, how not to index him 26.68-71
Bosanko, Susan
photograph of 26.65
'The first women's college' (letter) 25.39-40
Bosschieter, Pierke
articles by, 'Back-of-the-book indexing in the Netherlands today' 25.86-88
Basisboek technische communicatie, contribution to 27.45
personal names, guides to Centrepiece 5 (vol. 26(2)):1
photograph of 25.226, 275, 26.37
reviews by 25.223, 27.46
Boswell, James, indexed 24.84
see also biota names
gardening handbooks, relevance of index 27.141
Herbarium (New South Wales Botanical Gardens) (reviewed) 24.241-242
'Indexing botanical and horticultural texts' (George) 25.253-254
Linnaeus' Philosophia Botanica (reviewed) 25.149
Bowers, Fredson, Principles of bibliographical description (reviewed) 20.52-53
Bowman, John, Wheatley commendation (2007) 25.273, 26.37-38
The boy who loved books (reviewed) 25.292
Boyle, Gertrude 22.118
brackets: see parentheses
Brackney, Michael
letters from
'Homograph arrangement' 20.87-88
'Homograph arrangement (4): using punctuation' 20.217
'Indexing allusions referenced to endnotes: a short story of discovery' 25.42
'The purpose and functions of subheadings' 25.269
Bradley, Philip
book reviews (editor) 20.45-54, 108-112, 174-176, 227-232, 21.52-56, 101-104, 147-152, 197-199, 22.51-55
obituary 27.30
'Reminiscences of a reviews editor' 24.38-39
reviews by 20.50, 109, 176, 228-229, 21.102, 22.54, 107, 163, 218
Bradley, Philip and Nancy Mulvany (eds), book reviews 22.106-111, 162-168, 211-219, 23.51-56, 105-111, 179-183, 236-244
Bragg, Melvyn, The adventure of English: 500 AD to 2000: the biography of a language (reviewed) 24.54
Braille, indexing in 27.78
Bream, Alex, 'The policemen of literature' (Boston Globe) 24.147
Bremmer, Diane, reviews by 27.142
Brenner, Diane and Marilyn Rowland, Beyond book indexing: how to get started in Web indexing, embedded indexing, and other computer-based media (reviewed) 22.106
Bridge, Noeline
'French names' Centrepiece 1:8
names Centrepieces editor, appointment as 26.145
'Verifying personal names on the Web' 23.149-156
Brind, Jackie, review by 25.150
'Bringing it home: learning to index books by correspondence' (USDA course) (Manley and Harwood) 20.185-187
British Columbia Legislative Assembly, indexing the proceedings of 27.66-69
British Library Newspaper Library 27.4
'The British Museum catalogue of Hebrew incunabula: an evaluation of its information design and indexes' (Weinberg) 25.12-15
British Record Society 24.15
British standards: see standards (British)
Britton, Barbara
articles by
(Britton) 25.233-234
'How we index: six ways to work' 20.90
'Gordon, John Ainsworth: a celebration' (obituary) 21.38-39
obituary of Valerie Lewis Chandler 27.136
broadband, availability 28.80
'Broadcasting on indexing' (Matthews) 21.173-174
Brown, Fred
'Indexing workshops for technical writers' 23.134-137
reviews by 25.218-219, 26.191
Brown, Moira, photograph of 27.180
Browne, Glenda
ANSZI Medal winner (2008) 27.8, 36
articles by
'Classified versus specific entry in book indexes: guidelines for decision-making' 28.6-11
'The definite article: acknowledging "The" in index entries' 22.119-122
'Disclaimers in indexes and databases' (Weinberg) (letter) 25.201
'Future of indexing in a Web 2.0 world' 26.85
'Indexing in Australia and New Zealand' (editorial) 22.113
'Professional liability of indexers' 20.70-73
'Professionalism ... some comments in reply to John Simkin and Elizabeth Wallis' (letter) 21.91-92
Ig Nobel Prize (2007) 25.234, 26.2, 64-65
photograph of 25.226, 26.2, 27.180
resigns as ATW editor 28.49
reviews by 24.162-163, 27.189-190
Web site indexing: enhancing access to information within websites (reviewed) 22.214, 24.113
Browne, Glenda and Jonathan Jermey
The indexing companion (reviewed) 25.214-215
The indexing companion workbook: book indexing (reviewed) 28.46
'Indexing the future of information' 24.32-36
Browne, Stella 24.97
Browser bar: links for indexers
Bosschieter, Pierke 25.199, 279, 26.192, 27.91, 181, 28.37
Bosschieter, Pierke and Linda Sutherland 25.152
Browser bar, introduction of 25.73
catalogues and indexes 28.51
library shelves 28.50
Brunt, Rodney, 'Indexing the intelligence: some inferences, some speculations' 22.187-190
Buckland, Michael, articles by, 'Professional ethics and The Indexer (letter) 26.136
The Builder illustrations index 1843-1883 20.45-46, 27.6
'Building a collage for indexers and bibliographers: photo albums, mirros, magnifying glasses and crystal balls out of Africa' (Fourie) 27.146-151
'Building a global legal index: a work in progress' (Davis) 22.123-127
Bulletin (ISC/SCI newsletter)
distribution 26.176
obtaining material for 26.177
relaunch 25.203
Burger, Marlene
'Indexing in South Africa' 23.57
'Indexing traditional African musical instruments' 21.169-172
'ISALLIS: from Termatrex to internet' 23.66-67
obituary for Christie Theron 24.148
photograph of 25.275
review by 25.70
Burial Indexing Project ('Shroud project') 23.34
Burns, Charles, 'Cardinal Giuseppe Garampi: an eighteenth-century pioneer in indexing' 2261-64
business needs, abstracting 20.197-200
business practice for the indexer
business ethics 25.162, 27.15
deadlines, importance of meeting 27.14, 191
emergency arrangements, importance 27.14
estimates/tenders, how to prepare 27.10
freelancing: see freelancing
indexing as a business 22.51-52, 23.52
'The little extras: a customer service approach to indexing' (Weaver) 27.9-16
maintaining contact 27.12-14
mistakes, making good 27.14-15
promoting an understanding of the indexing process 27.9-10
record-keeping 28.81
Running an indexing business (Perlman, ed.) 23.52
running a research business 23.180-181
serials indexing 27.6
software compatibility, need to test 27.6
staged payments 27.6
Starting an indexing business (Zafran, ed.) 22.51-52, 27.191
submission of index in preparation 27.6
training in 27.89
turning down work 27.15
unacceptable client demands 27.15
Butcher, Judith, Copy-editing: the Cambridge Handbook (Wheatley Medal) 20.218, 21.34

Back to top
CAAMA (Central Australian Aboriginal Media Association) 20.94
calendars and dates, The Fitzroy Dearborn calendar of world history (reviewed) 22.214-215
California State Library Home Page 20.127-129
Callimachus, alphanumerical sort order and 25.259
Calvert, Drusilla
articles by
'Deconstructing indexing standards' 20.74-78
'Psychology and neuroscience of indexing: what goes on in the mind of the indexer?' 25.154-160
interview with 24.18-20
photograph of 21.185
Documentation Centre 26.178
human rights, indexing of 26.178
Cambrian Archaeological Association, journal of 23.187-191
Cambridge History of the Book in Britain: Volume VI, 1830-1914, index reviewed 27.134
Cambridge Mozart encyclopedia 25.37
Cameron, Ann, 'Capturing moving images online' 24.142-144
Campbell, Barry, photograph of 26.65
Chinese names in 26.143-144
Descriptive and visual dictionary of objects (Canadian Heritage Parks) 27.71
Home Children (1869-1930) 23.34-35
'Indexing legislative text: Alberta Hansard' (Grist) 23.138-139
National Library, index of French-language songs 21.133
'The Parliament of Canada: indexing the work of the Senate committees' (Bilodeau) 26.114-117
Canadian English 22.108
'The Canadian perspective' (Faulkner) 24.183
canonical orders 25.249-251, Centrepiece 5 (vol. 26(4)):1
Apocryphal/Deuterocanonical books Centrepiece 5 (vol. 26(4)):3, Centrepiece 5 (vol. 26(4)):5
date of establishment Centrepiece 5 (vol. 26(4)):4
Greek canon Centrepiece 5 (vol. 26(4)):1
Massoretic text (MT) Centrepiece 5 (vol. 26(4)):1
non-canonical literature Centrepiece 5 (vol. 26(4)):5
Protestant canon Centrepiece 5 (vol. 26(4)):3, Centrepiece 5 (vol. 26(4)):5
Roman Catholic canon Centrepiece 5 (vol. 26(4)):2
Septuagint Centrepiece 5 (vol. 26(4)):2
capitalization of headings 26.187, 27.191
BS 3700/ISO 999 20.75
sort order and 20.75, 25.91
'Capturing moving images online' (Cameron) 24.142-144
Carbonite 28.80
card indexes, role
Harsd?rffer, Philipp (1653) 25.238
Vincent Placcius (1689) 25.238
Card, Orson Scott, The originist (extract) 21.61
'Cardinal Giuseppe Garampi: an eighteenth-century pioneer in indexing' (Burns) 22.61-64
Carey Award
1997 20.113
1998 21.57
2003 24.42
2009 27.180
establishment 21.34, 36
Carey, Gordon V, SI founder member 20.162-163
Carroll, Lewis, as indexer 20.11-13
carto-bibliography in South Africa 23.63-65
cartography: see maps and cartography
cartoons, indexing of (University of Kent Study Centre)
captions 25.101
the collection 25.100-101
embedded text 25.101-102
establishment 25.100
find aids/locators 25.101
implied content 25.101
index fields 25.101
'Indexing cartoons' (Hiley) 25.100-104
interactive indexing (folksonomies) 25.104
online catalogue 25.100-101
thesaurus 25.100, 102
variant images, choosing between
censorship and 25.103
indexing the underlying concept 25.102, 103
original artwork/final printed version 25.102
teasing editors 25.103
when is a variant not a variant? 25.102-103
Cartulary of St Julien of Brioude
alphabetical order and 25.97
article, treatment in the index 25.97
authenticity 25.97
content and organization 25.97
date 25.96
purpose of index 25.97-98
CAS (Chemical Abstracts Service) 27.2
Case, David, The journal of the Parson Woodforde Society: an index to the contents. Vol. 1 No. 1 (ed.) (reviewed) 21.55
Case, Donald O, Looking for information: a survey of research on information seeking, needs and behavior (reviewed) 24.52
caste and the indexing of names Centrepiece 3:12
in ancient times 25.258-259
indexing of 25.132
paper catalogues, limitations 28.50
search techniques 27.64-65
cataloguing skills and the indexer 26.80-81
Cauchi, Simon, 'Homograph arrangement (3): copy-editor survey' (letter) 20.217
'A cautionary tale' (Bell) 21.24
Cavallo, Guglielmo and Roger Chartier (eds), The history of reading in the West (reviewed) 22.166-167
Cawkell, A E, Indexing collections of electronic images: a review (reviewed) 20.47
CBIR (content-based image retrieval) 27.70
indexing: see web indexing
preparing 26.171
publishers' views on 21.62-63
Celtic: see Irish language
censorship, effect on indexes
16th century Italy 25.110, 111
cartoons 25.103
religious censorship 21.115-116
Central Electronic Archive (CEA) 21.166-168
see also for full list Centrepieces on home page menu
Bridge, Noeline, appointment as names editor 26.145
introduction of 25.73
OPs and 26.177
scope and coverage 26.177
Chalker, Sylvia and Edmund Weiner, The Oxford dictionary of English grammar (reviewed) 20.51
Chandler, Arthur R, review by 20.110
Chandler, Valerie Lewis, obituary of 27.136
'Changing boundaries' (Jacobs) (editorial) 23.113-114
Chen Yuan 27.103
children, indexing for 22.44, 52-53
alphanumerical sort order 21.175-176
cross-references and 20.9-10, 193
Indexes to children's information books 22.162-163, 26.177
'Indexing for children' (Dixon) 20.8-10
'Indexing children's information books' (Bakewell and Williams) 21.174-179
locators and 20.193-194
national curriculum (UK) and 20.120, 193
SI/Liverpool John Moores University research project 20.37, 120, 193-194
subheadings 20.193
China, indexing in
Agricultural index (Wan Guoding) 27.104
back-of-the-book indexes, frequency 25.134, 26.4, 5-6, 27.104
'Book indexing in China' (Dai) 26.3-7
China Library Association (CLA), role 27.104
'Chinese index science: stepping forward to the new century' (Ge Yong-Qing) 22.76-78
collection indexing 25.134
CSI contribution to 26.6
education system, effect 26.5
'Example-based text categorization (EBTC): the key to automatic indexing?' (Hou Hanqing with Xue Chunxiang) 27.117-123
Harvard-Yeching Sinological Institute Indexing Office, role 26.4, 6, 27.102
history of 26.3-7, 27.101, 102-106
Index Movement 27.102
indexing manuals and textbooks 26.5, 7
indexing standards: see standards (Chinese)
journal databases 27.112-113
key figures in, biographical notes 27.106
Library Association of China, role 26.4
Lin Yutang 27.102
May Fourth Movement and 27.102
multiple indexes to dictionaries as criterion of quality 27.104
natural language order and 27.104
promotion of 27.104
publishing industry's attitude towards 26.5-6
Sinological Index Series 27.102, 103
standards: see standards (Chinese)
term selection (including 'choice of entries' and 'indexable material'), 'Term selection: the key to successful indexing' (Zhang Qiyu) 27.97, 98-102
theory of, 'Index and sequence' (Wan Guoding) 27.105
training of indexers 27.104
'Wan Guoding: indexing pioneer' (Wang Yage and Hou Hanqing) 27.97, 102-106
yearbook indexing 26.6
China, Republic of (1911-49)
definition 27.111
journal databases 27.97, 111-116
comparison of 27.111
literary heritage 27.112
reference books/catalogues 27.112
National Index to Chinese Newspapers and Periodicals 27.112
publishing in 27.111
'Republic of China (1911-49): retrieving the past' (Wu Peijuan) 27.97, 113-116
Shanghai Library Republic of China collection 27.112
Shanghai Library Republic of China Journal Title Database 27.97, 112-116
indexing and classification of 27.112
search functions 27.112-115
Western influences 27.111
China Society of Indexing (CSI): see CSI (China Society of Indexing)
classical Chinese 26.152-153
colloquial Chinese (14th-century) 26.153
history of 26.152-153
'Indexing A comparison of the original Lao Qida and the Lao Qida yanjie' (Howarth) 26.152-155
Korean traders, 13th and 14th century textbooks for 26.152-155
software for indexers 22.21-22, 26.6, 27.97, 124-127
see also IndexStar
history of 27.124
Chinese characters
'A Chinese typewriter' (1952 US Patent application) 27.107-110
ideograms, brain's processing of 25.158
Pinyin 22.23-24, 26.4-5
sort orders/retrieval of
alphanumerical order, relevance 22.21-22, 26.4-5
Four Corner Method (Wang Yunwu) 27.103
as key to indexing process 27.102-103, 124
problems (including multiplicity of options) 27.37, 103-104, 124
StarIndex and 27.124
Wan Guoding and (MuBi) 27.102-104
ZhongGuoZiGuixie method (Hong Ye) 27.103
Chinese Library Classification (CLC) 27.117-122
Chinese names
British Columbia archives and 26.143-144
'Chinese personal names' (Dai) Centrepiece 1:1
'The hundred surnames: a Pinyin index' Centrepiece 1:3
Chinese [Social Sciences] Citation Index 22.128-129, 27.179
'A Chinese typewriter' (1952 US Patent application) 27.107-110
Christie, Margaret, The oboist's bedside book (notice of publication) 26.59
Christmas cards, as marketing tool 27.88
chronological order 25.237
Chu, Heting, Information representation and retrieval in the digital age (reviewed) 24.53
Chulick, Mary Ann, All creatures great and ... dead 26.179
development of 24.135-137
diacritics and 27.171
discussion list 22.128-129
index statistics and 26.161-162
reviewed 25.168-169
software for indexers, repagination and 27.170-171
web indexing and 20.6-7
Y2K (millennium) compliance 21.57
Ciravegna, Fabio and Daniela Petrelli, 'Annotating document content: a knowledge management perspective' 25.23-27
citation indexes: see author/citation indexes
Clancy, Julitta, review by 20.174
Clapham, Sophia, photograph of 24.170
Clark, Giles and Angus Phillips, Inside book publishing (reviewed) 27.45
Clarke, Gillian, book reviews by 27.45
Clarke, Michèle
letters from
'In defence of the professional indexer' 23.165
'Who are we indexing for exactly?' 26.35
photograph of 21.185
reviews by 20.52, 110-111, 231, 22.110, 167, 25.70-71
Clarke's Publishing Agreements: a book of precedents (reviewed) 25.295-296
classics, indexing of, locators 25.237
biota names and 27.52
Cataloging and classification standards and rules (Riemer) 20.232
Cataloguing and classification: trends, transformations, teaching and training (Shearer, Thomas) 21.56
categorical subheadings, problems raised by 27.53, 56-57
Chinese Library Classification (CLC) 27.117-122
classified entry (indirectly specific)
definition 28.7
pros and cons 28.8-9
classified entry (non-specific, up-posted), definition 28.7
'Classified v. specific indexing: a re-examination in principle' (Moys) 20.135-136, 153-155
'Classified versus specific entry in book indexes: guidelines for decision making' (Browne) 28.6-11
contents lists and 28.9
cookery books and 28.9
cross-references and 27.57, 28.8
definitions 20.135, 25.187-188, 28.7
'Dorking - A retrospective and update' (Piggott) 20.215
double posting and 25.189, 26.254-255
Education for library cataloging: international perspectives (Sun and Carter) 25.222-223
'Example-based text categorization (EBTC): the key to automatic indexing?' (Hou Hanqing and Xue Chunxiang) 27.97, 117-122
hierarchical vs concept/category groupings 28.8-9
hierarchy and association of terms distinguished 25.189
hybrid indexes 28.8
Iconclass 27.71
image-indexing and 27.71
informative indexing (Extraktions-Indexieren) as 25.217
inversion and 20.136
in legal indexing 20.154-155, 25.189, 28.9
length/density of index and 28.10
in medical indexing 25.189
Samuel Palmer's indexes to The Times and 27.7
place names and 27.56
recommended use of 25.189, 219-220
'The "sin of classification' and an example thereof" (Berson) 25.187-189
specific, direct entry
definition 28.7
pros and cons 28.7-8
taxonomic arrangement of subject-matter and 27.53
Turkey, problems in 26.9-12
tyranny of 26.120
usability considerations 25.187-190
web indexing and 20.33-34
Bella Hass Weinberg on 20.218
Classification Research Group 23.204-208
Classification for Information Retrieval (1957 Dorking Conference) 20.215
Classified Contents, compilers
Bell, Hazel 20.141-148, 21.28-32
Lambert, Sue (Volume 25-) (available only on the Website)
Moys, Betty 22.(4) iv
Shuter, Janet 23.(4) iv
Cleveland, Donald B and Ana D Cleveland, Introduction to indexing and abstracting (reviewed) 22.211
click languages Centrepiece 3:1
Clifton, Gloria and Nigel Rigby (eds), Treasures of the National Maritime Museum (reviewed) 24.247
'Clindex' 24.61
in German 24.95
reviews of 24.157
Clinton, Bill, autobiography
index 24.61, 157
Dutch index 25.76
German index 24.95
reviews of 24.157
Cloete, L M, review by 25.215
closed-system indexing 23.23-31
Cloutier, Alfred O, Indexing basics (reviewed) 27.189-190
Coates, Peter Ralph
ASAIB Award 27.90
'MeloDex: Indexing hymn tunes' 21.37
Coates, Sylvia
articles by
'Software solutions' 27.168-172
'Teaching book indexing: cognitive skills and term selection' 23.15-17
'UC Berkeley Extension course: learning to index at a distance' 24.186-188
Cochrane, Pauline Atherton and Eric H Johnson, Visualizing subject access for 21st century information ... (eds) (reviewed) 21.199
A code of practice? 20.181, 189
Code of Professional Conduct (SI) 26.41
code-breaking 22.31-33, 187-190
Coe, Mary
ASI Conference, 2008 26.133
ASI Conference, 2009 27.131
cognitive skills and processes
emotional dictionary/thesaurus project 22.152
folksonomies and 28.52
'How can we take a socio-cognitive approach in teaching indexing and abstracting' 23.83-85, 27.147
information-seeking behaviour 25.28-31, 28.52
'Teaching book indexing: cognitive skills and term selection' 23.15-17
'A Cold War card index is Romania's best hope' (MacGlashan) 25.256
Cole, Rosemary, photograph of 24.170
collective wisdom 28.60
Collins, Wilkie, guide to life and works of 21.104
Collison, Robert, SI founder member 20.161-163
'Colloque International: indici, index, indexation, Lille, 3-4 November 2005' (MacGlashan) 25.45-46
Colloquium Capensis 2000 23.226
colons, in locators 25.246
column numbers: see locators, column numbers
commas, use as separator 25.244
commonplace books (loci communes)
Bishop Jebb's 25.264
indexing of 22.114-118, 25.235, 237-238
as memory aid and index locorum distinguished 25.239
The Communicator, articles on indexing (Johncocks) 27.45
company names, indexing of, mergers and acquisitions, need to track 27.5
'Comparative evaluation of thesaurus creation software' (Hedden) 26.50-59
'Compiling an anthology of indexes' (Bell) 23.32-33
compound names
biochemistry 27.60
biota names 27.54
personal names Centrepiece 3:5
'Computer contrarian' (Bell) 22.24
computer equipment, indexers' choices (2010) 28.79-80
backup devices 28.80
emergency power supplies 28.80-81
keyboards 28.79
mice 28.79
monitors 28.79
netbooks 28.79
printers 28.80
scanners. 28.80
computer management
'Degunking your computer' (Duntemann) 26.132
misbehaving computers (Dear) 25.267
'Misbehaving computers' (Jermey) 25.195-196
computer-aided indexing
bibliographic records 25.251
binary organization, relevance to indexing 25.236
'Computer-assisted indexing of looseleaf supplements' (Inghams) (letter) 20.32
editors' and indexers' views compared 20.63-64
email address, is there a need for? 20.63-64
filename as locator 25.251
first steps 20.89-92, 162
concepts, indexing of 20.89-92, 26.116
in cartoons 25.102, 103
as the essence of the indexer's task 26.116, 27.99
'A folly index as inspired by Jorge Luis Borges, presented as a cautionary example of over-indexing' (Abrams) 26.68-71
image-indexing and 27.70
implied content 25.105, 26.16-17
in cartoons 25.101
indexing what isn't there 21.195
indexing term as 'representation' 27.98
information management and 21.127-131, 197, 23.129-133, 25.76-77
interactive and automatic indexing and 26.21-22
in poetry 28.3-5
PRECIS: a manual of concept analysis and subject indexing (Austin) 25.132, 206
science vs fiction 28.50
value to user 20.67, 26.21-22
Concordance (Watt) (reviewed) 27.46-47
automatic generation 27.46-47
Cruden's biblical concordance 20.55-56
Hebrew biblical word lists and 22.178-186
mediaeval France 25.96
accessibility, oral deaf persons and 27.132
buddy system 26.133
Colloquium Capensis 2000 23.226
conference checklist (ANZSI 2007 Conference Committee) 25.277-278
cost 27.49, 149
International Agreement and 27.149
Lille Colloque International, 2005 25.24-26, 45-46
location/venue, importance 27.49
as market-place 27.49
organization of, lessons learnt 25.203-205
proceedings, publication
ANZSI 25.63, 26.177
importance 27.149
SI 26.177
The Indexer and 26.177
'Thoughts of an indexer on the way to a conference' (Simkin) (letter) 27.182
Twitter, use during 27.176
why go? 27.49, 28.34
Connolly, Tom, indexes The investment zoo (Jarislowsky) 28.83, 91
conservation and preservation
newspapers 23.241-242, 24.24-26
of paper 23.242-243
Consider the source: a critical guide to 100 prominent news and information sites on the Web (Broderick and Miller) (reviewed) 26.47-48
consistency in indexing 20.89-92, 182
author inaccuracy/inconsistency, remedying 27.64-65
between indexer and user 28.5
BS 3700/ISO 999 and 20.74
carelessness 27.190
contrary to nature? 28.12
'Inter-indexer consistency' (Bell) (letter) 28.83
inter-indexer consistency (IIC)
'Inter-indexer consistency (IIC) in a Persian context' (Fumani) 28.12-17
measuring 28.12-17
remedying poor consistency 28.15-16
parliamentary indexing 27.67
poetry indexing and 28.5
professional vs user terminology 28.5
taking the art and mystery out of indexing and 27.7
'Constructing an electronic library web page' (Takishita) 20.125-126
content management
importance 20.125
systems 24.71-74
content-based image retrieval (CBIR) 27.70
contents lists
classification and 28.9
confusion of terms 25.77, 26.80
The domestic cookery (Dalgairns) 26.80
in e-books 26.149
Historia Naturalis (Pliny the Elder) 25.259
index as duplication of 20.154-155, 26.161, 27.81, 96
legal indexing and 20.154-155, 28.9
a publisher's view 26.80
sufficiency of 25.89-90
usefulness to indexer 27.60
web indexing and 20.127
within the index 26.160
continental Europe
see also individual countries
North America compared 25.76
variation in practice 25.239
'Continental indexing: then and now' (Diepeveen) 25.74-78
continuation indicators, desirability 25.220
continuing professional development (CPD) 20.114, 21.2-5, 23.20-21, 27.145
as an ethical responsibility 25.167
'Building a collage for indexers and bibliographers: photo albums, mirros, magnifying glasses and crystal balls out of Africa' (Fourie) 27.146-151
distance, problems of 27.150
'Indexing as a career - development issues' 21.64-66
'Lifelong indexing: freelancing and CPD' (Booth) 21.2-5
contracts for indexers
Clarke's Publishing Agreements: a book of precedents (reviewed) 25.295-296
Recommended Indexing Agreement (ASI) 27.88
controlled vocabularies
'A new standard for controlled vocabularies' (Fayen) 24.62-65
authority lists/files 26.122, 27.66-68, 71
circumstances conducive to/necessitating use of 27.63, 66-67
'Controlled vocabularies: an introduction' (Leise) 26.121-126
'Controlled vocabularies, thesauri, and taxonomies' (Hedden) 26.33-35
definition 26.33, 121, 27.66
display options 26.122
folksonomies and 28.52
'Herding cats: indexing British Colombia's political debates using controlled vocabulary' (McClung) 27.66-69
homogenization of entries, desirability 26.159-160
image-indexing and 27.70-75
indexes distinguished 26.121
'Indexing the law: a controlled vocabulary' (Scott) 24.123-126
Integrated Public Sector Vocabulary (IPSV) 26.47
learning architecture and 26.165-166
Library of Congress Subject Heading Guide (LCSH): see Library of Congress Subject Heading Guide (LCSH)
maintenance, importance and difficulty of 26.126, 165-166, 27.64, 68, 71
multilingual indexing and 27.70
natural language and 27.63, 66
new terms, delay in inclusion 27.64, 68, 75
newspaper, periodical and journal indexing and 26.170, 27.5
polyhierarchies 26.124
questions resolved by
what to call topic 27.67
where to place topic 27.67
search and retrieval techniques (electronic) and 26.33, 124-125, 27.62-65
specialized subject-matter and 27.71, 75
strengths and weaknesses (general) 27.63-64, 66
synonym ring 26.122
TCV SIG (ASI Taxonomies and Controlled Vocabularies Special Interest Group) 27.66
term relationships 26.121-122, 27.68
translation of indexes, relevance to 25.90
uncontrolled vocabulary indexing compared 27.71-75
image-indexing 27.71-72
'Keyword vs controlled vocabulary searching: the one with the most tools wins' 27.62-65
user of index and
advantages to. 27.68
learning curve 27.64
visual dictionaries distinguished 27.71
Cook, Christopher (ed.), Pears cyclopaedia 2005-2006: a book of reference and background information for all the family (reviewed) 25.66-67
Cook, Elizabeth (compiler), Index to Archaeologia Cambrensis 1981-2000 (reviewed) 27.95
Cooke, Howard, photograph of 26.65
cookery books, indexing of
classification and 28.9
complexity 27.142-143
food history and 27.142-143
Indexing specialties: cookbooks (reviewed) 27.142-143
internet resources and 27.142
Joy of Cooking (reviewed) 25.220, 27.142
languages and 27.142, 143
subject knowledge, relevance 27.143
term selection 27.142
usability and 27.142
Cooter, Margaret, 'Academic partnership' 22.83
Cope-Chatterton cards 25.230-231
Copson, Derek
editorial 25.225
photograph of 25.226
copy-editing, How to write a paper (reviewed) 20.52
copyright issues
Australia 23.92, 26.127-131
'Bibliography in a digital age' (Triffit) 26.127-131
Copyright: interpreting the law for libraries, archives and information services (reviewed) 21.104
Copyright for library and information service professionals 22.166
creative commons 26.130-131
digital publishing and 22.55, 25.216, 26.127-131
electronic resources and 22.55
the indexer's rights 21.35, 25.200
royalties 26.171
intellectual capital, ownership of 23.210-215
moral rights: see moral rights
New Zealand 26.171
OZBIB 26.127-131
quoting from indexes 23.32-33
repurposing of old indexes, doing a deal 25.200
retrospective digitization and 25.216
website protection of 26.130
CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture) 21.165
Cornish, Graham P, Copyright: interpreting the law for libraries, archives and information services (reviewed) 21.104
corporate names: see company names, indexing of
correspondence course: see training for indexers, distance learning
Cortegiano: see Il Libro del Cortegiano
'Counterblasts to "professionalism"' - 1 (Mills) (letter) 21.40
'Counterblasts to "professionalism"' - 2 (Barlow) (letter) 21.40
County Roscommon Historical and Archaeological Society Journal, indexing 22.173-174
Cousins, Garry, 'Logical order' (letter) 20.31
Crane, Ian D, 'Wisden Cricketers' Almanack (letter) 23.228
'Creating indexes for world atlases at HarperCollins Publishers' (Irvine) 24.119-122
creative commons 26.130-131
cricket, indexes relating to 23.169, 228
crisis management
best business practice 27.14
health problems 27.14
personal and family problems 27.14
Cronin, Blaise (ed.), Annual review of information science and technology, volume 40, 2006 (reviewed) 25.64-65
Cronshaw, Francine, 'Spanish personal names' Centrepiece 3:5
cross-references 26.160, 161
automatic identification of possibilities 25.123-124
BS 3700/ISO 999 20.76
changes made incorrectly by client 28.65
children and 20.9-10, 193
circularity/dead ends, examples 26.144
classification and 27.57, 28.8
detailed entries as alternative route 25.220
double posting and 20.183, 26.160, 161, 27.100
generic cross-references 27.57, 95
generosity, need for 26.67, 27.8
German practice 25.81-82
Il Libro del Cortegiano indexes and 25.109, 111
layout 27.95
personal names and Centrepiece 2:11, Centrepiece 2:14
place names and 27.57
see also references
as measure of index quality 26.160, 161
reciprocity and 27.191
serials/cumulative indexing and 27.3
shortage of 27.96
terminology changes and 26.165-166, 27.3, 50, 68
thesauri and 26.165
user preferences 20.66-67
web indexing and 20.118, 126, 128
within the text 20.19-20
Crystal, David
articles by
'For want of an index ...' 28.11
'It ain't just what you say but the way that you say it: indexing a DVD' 27.173-175
'Quote index unquote' 22.14-20
'Reverse indexing' 26.14-17
By hook or by crook: a journey in search of English (reviewed) 26.46-47
The Cambridge encyclopaedia (ed.) (reviewed) 21.55
The Cambridge encyclopaedia of the English language (reviewed) 20.50
The fight for English: how language pundits ate, shot and left (reviewed) 25.291
How language works (reviewed) 25.65
Language and the internet (reviewed) 23.110
OBE, award of 20.36
reviews by 23.108-109
The stories of English (reviewed) 24.114-115
Crystal, David and Ben Crystal, Shakespeare's words: a glossary and language companion (reviewed) 23.183
Crystal, David and Hilary Crystal, Words on words: quotations about language and languages (reviewed) 22.167
Crystal, Mary, 'Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation: an introduction to its indexing methodology' 21.85-89
CSI (China Society of Indexing)
activities and events other than conferences 22.43, 24.146, 224
aims and objective 21.132, 27.97
back-of-the-book indexing in China, contribution to development of 26.6
Executive Council committees, establishment 28.33
Executive Council meetings
November 2007 26.36
January 2008 (with New Year tea party) 26.83
March 2008 26.84
2009 28.33
executive council, report and election 27.36, 97
guest editors of The Indexer (September 2009)
appointment 26.49
editorial 27.97
history 22.76-78, 27.97
indexing society conferences, attendance at
ANZSI 2009 28.33
SI 2009 27.179, 28.33
International Agreement, as signatories to 27.97
membership 26.134, 27.97
newsletter 26.176
editors 26.176
promotion of indexing by 26.84
standards, drafting: see standards (Chinese)
structure and management 27.97
Training Committee meeting (October 2009) 28.82
work report, 2007-8 26.134
CSI conferences
1999 22.21-22, 76-78
2001 (joint conference with AusSI) 22.197
2003 24.100
2005 24.147, 226, 25.47
2007 (Guangzhou) 25.272, 26.40
2008 (Beijing) 26.84, 134, 178, 27.35-36
2009 (Lanzhou University) (China Indexing Standards) 27.179
survey of 27.97
Culleton, John, 'Open Source indexing' 24.58-60
cultural differences, relevance to indexing 25.90, 91-92
cultural resources
New keywords 24.246
online access to 22.58-60
cumulative indexing
Annual Review of Information Science and Technology 26.87
anticipation of future requirements, importance 27.67
continuous cumulation 27.6
General Science Index 26.88
long strings, avoiding 27.5, 6
merging of separately compiled indexes 27.67
as record of change 27.95
repackaging/refurbishing and 26.22
retrospective indexes 27.6
scanning of old indexes 25.200-201
'Serials indexing: from journals to databases' (Barlow) 27.2-6
serials indexing and 27.4
terminology, difficulties caused by changes in 26.165-166, 27.3, 6, 67
company names 27.4
thesauri/controlled vocabulary and 27.3, 6
Curran, Susan
articles by, 'Authors and indexing' 27.80-83
photograph of 25.226
Curtis, Helene and Mimi Sanderson, The unsung sixties: memoirs of social innovation (reviewed) 24.165-166
'Cyberspace and private-interest funding' (Tomm) 23.120-123

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Dai, Liqun
articles by
'Book indexing in China' 26.3-7
'Chinese personal names' (Dai) Centrepiece 1:1
'The hundred surnames: a Pinyin index' Centrepiece 1:3
as Indexer Marketing Manager 25.226
photograph of 25.226, 275
Dalai Lama, indexing Centrepiece 3:10
Dalby, Andrew, A guide to world language dictionaries (reviewed) 21.151
'Dalian Conference of the China Society of Indexers' (Walker): see CSI conferences
Danielewski, Mark Z, as indexer 23.168, 26.156-157
Darby, Seyward, 'The Going rogue index' 28.19-23
Dartnall, Jean
articles by, 'Scientific book reviews: how much do indexes matter?' 25.186
reviews by 24.241-242, 25.149
Das Buchregister: methodische Grundlagen und praktische Anwendungen (reviewed) 25.217
database indexing
accreditation 22.152
'Are abstracting and indexing databases still relevant?' (Rabe) 23.80-81
CAS (Chemical Abstracts Service) 27.2
Computer support to indexing 22.52
'Database indexing: yesterday and today' (Diakoff) 24.85-96
Emerald Abstracts 27.2
fees 26.83
field selection 26.170
indexer qualifications and training 27.2
Inspec 27.2
'Open-system versus closed-system indexing: a vital distinction' 23.23-31
'Serials indexing: from journals to databases' (Barlow) 27.2-6
sort considerations 20.127
sources of information on 27.148
templates as aid 27.5
web indexing and 20.115-117, 127
database software, as indexing tool 20.16-17, 22, 195-196, 26.170
evaluation, need for 27.148
liability and 20.72
promotion of 27.150
quality control 20.51-52
Republic of China (1911-49) journal databases 27.97, 111-116
in small specialized libraries 23.68-69
South African ePublications 23.80-82
'Databases in small specialized libraries' (Schoeman and Kalley) 23.68-69
Davenport-Hines, Richard, reviews by 28.96
Davies, Helen Emanuel (compiler), Index to Archaeologia Cambrensis 1961-1980 (reviewed) 24.240
Davis, Kristy and Sophie Nield, 'The AHRC Mander and Mitchenson Theatre Collection Access for Research Project: Uncovering the archive' 25.197-199
Davis, Madeleine
articles by, 'Building a global legal index: a work in progress' 22.123-127
photograph of 28.37
reviews by 28.94-95
Davis, Pauline, Betty Moys Prize 24.226
Davis, Rosi, reviews by 22.51, 108-109, 216-217, 23.109-110
The Dawn project 21.133
Dawson, Andy, The internet for library and information service professionals (reviewed) 20.110
Day, A Collin, Collins thesaurus of the Bible (reviewed) 23.179-180
Daymond-King, Julie, 'The New Zealand Woman's Weekly, 1933-50: an indexing challenge' 26.170-171
dBase IV, as indexing tool 20.16-17, 22, 195-196
De architectura (Vitruvius), indexing of 23.140-148, 228
addendum 24.41
de Botton, Alan, Kiss and tell 21.180-181
de Wahl, Martha, ASAIB Award 27.90
de Wet, Jenny, ASAIB Award 27.90
Dead Sea Scrolls, indexing of Centrepiece 5 (vol. 26(4)):5
Dear, Martin, 'Indexer, Living with an' 25.266-267
Dear, Rosemary (Rosi)
'The Indexer thirty years ago' 25.51-52, 132-133, 270-271, 26.87-88
photograph of 24.170
Dearnley, James and John Feather, The wired world: an introduction to the theory and practice of the information society (reviewed) 23.110-111
Dearnley, Joan, photograph of 24.170
'decimal' and 'ordinal' numbers distinguished 25.247
'Deconstructing indexing standards' (Calvert) 20.74-78
Deegan, Marilyn and Kathryn Sutherland
Text editing, print and the digital world (reviewed) 27.95-96
Transferred illusions: digital technoloogy and the form of print (reviewed) 28.47
defence forces, indexing material on 24.21-23
'The definite article: acknowledging "The" in index entries' (Browne) 22.119-122
Defoe, Daniel, 'Indexing Defoe' (Matthews) 24.12-14
'Degunking your PC' (Duntemann) 26.132
Delahunty, Andrew, The Oxford dictionary of allusions (reviewed) 23.55-56
delicious 26.167
Delicious 27.178
Denmark, indexing in
automatic indexing 25.77
indexing as a profession 25.77
training for indexers 25.77
'The Department of Irish Folklore, University College Dublin' (Litton) 22.170-173
DeRenne Coerr, Susan, obituary 25.280
Derricourt, Robin, An author's guide to scholarly publishing (reviewed) 20.231
detail, appropriate level of: see length/density of index
Deutsches Netzwerk der Indexer (DNI): see DNI (Deutsches Netzwerk der Indexer)
developing countries
constraints 27.149-150
The Indexer and 27.149
'Developing a guide to indexing services' (Farkas) 20.194
'Developing and using new reference tools to search the jurisprudence of the World Trade Organization: The case of the Appellate Body Repertory' (Sandford, Cooper and Prieto Ramos) 24.218-222
'The development of the Chinese Social Sciences Citation Index' (Hua) 22.128-129
'Development of thesauri in Iran' (Masoumeh Bagheri) 25.19-22
Dewey classification system 25.247, 26.9-10
image-indexing and 27.71
DEXter 27.190
DEXter: an aid to embedded indexing in Word (reviewed) 24.167-168
'Embedding in Word documents with DEXter' (Lennie, letter) 24.223
names indexes, importance in 27.4
software for indexers and 27.171
Unicode system and 27.171
'Diacritics for indexers' (Rhoades) 26.146-147
Diakoff, Harry, 'Database indexing: yesterday and today' 24.85-96
diaries, index to
The Gladstone diaries
reviewed 20.46
Wheatley Medal 20.37
'Indexing Wesley's journals and diaries' (Vickers) 25.9-11
The Works of John Wesley Vol.24. journals and diaries VII (index) (reviewed) 25.68-69
diaries, indexing of, The Gilbert & Sullivan Journal 56-year index: covering the years 1925-81 (vols 1-10) 20.175-176
'Diary of a trainee indexer, February 2003-May 2005' (Bolton) 24.175-178
Dickens, Charles, letters of 22.137-138
Dickinson, Emily, indexing poem by 23.216-217
Dickson, Mo (Maureen), photograph of 27.180
Beathaisnéis a Naoi: Forl?onadh agus Innéacsanna (reviewed by Liam MacCo?l in the Irish Times) 27.48
a dictionary of dictionaries 21.151
index, need for 20.21-22
Macquarrie Dictionary, authoritative status 26.166
'The making of a dictionary: James A H Murray' (Bell) 20.78-80
New bridge (xinqiao) dictionary (1929) 27.103-104
reviews of: see book reviews
visual dictionaries: see visual dictionaries
Diepeveen, Caroline
articles by, 'Continental indexing: then and now' 25.74-78
editorial (joint) 25.1
photograph of 25.275, 26.37, 178
reviews by 27.45
Diggins, Jim, reviews by 28.93
digital publishing 23.240-241
Amazon Kindle 26.132
CD-ROM, preparation of 26.171
copyright issues 22.55, 25.216, 26.127-131
digital rights management 26.129
e-journals 21.62-63
electronic text, designing 24.115
EPIC project (New Zealnd) 26.171
ePublications in South Africa 23.80-82
indexing society publications 26.177
The Knowledge Basket 26.171
in New Zealand 26.171
NewsLink email newsletter (reviewed) 25.218-219
online indexes 26.171
parallel indexing of electronic and print versions 26.117, 27.67
The reference sources handbook (reviewed) 20.229
Scientific style and format: the CSE manual for authors, editors and publishers (reviewed) 25.291-292
in South Africa 23.170
the word, impact on 22.165
digital world history database, index to 24.70
cost considerations 26.171
errors in 26.171
The Indexer 25.226
Dillon, Andrew, Designing usable electronic text (reviewed) 24.115
Dingle, Desmond Oliver
All the world's a globe ... (discussed by Hazel Bell) 20.208
as indexer 20.208
directories of indexers
Directory for Freelance Indexers (ASAIB) 25.134, 27.34
directory of indexers (IASC/SCAD) 21.133
DNI members list 27.34
Editorial Services Directory (Society of Editors, New South Wales) 27.34
Indexer Locator (ASI) 27.12, 34
Indexers Available (ANZSI) 27.34
Indexers Available (SI) 20.61, 189, 21.133
Irish Register of Indexers Available 21.133
Jobs Hotline (ASI) 27.12, 34
NIN website 27.35
print vs online 27.34-35
Register of Indexers Available (ISC/SCI) 27.34
review of Society practice 27.34-35
disability, thesaurus 20.227
disambiguation, problems of 26.15-16
Disc-ologue (French language songs in National Library of Canada) 21.133
definitions 25.114
'Disclaimers in indexes and databases' (Weinberg) 25.114-118
letter to the editor (Browne) 25.201
disclosure indexes and 25.201
effect 25.117
'Harry Potter Lexicon' (Encyclopaedia of Spells) 25.201
information malpractice 25.116-117
introductory notes as 25.114-115
in legal publications 25.115-116
omission or error and 25.116-117
professional disadvantages of 25.117
responsibility for work of support staff 25.117
websites 25.115-117
'Disclaimers in indexes and databases' (Weinberg) (letter) 25.201
disclosure indexes 25.201
see also disclaimers
discourse groups, index users as part of 23.83-85
'"Discursive, dispersed, heterogeneous." ... indexing Seven pillars of wisdom' (Bell) 24.9-11
discussion lists, for indexers 22.43, 27.89
'Disintermediate or die? Volunteer societies in an information age' (Jermey) 25.265-266
dispute resolution for indexers 26.186
divided indexes: see multiple indexes
Dixon, Geoffrey
The Gilbert & Sullivan Journal 56-year index: covering the years 1925-81 (vols 1-10) (reviewed) 20.175-176
The Gilbert & Sullivan photofinder: an index to published illustrations of Savoy Opera (reviewed) 20.175-176
The Gilbert & Sullivan sorting system: a classification scheme for use with the materials of G & S studies (reviewed) 23.179
'Homograph arrangement' (2) (letter) 20.88
obituary 28.84
reviews by 20.49, 174, 229
Dixon, Yvonne, 'Indexing for children' 20.8-10
DNI (Deutsches Netzwerk der Indexer)
activities and events other than conferences 24.93, 146, 225, 25.47-48
2006 25.203
2007 25.203, 26.36
2008 26.178-179
2009 28.34
as guest editors
Information: Wissenschaft & Praxis (IWP) 25.213, 26.36-37
The Indexer (editorial) 25.73
indexing seminar (Munich Book Academy) 25.272
International Agreement and 25.134
member benefits 28.77
members list 27.34
membership 25.203, 26.36, 178
newsletter 26.176
promotion of indexing 27.88
training courses 26.178, 28.30-31
'Do indexes influence purchasing habits' (Johncocks) (letter) 22.200-201
'Do Mi's Second Rule or the functions of subheadings' (Stauber) 24.192-196
document annotation 25.23-27
documentation centres: see information centres
'The Dogge called the Setter' 22.122
Dominicans, role in the development of indexing 25.260
'Dorking - a retrospective and an update' (Piggott) 20.215
Dorner, Jane, The internet: a writer's guide (reviewed) 23.109-110
'A Dorset gem' 25.28
double posting
biota names 27.52
classification and 25.189, 26.154-155
cross-references and 20.183, 26.160, 161, 27.100, 191
detailed indexing at 'preferred' heading 27.52
inversion/natural language order and 27.54
personal names and Centrepiece 2:11, Centrepiece 2:14
synonyms and 27.52
as test of quality of index 27.8
Drabble, Margaret, The Oxford companion to English literature (ed.) (reviewed) 22.163-164
drug and alcohol problems, thesaurus 20.49
Drynan, Elizabeth, Robert D Williamson Award 26.84
dtSearch 25.200-201
du Preez, Madely
ASAIB Conference 2008 26.132
'ISAP: how does it make periodical information accessible' 23.74-77
Duckett, Bob, Peter Walker and Christinea Donnelly, Know it all, find it fast: an A-Z source guide for the enquiry desk (reviewed) 24.243-244
duGran, Claurene, Wordmanship: a dictionary (discussed) 20.18-22
Duntemann, Jeff
'Degunking your PC' 26.132
'Pages in peril: what we may lose as ebooks go mainstream' 26.148-151
'Dutch, German, Austrian, Flemish and Afrikaans names' (Pitchford) Centrepiece 1:11
DVD indexing: see audiovisual media
Dykstra, Mary, IASC founder member 20.214

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'E-books, e-publishing, e-indexes, e-etc.' (Lennie) 22.84-85
Kindle books 26.132
Oxford Dictionary of National Biography On-Line 25.16-18
'pages', do they matter?: see pagination
parallel print and e-publication, problems 26.132, 148-151
e-zines 25.218-219
The Indexer 25.225-226, 26.1, 49, 105
e-Publications in South Africa 23.80-82
'Earning on-line trust' (Maislin) 22.29-30
eccentric indexes 22.60, 26.113, 28.1, 83
economic considerations
automatic searching of cumulated index, cost-benefit analysis 25.201
continental Europe 25.76, 87
GDR 25.85
edible indexes 27.141
Edinburgh history of the book in Scotland. Vol. 4: Professionalism and diversity 1880-2000 (Finkelstein and McCleery) (reviewed) 27.143
editing the index, methods 20.89-92, 26.170-171
'Editing the index: developing a method' (Faulkner and Light) 24.197-199
editing a journal: see journal editing
editorial changes 21.153, 25.226, 28.49
Editorial Freelancers Association 27.137
Beare, Geraldine 24.1
Bolton, Rohan, Hilary Faulkner, Paula Peebles, Margaret Vaudrey 24.169-170
Browne, Glenda 22.113
Burger, Madely 23.57
Copson, Derek 25.225
Diepeveen, Caroline and Jochen Fassbender 25.73
Forrest, Moyra, Anne McCarthy and Maureen MacGlashan 22.57
Jacobs, Christine 23.113-114
Lathrop, Lori 22.1
Litton, Helen, Fiona McGoldrick and Ann Stewart 22.160
MacGlashan, Maureen 24.117-118, 169-170, 25.1, 73, 153-154, 225-226, 26.1, 49, 97, 145, 27.1, 97, 145, 28.1, 49
Mulvany, Nancy 21.153
Noble, John 23.185
Reveal, Judy 26.97
Shuter, Janet 20.113, 21.1, 105, 153, 24.1
Shuter, Janet and Nancy Mulvany 20.1, 57, 113
Tulic, Martin 24.57
Wen Guoqiang, Guo Lifang, Qiu Chen 27.97
attitudes towards 25.84-85
indexing for 20.175, 21.101-102, 23.105
in-house workshops 26.37, 28.31, 33
Indexing for editors and authors: a practical guide to understanding indexes (Liese, Mertes and Badgett) 26.186-187, 27.147
Indexing for editors (Hunnisett) 21.101-102, 23.105
'Indexing from A-Z' seminars (ISC/SCI) 28.31
indexing services, guide to 20.194
professional qualifications, awareness of 20.61
relations with, survey 20.58-64, 131-134
Editors' Association of Canada
IASC/SCAD, joint conference 2001 22.197
indexer membership 27.89
Edmunds, Cherilyn, photograph of 27.180
bibliographies, construction 20.177
internet resources 20.177
'Learning architecture: issues in indexing. Australian education in a Web 2.0 world' (Mitchell) 26.163-168
national curriculum (UK) 20.10, 120, 193
Education for library cataloging: international perspectives (reviewed) 25.222-223
Education Network Australia (edna) 26.163-169
edna metadata standard 1.0 26.163, 165
education in the use of indexes, need for 26.23-24
Edwards, Sue, Betty Moys Prize 24.226
Egan, Gabriel (letters to the TLS)
Authors and indexes 25.183, 185
Google Books as index 28.11
Egypt, indexing in, Amduat 25.258
Egyptian language 25.258
Egyptian names Centrepiece 2:9
Einstein Papers Project, Wheatley Medal 27.180
electronic records, law relating to 26.188
electronics, dictionary of 21.54
Elias, Art and Betty Unruh, Partnering in the information industry (reviewed) 20.229-230
Elliston, Valerie A, reviews by 21.103, 104, 151, 22.54-55, 167, 219, 23.51-52, 55-56, 183, 24.55-56, 247, 25.61-62
embedded indexing
ASI Conference presentation (2008) 26.133
authors' preference for 27.191
cartoons 25.101-102
challenges of 21.19
'Embedded indexing' (Lamb) 24.206-209
'The myth of the reusable index' (Johncocks) 24.213-217
'Pros and cons for the indexer' (Mauer) 22.27-28
software engineers and indexers, need for dialogue 21.19
software programmes compared 20.115-116, 21.160-163
time-frames 21.19, 24.213
training for 28.32
Emblow, Alison and Alison Shell, Wheatley commendation (2007) 25.273, 26.37-38
Emerald Abstracts 27.2
emergency power supplies 28.80
'emphasis indexing' 25.122, 132
Encyclopaedia Britannica, to have an index or not 20.88
Encyclopaedia of cognitive sciences, Wheatley Medal 24.100
history of 22.215, 25.235-236, 239
indexes as means to construction of 25.237-238
'The Arabian Nights and Orientalism: perspectives from East to West' (TLS review, extract) 25.242
reviews of: see book reviews
as static concept of knowledge management 25.239
encyclopaedias, indexing of
alphabetical organization and 27.57
biota names and 27.57
need for 20.21-22, 25.238, 239
taxonomic organization and 27.57
English grammar
Everyday grammar (reviewed) 23.54
The Oxford dictionary of English grammar (reviewed) 20.51
The Cambridge guide to English usage (reviewed) 24.162-163
English language
By hook or by crook: a journey in search of English (Crystal) (reviewed) 26.46-47
The Cambridge Australian English style guide (reviewed) 20.110
The Cambridge encyclopaedia of the English language (reviewed) 20.50
The concise Oxford dictionary of current English (reviewed) 20.50
Editing Canadian English 22.109
The fight for English: how language pundits ate, shot and left (reviewed) 25.291
Gallimaufry: a hodgepodge of our vanishing vocabulary (reviewed) 25.295
history and evolution 23.54, 111, 24.54, 114-115
technological developments and 22.165
Utter drivel! a decade of jargon and gobbledygook 20.53
world English 23.182-183
The Englishman and military chronicle, Calcutta 24.134
Enigma code, breaking of 22.31-33
Enquire within about everything (1860/1891), index to 27.141
environmental/natural history indexing
see also biota names
'Environmental studies and natural history texts: indexing issues' (Shere) 27.50-57
illustrations and other non-textual matter 27.57
level/density of indexing and 27.55-56
subject knowledge, relevance 27.57
EPIC project (New Zealnd) 26.171
EPUB format 26.151
Errington, Laurence
indexing career 20.106
reviews by 20.47
correcting errors in text, appropriateness 25.268, 27.15
digitization and 26.171
disclaimers 25.116-117
learning from 26.133
liability of indexers for 25.116-117
making good/taking responsibility for 27.13-14
in translation of text for indexing 25.90
Essinger, James, Spellbound (reviewed) 25.146
'Ethical places, ethical spaces: stopping to listen' (Jacobs) 25.161-166
ethics in indexing
business practices 25.162
definitions 25.161
fairness to the subject(s) of the index 25.164-165
information ethics 25.161-162
neutrality in an indexer/index, desirability 25.162-163, 164
'Professional ethics and The Indexer (Buckland) (letter) 26.136
'Professional ethics and The Indexer (Veanor) (letter) 26.136-137
professionalism and 25.167-168
term selection and 25.162-163
unshared perspectives 25.163, 27.15
user needs and 25.165
human rights, indexing of 26.178
Red Terror Documentation and Research Centres 26.178
Ethiopian, indexing and, transliteration problems Centrepiece 3:8
Ethiopian names, 'The entry word in Ethiopian names' (Giorgis) Centrepiece 3:8
evaluating the index: see quality of the index
Every-woman's Encyclopaedia, indexing in 23.34
'Example-based text categorization (EBTC): the key to automatic indexing?' (Hou Hanqing and Xue Chunxiang) 27.97, 117-122
Exeter Cathedral Library 24.114
'The expanding worlds of reference' (McArthur) 22.86-90
'Exploring fiction and poetry through indexing' (Murphy) 23.216-217

Back to top
Facebook 27.150, 177
faceted classification 26.125-126
development of 28.50
fiction and 28.50
genre as 'personality' 28.53
Kaunokki 28.53
Beghtol 28.53
Pejtersen 28.53
Ranganathan (PMEST) 28.53
Saracevic 28.50-52
'Facilitas inveniendi: the alphabetical index as a knowledge management tool' (Zedelmaier) 25.235-242
facts, book of 23.180
Farkas, Lynn
'Developing a guide to indexing services' 20.194
photograph of 24.226, 25.134, 28.75
retirement from ANZSI presidency 25.202
Farrow, John
'Alexander Cruden and his Concordance' 20.55-56
Fassbender, Jochen
editorial (joint) 25.73
'German indexing: some observations on typographical practice' 25.79-82
Information: Wissenschaft & Praxis, guest editor 25.213, 26.36-37
'Not interested?' (letter) 24.103
photograph of 26.178, 28.30
'The father of British indexing: Henry Benjamin Wheatley' (Lee) 23.86-91
Faulkner, Gillian, 'The Canadian perspective' 24.183
Faulkner, Hilary
conference reports, ISC/CSI 2009 27.131-132
editorial (joint) 24.167-170
photograph of 26.65
reviews by 24.242, 26.48
'Why indexing?' 24.171-172
Faulkner, Hilary and Wiebke M. Light, 'Editing the index: developing a method' 24.197-199
Fayen, Emily, 'A new standard for controlled vocabularies' 24.62-65
Feather, John
The information society: a study of continuity and change (reviewed) 22.216-217
The Federica Indexes (Bell) (notice of publication) 26.59
fees for indexers
'author pays' principle 20.191, 21.62, 133, 25.183, 26.152, 153-154, 155, 27.80
earnings per hour 27.21
estimating the cost, points to consider 27.10
higher than the going rate, factors justifying 27.21
'indexable' content 27.10
indexing of new edition/updated material 27.10
indexing qualifications, relevance 27.24
ISC/SCI survey 26.134-135
lower than the going rate, factors justifying 27.21, 23
the part-time indexer and 26.88
relevant factors 27.10
repagination 27.15
society recommendations 20.35, 21.133, 24.226, 27.21-24, 88-89
survey (2008) (SI) 26.37, 27.20-24, 88
survey (2008) (Zafran) 27.192
unit of measurement, page/word count alternatives 26.187, 27.21, 23
veto on payment (Vermont) 27.140
web indexing 20.119-120
'What's an indexer worth?' (Hagger) 27.31
'who pays the piper ...' principle 27.21
A feminist dictionary 25.44
Fenna, D, A dictionary of weights, measures and units (reviewed) 23.181
Fetters, Linda A
'A book-style index for the web: the University of Texas Policies and Procedures Website' 21.73-76
indexing career 20.107
fiction, indexes and indexing in 23.216-217
Allan's Red (reviewed) 25.151
Allot's Invisible power: a philosophical adventure story 25.150-151
Ballard's War Fever 20.209
Barlowe's All the world's a globe... 20.208
Card's The originist (extract) 21.61
Carroll's Sylvie and Burno 20.11-13
Danielewski's House of leaves 23.168, 26.156-157
de Botton's Kiss and tell 21.180-181
'Fiction published with indexes: in chronological order of publication' (Bell) 25.169-175
Fiennes' The feather men 25.150
Fiennes' The sett 25.150
Gissings' The private papers of Henry Ryecroft 25.150
Goldsmith's Bestseller 23.168
Henry Fielding's Tom Jones 25.293-294
Hensher's The fit 25.7-8
Indexers and indexes in fact and fiction 23.51-52, 25.7-8
'Indexes as fiction and fiction as paper-chase' (Bell) 20.209-211
Kerr's Please don't eat the daisies 25.166
Langton's The Memorial Hall murder 22.83
McEwan's Saturday 24.246-247
Mathews' The sinking of the Odradek Stadium 23.167-168
Moggach's How to divorce your son 22.134
Nabokov's Pale Fire 20.209
Pavi?'s Landscape painted with tea 23.167
Richardson's Clarissa 22.213-214
Self's Flytopia 22.196
Trollope's 'A cautionary tale' 21.24
Woolf's Orlando 25.149-150
fiction indexing 22.127, 213-214, 24.116
aboutness and 28.51, 55
'A folly index as inspired by Jorge Luis Borges, presented as a cautionary example of over-indexing' (Abrams) 26.68-71
Forster's Aspects of the novel (Stallybrass) 20.14
index as channeling guide 28.93
'Indexing Defoe' 24.12-14
as literary appreciation tool 23.216-217
novels of Angela Thirkall 21.6-10
sequels 21.55-56
term selection 28.51-56
'Thesaurus to ontology: the development of the Kaunokki Finnish fiction thesaurus' (Saarti and Hypén) 28.50-58
'Thirty-nine to one: indexing the novels of Angela Thirkell' 21.6-10
why bother? 28.53
fiction retrieval, indexing for
faceted classification and 28.50
fiction and reality, need to distinguish 28.51
films and comics, inclusion of 28.54
folksonomies 28.52
'good fiction' 28.51
social networking and 28.51
sociohistorical context and 28.51
user motivation and 28.51
The fight for English: how language pundits ate, shot and left (reviewed) 25.291
filing order: see alphanumerical sort order
film and video, indexing of
'Capturing moving images online' (Cameron) 24.142-144
fiction, classification as 28.54
'Indexing Aboriginal media' (Thompson) 21.94
Kaunokki 28.54
finding an indexer: see directories of indexers
Finkelstein, David and Alistair McCleery, Edinburgh history of the book in Scotland. Vol. 4: Professionalism and diversity 1880-2000 (reviewed) 27.143
Swedish as official language 28.53-54
'Thesaurus to ontology: the development of the Kaunokki Finnish fiction thesaurus' (Saarti and Hypén) 28.50-58
'First person indicative' (Bell) 24.97
Fischer, Steven Roger, A history of reading (reviewed) 24.55-56
Fisher, M K, An alphabet for gourmets (reviewed) 25.70-71
Fisk, Neil, photograph of 26.102
Flath, Tordis
ANZSI Medal 24.225
commendation 26.37
photograph of 24.224, 25.134
Flavell, Linda and Roger. Chronology of words and phrases: a thousand years in the history of English (reviewed) 23.111
Flemish names, 'Dutch, German, Austrian, Flemish and Afrikaans names' (Pitchford) Centrepiece 1:11
Flock beds to professionalism (Bell)
notice of publication 26.59
reviews 27.25, 44
Flynn, Joyce, 'Na and the missing library books' 25.182
Foley, Bob, death 25.50
see also pagination
locators and 25.244
use of period 25.247
recto and verso 25.244
cataloguing 22.170-173
Irish 22.170-173
'Annotating document content: a knowledge management perspective' (Ciravegna and Petrelli) 25.23-27
cartoons, indexing of (University of Kent Study Centre) 25.104
cognitive skills and processes 28.52
controlled vocabularies, relationship with 28.52
definition 26.168
examples 26.168
fiction retrieval and 28.52
IFLA Satellite Conference (Florence, 2009) 27.147
professional moderation 28.52
pros and cons 25.193-194
tagging and 25.193-194, 26.167-168
taxonomy, role 26.168
'A folly index as inspired by Jorge Luis Borges, presented as a cautionary example of over-indexing' (Abrams) 26.68-71
food history, indexing of 27.142-143
'For want of an alphabetical index: some notes toward a history of the back-of-the-book index in nineteenth century America' (Kleinberg) 20.156-159
'For want of an index ...' (Crystal) 28.11
Ford, Jill, review by 20.46
Foreign Affairs index (Palmer) 27.136-137
foreign languages
indexing in unfamiliar language 26.155
publishing practice, US 25.92-93
format and style: see layout/format and style
Forrest, Moyra
editorial (joint) 22.57
reviews by 21.152, 26.46, 143, 27.45-46, 143
Forster, Antonia, Index to book reviews in England 1775-1800 (reviewed) 22.106
Forster, E M, Aspects of the novel (index) (Stallybrass) 20.14
Fortin, Jacques, Oxford visual dictionary. English, French, German, Spanish (ed) (reviewed) 20.228-229
Foucault, Michel, on taxonomy 22.95
Foundation Fellows (AusSI) 20.180-181
Fourie, Ina
articles by, 'Building a collage for indexers and bibliographers: photo albums, mirros, magnifying glasses and crystal balls out of Africa' 27.146-151
'How can we take a socio-cognitive approach in teaching indexing and abstracting' 23.83-85
Fowler, Gerald, New Zealand indexing group, attempts to found 20.214
Fowler, H W, biography 23.56
Fowles, John and A L Kennedy, New Writing 9 (reviewed) 22.213
Frame, Andrea, 'Indexers and publishers: their views on indexers and indexing' 20.58-64, 131-134
Frame, Dorothy, photograph of 21.185
FrameMaker: see Adobe Framemaker
France, indexing in
in 13th-century monasteries 25.74, 95-99
automatic indexing
as aid to selection of terms 25.77, 122-125
'IndDoc: an aid for the back-of-the-book indexer' (Zaragayouna) 25.122-125
'Book indexes in France: mediaeval specimens and modern practices' (Weinberg) 22.2-13
contemporary practice 25.76, 77-78
contents lists, confusion of terms 25.77
indexes derided 25.239
indexing as a profession 25.77
Lille Colloque International, 2005 25.45-46
training for indexers 25.77
why the dearth? (letter) 22.200
Francis, Eva, photograph of 27.180
Franke, Max, Crossing the threshold of hope, indexes to (letter) 20.32
Frankfurt Book Fair
2005 25.48
2006 25.153, 203
DNI and 27.88
Franklin, Andrew, 'Eats, shoots and leaves' (reply to letter) 24.45
Frayn, Michael, Alphabetical Order (reviewed) 25.150
Frazer, James, The Golden Bough, index to 22.105
as an indexer 21.64-66
CPD and 21.2-5
insurance and 27.191-192
problems associated with 27.191-192
FreePint (newsletter) (reviewed) 24.252
Freer, Stephen (translator), Linnaeus' Philosophia Botanica (reviewed) 25.149
'French names' (Bridge) Centrepiece 1:8
'From 5 by 3 to CEA - archival indexing at the millennium's end' (Ryan) 21.164-168
'From print to web: indexing for accessibility' (Stephen) 27.76-79
'From a tin trunk to a niche in cyberspace: widening access to the records in Girton College Archive' (Perry) 24.203-205
Fugmann, Robert
Das Buchregister: methodische Grundlagen und praktische Anwendungen (reviewed) 25.217
DNI 2009 Conference presentation 28.34
Inhaltserschliessung durch Indexieren: Prinzipien und Praxis (reviewed) 21.197
letter from, 'The informative index' 25.268-269
photograph of 28.30
Fumami, Mohammad Reza Falahati Qadimi, 'Inter-indexer consistency (IIC) in a Persian context' 28.12-17
funding for indexing, private funding of internet search tools 23.120-123
'"A funny lot": indexing and local history books' (Trubshaw) 24.184-185
furniture/non-computer equipment for indexers
book/copy stands 28.81
chairs and footstools 28.81
filing cabinets 28.81
guillotines 28.81
shredders 28.81
stationery and organization tools 28.81-82
tables 28.81
Furnival, Lisa, Wheatley Medal, runner up 26.135
Future Group (SI) 23.92
'The futureproof indexer' (AusSI Conference notice) 20.113
fuzzy logic and the indexer/user interface
'Annotating document content: a knowledge management perspective' (Ciravegna and Petrelli) 25.23-27
relevance concept and 28.50-51

Back to top
Gaelic: see Irish language
Gallimaufry: a hodgepodge of our vanishing vocabulary (Quinion) (reviewed) 25.295
gaps in an index, Wordsmanship 20.18-19
Garai, Hugh, Managing information (reviewed) 21.103
Garampi, Cardinal Giuseppe 22.61-64
history 25.119-120
a user's view 25.120-121
gardening handbooks, relevance of index 27.141
see also botany
Garnsworthy, Kathy, Editing Canadian English 22.109
Garson, Yvonne
ASAIB Award 24.225
'Some reflections on historical carto-bibliography in South Africa: lessons learnt by a map librarian' 23.63-65
Garwes, Carolyn, review by 24.53
Gascoigne, Bamber, digital world history by 24.70
Gash, Sarah, Effective literature searching for research (reviewed) 22.110
Gasson, Andrew, Wilkie Collins: an illustrated guide (reviewed) 21.104
'GB/T 22466-2008 - Guidelines for indexing: China's new national indexing standard' (Wen Guoqiang and Guo Lifang) 27.97, 101-106
Ge Yong-Qing
'Chinese index science: stepping forward to the new century' 22.76-78
photograph of 22.77
gender, 'he'/'she', alternative usages 26.187
'Gender and authorship in The Indexer, 1958-2007' (Sassen) 27.164-168
genealogical and family history indexing
see also archives
Basic approach to keeping your family records (Swinnerton) 20.54
Basic approach to Latin for family historians (Gandy) 20.54
Basic facts about family history research in Yorkshire 20.111-112
Basic facts about heraldry for family historians (Swinnerton) 20.54
Bringing them home project 23.34, 26.178
in Canada 26.143-144
Cheshire: a genealogical bibliography, Vols 1 and 2 (Raymond) 20.54
Genealogy and indexing (reviewed) 24.111-112
Home Children (1869-1930) 23.34-35
Immigrant Ancestors Project 26.143
International genealogy and local history (reviewed) 26.143-144
Quarter Sessions records for family historians: a select list (reviewed) 20.111-112
in Sweden 26.143
theatre programmes and 26.120
Was your father a railwayman: a directory of records relating to staff employed by railways... 20.111-112
General Motors Media Archives (GMMA), indexing of 21.11-14, 67-69
'Geographic distribution of authors in The Indexer, 1988-2007' (Sassen) 26.106-110
geography, indexing of
see also place names
National Geographic index: 1989-1993, 1994 and 1995 20.232
George, Alex S, 'Indexing botanical and horticultural texts' 25.253-254
'German indexing: some observations on typographical practice' (Fassbender) 25.79-82
German names, 'Dutch, German, Austrian, Flemish and Afrikaans names' (Pitchford) Centrepiece 1:11
German Network of Indexers: see DNI (Deutsches Netzwerk der Indexer)
Germany, Democratic Republic (GDR), indexing in 25.83-85
economic considerations 25.85
authors' and editors' attitudes towards 25.84-85
lack of 25.84-85
indexing manuals and textbooks 25.84
names indexes, limitation to 25.85
quality of the index 25.85
reference works, need for an index 25.84
social basis 25.83
subject matter, indexing practice by reference to 25.84-85
training for indexers 25.77
typography and printing techniques 25.84, 85
western research, acceptability 25.84
Germany, indexing in 21.197, 26.36
authors as indexers 27.80
cross references 25.81-82
indexing as a profession 25.77, 28.77
locators 25.81
Mannheim en dash 25.80
style guides 25.79
DIN 31630 25.82
training for indexers 25.85, 26.178, 28.30-31
typography and printing techniques 25.79-82
Gerritsen, W P, Het Alfabet als zoekinstrument 25.76
Gessner, Conrad
Bibliotheca universalis (1545) 25.235
index as marketing tool ('Vill kewfflicher') 25.238
indexing techniques (De indicibus librorum) 25.75, 237-238
locators 25.237
Pandectae (1548) 25.235-236, 237
Gibbon, Edward, The history of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire (reviewed) 20.14
Gibilisco, Stan, The illustrated dictionary of electronics (ed.) (reviewed) 21.54
Gibson, Jeremy, Quarter Sessions records for family historians: a select list (reviewed) 20.111-112
Gibson, John
90th birthday greetings 20.217
review by 20.108
The Gilbert & Sullivan Journal 56-year index: covering the years 1925-81 (vols 1-10) 20.175-176
The Gilbert & Sullivan photofinder: an index to published illustrations of Savoy Opera 20.175-176
The Gilbert & Sullivan sorting system: a classification scheme for use with the materials of G & S studies (reviewed) 23.179
The Gilbert and Sullivan alphabet of artistes: a performance record of D'Oyly Carte personnel, 1875-1982 22.55
Gillaspy, Mary L
Gillen, Karen
Indexing: engage, enlighten, enrich: proceedings from the ANZI conference, Melbourne, Australia: 17-19 March 2005 (reviewed) 25.63
resignation as ANZSI president 25.272
Giorgis, Kebreab W, 'The entry word in Ethiopian names' (Giorgis) Centrepiece 3:8
Girton College, Cambridge
archive 24.203-205
book review 25.69-70
Gissing, George, The private papers of Henry Ryecroft (reviewed) 25.149-150
'Glasgow Art Club archives' (van Asperen) 25.290, 26.25-32
globalization of indexing 26.173-174
glossaries: see thesauri and glossaries
alphanumerical sort order and 25.96
definition 25.96
Glossae Placidi 25.96
Glossarium Affatim 25.96
Glossarium Ansileubi/Liber Glossarum 25.96
Panormia/Liber derivationum (Osbern of Gloucester) 25.96
scientific/common names and 27.52-53
GMail Chat 28.80
Goff, Martyn (Director, National Book League), address to SI (1976) 25.206
'The Going rogue index' (Darby) 28.19-23
golden rules 27.100
Goldsmith, Olivia, as indexer 23.168
'Good practice in indexing - the new edition of International Standard ISO 999' (Booth) 20.114
good practice, international Website 24.147
as aid to indexer 27.55
'Google and beyond: information retrieval on the World Wide Web' (Northedge) 25.192-194
Google rankings 27.12
Googlebot 25.193
limitations 26.20-21
PageRank 25.193
The University of Google (Brabazon) (reviewed) 26.48
Google Analytics 28.69-70
Google Books
full text search vs an index 28.11
plans for 25.183
Google Image Labeller 26.168
Gordon, John Ainsworth
memories of
Britton 25.233
Wallis 25.229, 230
obituary 21.38-39
photograph of 21.38
Gore, Charles, The Scottish fiddle music index (letter) 20.32
Goring, Rosemary, 'The work of indexers is like a footprint in the sand...' (review) 27.25
Goudie, Britton
death 26.137
reviews by 20.50, 228, 21.103, 198, 22.108, 110, 166, 214-215, 23.54, 55, 111, 240, 24.245, 25.294-295
Government Code and Cypher School (GC&CS), indexing at 22.189
Graduate School (formerly USDA (US Department of Agriculture) Graduate School Correspondence Study Programme) 20.185-187, 24.183, 27.59, 28.31, 32
Graham, Gordon and Richard Abel (eds), The literature of the book: a select bibliography, with critical essays, of books by, about and for the book profession (reviewed) 24.244
translation of indexes and 25.90
granularity: see length/density of index
graphic designers, role 28.60
Graphic materials, thesaurus for (TGM) 27.71
graphics on the web, points to consider 20.125
Gray, John
Long live Latin: a Latin miscellany (reviewed) 24.245
'The Northern Ireland Political Collection at the Linen Hall Library' 22.175-177
Gray, Thomas, as indexer 22.68
'The greatest and the worst indexes' (Bell) 23.158-163
Greek canon Centrepiece 5 (vol. 26(4)):1
Green, H Godfrey, AusSI founder member 20.213
Green, Jonathon, Slang down the ages: the historical development of slang (reviewed) 23.244
Greengrass, Alan
ASI founder member 20.212
photograph of 25.275
Greenhalgh, Moira
photograph of 21.185
review by 23.52-53
Wheatley Medal (commended) 24.226
Greulich, Walter, photograph of 28.30
Grieg, Peter, IASC founder member 20.214
Grieves, Maureen, Information in the electronic age (ed.) (reviewed) 22.108
Griffith-Jones, Auriol
photograph of 24.170, 25.275
'Working with the author' 24.16-17
Grist, Deirdre, 'Indexing legislative text: Alberta Hansard 23.138-139
Gruterus, Janus, Inscriptiones antiquae totius orbi Romani (1602), index to 25.75-76
Gunn, Peter, 'Shirley Kessel 1926-2002' 23.93
Guo Lifang
editorial (joint) 27.97
'GB/T 22466-2008 - Guidelines for indexing: China's new national indexing standard' (with Wen Guoqiang) 27.97, 101-106
Guoqiang, Wen: see Wen Guoqiang

Back to top
H W Wilson Award: see H W Wilson Award
Hagberg Wright (1862-1940) (Chief Librarian, London Library) 25.191
Hagger, Jean
obituary 27.30
photograph of 27.30, 31
'What's an indexer worth?' (reprint of April 1985 Indexer editorial) 27.31
'Hail and farewell' (Bakewell) 20.3
Hall, Ann
'Book Indexing Postal Tutorials' 23.8-10
indexing career 20.23
'Problems, some usual (marking Book Indexing Postal Tutorials). 20.182-184
Hall, George M, How to write a paper (reviewed) 20.52
Halliday, Jill
articles by
'Indexing as a career - development issues' 21.64-66
'International agreement' 21.154
'Professionalism and the indexer' 25.167-168
'Starting out' 24.174-175
photograph of 21.185
review by 22.51
Halliday, John, Bernard Levin Award 24.226
Hanks, Patrick, The Oxford names companion (reviewed) 23.243
Hanqing, Hou: see Hou Hanqing
'A ha'p'orth of tar' (Sutherland) 27.134
Harper, Mary, articles by, The Legal Inxeing SIG' 26.86
Harris, Michael: see Myers, Robin and Michael Harris
Harris, Nora, review by 23.54, 24.244-245
Harrison, Brian
'Authors and indexes' (letter to the TLS) 25.184
Harrison, Robert (Founder and Chief Librarian, The London Library, 1857-93), The Index Society, proposal for 25.191
Harrod, L M (Monty)
as editor of The Indexer 21.35, 26.103
resignation 26.87
memories of (Wallis) 25.230
photograph of 26.102
SI founder member 20.162-163
Wheatley Medal 21.34
'Harry Potter Lexicon' (Encyclopaedia of Spells) 25.201
Harsd?rffer, Philipp, card indexes, role (1653) 25.238
Hartmann, R K K and Gregory James, Dictionary of lexicography (reviewed) 21.102
Harvard-Yeching Sinological Institute Indexing Office 26.4, 6, 27.102
Hung, William and 27.102
Sinological Index Series 27.102, 103
Harvey, P D A, Editing historical records (reviewed) 23.105
Hayes, Derek, Historical atlas of Toronto (reviewed) 27.46
Haynes, David, Metadata for information management and retrieval (reviewed) 24.159
He Bingsong (1890-1946) 27.106
action terms as 27.51
adjectival headings 27.7, 82
bold 25.220
capitalization: see capitalization of headings
compound headings 27.67-68
definition 20.114
essence of text, need to reflect 27.100
locators, incorporation in 25.242
many or few? 28.9
metatopic as 26.67
multiple indexes and 27.5
natural language order vs inversion: see natural language order vs inversion
order of terms Centrepiece 5 (vol. 26(4)):5
predetermined headings 27.5
Headley, Christine, '"How to divorce your son", by Deborah Mogach' 22.134
health and medicine
on the internet 23.53-54
health, safety and comfort of indexers
dealing with ill-health 27.14
teleworking and 22.142-146
'Health trade-offs in teleworking' (Steward) 22.142-146
Healy, Benjamin, 'The Atlantic Monthly's "proper-name index" ' 24.68-70
Heary, Michael, photograph of 21.185
Hebrew biblical word lists 22.178-186
Hebrew incunabula 21.111-118, 25.12-15
Hebrew indexes 21.111-118
locators 25.247
Heckscher, William Sebastian
obituary 22.40-41
photograph of 22.40
Heckscher, William Sebastian and Agnes B Sherman, Emblematic variants: literary echoes of Alciati's term Emblems: a vocabulary drawn from the title page of emblem books 20.112
Hedden, Heather
articles by
'Arabic names' Centrepiece 2:9
'Comparative evaluation of thesaurus creation software' 26.50-59
'Controlled vocabularies, thesauri, and taxonomies' 26.33-35
'Software for HTML indexing: a comparative review' 25.31-37
Indexing specialties: websites (reviewed) 26.191
photograph of 26.37
Web Indexing workshop (NIN) 26.37
Hedegaard, Ruth and Elizabeth Ann Melrose (eds), International genealogy and local history (reviewed) 26.143-144
Heitzenrater, Richard P: see Ward, W Reginald and Richard P Heitzenrater
'Hence loathèd melancholy!' (Shuter) (editorial) 21.1
Henczel, Susan, The information audit: a practical guide (reviewed) 23.180
Henige, David, Journal of Scholarly Publishing article by, comments on 23.164-166
Henninger, Maureen, 'What makes a good Web index?' 21.182-183
Henry Fielding's Tom Jones: an index: with summaries of chapters appended (reviewed) 25.293-294
Hensher, Philip
The fit (reviewed) 24.116
on indexing 25.7-8
herbarium, New South Wales Botanical Gardens 24.241-242
'Herding cats: indexing British Colombia's political debates using controlled vocabulary' (McClung) 27.66-69
Hewitt, A R (Reg)
'Another "How to make an index"' 23.200-201
Anthology for the Millennium, recollections 24.205
memories of (Wallis) 25.229
obituary 24.228
as SI founder member 20.161-163
Hicks, Shauna, 'Indexing archives for access' 24.200-202
hierarchy and association of terms distinguished 25.189
Hieroglyphics as index 25.257
Hiley, Nicholas, 'Indexing cartoons' 25.100-104
Hill, Gerard M-F, 'Authors and indexes' (letter to the TLS) 25.185
Hill, Michael W, The impact of information on society: an examination of its nature, value and usage (reviewed) 21.198-199
Hillyer, Norman
Indexes reviewed editor, 1978-95 20.3
Hillyer, Philip, Wheatley Medal, runner up 26.135
HILT (High Level Thesaurus) Project 22.152-153
Hines Award
1995 20.33, 37
1996 20.93
1997 20.177
1998 21.57
2004 24.101, 225-226, 27.136
2006 25.135
2007 25.273
Hines, Ted, life and work 20.33
Hird, Barbara
obituary for Colin Matthew 22.41
Wheatley Medal 26.135
Wheatley Medal, runner-up 20.37, 27.180
Hird, Barbara, Maureen MacGlashan and Kevin Wheldall, obituary for Frank Merrett 24.227
Historia Naturalis (Pliny the Elder), table of contents 25.259
Historical atlas of Toronto (Hayes) (reviewed) 27.46
historical records, indexing of 23.105
'History and development of CINDEX' (Lennie) 24.135-137
'History of GARB, indexing software for loose-leaf publications' (Revier) 25.119-120
history of indexing (general) 21.197, 23.51-52
It should be noted that most material relating to the history of indexing is to be found under individual subject headings including in particular country or language headings, or article titles.
alphabetization, role 25.236-237, 259
back-of-book indexes 20.156-159
in the classical world 25.259-260
'Continental indexing: then and now' (Diepeveen) 25.74-78
Dominicans, role of 25.260
'Facilitas inveniendi: the alphabetical index as a knowledge management tool' (Zedelmaier) 25.235-242
gender and 27.167
'Headings, catchwords and paste pots' 25.296
'How we index, then and now' (Hurwitz) 26.111-113
'Indexes and religion: reflections on research in the history of indexes' (Weinberg) 21.111-118
manicules 28.94
monasteries, indexing in 25.74, 96-98
'Past, present and future' (Beare) 25.257-264
printing press, relevance 25.236-237, 260
The Gutenberg Revolution (Man) 27.37
18th century decline 25.239
1450-1600 25.74, 75 (table)
who cares? 26.79
'History of indexing societies' (Bell)
part I: SI: The first ten years 20.160-164
part II: SI: affiliations 20.212-215
part III: 1968-97 21.33-36
part IV: 1978-82 21.70-72
part V: 1983-87 21.134-135
part VI: 1988-91 22.35-38
part VII: 1992-5 22.81-83
Hitchcock, J A, Net crimes & misdemeanors: outmaneuvering with spammers, stalkers and con artists (reviewed) 25.223-224
Hitchings, Henry, Dr Johnson's dictionary: the extraordinary story of the book that defined the world (reviewed) 24.241
Hock, Randolph
The extreme searcher's internet handbook, 2nd edn: a guide for the serious searcher (reviewed) 25.292-293
The extreme searcher's internet handbook, 3rd edn: a guide for the serious researcher 28.95-96
Hodge, Gail M and Jessica Milstead, Computer support to indexing (reviewed) 22.52
Hoffmann, Ann, Research for writers (reviewed) 24.115-116
Hofstadter, Douglas, Le bon ton de Marot, index to 21.22-23
holocaust, indexing survivors' testimonies 21.85-89
'Holy Fathers' (Abrahams) 25.127
homographic arrangement
'Homograph arrangement' (1) (Brackney) (letter) 20.87-88
'Homograph arrangement' (2) (Dixon) (letter) 20.88
'Homograph arrangement' (3): copy-editor survey (Cauchi) (letter) 20.217
'Homograph arrangement' (4): using punctuation' (Brackney) (letter) 20.217
'Homograph arrangement' (5) (Batchelor) (letter) 21.189
'Logical order' (Cousins) (letter) 20.31
Honey, John, Language is power: the story of standard English and its enemies (reviewed) 21.103
Hong, Howard V and Edna H Hong, Kierkegaard's writings 26: cumulative index (reviewed) 22.212-213
Hornyak, Becky (ed.), Indexing specialties: psychology (reviewed) 23.106
Hou Hanqing, 'Wan Guoding: indexing pioneer' (with Wan Yage) 27.97, 102-106
Hou Hanqing (with Xue Chunxiang), 'Example-based text categorization (EBTC): the key to automatic indexing?' 27.97, 117-122
House of leaves (Danielewski), the index to 23.168, 26.156-157
'How can we take a socio-cognitive approach in teaching indexing and abstracting' (Fourie) 23.83-85
'How the Index Society began - and ended' (Piggott) 22.33-35
'How to describe a reindeer' 25.256
'How to index online' (Wright) 20.115-120
'How we index: six ways to work' (Booth) 20.89-92
'How we index, then and now' (Hurwitz) 26.111-113
Howarth, Barry
'Indexing A comparison of the original Lao Qida and the Lao Qida yanjie' 26.152-155
photograph of 28.75
advantages 20.125, 26.148-149
California Home Page and 20.127
keeping it simple 20.125
HTML indexing software
general 20.6-7, 21.73-76, 25.32-37
HTML Assistant/Assistant Pro 97 21.73-76
HTML Indexer 22.25-26, 25.35-37, 128-130
HTML/Prep 21.76, 25.34
Hu Shi (1891-1962) 27.106
Hua, Weina, 'The development of the Chinese Social Sciences Citation Index' 22.128-129
Huber, Jeffery T and Mary L Gillaspy, AIDS and HIV/AIDS-related terminology (reviewed) 20.176
Huddleston, Rodney and Geoffrey K Pullum, The Cambridge guide to English usage (reviewed) 24.162-163
Hudoba, Terri
appointed ATW editor 28.49
Hudon, Michèle
'Accessing documents and information in a world without frontiers' 21.156-159
'True and tested products: thesauri on the Web' 23.115-119
Hudson, Ann
Carey Award 27.180
'The functions of subheadings' (letter) 25.37
photograph of 24.170
reviews by 20.111-112, 23.105, 243, 26.143-144, 27.44-45, 28.46
Hughes, Glynn, Squashed Philosophers (extract) 25.205
human rights, indexing of 26.178
human rights, indexing of see Shoah Visual History Foundation
human rights, indexing of
Bringing them home project 23.34, 26.178
HURIDOCS and 26.178
Humbert de Romanis (c 1260) 25.261
Humboldt, Alexander von, 'Alexander von Humboldt's Kosmos: indexing it' (Lubrich and Ette) 25.2-6
humour in indexing 22.147-148
'A folly index as inspired by Jorge Luis Borges, presented as a cautionary example of over-indexing' (Abrams) 26.68-71
Samuel Palmer's indexes to The Times and 27.7
'Try under "Diabolical"' (Turner) 27.7
wit and imagination, desirability 27.7, 8
Humphrys, John, Lost for words: the mangling and manipulating of the English language (reviewed) 24.163-164
'The hundred surnames: a Pinyin index' Centrepiece 1:3
Hung, William (Ye Hong) (1893-1980) 27.102, 103, 106
Indexing Chinese Books 26.6
sort orders (ZhongGuoZiGuixie method) 27.103
Hunnisett, R F, Indexing for editors (reviewed) 21.101-102, 23.105
Hunter, Alastair G, 'Authors and indexes' (letter to the TLS) 25.183
HURIDOCS online resources 26.178
Hurst, Christopher, The invisible art: the pursuit of book making (reviewed) 23.181-182
Hurwitz, Shoshana, 'How we index, then and now' 26.111-113
Husband, Janet and Jonathan F Husband, Sequels: an annotated guide to novels in series (reviewed) 21.55-56
hymn tunes, indexing 21.37
HyperIndex: New Indexing Software for the Mac 20.93
Y2K compliance 21.57
HyperText Markup Language: see HTML
as en dashes 25.246
in locators 25.246
abstracting journals 25.246
technical manuals 25.246
in personal names Centrepiece 3:5

Back to top
issues 1-2 23.170
issues 3-7 23.225
issue 12 24.43
review of 24.167
IASC/SCAD conferences
1995 (joint conference with ASI) 20.33-34
2003 (joint conference with ASI) 23.224
IASC/SCAD (Indexing and Abstracting Society of Canada/Société Canadienne pour l'Analyse de Documents)
1998 (New frontiers in indexing) 20.187
activities and events other than conferences 20.35, 95, 22.98, 23.92, 24.42, 101, 225, 25.48
'The Canadian perspective' (Faulkner) 24.183
1998 (New frontiers in indexing) 20.187
2001 (joint conference with the Editors' Association of Canada) 22.197
2004 24.42, 101, 146
2006 24.226
directory of indexers 21.133
history of
1977-1979 20.214-215
1983-87 21.135
'Impressions of a first Canadian conference' (Sheldon) 24.180-182
International Agreement 21.132, 154, 184
membership 23.225
name change 25.135
Website, inauguration (1996) 20.95
Iconclass 27.71
idioms, dictionary of 21.198
IDPF (International Digital Publishing Forum) 26.151
idxtools 27.190
'If a picture is worth a hundred words, then ...' (Jacobs) 21.119-121
Ig Nobel Prize (Glenda Browne) 25.234, 26.2, 64-65
Il Libro del Cortegiano
editions 25.109
manuscript/scribal tradition, influence on 25.109
page numbers, introduction 25.109
purpose and structure 25.109, 110, 111
Il Libro del Cortegiano, indexes to
1541 edition 25.109
1547 edition 25.109-110
1552 edition (Dolce) 25.110-111
1574 edition (Dolce) 25.111
1959 edition (Singleton) 25.110-111
1991 (Mondadori) 25.111
1994 (Rizzoli) 25.111
alphabetical order, by pronunciation 25.109
censorship, relevance 25.110, 111
comparison between 25.110-111
cross-references 25.109, 111
explanatory information, inclusion 25.11
main headings, limitation to 25.109
order of appearance/page number order 25.110
paratextual material 25.111
purpose 25.110, 111
quality 25.74-75, 109-111
'The role of the index in Il Libro del Cortegiano' (Norton) 25.108-112
subheadings 25.109, 111
typography, effect of developments in 25.111
'I'll take the low road ...' (Walker) 25.200-201
illustrations and other non-textual matter, handling in an index 20.19
environmental/natural history indexes 27.57
An illustrated dictionary of little-known words from literary classics (reviewed) 20.228
images and photographs, indexing of content
authority lists/files and 27.71
Baltimore County Legacy Web project 21.184
The Builder illustrations index 1843-1883 20.45-46, 27.6
captions, importance 27.57
classification systems and 27.71
concepts, indexing of 27.70
content-based image retrieval (CBIR) 27.70
context-based approach 27.70
controlled vocabularies and 27.70-72
uncontrolled vocabularies compared 27.71-75
Dating old photographs (Pols) 20.54
factors affecting quality of indexing 27.74-75
failure to index 26.132
General Motors Media Archives (GMMA) 21.11-14, 67-69
The Gilbert & Sullivan photofinder: an index to published illustrations of Savoy Opera (reviewed) 20.175-176
'If a picture is worth a hundred words, then ...' (Jacobs) 21.119-121
'Images: indexing for accessibility in a multilingual enviroment - challenges and perspectives' (Ménard) 27.70-76
Indexing collections of electronic images: a review (reviewed) 20.47
'Layered indexing of images' (Schroeder) 21.11-14
in South Africa 26.132
theatre programmes 26.118-119, 120
images and photographs, search and retrieval techniques (electronic)
in a multilingual environment 27.70-76
multiplicity of acceptable interpretations 27.70
Imholtz, Clare, reviews by 22.215, 23.55, 24.53, 54, 159-160
Imholz, August A, Jnr, 'Indexer nascitur, non fit - Lewis Carroll as indexer again' 20.11-13
Immigrant Ancestors Project 26.143
'The impact of technology on indexing' (Ross) 22.25-26
'Impressions of the Dalian Conference of the China Society of Indexers' (Walker) 22.21-22
'Impressions of a first Canadian conference' (Sheldon) 24.180-182
'In defence of the professional indexer' (letters) 23.164-166
incorporation of indexing societies 25.273, 26.37, 38-39
Christian 21.113-117
Hebrew 21.111-118, 25.12-15
'IndDoc: an aid for the back-of-the-book indexer' (Zaragayouna) 25.122-125
indefinite article: see articles, treatment in an index
InDesign 26.133
'The index belligerent' (Bell) 22.60
'The index of Enigma messages' (Wallis and Lavell) 22.31-33
index finger ('pointing' finger/Zeige-Finger), mediaeval usage 25.236, 260
Index Library of the British Record Society 24.15
Index librorum prohibitorum 25.111, Centrepiece 3:5
index makers (Bell)
Boyle, Gertrude 22.118
Errington, Laurence 20.106
Fetters, Linda A 20.107
Hall, Ann 20.23
Matthews, Douglas 20.165-166
Mulvany, Nancy 20.24
index makers (Lee), Bell, Hazel 20.165-166
Index Society (1877-90) 23.34, 24.15
Harrison, Robert and 25.191
history of 20.160, 22.33-35, 25.261
'Index structures in early Hebrew Biblical word lists' (Weinberg) 22.178-186
'An index for Thalia' (Bell) 22.147-148
An index to the Rev. William Carrigan's The history and antiquities of the diocese of Ossory (reviewed) 25.219-220
'Index on trial' (Bell) 22.64
Index, Washington 26.142
Index-L 22.43, 27.89, 150
'Indexation, memory, power and representations at the beginning of the 12th century: the rediscovery of pages from the tables to the Liber de Honoribus, the first Cartulary of the Collegiate Church of St Julian of Auvergne (Brioude)' (Berger) 25.95-99
The Indexer: past, present and future (MacGlashan) 26.99-105
The Indexer
50th anniversary issue 26.97
advertising and promotion of, ideas for, postcard 27.49
appointments 24.83, 25.226
Centrepieces: see Centrepieces
classified contents: see Classified Contents, compilers
conference proceedings and 26.177
developing countries, availability to 27.149
digitization 25.226, 26.105
editorial board, photograph of 25.275
editorials: see editorials
electronic submission of material, first steps 20.57
front covers, 1958-99 26.100
'Gender and authorship in The Indexer, 1958-2007' (Sassen) 27.164-168
'Geographic distribution of authors in The Indexer, 1988-2007' (Sassen) 26.106-110
guest-editing 26.101, 27.149
history 25.232, 26.99-105
indexing societies, increasing the role of 27.1
international status 26.177
newsletters and 20.218, 26.177
online publication 25.225-226, 26.1, 49, 105
organizational changes 20.1-2, 21.153, 25.73, 225-226
Oxford Brookes University, Indexer holdings 25.78, 135
quarterly publication, move to 25.225-226, 26.1, 49, 145
'Reminiscences of a reviews editor' (Bradley) 24.38-39
scope and coverage 26.101-102
Shoebox, international 21.134
sociological change as reflected in 26.102
subscription base, need to increase 26.145
subscription rates, restructuring 25.226, 26.105
themed approach 26.101
volume numbering 25.225-226, 26.105
The Indexer editorship
1958-2008 26.103-104
Bell, Hazel (1978-95) 20.1-3, 95, 26.103
of L M Harrod ('Monty') (1968-77) 21.35, 26.87, 103
Mulvany, Nancy (1996-9) 20.3, 26.103
retirement as editor of The Indexer (Bell) 20.1-3, 95
Shuter, Janet (1996-9) 26.103
Shuttleworth, Christine (1999-2004) 26.103
Smith, Harold (1958-9) 26.103
Thornton, John (1959-63) 26.103-104
'The indexer facing the cryptic text: a folly index as inspired by Jorge Luis Borges, presented as a cautionary example of over-indexing' (Abrams) 26.68-71
'An Indexer in Flytopia' (Shuttleworth) 22.196
The Indexer index
cumulative index
Cumulative index (1958-99) 23.238-240
online version 25.226, 26.104
history 26.104
vol. 20 (Longman) 21. insert
vol. 21 (Litton) 21. insert
vol. 22 (Litton) 22. insert
vol. 23 (Litton) 23. insert
vol. 24 (Litton) 24.210-212
The Indexer International Advisory Committee
meetings, 2009 28.37
photograph of 28.37
'Indexer, Living with an' (Dear) 25.266-267
Indexer Locator (ASI) 27.12, 34
'The Indexer thirty years ago' (Bell) 20.5, 23, 112, 21.42-43, 186-189, 22.39, 97-98, 151, 195-196, 24.43-44, 104-105, 149, 229-230
'The Indexer thirty years ago' (Dear) 25.49-50, 132-133, 206-207, 26.87-88
The Indexer website
cumulative index 25.226
developments and plans (editorial) 25.73, 226
Readers' Forum, introduction 25.226
indexer/user mismatch
browsing option and 28.51
fiction indexing 28.6
fuzzy logic and 28.50-51
see also fuzzy logic
poetry indexing 28.5
professional vs non-professional usage 28.5
specialist/non-specialist user needs distinguished 28.53
acknowledgment, a plea for 27.25
age 20.59
convicts as 22.71, 200
creating new opportunities 27.147, 148, 151
Flock beds to professionalism (Bell) (reviewed) 27.25, 44
happiness of 20.23
as 'priests of the invisible' 28.1, 4
qualifications (non-indexing) 20.59-60
qualities/characteristics 27.191, 28.16
SI survey (1995) 20.58-63
swelling the ranks
BBC Woman's Hour (25 January 1977) 27.167
Daily Mail article (4 August 1982) 25.234, 27.167
Eve article (2003) 25.234
working conditions, importance 28.16
Indexers Available (ANZSI) 27.34
Indexers Available (SI) 20.61, 189, 21.133, 27.35
restructuring 28.82
Indexers' Network
establishment 27.36
purpose 27.36
indexers, non-indexing books by
All creatures great and ... dead (Chulick) 26.179
Also murder (Sweazy) 26.179
Under darkness (Trantino) 26.179
'Indexers and publishers: their views on indexers and indexing' (Frame) 20.58-64, 131-134
'Indexers and XML: an overview of the opportunities' (Kasdorf) 24.75-78
in absence of written language 25.257
alternative approaches, example of 27.154-163
alternative extended indexes 28.24-25
alternatives to
online portal links 26.151
roadmap approach 26.187
anthology of 23.32-33
dangers of 26.24
as democratic instruments 28.9
eccentric 22.60, 26.113, 28.1, 83
economic considerations: see economic considerations
edible 27.141
'greatest and worst' 23.158-163, 215
Cambridge History of the Book in Britain: Volume VI, 1830-1914 27.134
'A ha'p'orth of tar' (Sutherland) 27.134
What's in a word-list (Ashgate) 27.144
'Headings, catchwords and paste pots' 25.296
as independent/self-standing work: see Index librorum prohibitorum; self-standing indexes
interim indexes/indexes to work in progress 28.24-25
lack of 23.38, 95, 25.84-85, 26.87
Crystal vs Egan on the Oxford history of English lexicography (OHEL) 28.11
as distinguishing feature between populist and reference books 27.192
Expert series (Hessayon) 27.141
Garrick, correspondence of (Boaden) (1831-2) 27.141
no index, no access 28.50
'No index? It must be fiction' 26.99
'Wot, no index? - or the death of the "Washington read"' (MacGlashan) 28.18-19
as lazy or unscholarly option 25.238, 239, 26.5
a legal requirement 24.79-82
neutrality, desirability: see neutrality in an indexer/index, desirability
reviews of, frequency/value
'Reference book indexes reviewed' (Sassen) 28.26-29
'Scientific book reviews: how much do indexes matter?' (Dartnall) 25.186
The Times leader (8 May 1957) 25.227
unpublished indexes 22.209
private indexes to published books 26.7
usability/satisfaction studies: see usability/satisfaction studies
website publication 27.140-141
'Indexes are magic' (MacCo?l) 27.48
indexes, definitions and terms for 22.89-90, 122, 25.74
'Indexes versus indices' (Quinion) 27.37
indici Centrepiece 3:5
indiculi 25.238
map as index 25.115
as pointer 25.110
registrum 25.236
tabula alphabetica 25.236
'Indexes as fiction and fiction as paper-chase' (Bell) 20.209-211
'Indexes in my bottom drawer' (Bell) 22.209
'Indexes past: The Golden Bough' (Bell) 22.105
indexes, purpose and uses
as anima illius corporis 25.76
the anti-index/ 23.167-168
book reviewing and 20.3, 26.79
browsing function 26.159, 27.140, 141
as 'channeling guide' 28.93
crossword companion 23.167
'A footprint in the sand' 27.25
'From print to web: indexing for accessibility' (Stephen) 27.76-79
as a gateway 25.220
as glossaries 20.14
Il Libro del Cortegiano 25.110, 111
illumination of the text 26.159
'Indexes are magic' (MacCo?l) 27.48
as knowledge management tool 25.235-242, 27.37
as a knowledge organization management model for researchers 23.129-133
as a legal DIY guide 25.115
as marketing tool
'Vill kewfflicher' (Gessner) 25.238
website publication and 27.140-141
Marxism and 25.83-84
as memory prompt 28.93
monasteries and 25.74, 96-98
people-spotting 23.168
'Peter Hitchens: the index' (Private Eye) 27.141
public records, access to 25.260
as research tool 26.159
revisiting the text 27.144
as a social wonderland (Abrahams) 27.32
strange purposes of/peculiar projects 20.1, 23.167-168
'Indexes and religion: reflections on research in the history of indexes' (Weinberg) 21.111-118
indexes reviewed (Hillyer: 1978-95) 20.3
indexes reviewed (Shuttleworth: 1996-) 21.44-51, 93-100, 136-146, 190-196, 22.45-50, 100-105, 154-160, 203-209, 23.42-49, 96-104, 173-178, 230-235, 24.46-50, 106-110, 151-157, 231-238, 25.53-59, 139-146, 208-214, 281-290, 26.42-45, 89-92, 138-142, 180-185, 27.38-43, 92-94, 138-141, 183-189, 28.38-46, 86-92
'Indexes to A South African bibliography to the year 1925 (Theron) 23.58-62
'Indexes to children's information books' (Matthews and Bakewell) 20.193-194
'Indexes versus indices' (Quinion) 27.37
Indexing: Creating and maintaining speed (Mertes), format 26.177
'Indexing: a current awareness bibliography' (Wheeler) 20.25-30, 81-86, 137-140, 149-152, 201-207, 21.25-32, 77-84
'Indexing: it's the law!' (Weinberg) 24.79-82
Indexing: a nuts-and-bolts guide for technical writers (Ament) (reviewed) 27.190-191
'Indexing: a work of art or a sickness beyond cure?' (Sutherland) 25.7-8
gender and 27.167
globalization of 26.173-174
'hackwork' 24.97
'a mind-numbing task' 25.183, 184
as rule-driven/creative process 28.60
theory and practice: see theory and practice of indexing
'Indexing A comparison of the original Lao Qida and the Lao Qida yanjie' (Howarth) 26.152-155
'Indexing advice in publications on paper management' (Weinberg) 23.218-223
'Indexing after the millennium'
1: 'Getting the tools right' (Wright) 21.19-20
2: 'Existing skills influence future development' (Lathrop) 21.20-21
3: 'The indexer as helmsman' (Wellisch) 21.59
4: 'The next few years' (Thomas) 21.60-61
5: 'Future conditional' (Weinberg) 21.62-63
6: 'Standards and good practice' (Bakewell) 21.160
7: 'Relieving information poverty' (Batchelor) 21.107
8: 'Whatever next?' (Simkins) 21.155
'Indexing in an XML context' (Murray) 24.66-67
'Indexing the archaeology of Wales' (Moore) 23.187-191
'Indexing archives for access' (Hicks) 24.200-202
'Indexing Asian names' (Akhtar) Centrepiece 3:12
'Indexing in Australia and New Zealand' (Browne) (editorial) 22.113
indexing awards: see awards
Indexing basics (Cloutier) (reviewed) 27.189-190
'Indexing botanical and horticultural texts' (George) 25.253-254
'Indexing by numbers: is there scope for metrics in index evaluation' (Johncocks) 26.158-162
'Indexing the California Home Page' (Shumaker) 20.127-128
'Indexing as a career - development issues' (Halliday) 21.64-66
'Indexing cartoons' (Hiley) 25.100-104
'Indexing for children' (Dixon) 20.8-10
'Indexing children's books: summary of research' (Mathews) 20.120
'Indexing children's information books' (Bakewell and Williams) 21.174-179
'Indexing and the Classification Research Group' (McIlwaine) 23.204-208
'Indexing commonplace books: John Locke's method' (Walker) 22.114-118
The indexing companion (Browne and Jermey) (reviewed) 25.214-215
The indexing companion workbook: book indexing (reviewed) 28.46
'Indexing with a computer: past and present' (Anderson) 22.23-24
'Indexing defence: an indexer's defence' (Munro) 24.21-23
'Indexing Defoe' (Matthews) 24.12-14
indexing disasters 26.133
Indexing for editors and authors: a practical guide to understanding indexes (Leise, Mertes and Badgett)
notice of publication 26.83
references to 27.147
review of 26.186-187
'Indexing the future of information' (Browne) 24.32-36
'Indexing as hard labour: international instances' (Bell) 22.71
'Another international instance' (Worden), (letter) 22.200
'Indexing the intelligence: some inferences, some speculations' (Brunt) 22.187-190
'Indexing the intelligence: some inferences, some speculations' (Brunt) 22.187-190
'Indexing in Ireland' (Litton et al) (editorial) 22.169
'Indexing the law: a controlled vocabulary' (Scott) 24.123-126
'Indexing legislative text: Alberta Hansard' (Grist) 23.138-139
'Indexing a local newspaper using dBase IV' (Kilcullen and Spohn) 20.16-17, 22
indexing manuals and textbooks (general) 24.111-113, 248-249, 25.61
see also separate subject headings such as 'medical indexing' for specialized indexing
Het Alfabet als zoekinstrument (Gerritsen) 25.76
De indicibus librorum (Gessner) 25.75, 237-238
Eureka! Handleiding voor het samenstellen van registers (Koning) 25.77, 86
Facing the text: content and structure in book indexing (Stauber) 24.111
Handboek Redactie (Horst) 25.86
Indexing: the manual of good practice (Booth) 23.52, 124-128
Indexing basics (Cloutier) (reviewed) 27.189-190
Indexing books (Mulvany) (1994) 23.124-128
Indexing books (Mulvany) (2005) 24.248-249
Indexing Chinese Books (Hong Ye) 26.5
The indexing companion (Browne and Jermey) (2008) 25.214-215
Workbook (2009) 27.147
Indexing for editors and authors: a practical guide to understanding indexes (Leise, Mertes and Badgett) 26.83, 186-187
Indexing for Southern Africa: a manual compiled in celebration of ASAIB's first decade 1994-2004 (Kalley, Schoeman, Burger) 25.47, 202, 215, 26.177
Inside indexing: the decision-making process (reviewed) 24.242-243
Lektorien und Redigieren von Fachliteratur (Nadolski and Miltschin) 25.84
The manual of book indexing (Zhang Qiyu) 26.6
PRECIS: a manual of concept analysis and subject indexing (Austin) 25.132, 206
Redactiewijzer (Vroegindeweij) 25.86-87
?ber das Registermachen (Kunze) 25.84
web indexing 27.147
'Indexing my life' (Norton) 22.173-174
'Indexing and the "organized" researcher' (Olson and Given) 23.129-133
'Indexing the proceedings and publications of the Scottish Parliament' (Spratt and Skakle) 22.65-68
'Indexing as a professional activity' (Wallis) 20.189-191
'Indexing published letters' (Matthews) 22.139-141
'Indexing Roman imperialism' (Richardson) 24.138-140
indexing societies
archives and libraries 25.135, 273-274
business services to members 27.88-89
communication with members
news bulletins 26.176
website discussion 27.178
cooperation and coordination between, need for 25.167-168, 27.149
incorporation 25.273, 26.37, 38-39
International Society of Indexers, need for 21.106
Lee on 24.15-16
logos 25.203, 272, 273, 26.37
member benefits 28.76-78
reasons for leaving/not joining 28.76-78
role 21.65-66, 25.167-168
at regional and national level 25.267
'Disintermediate or die? Volunteer societies in an information age' (Jermey) 25.265-266
'Society memberships: to join or not to join' (Ste Marie) 28.76-78
room for improvement? 27.150-151
sclerosis in 25.225, 265-266
tips for indexers 27.89
why so few? 27.182
'Indexing societies' (Lee) 24.15-16
'Indexing software in China: past, present and future' (Wang Yanxiang) 27.97, 124-127
'Indexing in South Africa' (Burger) 23.57
Indexing Specialists (UK) Ltd
The 20th century cumulative index, The Indexer, volumes 1 to 21, 1958-1999 (reviewed) 23.238-240
death of Richard Raper 25.228
Indexing Specialties series (ASI) 23.105-106, 26.137
editorial practice 26.177
Indexing specialties: history 21.197
Indexing specialties: law 23.105-106
Indexing specialties: medicine 22.51
Indexing specialties: psychology 23.106
Indexing specialties: scholarly books 25.62
Indexing specialties: websites 26.191
Information Today, Inc (IT) and 26.177
'Indexing, teaching of, See "Information retrieval design"' (Anderson) 23.2-7
indexing terminology
jargon, risk of 25.207, 26.186, 187, 27.96
need for precision, ISO 999 20.114
user-friendliness and 25.266-267
'Indexing Tibetan names' (Searight) Centrepiece 3:10
'Indexing traditional African musical instruments' (Burger) 21.169-172
'Indexing training in Iran' (Mansoureh Bagheri) 25.105-108
'Indexing training and workflow on large digitization projects' (Schroeder) 21.67-69
'Indexing Wesley's journals and diaries' (Vickers) 25.9-11
'Indexing workshops for technical writers' 23.134-137
Indexing your book (Vickers) 27.137
'Indexing Yr Eurgrawn Wesleyaidd' (Madden) 23.193-196
IndexStar 22.21-22, 26.6, 27.97, 124-127
automaticity 27.126-127
availablity 27.179
editing the index 27.126
functions 27.125
modus operandi 27.125-126
sort order, switching between alternatives 27.126
term selection 27.126
India, indexers in 28.31
Indian names Centrepiece 3:12
indice and index distinguished Centrepiece 3:5
'Indexes versus indices' (Quinion) 27.37
indiculi 25.238
indigenous peoples, Bringing them home project (Australia) 23.244, 26.178
Information: Wissenschaft & Praxis (IWP), guest-editing (DNI) 25.213, 26.36-37
'Information access or information anxiety - an exploratory evaluation of book index features' (J?rgensen and Liddy) 20.64-68
information architecture: see information management; learning architecture
information centres
in Cambodia 26.178
in Ethiopia 26.178
in Iran 25.105-107
information ethics 25.161-162
Information Exchange (SI) 27.88
information malpractice, liability for 25.116-117
information management
'Annotating document content: a knowledge management perspective' (Ciravegna and Petrelli) 25.23-27
bibliography 21.147-148
The early information society 25.294-295
early printed materials and 22.218
electronic records, law relating to 26.188
'The expanding worlds of reference' 22.86-90
Explorations in indexing and abstracting: pointing, virtue and power 20.174
'Facilitas inveniendi: the alphabetical index as a knowledge management tool' 25.235-242
fiction and reality, need to distinguish 28.51
The fourth resource: information and its management 20.230
'From print to web: indexing for accessibility' (Stephen) 27.76-79
Gower handbook of library and information management 21.151
The impact of information on society: an examination of its nature, value and usage 21.198-199
'The indexer as helmsman' 21.59
information architecture, definition 26.163
Information and emotion: the emergent affective paradigm in information behavior research and theory (reviewed) 26.94-95
information overload (email newsletters) 25.218-219
'Information seeking behaviour and the digital information world' (Wilson) 25.28-31
The information society: a study of continuity and change (reviewed) 22.216-217
The information society (reviewed) 25.294-295
Information strategy in practice (reviewed) 24.114
Inhaltserschliessung durch Indexieren: Prinzipien und Praxis 21.197
Knowledge management in practice: connections and context (Srikantaiah and Koenig) 26.187-188
Managing information 21.103
multi-faceted content systems and 28.50
ontology-based annotation and 25.23-27
Organizing knowledge: an introduction to managing access to information 22.164-165
Partnering in the information industry 20.229-230
Public sector records management: a practical guide (Smith) 26.47
Quality management for information and library managers (Brophy and Coulling) 20.112
sociohistorical context and 28.51
Technical services management, 1965-1990: festschrift for Katherine Luther Henderson 20.174
theory of, relevance to indexing 27.148-149
Understanding data and information systems for recordkeeping (Bantin) 26.188
The value and impact of information 20.53
value-added and 27.76-77
Visualizing subject access for 21st century information: papers presented at the 1997 Clinic on Library Applications 21.199
The writer's handbook 1999 21.151-152
'Information seeking behaviour and the digital information world' (Wilson) 25.28-31
Information Today, Inc (IT), role 26.177
Ingham, Elisabeth, loose-leaf indexing (letter) 20.32
Inmagic DB/Textworks 26.170-171
Inside book publishing (Clark and Phillips) 27.45
Inspec database (IET) 27.2
INSPIRE (Scottish Poetry Library online catalogue) 28.2
instructions to indexers, publishing practice 20.132
insurance for indexers
medical insurance 27.191-192
professional liability 20.72-73
intellectual property: see copyright issues
intelligence and indexing 22.31-33, 187-190
Covert and Overt: Recollecting and Connecting Intelligence Service and Information Science (reviewed) 25.148-149
MI5 Central Registry, 1900-45 22.187-188
Secret Wars (Thomas), risk of index to MI5/MI6 officers 27.140-141
Securitate files (Romania) 25.256
'Inter-indexer consistency (IIC) in a Persian context' (Fumani) 28.12-17
interactive indexing 21.104, 26.21-22
of cartoons 25.104
semi-automatic indexing 25.23-27
Wikipedia and: see Wikipedia
'Interim indexes and their fate' (Bell) 28.24-25
International Agreement of indexing societies
1999 21.132, 154, 184
2000 amendments 22.98
2006, text Centrepiece 2:16
2009 (Maropeng) 27.145, 149
text 28.36-37
International Association of Law Librarians (IALL), Annual Course, Istanbul, 2009 27.175
International genealogy and local history (reviewed) 26.143-144
international law websites Centrepiece 5 (vol. 26(4)):6
International Literary Market Place (ILMP 2006) (reviewed) 25.147
International Literary Market Place (ILMP 2007) 25.147
international meetings, 2009, photograph of 28.33
International Organization for Standardization 21.106
'International publication of indexing knowledge: newsletters vs The Indexer' (Weinberg) (Letter) 20.218
International Society of Indexers, need for 21.106
internet, history and development
chronology (1963-2005) 26.19
'Web 2.0 and users' expectations of indexes' (Johncocks) 26.18-24
internet resources 24.102
advertisers and search tools 23.120-123
Blogging and RSS: a librarian's guide (reviewed) 25.222
broadband, availability 28.80
building a web library 24.244-245
Consider the source: a critical guide to 100 prominent news and information sites on the Web (Broderick and Miller) (reviewed) 26.47-48
cookery recipes 27.142
cultural resources and 22.58-60
disclaimers and 25.115-116
education 20.177
EPIC project (New Zealand) 26.171
The extreme searcher's internet handbook, 2nd edn: a guide for the serious searcher (Hock) (reviewed) 25.292-293
The extreme searcher's internet handbook, 3rd edn: a guide for the serious researcher (Hock) (reviewed) 28.95-96
guides to the internet 22.51, 108-109
health and medicine on 23.53-54
High-level subject access tools and techniques in internet cataloguing (Ahronheim) 23.244
i-Torque: see i-Torque
IASC/SCAD Website, inauguration (1996) 20.95
Indexers' Favorite Names (Nancy Anderman Guenther) 20.122
international law websites Centrepiece 5 (vol. 26(4)):6
internet connections for indexers 28.80
internet guide for education (AusSI Web Indexing prize) 20.177
The internet for library and information service professionals (Dawson) 20.110
internet References Services Quarterly: A journal of innovative information practice, technologies and resources (Martin, ed.) 20.232
'ISALLIS: from Termatrex to internet' 23.66-67
JewishGen Online Worldwide Burial Registry 23.35
language, impact on 23.110
languages, crossing the boundaries 22.156-159, 27.70
librarians as tamers of 20.113
libraries' use of
ISAPOnline 23.77-79
reference books, sounding the death-knell? 26.46
The library and information professional's guide to the internet (reviewed) 20.110
names, verification via 23.149-156
Net crimes & misdemeanors: outmaneuvering with spammers, stalkers and con artists (reviewed) 25.223-224
publishers' preference over CD-ROMs 21.62-63
The reference sources handbook (reviewed) 20.229
and reference works 24.53-54
research guide for writers 23.109-110
Slavic and east European 22.165
South African journals online 23.170
The information revolution (reviewed) 20.109
web-based resources for indexers 26.192
introductory/scope notes, use of 20.89-92, 23.186
BC Hansard index 27.67
as disclaimers 25.114-115
ISO 999 20.114
scientific/common names, explanation of practice 27.52
serials indexing and 27.4
unusual locators and 25.244
value 27.8, 190
The investment zoo (Jarislowsky), Tom Connolly's unorthodox index to 28.83, 91
indexing services, development 25.105-106
indexing training in 25.105-108
thesauri in 25.19-22, 106, 26.12
Beathaisnéis a Naoi: Forl?onadh agus Innéacsanna (reviewed by Liam MacCo?l in the Irish Times) 27.48
County Roscommon Historical and Archaeological Society Journal, indexing 22.173-174
indexing in 22.169
Ossory, index to Carrigan's history and antiquaries of the diocese of (reviewed) 25.219-220
Irish Folklore, Department of, University College Dublin 22.170-173
Irish group (Society of Indexers) 21.184, 23.34
Register of Indexers Available 21.133
Irish language
definite article in
'An/the/an index of confusion' (O'Leary) 25.181
'Na and the missing library books' (Flynn) 25.182
Irish Traditional Music Index 22.197
Irvine, Jim, 'Creating indexes for world atlases at HarperCollins Publishers' 24.119-122
'Is the future index-linked?' (Stuart) 24.27-32
'ISALLIS: from Termatrex to internet' (Burger) 23.66-67
'ISAP: how does it make periodical information accessible' (du Preez) 23.74-77
ISAP (Index to South African Periodicals), standardization 26.36
'ISAPOnline as an enhancement of a service to community libraries making use of technological development' (Kotze) 23.77-79
ISC/SCI (Indexing Society of Canada/Société canadienne d'indexation)
45th anniversary celebrations 25.203
archives 25.273
as a bilingual society 26.176, 177
Bulletin (ISC/SCI newsletter) 25.203, 27.149
business practice for indexers, help with 27.89
executive meetings by telecon 26.84
fees survey 26.134-135
local groups 26.135, 27.89
logos 25.203, 272, 26.37, 84
member benefits 28.77
'member-at-large' 25.272-273
reasons for joining 28.77
recommended fees 27.88-89
Register of Indexers Available 27.34-35, 88
training courses 28.31
Triennial International Meeting (2006) 25.135
ISC/SCI (Indexing Society of Canada/Société canadienne d'indexation) conferences
2007 25.135, 203, 275
2008 (Vancouver) 26.39, 133
2009 (Toronto) (joint ISC/SCI and Editors' Association of Canada) 26.133, 27.131-132
accessibility, oral deaf participants 27.132
Isidore of Seville, Etymologies 25.237
ISO/TC 46, 50th birthday 20.148
ISTC Handbook of professional communication and information design (reviewed) 22.217
'It ain't just what you say but the way that you say it: indexing a DVD' (Crystal) 27.173-175
'Italian names' (Shuttleworth) Centrepiece 1:15
Italy, indexing in
contemporary practice, modern editions of Il Libro del Cortegiano 25.110-111
'The role of the index in Il Libro del Cortegiano' (Norton) 25.108-112

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Jackson, H J, Marginalia: readers writing in books (reviewed) 23.55
Jackson, Kevin, Invisible forms: a guide to literary curiosities (reviewed) 22.211-212
Jackson, Michael
photograph of 27.96
reviews by 27.191-192, 28.46-47, 95-96
reviews editor (North America), appointment 27.96
Jacobs, Christine
articles by
'Ethical places, ethical spaces: stopping to listen' 25.161-166
'If a picture is worth a hundred words, then ...' 21.119-121
'Changing boundaries' (editorial) 23.113-114
reviews by 24.51, 25.222-223
Jacot de Boinod, Adam, The meaning of Tingo: and other extraordinary words from around the world (reviewed) 25.65-66
James, Stuart, 'Is the future index-linked?' 24.27-32
Japan Indexers Association 26.46, 88
Japanese names (Power) Centrepiece 5 (vol. 26(2)):2
Jarislowski, Stephen, The investment zoo, the index to 28.83, 91
Jayawardene, S A, Bombelli of Bologna (letter) 23.37-38
Jebb, Bishop of Limerick, Arfert and Aghadoe, commonplace book 25.264
Jermey, Jonathan
articles by
'Automated indexing: feeding the AutoComplete monster' 28.74-75
'Disintermediate or die? Volunteer societies in an information age' 25.265-266
'Linux and the indexer - a note' 27.135
'Locating files on computer disks' 22.130-132
'Misbehaving computers' 25.195-196
Bitten by a penguin: Linux for Windows users 27.36
JewishGen Online Worldwide Burial Registry 23.35
Jin Minfu (1907-1968) 27.106
Joad, C M E, The testament of Joad (extract) 26.7
Jobs Hotline (ASI) 27.12, 34, 179
Jobslist (SI) 27.88
John Paul II, Crossing the threshold of hope, indexes to (letter) 20.32
Johncocks, Bill
articles by
'Do indexes influence purchasing habits' (letter) 22.200-201
'Indexing by numbers: is there scope for metrics in index evaluation' 26.158-162
'The myth of the reusable index' 24.213-217
'Web 2.0 and users' expectations of indexes' (Johncocks) 26.18-24
reviews by 24.241, 249-250, 25.72, 27.95-96, 143-144, 190-191
Johnson, Dr Samuel
dictionary of 24.241
and indexes 24.84
Johnson, Samuel
Dr Johnson's dictionary: the extraordinary story of the book that defined the world (Hitchings) 24.241
Johnson's dictionary: a modern selection (McAdam and Milne) 20.109
Samuel Johnson's dictionary 24.241
Johnstone, Julie, 'Poetry and the indexing thereof: the role of the Scottish Poetry Library' (SPL) 28.2-5
Johnstone, Pamela, Robert D Williamson Award 26.84
jokes in indexes, Me Cheeta 27.93
Jones, Amanda, Betty Moys Prize 25.273
Jones, Caroline, SI Conference 2009 27.179
Jones, Kevin, review by 20.110
Jones, Oula
and Bernard Levin 24.133-134
obituary for Bernard Levin 24.103
J?rgensen, Corinne and Elizabeth D Liddy, 'Information access or information anxiety - an exploratory evaluation of book index features' 20.64-68
Joshi, Yateendra, Communicating in style (reviewed) 24.53
journal editing 20.1-3, 95, 26.97, 103-104, 28.49
bulking out citations 28.49
Journal of Scholarly Publishing, articles reprinted from, letters discussing Henige article 23.164-166
Joy of cooking (reviewed) 25.220-221
Joyce, James, indexing books about 26.66-67
'A Joycean usability experiment' (Towery) 26.66-67
'Judging indexes: the criteria for a good index' (Lee) 22.191-194
Judkin, Audrey, obituary 24.148

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Kagan, Alfred, Africa: a biliography of sources (reviewed) 26.188-189
Kalley, Jacqueline A
Mastering index skills: steps along the way (ASAIB 2001 Conference Papers) (reviewed) 23.107-108
Kalley, Jacqueline A, Elna Schoeman and Marlene Burger, Indexing for Southern Africa: a manual compiled in celebration of ASAIB's first decade 1994-2004 (reviewed) 25.215
Kamm, Antony, Scottish Printed Books 1508-2008 27.45-46
Kane, Joseph Nathan, Steven Anzovin and Janet Podell, Famous first facts: a record of first happenings, discoveries and inventions in American history (reviewed) 21.149-150
Karpuk, Susan Price
Henry Fielding's Tom Jones: an index: with summaries of chapters appended (reviewed) 25.293-294
Samuel Richardson's Clarissa: an index with summaries of letters appended (reviewed) 22.213-214
Kasdorf, William E
The Columbia guide to digital publishing (ed.) (reviewed) 23.240-241
'Indexers and XML: an overview of the opportunities' 24.75-78
Kaser, Dick
Impacts of changing production technologies (NAIS Report) (ed.) (reviewed) 20.51-52
Partnering in the information industry (ed.) (reviewed) 20.229-230
Kattu, Shadrack and Sello Hatang, 'The Mandela Portal: how do visitors get there?' 28.69-73
Kaunokki (Finnish thesaurus for fiction materials)
faceted classification and 28.53
films and comics, extension to 28.54
hard copy version 54, 28.53
library preferences 28.53
Swedish version (Bella) 28.53-54
'Thesaurus to ontology: the development of the Kaunokki Finnish fiction thesaurus' (Saarti and Hypén) 28.50-58
user needs 28.53
web-based version (Kirjasampo) 28.54-56
Keenan, Stella and Colin Johnston, Concise dictionary of library and information science (reviewed) 22.216
Kells, Kari
DNI, presentation of SKY Index software to 26.36
Kendrick, Peter and Enid L Zafran (eds), Indexing specialties: law (reviewed) 23.105-106
Kent State University, Ohio library, search and retrieval techniques (electronic) and 27.64-65
Kenyon, Nicholas, review by 25.37
Kessel, Shirley, obituary 23.93
Key Words (ASI newsletter/journal) 20.33-34, 93, 218, 25.202, 26.176-177
availability 27.149
editorial on 26.97
keywords/keyword searching
advantages 27.62
appropriate uses 27.62
author-supplied, difficulties related to 27.3, 81, 83
combination of keyword and controlled vocabulary as preferred approach 27.64-65, 71-72
disadvantages 27.63
full text search vs an index (Google Books) 28.11
as indexing tool 23.198
'Keyword vs controlled vocabulary searching: the one with the most tools wins' (McCutcheon) 27.62-65
Keywords: a revised vocabulary of culture and society, revised (reviewed) 24.246
Mandela Portal and 70-73
queries as search terms 28.71
searcher error 28.70
What's in a word-list? Investigating word frequency and keyword extraction (reviewed) 27.143-144
'Why make an index?' (Campbell: 'At the British library') 27.189
'Khoe-San names (African click languages)' (Willet) Centrepiece 3:1
Kilcullin, Maureen, 'Publishing a newspaper index on the World Wide Web using Microsoft Access 97'' 20.195-196
Kilcullin, Maureen and Melissa Spohn, 'Indexing a local newspaper using dBase IV' 20.16-17, 22
Killen, Mary, query to 24.137
Kindle books 26.132
King, Sue, photograph of 26.65
Kingdom, Ann
photograph of 25.275, 26.65
review by 25.69-70
Kingsley, Ilana, articles by, 'The usability of academic library website indexes: an investigation' 26.71-78
'Kiss and tell and index' (Bell) 21.180-181
Kleinberg, Ira, 'For want of an alphabetical index: some notes toward a history of the back-of-the-book index in nineteenth century America' 20.156-159
Klement, Susan, 'Open-system versus closed-system indexing: a vital distinction' 23.23-31
Knappman, Edward W: see Paxton, John and Edward W Knappman
Knight, G Norman (Norman)
and affiliated indexing societies 20.212-214
Carey prize 21.36
memories of (Wallis) 25.229
photograph of 26.102
SI founder member 20.160-163
Wheatley Medal 21.33-34, 186-187
'Know your characters' (Peacock) 24.141
The Knowledge Basket 26.171
Knowles, Elizabeth, The Oxford dictionary of phrase and fable (ed.) (reviewed) 22.219
'Known orders: unusual locators in indexes' (Weinberg) 25.242-252
Koenig, Michael E D, Knowledge management in practice: connections and context 26.187-188
Kohlrabi, Order of 24.226
Korcycinski, Chris, reviews by 20.229-230, 21.103
Korean, colloquial Chinese for 13th- and 14th-century traders 26.152-155
Korn, Joyce, memories of (Britton) 25.233
Kosmos (Humbolt), indexing 25.2-6
Kotze, Antoinette, 'ISAPOnline as an enhancement of a service to community libraries making use of technological development' 23.77-79
Kunze, Horst (Director General, Staatsbibliotech Berlin)
indexing manual 25.84
publications 25.84
Kuppner, Frank, Arioflotga (reviewed) 28.96

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Lamb, James A
'Embedded indexing' 24.206-209
as Indexer Webmaster 25.226
photograph of 25.226
reviews by 28.47
Website indexes (reviewed) 25.223
WordEmbed (review) 24.251-252
Lambert, Sue
photograph of 25.226, 275
reviews by 24.114, 25.66, 291-292
Lambert, Sue and Nancy Mulvany (eds), book reviews 24.51-56, 111-116
Lancaster, F W, Indexing and abstracting in theory and practice (reviewed) 21.148, 24.51-56
'Land of subtle connections' (Orson Scott Card, novel extract) 21.61
Landes, Cheryl
articles by, 'Testing usability: "Experience an index usability test" at the ASI Conference (Portland, 2009) 27.152-163
Award of Excellence (Society for Technical Communications 2010 Regional Competition) 28.82
Landman, Ruth, ASAIB Conference, 2008 26.132
Landscape painted with teat (Pavic), index to 23.167-168
Langford, David, cullings from his Blog, 'Eccentric indexes' (Dwight Macdonald) 26.113
language issues
accessing information on the internet and 21.156-159
alphanumerical order and: see alphanumerical sort order
bilingual list of subject headings, construction of 25.132
bilingual parliamentary proceedings 26.116
controlled vocabularies and 27.70
cookery books 27.142, 143
image indexing and 27.70-76
indexing conventions, variation between languages 25.90
internet and 22.156-159, 27.70
Irish, indexing/cataloguing in 25.181-182
ISC/SCI 25.132
Key concepts in language and linguistics (Trask) 22.54
minority languages, indexing in 27.182
multilingual thesauri
Kaunokki/Bella 28.53-54
problems and solutions 25.19-22, 132, 176-181
multiple languages within an index 23.192, 25.97
parallel indexing of multilingual publication 26.116
The stuff of thought: language as a window into human nature (Pinker) 26.190-191
Welsh, indexing in 23.192, 193-196
Larn, Richard and Bridget, Shipwreck index of the British Isles. Vol. 1 (Larn) (reviewed) 20.48
'Late bloomer: an indexer gets a start' (Purton) 24.179-180
Lathrop, Lori
An Indexer's guide to the internet (reviewed) 22.51
'Indexing after the millennium: existing skills influence future development' 21.20-21
'Looking back and looking ahead' (editorial) 22.1
Latin concordances and Hebrew biblical word lists 22.178-186
Latin indexes 25.74
Latin, use of
abbreviations attached to locators 21.4, 75, 25.249
Basic approach to Latin for family historians (Gandy) 20.54
Long live Latin: a Latin miscellany (reviewed) 24.245
'Passim: is it passé?' (Noble) 23.202-203
Lavell, Cherry
obituary of Freda Wilkinson 22.42-43
reviews by 21.52-53, 198-199, 24.240, 27.95
law and the indexer
Brief Entry: a newsletter for law indexers 20.174
electronic records 26.188
'Indexing: it's the law!' (Weinberg) 24.79-82
law indexing: see legal indexing
Lawrence, T E, '"Discursive, dispersed, heterogeneous." ... indexing Seven pillars of wisdom' (Bell) 24.9-11
'Layered indexing of images' (Schroeder) 21.11-14
layout/format and style (including typography and printing techniques) 20.89-92, 24.141
alpha headers 28.65
authentic version, preservation in public records office (Athens) 25.259
biota names 27.51-52
bold headings/locators 25.220
boldface 28.63
initial letter 28.60
main heading 28.63
collective wisdom and 28.60
colour 28.65
continuation indicators, desirability 25.220, 27.8
developments in, effect on content 25.111
font size 28.65
German Democratic Republic (GDR) and 25.84, 85
'German indexing: Some observations on typographical practice' (Fassbender) 25.79-82
graphic designers, role 28.60
hyphens 25.246
importance 26.48, 27.8
indentation 27.8, 28.64-65
index as continuation of text 28.63-64
indexer-client relationship 28.63-67
as information source 20.20
ISO 999 and 20.76-77
locators and 25.251-252
Mannheim en dash 25.80
manuscript/scribal tradition, influence 25.109
medical indexing 27.60
multiple indexes 27.4
Paper for publishing (Bray and Breen) 20.53
paratextual material 25.111
see also paratext
prepositions, use of 20.114, 28.60-61
printers, relations with 25.231
printing, future prospects 21.62-63
printing press, role in the development of indexing 25.236-237
set out/run-on subheadings, examples 20.76-77, 27.52, 54, 28.62
small print, problems of 26.48
subheadings 28.62-63
see also subheadings
subject/author index 28.63
usability and 25.89, 132, 27.8, 54, 99
The visual appeal of indexes: an exploration' (Lennie) 28.60-67
watermarks 23.243
in Wordsmanship: a dictionary (duGran) 20.18-2275.79-82
Le Gassick, Pam, reviews by 22.53, 22.106, 22.167, 23.52, 23.54
Lea, Peter W and Alan Daya, The reference sources handbook (reviewed) 20.229
Leach, Anne, Marketing your indexing services (reviewed) 22.52
learning architecture
in Australia 26.163-168
controlled vocabularies/thesauri and 26.165-166
digital learning objects 26.164, role 26.163-164
integrated search
aggregated search 26.164-165
distributed search 26.165
'Learning architecture: issues in indexing. Australian education in a Web 2.0 world' (Mitchell) 26.163-168
MCEETYA learning architecture framework 26.163
policy ideals 26.163
technical architecture elements 26.163
examples 26.165
limitations 26.165
Web 2.0 and 26.166-169
Lee, David (J D Lee)
articles by
'The father of British indexing: Henry Benjamin Wheatley' 23.86-91
'Hazel Bell' 20.165-166
'Indexing societies' 24.15-16
'Judging indexes: the criteria for a good index' 22.191-194
'One chairman's lot: 1983-5' 25.231-232
'The other Wheatley' 24.2-5
photograph of 27.30
reviews by 20.47, 20.52-53, 24.114, 24.115-116, 24.244
Lee, Sul H, Digital information and knowledge management: new opportunities for research libraries (reviewed) 26.94
Lee, Walter, photograph of 28.75
legal indexing
ASI special interest group 25.202
AustLII global legal index 22.123-127
Australian internet resources 20.124
Brief Entry: a newsletter for law indexers (Moys) (reviewed) 20.174
classified vs specific indexing 20.154-155, 25.189
contents lists 20.154-155
development and impact 28.93
'Indexing the law: a controlled vocabulary' (Scott) 23.105-106
'Indexing legislative text: Alberta Hansard 23.138-139
Indexing specialties: law (reviewed) 23.105-106
international law websites Centrepiece 5 (vol. 26(4)):6
locators 25.237
Moys classification and thesaurus for legal materials 23.52-53
precision vs conciseness 28.62
vocabulary of 24.123-126
The Legal Indexing SIG' (Harper) 26.86
Legat, Michael, An author's guide to publishing (reviewed) 21.104
Legsdin, Anita, Washington Post letter 24.99
Lehman, David (ed.), Ecstatic occasions, expedient forms: 85 contemporary poets select and comment on their poems (reviewed) 24.164-165
Leipzig International Book Art Exhibition, indexes at 25.85
Leise, Fred
'Controlled vocabularies: an introduction' 26.121-126
'Metadata and content management systems: an introduction for indexers' 24.71-74
reviews by 26.187-188
Leise, Fred, Kate Mertes and Nan Badgett, Indexing for editors and authors: a practical guide to understanding indexes 26.83, 26.186-187, 27.147
Lemmens, Cheryl
reviews by 25.166
Tamarack Award 25.135
length/density of index 20.136
4 25.220, 25.222
46 25.217
different levels of within an index 28.10
environmental/natural history indexing and 52.54-55
level of detail, getting it right 26.186, 27.55-56
long strings: see locators, long strings
scope of text, relevance 27.55-56
tables and lists 27.57
translation of indexes and 25.93
Lenin, V I, attitude to indexes 25.83
Lennie, Frances S
articles by
'E-books, e-publishing, e-indexes, e-etc.' 22.84-85
'Embedding in Word documents with DEXter' (letter) 24.223
'History and development of CINDEX' 24.135-137
The visual appeal of indexes: an exploration' 28.60-65
Hines Award 24.225
photograph of 25.226, 25.275, 27.96
reviews by 25.62-63, 25.147, 25.214-215, 25.223-224, 26.94-95
reviews editor (North America), resignation 27.96
Lennie, Frances S and Maureen MacGlashan (eds)
book reviews 25.61-71, 25.146-151, 25.291-296, 26.46-48, 26.94-95
software, hardware and the Web: reviews 25.72
Lennon, Colm, reviews by 25.219-220
Lennox, Mary (ASAIB) 25.272
Lepenies, Wolf, 'Authors and indexes' (letter to the TLS) 25.185
The Lesotho Annotated Bibliography 22.197-198
'Let's get usable! Usability studies for indexes' (Olason) 22.92-95
letter-by-letter arrangement, ISO 999 20.114
letters, indexing of 22.135-141
Index général de la correspondance de Marcel Proust (review) 21.195
letters to the editor 20.31-32, 20.87-88, 20.216-218, 21.40-41, 21.90-92, 21.189, 22.200-201, 23.37-38, 23.95, 23.164-166, 23.228, 24.45, 24.103, 24.223, 25.39-42, 25.201, 27.137, 27.182
gender and 27.165
Levin, Bernard
'Bernard Levin and The Indexer' (Bell) 24.127-132
obituary 24.103
'"The precious work": from the correspondence between Oula Jones and Bernard Levin, 1981-1999' 24.133-134
lexemes as unit of search 25.194
Li Rong (interpreter), photograph of 22.77
liability of indexers 27.192
complaints of bias 20.4
databases and 20.72
'Disclaimers in indexes and databases' (Weinberg) 25.114-118
duty to client, need for 25.116
merger of different people with same name 20.4
for omission or error 25.116-117
'Professional liability of indexers' (Browne) 20.70-73
for work of support staff 25.117
Liber de Honoribus (Cartulary of the Collegiate Church of St Julian of Auvergne): see Cartulary of St Julien of Brioude
libraries and librarians
Alternative literature: a practical guide for librarians (Atton) 20.112
at Alexandria 25.259
Blogging and RSS: a librarian's guide (reviewed) 25.222
British Library Newspaper Library 27.4
California State Library Home Page 20.127-129
Callimachus 25.259
cataloguing early printed books and manuscripts 24.114
cataloguing folklore 22.170-173
cataloguing for library technicians 23.54
cataloguing and organizing
consulting the librarian 28.53
digital resources 24.240-241
cataloguing political ephemera 22.175-177
'cataloguing' websites 26.164
children, views on indexing for 20.8-10
Concise dictionary of library and information science (reviewed) 20.227
constructing a library Website 20.125-126
Creating an information service 20.230
databases in small specialized libraries 23.68-69
Digital information and knowledge management: new opportunities for research libraries (reviewed) 26.94
Education for library cataloging: international perspectives (reviewed) 25.222-223
Exeter Cathedral Library 24.114
Explorations in indexing and abstracting: pointing, virtue and power (reviewed) 20.174
Future Libraries, future catalogues (Oddy) 20.232
Harrod's librarians' glossary (reviewed) 20.108-109, 22.107, 26.46
Human aspects of library automation 21.103
Humbert de Romanis (c 1260) 25.261
'I'll take the low road ...' (Walker) (Vintage Sports-Car Club (VSCC)) 25.200-201
indexing courses for 28.32-33
indexing society libraries 25.135, 25.273-274
The internet for library and information service professionals (reviewed) 20.110
Librarianship and information work worldwide 2000 22.217-218
Library book: an architectural journey through the London Library (reviewed) 25.218
The library and information professional's guide to the internet (reviewed) 20.110
library training, adequacy for indexing purposes 25.107, 26.81
Linen Hall Library, Belfast 22.175-177
links with indexing profession 20.161
LOM (Learning Object Metadata) 26.164
'The London Library (Phipps) 25.190-191
Malaspina University-College Library (British Columbia) Website 20.125-126
MARC standards and 26.164
The New OPL Sourcebook: A Guide for Solo and Small Libraries (reviewed) 25.147-148
Nineva, library of Ashurbanipal 25.259
OCLC 1967-97: thirty years of furthering access to the world's information (reviewed) 21.152
open-access libraries, need for/existence of 1.190-191, 25.184-185
Quality management for information and library managers (Brophy and Coulling) 20.112
Reading Pathological Society library catalogue, 17th-19th century (reviewed) 22.55
The reference sources handbook (reviewed) 20.229
Shanachie tour: a library road trip across America (Bookesteijn and van de Geer) (reviewed) 27.46
SI library
history 25.273-274
transfer to Oxford Brookes University 25.135, 25.274
storage and conservation in 23.242-243
subject indexing systems 26.87
Visualizing subject access for 21st century information: papers presented at the 1997 Clinic on Library Applications 21.199
Zenodotus 25.259
'Libraries, librarians, indexes and indexing: should we care?' (Weihs) 26.79-82
'Library & information science vs business: a comparison of approaches to abstracting' (Spiteri) 20.197-200
Library Association
relations with SI 20.161
and the Wheatley Medal 21.33-34, 21.186-187
Library book: an architectural journey through the London Library (reviewed) 25.218
library call numbers 25.247-249
Library of Congress Subject Heading Guide (LCSH) 20.127-128
cutter numbers 25.247
image-indexing and 27.71
strengths 27.63
use at Kent State University, Ohio 27.63-65
use in Turkey 26.10
weaknesses 27.64
LibraryThing 26.168, 27.150, 27.178
developing search and retrieval techniques and 26.168
'Lies and venom: some thoughts on reviews and reviewers' (MacGlashan) 26.172-174
Lifang, Guo: see Guo Lifang
'Lifelong indexing: freelancing and CPD' (Booth) 21.2-5
Lille Colloque International, 2005 25.45-46
Lin Yutang (1895-1976) 27.102, 27.103, 27.106
'A Chinese typewriter' (1952 US Patent application) 27.107-110
Lindemer, Chris, Beauly the Donkey-Mooing Beltie 27.133
Line, Maurice et al, Librarianship and information work worldwide 2000 22.217-218
Linen Hall Library, Belfast, Northern Ireland Political Collection 22.175-177
Linford, Rebecca
ASI Web Indexing SIG award 26.85
photograph 26.135
reviews by 27.46-47
Linnaeus' Philosophia Botanica (reviewed) 25.149
'Linux and the indexer - a note' (Jermey) 27.135
Linzer, Elliot, obituary of Robert J Palmer 27.136-137
Lipetz, Ben-Ami
photograph of 27.30
List and Index Society 24.16
literary warrant 26.166
'The little extras: a customer service approach to indexing' (Weaver) 27.9-16
Little Nellie Kelly (1923 programme cover) 26.119
Litton, Helen
'The Department of Irish Folklore, University College Dublin' 22.170-173
editorial (joint) 22.160
An index to the Rev. William Carrigan's The history and antiquities of the diocese of Ossory (reviewed) 25.219-220
indexes to The Indexer 22.(4) i-iii, 23.(4) i-iii, 24.210-212
Irish Branch activities reported 20.96
photograph of 21.185
Litton, Pauline, Basic facts about family history research in Yorkshire (reviewed) 20.111-112
Liu Fu 27.103
Liu Guojun (1899-1980) 27.106
Liu Kao, Mary, Cataloging and classification for library technicians (reviewed) 23.54
Liverpool John Moores University/SI research project: children's book indexing 20.37, 20.120, 20.193-194
local history, indexing 24.184-185
'Locating files on computer disks' (Jermey) 22.130-132
see also pagination
abbreviations in 25.243, 25.249
Latin abbreviations and 20.75, 21.4, 23.202-203, 25.249
alphanumeric notation 25.247-249
maps 25.249
Arab numerals, use of 25.243
audiovisual media 25.251, 27.172
automatic identification 25.123
Bible, structural organization and 25.74, 25.96
bibliographic references and 24.244-246
bold 25.220
canonical orders and 25.249-251
in cartoons 25.102
checking 20.89-92
children's indexes 20.193-194
column numbers 25.244
computer filenames as 25.251
correlation between number of locators and number of entries
ar reflection of the indexer's experience 26.160-161
as test of quality 26.159-161
cutter numbers (Library of Congress Classification) 25.247
design of index and 25.251-252
Dewey classification 25.247
double locators 26.153-154
DVD indexing and 27.173
ebooks/electronic media and 25.251, 26.148-151
elision, alternative practices 25.246
ISO 999 recommendations 20.75, 20.114
foliation and 25.244
folio number as reference to material on preceding folio 25.244
German practice 25.81
Gessner, Conrad and 25.237
heading, incorporation in 25.242
Hebrew indexes 25.247
ISO 999 recommendations 20.64, 20.114
journal and multi-volume indexing 25.244, 25.246
'Known orders: unusual locators in indexes' (Weinberg) 25.242-252
legal indexes 25.237
library call numbers 25.247-249
long strings
A stage mother's story (Bell) 25.220
authors as indexers and 27.81
biota names and 27.56
cello strings distinguished 25.267
Clinton's life 24.95, 25.76
cumulative indexing and 27.5, 27.6
lazy indexing and 26.159-160
newspaper, periodical and journal indexing 27.5, 27.6
subheadings and 26.160, 27.56
value 25.243, 26.82, 26.154
maps and 25.249, 25.272
multimedia materials 25.251
musical themes 25.251
page numbers, introduction in early printing 25.109
pagination, in absence of 25.246, 26.132, 26.148-151, 27.15
paragraph or section numbers as 25.90, 25.217-218, 25.237, 27.78-79
classicists' preference for 25.237, 25.244
difficulties relating to 25.244, 25.249
legal indexes 25.237, 25.244
with modifier 25.244
in parallel with page numbers 26.153-154
ranges and 26.154
passim, use of 20.75, 23.202-203, 25.267
precision, need for 25.243-244
as preferred term 25.242
punctuation in 25.244, 25.246-249
ranges 21.4, 25.123
long ranges, acceptability 26.160
range as single or multiple locator 26.160
Roman numerals 24.238, 25.247
between headings and locators 25.244
between multiple locators 25.244-246
commas, disadvantages 25.244
serials indexing, special considerations 25.244, 25.246, 27.3-4, 27.5, 27.6
single locator, acceptability 26.160
translated material and 25.90
units of information 27.78-79
unusual locators, need for introductory note 25.244
verse numbers (Biblical texts) 25.244
Lock, John, indexing methods 22.68, 22.114-118
'Logical order' (Cousins) (letter) 20.31
logos (indexing societies) 25.203, 25.272, 25.273, 26.37, 26.84
LOM (Learning Object Metadata) 26.164
The London Library
library book 25.218
'The London Library (Phipps) 25.190-191
London Reception Centre Information Section, indexing in 1900-45 22.188-189
long strings: see locators, long strings
'Looking back and looking ahead' (Lathrop) (editorial) 22.1
'Looking back and looking ahead' (Wellisch) 20.2
loose-leaf indexing
methodology 20.32
Netherlands and 25.77
Revier, Hank, 'History of GARB, indexing software for loose-leaf publications' (Revier) 25.119-120
'WinGARB: a user's view' (Pitchford) 25.120-121
Lubrich, Oliver and Ottmar Ette, 'Alexander von Humboldt's Kosmos: indexing it' 25.2-6
Lulu print on demand services 26.177
Lumsden, Keith, 'Scottish tartans: an indexing challenge' 22.69-71
Lycos 25.193
Lynch, Jack (ed.), Samuel Johnson's dictionary (reviewed) 24.241
Lyon, Robert A, review by 20.232

Back to top
McAdam, E L and George Milne, Johnson' dictionary: a modern selection (reviewed) 20.109
Macara, Daphne, Small publishers A-Z: the guide to good publishing (reviewed) 21.55
McArthur, Tom
'The expanding worlds of reference' 22.86-90
The Oxford guide to world English (reviewed) 23.182-183
McCarthy, Anne
editorial (joint) 22.57
photograph of 21.185
reviews by 20.108, 20.176, 20.227, 21.55-56, 21.197, 22.110, 23.53-54
McClung, Julie, articles by, 'Herding cats: indexing British Columbia's political debates using controlled vocabulary' 27.66-69
MacCo?l, Liam, 'Indexes are magic' 27.48
McCutcheon, Sevim, 'Keyword vs controlled vocabulary searching: the one with the most tools wins' 27.62-65
McEwan, Ian, Saturday (reviewed) 24.246-247
MacGlashan, Maureen
articles by
'A Cold War card index is Romania's best hope' 25.256
'Lies and venom: some thoughts on reviews and reviewers' 26.172-174
'Wot, no index? - or the death of the "Washington read"' 28.18-19
'Colloque International: indici, index, indexation, Lille, 3-4 November 2005' 25.45-46
editorials 22.57, 24.117-118, 24.169-170, 25.1, 25.73, 25.153-154, 25.225-226, 26.1, 26.49, 26.97, 26.145, 27.1, 27.49
The Indexer: past, present and future (MacGlashan) 26.99-105
obituaries for
Bradley, Philip 27.30
Dixon, Geoffrey 28.84
Hewitt, R A (Reg) 24.228
photograph of 24.170, 25.45, 25.226, 25.275, 26.64, 27.89
MacGlashan, Maureen, Barbara Hird and Kevin Wheldall, obituary for Frank Merrett 24.227
MacGlashan, Maureen and Frances S Lennie (eds)
book reviews 25.61-71, 25.146-151, 26.46-48, 26.94-95
software, hardware and the Web: reviews 25.72
MacGlashan, Maureen and Hazel Bell, obituary for Richard Raper 25.228
MacGlashan, Maureen, Moyra Forrest, Anne McCarthy, editorial 25.267
MacGlashan, Maureen and Nancy C Mulvany (eds)
book reviews 24.158-166, 24.240-249
software, hardware and the Web: reviews 24.167-168, 24.249-252
McGoldrick, Fiona, editorial (joint) 22.160
McGovern, Josephine, obituary 22.198
McGovern, Una (ed.), Chambers dictionary of quotations (reviewed) 25.67-68
McGuire, Jane, Tamarack Award (2007) 25.273
Machen, Paul, photograph of 25.226
McIlwaine, Ia C, 'Indexing and the Classification Research Group' 23.204-208
McIlwaine, John, Africa: a guide to reference material (reviewed) 26.189-190
McIntyre, Tony, Library book: an architectural journey through the London Library (reviewed) 25.218
Mackenzie, Graham: see Line, Maurice et al
McKerrow, Ronald B, An introduction to bibliography for literary students (reviewed) 20.52-53
McKitterick, David (ed.), Do we want to keep our newspapers? (reviewed) 23.241-242
McLean, Iain and Alistair McMillan (eds), The concise Oxford dictionary of politics (reviewed) 24.53-54
McMaster, Max
ANZSI life membership 28.34
ANZSI president 25.272
articles by
'Mentoring scheme in Australia' 24.189-191
'Mentoring in Australia and New Zealand: an update' 27.26-28
photograph of 24.224
McMaster, Max and Sue Woolley, Indexing for technical communicators (reviewed) 24.250
Macmillan, Harold, message to The Indexer (14 November 1957) 26.98, 26.99
McMorris, Jenny, The warden of English: the life of H.W. Fowler (reviewed) 23.56
Macqueen, Jean, review by 23.181
authority lists/files 27.54
diacritics and 27.171
discussion list 22.43
embedded indexing and 21.160-163
Frankfurt Book Fair demonstration 26.179
index statistics and 26.161-162
letters to the TLS 25.184, 25.186
'MACREX - a history' (Beare) 24.18-20
reviewd 27.169-170
software for indexers, repagination and 27.170-171
web indexing and 20.6-7
Y2K (millennium) compliance 21.57
Madden, Lionel, 'Indexing Yr Eurgrawn Wesleyaidd' 23.193-196
Madden, Mary, review by 25.68-69
Maddocks, Hugh C, obituary 26.137
Magpie pins (ISC/SCI) 28.59
printer's pie 28.59
Maislin, Seth A
ASI president
election as 25.134
retirement as 25.202
'Earning on-line trust' 22.29-30
photograph of 25.275
reviews by 25.222, 28.47-48
'The making of a dictionary: James A H Murray' (Bell) 20.78-80
Malaspina University-College Library (British Columbia), Website 20.125-126
mandated indexes 24.79-82
'The Mandela Portal: how do visitors get there?' (Katuu and Hatang) 28.69-73
Mander, Raymond and Joe Mitchenson Theatre Collection, indexing of 25.197-199
Mango, Andrew, The Turkic speaking peoples (Catagay and Kuban) (review) 27.29
manicules 28.94
Manley, Shirley and Norma Harwood, 'Bringing it home: learning to index books by correspondence' 20.185-187
Mann, Rupert, 'Searching the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography' 25.16-18
Mannheim en dash 25.80
Manser, Martin H (ed.), Chambers dictionary of synonyms and antonyms (reviewed) 23.240
maps and cartography
Atlas of the World (Ptolemy) 25.259-260
carto-bibliography in South Africa 23.63-65
disclaimers 25.115
Historical atlas of Toronto (Hayes) 27.46
Victoria State Library Map Collection 25.272
maps and cartography, indexing of
'Creating indexes for world atlases at HarperCollins Publishers' 24.119-122
desirability 27.57
locators in 25.249, 25.272
MARC standards (MAchine-Readable Cataloging)
poetry indexing and 28.4
transferability of records and 26.164
The Marin Institute Thesaurus (alcohol and drug problems) (reviewed) 20.49
Marker House Books Ltd, The Oxford paperback crossword dictionary (reviewed) 22.52
marketing and promotion of indexing/indexers
bookmarks (ANZSI) 27.88
Christmas cards (SI) 27.88
in continental Europe 25.78
index as marketing tool ('Vill kewfflicher') (Gessner) 25.238
indexing services, guide for editors 20.194
indexing societies, role 27.88-89
International Literary Market Place (reviewed) 25.147
Marketing your indexing services (reviewed) 22.52
'Novice notes for prospective indexers' (Osgood/Back Words Indexing) 27.12, 27.13
promoting an understanding of the indexing process 27.9-10
personal website, value of 27.10
promoting the need for indexes 22.200-201
referring work to qualified/better qualified colleagues 27.10-12
as service to client 27.9-10
for Spanish language publications 25.93
Twitter and 27.176
workshops for editors 25.88
'Marot, Hofstadter, index' (Shuttleworth) 21.22-23
Martin, Sue, review by 24.53-54
Marxism and the role of the index 25.83
'Massih', significance Centrepiece 3:12
Massoretic text (MT)
canonical order Centrepiece 5 (vol. 26(4)):1
word lists 22.178-186
Mastering index skills: steps along the way (ASAIB 2001 Conference Papers) (reviewed) 23.107-108
material received and noted 24.168
Mathews, Harry, as indexer 23.167-168
Mathews, Paula L, 'Indexing as a professional activity' 20.189-191
Mathews, Paula L and K G B Bakewell, 'Indexes to children's information books' 20.193-194
Matthew, H C G ( Colin)
The Gladstone diaries, index to 20.37, 20.46
obituary 22.41
photograph of 22.41
Wheatley Medal 20.37
Matthew, H G C and Brian Harrison (eds), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (reviewed) 24.160-161
Matthews, Douglas
articles by
'Broadcasting on indexing' 21.173-174
'Indexing Defoe' 24.12-14
'Indexing published letters' 22.139-141
indexing career 20.165-166
photograph of 20.165
review by 24.160-162
Mattock, John, 'Negotiating your way to success' 27.17-19
Mauer, Peg
'Embedded indexing: Pros and cons for the indexer' 22.27-28
photograph of 24.145
reviews by 25.147-148, 25.292-293
Mazefsky, Janet, review by 23.105-106
Mazrui, Ali A 25.70
MCEETYA learning architecture framework 26.163
MDA (Museum Documentation Association)
British Museum materials thesaurus 21.52-53
MDA archaeological objects thesaurus 21.52-53
SPECTRUM terminology for museums 25.70
medical indexing
AIDS and HIV/AIDS-related terminology (reviewed) 20.176
alphanumerical sort order and 20.47, 27.59
The American Heritage Stedman's medical dictionary 20.108
automatic indexing and 27.60
classification and 25.189
consistency and accuracy, ways of achieving, PDF files and 27.54-55
demand for 27.59, 27.60
education and training 27.59, 27.60
Finding and using health and medical information on the internet (reviewed) 23.53-54
Indexing the medical and biological sciences (Blake, Clarke, McCarthy)
reviewed 23.237, 26.47
as style guide/standard 27.59, 27.60
Indexing specialties: medicine (reviewed) 22.51
Journal of HIV/AIDS: prevention and education for adolescents and children 20.232
Journal of neuro-AIDS: a forum devoted to advances in ... HIV, AIDS and related viral infections of the nervous system (Price and Sidtis) 20.53
layout/format and style 27.60
Marin Institute thesaurus (reviewed) 20.49-50
'Medical indexes reviewed' (Wyman) 21.124-126
'Medical indexing in the United States' (Ste Marie) 27.59-61
Reading Pathological Society library catalogue, 17th-19th century (reviewed) 22.55
scientific and common names, choosing between 27.59
scope 27.59
subject knowledge, relevance 27.59, 27.60
synonyms/alternative terms 27.59, 27.60
Thesaurus of disability index terms (reviewed) 20.227
USA and 27.59-61
'The medium is not the message: topic maps and the separation of presentation and content in indexes' (Northedge) 26.60-64
'MeloDex: Indexing hymn tunes' (Coates) 21.37
Ménard, Elaine, articles by, 'Images: indexing for accessibility in a multilingual enviroment - challenges and perspectives' 27.70-76
mentoring schemes
importance of 28.32
'Mentoring scheme in Australia' (McMaster) 24.189-191
'Mentoring in Australia and New Zealand: an update' (McMaster) 27.26-28
problems associated with 27.26-28
'What's an indexer worth?' (Hagger) 27.31
Mentors and friends: short lives of leading publishers and booksellers I have known (Norrie) 28.24-25
menu screens for online indexes 20.118
Merrell, Joan, photograph of 28.75
Merrell, Rob, photograph of 28.75
Merrett, Christopher
'Robber barons of the information age: the political economy of academic publishing' 23.210-215
'Yesterday is history: the evolution of the Weekly Mail index' 22.72-75
Merrett, Frank
death 24.148
obituary 24.227
photograph of 21.185
reviews by 20.175-176, 23.179
Merrington, Maxine, photograph of 21.185
Mertes, Kate, Indexing: Creating and maintaining speed 26.177
'Metadata and content management systems: an introduction for indexers' (Leise) 24.71-74
Metadata for information management and retrieval (Haynes) (reviewed) 24.159
metadata, role in search engine enhancement 27.79
Metamorfoze programme, Netherlands 24.24-25
metatopic as heading 26.67
methods of work: see theory and practice of indexing
Meyer, Madelaine, Letitia Calitz and Ilma Brink, 'Archival value in South Africa' 23.70-73
MHRA style guide: a handbook for authors, editors, and writers of theses (reviewed) 27.44-45
MI5, indexing of Central Registry, 1900-45 22.187-188
Micro Indexing System/MS-Dos 27.137
MicroIndexer 25.232
Microsoft Access, as indexing tool 20.195-196
Microsoft TIM 26.133
Microsoft Word
authors as indexing and 27.81
diacritics and unusual characters 26.146-147
embedded indexing and 21.160-163, 27.190
WordEmbed (reviewed) 24.251-252
military indexing 24.21-23
millennium bug 21.57
Mills, Colin, 'Counterblasts to "professionalism"' - 1 (letter) 21.40
Milne, George: see McAdam, E L and George Milne
Milstead, Jessica L
ASIS thesaurus of information science and librarianship (reviewed) 21.197-198
mineralogy, indexing of, Encyclopaedia of mineral names 21.199
'Misbehaving computers' (Jermey) 25.195-196
mistakes: see errors/mistakes
Mitchell, Anne M and Brian E Surratt, Cataloguing and organizing digital resources: a how-to-do-it manual for librarians (reviewed) 24.240-241
Mitchell, Pru, 'Learning architecture: issues in indexing. Australian education in a Web 2.0 world' 26.163-168
Mitford, Nancy, letters to Heywood Hill (extracts) 25.8
Mogach, Deborah 22.134
monasteries, indexing in 25.74, 25.95-99
Liber floriger chartarum cenobii Farfensis (Gregory of Catino) (Farfa archives) 25.96-97
'Money & Co' (Britton) 25.233-234
Moore, Donald
Index to Archaeologia Cambrensis 1961-1980 (reviewed) 24.240
Index to Archaeologia Cambrensis 1981-2000 (reviewed) 27.95
'Indexing the archaeology of Wales' 23.187-191
moral rights
in Australia 26.130
definition 26.130
Morris, Anne and Hilary Dyer (eds), Human aspects of library automation 21.103
Morrison, June
review by 20.49-50
Mosser, Daniel, Michael Saffle and Ernest W Sullivan, Puzzles in paper: concepts in historical watermarks (reviewed) 23.243
The Motor, indexes to 25.200-201
moving images, indexing of: see film and video, indexing of
Moys, Elizabeth Mary (Betty)
articles by, 'Classified v. specific indexing: a re-examination in principle' 20.135-136, 20.153-155
Brief Entry: a newsletter for law indexers (reviewed) 20.174
Classified Contents 22.(4) iv
Moys classification and thesaurus for legal materials (reviewed) 23.52-53
obituary 23.35-37
photograph of 23.36
reviews by 20.231, 22.55
Mugglestone, Lynda, Lost for words: the hidden history of the Oxford English Dictionary (reviewed) 25.66
multilingual indexing: see language issues
multimedia materials, indexing of
Indexing multimedia and creative works: the problems of meaning and interpretation 24.242
locators 25.251
Shoah Visual History Foundation 21.85-89
multiple formats, indexing and 27.77
multiple indexes
16th century and later practice 25.238
The Builder illustrations index 1843-1883 27.6
Chinese indexing and 27.103-104
cross-references between 26.154
examples 27.4, 27.5
headings, choice of 27.5
layout/format and style considerations 27.4
Oxford companion to law 27.140
repetition, need to avoid 27.99
serials indexing and 27.4, 27.5
unity of indexing and 27.99
usability/satisfaction 20.66, 27.4, 27.140
multiple posting: see double posting
MultiTes Pro 26.51-53
Mulvany, Nancy C
articles by
'In defence of the professional indexer' (letter) 23.164
'Software tools for indexing: revisited' 21.160-163
'Teaching book indexing: a curriculum' 23.11-14
'Teaching and our profession' (editorial) 23.1
'Ten years ago' (editorial) 21.153
as associate editor (1996-9) 20.3, 26.103
index with attitude 22.24
Indexing books (1994) (reviewed) 23.124-128
Indexing books (2005) (reviewed) 24.248-249
indexing career 20.24
obituaries for
DeRenne Coerr, Susan 25.280
Maddocks, Hugh C 26.137
reviews by 22.106, 22.107-108, 22.165-167, 22.211-212, 22.213-214, 22.215-216, 22.219, 23.51, 23.106, 23.180-181, 23.236-238, 24.52-53, 24.115
Mulvany, Nancy C and Janet Shuter (editorials) 20.1, 20.57, 20.113
Mulvany, Nancy C and Sue Lambert (eds), book reviews 24.51-56, 24.111-116
Mulvany, Nancy C and Maureen MacGlashan (eds)
book reviews 24.158-166, 24.240-249
software, hardware and the web: reviews 24.167-168, 24.249-252
Munro, Richard
'Indexing defence: an indexer's defence' 24.21-23
review by 25.148-149
Murphy, Tom, 'Exploring fiction and poetry through indexing' 23.216-217
Murray, Caroline, 'Indexing in an XML context' 24.66-67
Murray, James A H
as indexer 20.78-80
'The making of a dictionary: James A H Murray' 20.78-80
'The AHRC Mander and Mitchenson Theatre Collection Access for Research Project: Uncovering the archive' (Davis and Nield) 25.197-199
'The British Museum catalogue of Hebrew incunabula: an evaluation of its information design and indexes' (reviewed) 25.12-15
dating of items 25.198
'SCRAN: from documentation to access' 22.58-60
SPECTRUM terminology for museums (reviewed) 25.72
Treasures of the National Maritime Museum (reviewed) 24.247
music, indexing of
alphanumeric locators and 25.251
Disc-ologue (French language songs in National Library of Canada) 21.133
Gilbert & Sullivan materials 20.175-176, 22.55, 23.179
hymn tunes 21.37
Irish Traditional Music Index 22.197
musical interlude (ASI conference 1999) 22.184
The Scottish fiddle music index (letter) 20.32
musical instruments, indexing of, 'Indexing traditional African musical instruments' (Burger) 21.169-172
Myers, Robin and Michael Harris, Journeys through the market: travel, travellers and the book trade (eds) (reviewed) 22.167
'The myth of the reusable index' (Johncocks) 24.213-217
'Na and the missing library books' (Flynn) 25.182

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Nabokov, Vladimir, as indexer 20.209
Nahl, Diane and Dania Bilal, Information and emotion: the emergent affective paradigm in information behavior research and theory (reviewed) 26.94-95
name-spotting 27.96
names (general)
diacritics, importance 27.4
first/forenames as determining factor 28.79
homograph arrangement and 20.31, 20.87-88, 20.217, 21.189
idiosyncracies (Foreign Affairs) 27.137
inconsistencies in spelling and 25.198, 26.170-171, 27.4
'Khoe-San names (African click languages)' (Willet) Centrepiece 3:1
The Oxford names companion (reviewed) 23.243
sources for checking 26.171
translation problems 25.90
transliteration problems 25.90
names indexes
desirability 27.8
limitation to, continental Europe 25.76, 25.85, 25.87, 25.88
posting of names index to website as alternative 27.8
Nash, Paul, review by 22.51-52
National Archives of South Africa 23.70-73
National Book League, SI links with 20.160-161
National Burial Indexing Project 23.34
national curriculum (UK)
children's use of indexes and 20.120, 20.193
targets 20.10
National Maritime Museum (UK), guide to 24.247
natural language order vs inversion
biota names 27.54
classification and 20.136
compound common names 27.54
double posting and 27.54
rotating terms test 27.99
natural language processing
as indexing aid 25.122-125, 25.185
limitations 25.217, 26.21-22
Natural language engineering 20.112
natural language, use in index
Agriculture index (Wan Guoding) 27.104
audiovisual media indexing 27.173-174
controlled vocabularies and 27.63, 27.66, 27.71, 28.5
preference for 27.59
thesauri and 27.71
Needham, C D, obituary 21.146
negotiating skills for indexers
common understanding, importance of 27.10
dispute resolution 26.186
focusing on the positive 27.10-11
Indexing for editors and authors (Leise, Mertes and Badgett) 26.186
knowing your worth 27.10
'Negotiating your way to success' (Mattock) 27.17-19
Society of Indexers fee negotiations survey 27.20-24
win-win approach 27.10
Nelson, Michael, 'Authors and indexes' (letters to the TLS) 25.184, 25.186
Net crimes & misdemeanors: outmaneuvering with spammers, stalkers and con artists (reviewed) 25.223-224
netbooks 28.79
Netherlands, indexing in 25.76, 25.77-78, 25.86-88
automatic indexing 25.77, 25.87
economic considerations 25.76, 25.87
indexing manuals and textbooks 25.77, 25.86-87
indexing as a profession 25.77
loose-leaf indexing 25.77
marketing and promotion of indexing/indexers, workshops for editors 25.88
Metamorfoze programme 24.24-25
names indexes, limitation to 25.87, 25.88
professionalism in indexing, ignorance of publishers 25.87, 25.88
quality of the index 25.76, 25.87
ISO 999 25.86
NEN 3547 25.86
technological developments, impact on publishers 25.87
training for indexers 25.77
Netscape, and HTML 20.125
Network of Indexers 20.33-36, 20.93-96
neutrality in an indexer/index, desirability 20.3-4, 25.110
ethical considerations 25.162-163, 25.164
indexer's opinion obtruded 24.97
Samuel Palmer's indexes to The Times and 27.7
parliamentary indexing 27.67
New bridge (xinqiao) dictionary (1929) 27.103-104
new edition/updated material, indexing challenges
continuity of indexer, relevance 27.10
cost considerations 27.10
re-index or start anew? 27.10
'A new standard for controlled vocabularies' (Fayen) 24.62-65
New Zealand
copyright issues 26.171
digital publishing in 26.171
EPIC project 26.171
indexing in (editorial) 22.113
Indexing Group, attempts to establish 20.214
'The New Zealand Woman's Weekly, 1933-50: an indexing challenge' (Daymond-King) 26.170-171
news bulletins (indexing societies) 26.176
newsletters (indexing societies)
ANZSI 26.176, 26.177, 27.149
ASAIB 26.36, 26.176
availability 27.149
Bulletin (ISC/SCI) 25.203, 26.176-177
comparison of practice 26.176-177
CSI 26.176
distribution 26.176
DNI 26.176
editors, employment and payment of 26.176
electronic news bulletins and 26.176
exchange arrangements 26.176, 27.149
frequency of publication 26.176
indexes to 26.176
languages 26.176
obtaining material for 26.177
scope and purpose 26.176-177
SIdelights (SI) 21.95
NewsLink email newsletter (reviewed) 25.218-219
newspaper, periodical and journal indexing
articles in scientific journals, unique reference numbers 20.14
book-indexing requirements distinguished 27.2
The Builder illustrations index 1843-1883 20.45-46, 27.6
Canton Repository 20.16-17, 20.22, 20.195-196
check-list, value 27.6
database software as tool for 20.16-17, 20.22, 20.195-196, 26.170
The Dawn project 21.133
e-journals and the art of indexing 21.62-63
authors, guidance for 20.231
Early periodical indexes: bibliographies and indexes of literature published in periodicals before 1900 20.51
editing the index 26.170-171
editions, variations between 26.119
Foreign Affairs index (Palmer) 27.136-137
The Hindu Index, January-December 1994 20.46
Index to the Monetary Times (reviewed) 20.232
Index to The Sir Arthur Sullivan Society Magazine nos 1-40, 1997-1995 (reviewed) 20.175-176
Indexing newspapers, magazines and other periodicals (reviewed) 22.53
ISAP (Index to South African Periodicals), standardization 26.36
Journal publishing (reviewed) 20.231
keywords supplied by authors, difficulties related to 27.3
locators 25.244, 25.246, 27.3-4, 27.5
long strings, avoiding 27.5, 27.6
multiple indexes 27.4, 27.5, 27.6
National Geographic index: 1989-1993, 1994 and 1995 20.232
New York Times, indexes to (circa 1959) 27.7
'The New Zealand Woman's Weekly, 1933-50: an indexing challenge' (Daymond-King) 26.170-171
'Nulli Secundus: a volunteer effort' 25.125-127
open-system 23.23-31
pagination problems 27.4
pre-1900 23.51
regularity of work 27.2
Republic of China (1911-49) and 27.111-116
Scottish poetry index: an index to poetry and poetry-related material in Scottish literary magazines, 1953-, Vol. 1 (reviewed) 20.48
search techniques as alternative 26.171, 27.2-3
'Serials indexing: from journals to databases' (Barlow) 27.2-6
serials indexing and 27.4
Shen Bao Index, 1872-1949 26.84
social history and 26.170-171, 27.4
tendering for a job 27.6
The journal of the Parson Woodforde Society: an index to the contents. Vol. 1 No. 1 21.55
thesauri/controlled vocabularies and 26.170, 27.5, 27.6
The Times, Samuel Palmer's indexes to 27.7
timing the work 27.6
user considerations 27.2
web indexing and 20.16-17, 20.22, 20.195-196
Weekly Mail index 22.72-75
what to index?
advertisements 26.120, 27.2, 27.3
book reviews 27.3
corrections to previous issues 27.4
letters 27.4
minor characters 26.120
obituaries 27.2
photographs 27.4
newspaper preservation 24.24-26
British Library Newspaper Library 27.4
Do we want to keep our newspapers? 23.241-242
'NEWSPLAN conference' (Beare) 24.24-26
Nickerson, Alexandra, Fred Leise, Terri Hudoba, Indexing specialties: cookbooks (reviewed) 27.142-143
'The Nigerian experience: indexes, indexers and indexing' (Oyinloye) 22.78-80
NIN (Netherlands Indexing Network)
2010 SI Conference, offer to host 26.178
activities and events other than conferences 24.146, 24.225
promotion of indexing 27.88
strategy meetings 25.135
Web Indexing workshop (Hedden) 26.37
as guest editors of The Indexer 25.135
editorial 25.73
follow-up 25.203
International Agreement and
international profile 25.273
membership numbers 25.135, 26.178
volunteers and 25.136
website 26.178, 27.35
Nineva, library of Ashurbanipal 25.259
Ning 27.150, 27.178
Noble, John
editorial 23.185
'Passim: is it passé?' 23.202-203
'A Pembrokeshire "marriage"' 23.192
'The Welsh Books Council' 23.197-198
'Nobody's fooled' (Bakewell) (letter) 25.268
non-canonical literature Centrepiece 5 (vol. 26(4)):5
Norrie, Ian
as author indexer 28.24-25
Mentors and friends: short lives of leading publishers and booksellers I have known 28.24-25
Northedge, Richard
articles by, 'The medium is not the message: topic maps and the separation of presentation and content in indexes' 26.60-64
'Google and beyond: information retrieval on the World Wide Web' 25.192-194
'The Northern Ireland Political Collection at the Linen Hall Library' (Gray) 22.175-177
Norton, Melanie, Introductory concepts in information science (reviewed) 22.164
Norton, Tom
'Indexing my life' 22.173-174
'The role of the index in Il Libro del Cortegiano' 25.108-112
indexing/information management in 25.76-77
Tiden project 24.25
notes (foot- or end-), indexing
'Indexing allusions referenced to endnotes: a short story of discovery' (letter) (Brackney) 25.42
period, use in 25.246
Notes and queries (Tenth series, index to (1904)) 28.85
'Novice notes for prospective indexers' (Osgood/Back Words Indexing) 27.12, 27.13
'Nulli secundus: a volunteer effort' (Binkowski) 25.125-127

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obituary of
Anderson, Margaret 20.218
Armitage, Brian 20.32
Chandler, Valerie Lewis 27.136
DeRenne Coerr, Susan 25.280
Heckscher, William Sebastian 22.40-41
Judkin, Audrey 24.148
Kessel, Shirley 23.93
Levin, Bernard 24.103
McGovern, Josephine 22.198
Maddocks, Hugh C 26.137
Matthew, Colin 22.41
Merrett, Frank 24.148, 24.227
Moys, Elizabeth Mary (Betty) 23.35-37
Palmer, Robert J 27.136-137
Piggott, Mary 23.226-227
Raper, Richard 25.228
Theron, Christie 24.148
Wellisch, Hans H 24.40-41
Wilkinson, Freda 22.42-43
The oboist's bedside book (Christie) (notice of publication) 26.59
obsession in an indexer 21.22-23
Occasional Papers (OPs) (SI)
discontinuation 25.73, 26.177
editorial practice 26.177
The Indexer and 26.177
Indexing children's books 22.162-163, 26.177
Indexing the medical sciences 20.47, 23.237, 27.59, 27.60
print on demand (Lulu) and 26.177
O'Connor, Brian C and Jud H Copeland, Hunting and gathering on the information savanna: conversations on modeling human search abilities (reviewed) 24.51-52
Odgers, Ian, AusSI activities reported 20.34-35
O'Donnell, James O, Avators of the word: from papyrus to cyberspace (reviewed) 22.165
Olason, Susan C, articles by, 'Let's get usable! Usability studies for indexes' 22.92-95
O'Leary, Phillip, 'An/the/an index of confusion' 25.182
Olson, Hope A and Lisa M. Given, 'Indexing and the "organized" researcher' 23.129-133
'Once upon a time: four long-standing members of the Society of Indexers tell how it was in days gone by' (Wallis, Blake, Lee, Britton) 25.229-234
'One chairman's lot: 1983-5' (Lee) 25.231-232
online portal, an indexing alternative 26.151
ontology-based annotation 25.23-27
'Open Source indexing' (Culleton) 24.58-60
'Open-system versus closed-system indexing: a vital distinction' 23.23-31
order of entries: see alphanumerical sort order
The originist (Card) (extract) 21.61
Orna, Elizabeth
Information strategy in practice (reviewed) 24.114
Practical information policies (reviewed) 22.109
O'Rourke, D T, Reading Pathological Society library catalogue, 17th-19th century (reviewed) 22.55
Ossory, index to Carrigan's history and antiquaries of the diocese of (reviewed) 25.219-220
O'Sullivan, Dan, Wikipedia: a new community of practice (reviewed) 28.94-95
'The other Wheatley' (Lee) 24.2-5
Otlet, Paul (UDC), technological developments, impact 20.179
outsourcing the index 25.262-263
Owen, Lynette (ed.), Clarke's Publishing Agreements: a book of precedents (reviewed) 25.295-296
Oxford Brookes University
Indexer holdings 25.78, 25.135
transfer of SI library to 25.135, 25.274
Oxford companion to law, multiple indexes 27.140
Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, review of 24.160-161
Oxford Dictionary of National Biography On-Line, searching 25.16-18
Oxford English Dictionary, history of 24.54-55, 25.66
Oyinloye, Ajibola Maxwell, 'The Nigerian experience: indexes, indexers and indexing' 22.78-80
OZBIB (Linguistic Bibiography of Aboriginal Australia and Torres Strait Islands) 26.127-131

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packagers 27.192
Page, Frederick (OUP editor) 22.200
Page, Gillian, Robert Campbell, Jack Meadows, Journal publishing (reviewed) 20.231
page numbers: see locators; pagination
PageRank 25.193
absence of 25.246, 26.148-151
benefits of 26.149, 27.37
footnotes and 26.149
'pages', do they matter? 26.132, 26.148-151
'Pages in peril: what we may lose as ebooks go mainstream' (Duntemann) 26.148-151
audiovisual indexing and 27.1174-1175
indexing software and 27.170-171
paying the cost 27.15
Palaeothic art as index 25.257
Palin, Sarah
Going rogue: an American life
Seyward Darby's index to 28.19-23
'Wot, no index? 28.18-19
Palmer, Robert J
ASI founder member 20.212
ASI-SI talks (1970) 26.102, 27.136
Editorial Freelancers Association 27.137
Foreign Affairs index 27.136-137
Hines Award 2004 27.136
obituary of 27.136-137
H W Wilson Award 24.101
Palmer, Samuel, indexing preferences 27.7
Pape-Green, Kim, conferences, an oral deaf person's view 27.132
paper management 23.218-223
paragraphs: see locators
paratext 22.211-212, 25.111
issue numbers and 25.246
square brackets 25.246
unimportant locators and 25.246
parliamentary indexing, articles on
'Herding cats: indexing British Colombia's political debates using controlled vocabulary' (McClung) 27.66-69
'Indexing legislative text: Alberta Hansard' (Grist) 23.138-139
'Indexing the proceedings and publications of the Scottish Parliament' (Spratt and Skakle) 22.65-81
'The Parliament of Canada: indexing the work of the Senate committees' (Bilodeau) 26.114-117
parliamentary indexing, challenges and responses
Australian Parliamentary Library index (AusSI Web Indexing Prize) 20.121
bilingual proceedings 26.116
controlled vocabularies/thesauri (including authority files) 26.116, 27.66-69
compound headings, use of 27.67-68
indexer's attendance at meetings 26.116
indexing team, management and quality control 26.116, 26.117, 27.67
guidelines, use of 26.115-116, 27.66
lack of structure 26.116
multiplicity of user requirements 26.116
neutrality, importance 27.67
political 'colour' 27.67
specialized nature of material and terminology 26.116, 27.67
terminology, changes 26.116
terminology, inconsistency of 27.67
unedited transcripts 26.116
Web and print publication, parallel indexing requirement 26.117, 27.67
workload/time pressures 27.67
parliamentary indexing in
Australia 20.121, 25.132
Canada 23.138-139, 26.114-117, 27.66-69
Scotland 22.65-68
Parry, Melanie (ed.), Chambers book of facts (reviewed) 23.180
particles in indexing: see personal names
'Passim: is it passé?' (Noble) 23.202-203
passim, use of 20.75, 21.4, 23.202-203, 25.267
'Past, present and future' (Beare) 25.257-264
Paterson, Frances, ANZSI Medal 2009 28.34
Patten, Deborah, reviews by 25.220-221
Patterson, Rowan, photograph of 26.65
Pavi?, Milorad, as indexer 23.167
Paxton, John and Edward W Knappman, The Fitzroy Dearborn calendar of world history (reviewed) 22.214-215
pay rates: see fees for indexers
payment for indexing: see fees for indexers
PDF files
copying and pasting 27.54-55, 27.60
searching for terms 27.54, 27.60
PDF Index Generator (reviewed) 28.47-48
Peacock, Ian, 'Know your characters' 24.141
Pearce, Harry J, Thesaurus of disability index terms (reviewed) 20.227
Pearson, Marina, ASAIB Award 25.48
Pedley, Paul, Copyright for library and information service professionals (reviewed) 22.166
Peebles, Paula
editorial (joint) 24.167-170
'Why indexing?' 24.172-173
peer review, sharing experiences 26.133, 28.32
Peijuan, Wu: see Wu Peijuan
'A Pembrokeshire "marriage"' (Noble) 23.192
'Perilous powers in authorial hands' (Bell) 21.122-123
period ('full stop')
as decimal point 25.247
in foliated manuscripts 25.247
notes as locators and 25.247
Perlman, Janet
articles by, 'Spanish-language materials: a new string to my bow' 25.92-93
Hines Award 25.135
review by 24.111
Running an indexing business (ed.) (reviewed) 23.52
Perry, Kate, '>From a tin trunk to a niche in cyberspace: widening access to the records in Girton College Archive' 24.203-205
Persian indexing
'Inter-indexer consistency (IIC) in a Persian context' (Fumani) 28.12-17
thesauri 25.19-22, 25.106
distinguishing between multiple versions of the same name 25.219
personal names
'Arabic names' (Hedden) Centrepiece 2:9
Asian names Centrepiece 3:12
'Australian Aboriginal names' (Triffitt) Centrepiece 2:1
caste and Centrepiece 3:12
changes following move from one country to another Centrepiece 2:7
'Chinese personal names' (Dai) Centrepiece 1:1
compound names Centrepiece 3:5
consistency and accuracy 20.89-92, 26.170-171, 27.4
double-posting/cross-references and Centrepiece 2:11, Centrepiece 2:14
'Dutch, German, Austrian, Flemish and Afrikaans names' (Pitchford) Centrepiece 1:11
entry word
Asian names Centrepiece 3:12
Ethiopian Centrepiece 3:8
Ethiopian names Centrepiece 3:8
'French names' (Bridge) Centrepiece 1:8
guides to (Browser bar list of sources) Centrepiece 5 (vol. 26(2)):1
HURIDOCs and 26.178
'Indexing Asian names' (Akhtar) Centrepiece 3:12
'Indexing Tibetan names' (Searight) Centrepiece 3:10
Indian names Centrepiece 3:12
ISO 999 recommendations 20.75
'Italian names' (Shuttleworth) Centrepiece 1:15
Japanese names (Power) Centrepiece 5 (vol. 26(2)):2
'Khoe-San names (African click languages)' (Willet) Centrepiece 3:1
matronymics Centrepiece 3:5
Names of persons: national usages for entry in catalogues (4th revised and enlarged edition) 21.53-54
nicknames Centrepiece 2:3
patronymics Centrepiece 2:13, Centrepiece 3:5, Centrepiece 3:12
pseudonyms Centrepiece 2:7, Centrepiece 3:5
Sikh names Centrepiece 3:12
'skin' names Centrepiece 2:3
'Spanish personal names' (Cronshaw) Centrepiece 3:5
taboo/secret names Centrepiece 2:1, Centrepiece 2:3
'The entry word in Ethiopian names' (Giorgis) Centrepiece 3:8
titles, practice relating to: see titles, practice relating to
'Turkish names' (Alakus) Centrepiece 2:5
'Verifying personal names on the Web' 23.149-156
on the Web 23.149-150
Who's who in the Middle Ages 22.219
women's names 26.170-171, Centrepiece 2:8, Centrepiece 3:5, Centrepiece 3:8
'Peter Hitchens: the index' (Private Eye) 27.141
Peters, Pam
The Cambridge Australian English style guide (reviewed) 20.110
The Cambridge guide to English usage (reviewed) 24.162-163
Petroski, Henry, The Book on the bookshelf (reviewed) 22.165-166
Philiobiblion, index to 23.226
Phillips, Angus: see Clark, Giles and Angus Phillips
Phipps, Christopher
appointment, Reviews Editor 26.49
Betty Moys prize winner 25.135
photograph of 25.135
reviews by 24.163-164, 24.246, 25.65, 25.67-68, 25.113, 26.46-47, 27.192, 28.93-94
photograph of
Abbas, Professor 24.145
Archbold, Neil 24.226
ASAIB 2009 conference 27.128
ASI members singing at 1999 conference (unidentified) 22.184
Bagheri, Masoumeh 25.20
Bakewell, Ken 21.185
Bancroft, R F 26.102
Bell, Hazel K 24.230
Binkowski, Edith 28.75
Blake, Doreen 21.185
Bosschieter, Pierke 25.226, 25.275
Brown, Moira 27.180
Browne, Glenda 25.226, 26.2, 27.180
Burger, Marlene 25.275
Calvert, Drusilla 21.185
Clapham, Sophia 24.170
Clarke, Michèle 21.185
Cole, Rosemary 24.170
Copson, Derek 25.226
Curran, Susan 25.226
Dai, Liqun 25.226, 25.275
Davis, Madeleine 28.37
Dear, Rosemary 24.170
Dearnley, Joan 24.170
Dickson, Mo (Maureen) 27.180
Diepeveen, Caroline 25.275, 26.37, 26.178
Edmunds, Cherilyn 27.180
Farkas, Lynn 24.226, 25.134, 28.75
Fassbender, Jochen 26.178, 28.30
Faulkner, Hilary 26.65
Fisk, Neil 26.102
Flath, Tordis 24.224, 25.134
Frame, Dorothy 21.185
Francis, Eva 27.180
Frankfurt Book Fair participants (unidentified), 2005 25.47
Fugmann, Robert 28.30
Ge Yong-Qing 22.77
Gordon, John Ainsworth 21.38
Greengrass, Alan 25.275
Greenhalgh, Moira 21.185
Greulich, Walter 28.30
Griffith-Jones, Auriol 24.170, 25.275
Hagger, Jean 27.30, 27.31
Halliday, Jill 21.185
Harrod, L M (Monty) 26.102
Heary, Michael 21.185
Heckscher, William S 22.40
Howarth, Barry 28.75
Hudson, Ann 24.170
Indexer editorial team 25.275
international/Indexer meeting (2009) 28.33
Jackson, Michael 27.96
Kingdom, Ann 25.275
Knight, G Norman 26.102
Lamb, James 25.226
Lambert, Sue 25.226, 25.275
Lee, David (J D Lee) 27.30
Lee, Walter 28.75
Lennie, Frances S 25.226, 25.275, 27.96
Li Rong (interpreter) 22.77
Lindford, Rebecca 26.135
Lipetz, Ben-Ami 27.30
Litton, Helen 21.185
McCarthy, Anne 21.185
MacGlashan, Maureen 24.170, 25.45, 25.226, 25.275, 26.64, 27.89
Machen, Paul 25.226
McMaster, Max 24.224
Maislin, Seth A 25.275
Matthew, Colin 22.41
Matthews, Douglas 20.165
Mauer, Peg 24.145
Merrell, Joan 28.75
Merrell, Rob 28.75
Merrett, Frank 21.185
Merrington, Maxine 21.185
Moys, Betty 23.36
Nulli secundus indexing team 25.126
Phipps, Christopher 25.135
Piggott, Mary 23.226
Pincoe, Ruth 25.275
Pinz, Frank 27.180
Reveal, Judy 27.89
Ross, Jan 21.185, 24.5
Schreuder, Sandi 25.275
Shaftesley, J M 26.102
Shuttleworth, Christine 21.185, 22.175, 25.226, 25.275
Simkin, John 22.197
Sutherland, John 24.170, 25.135
Swann, Ian 22.197
Thornton, John 26.102
Tyler, Connie 21.185, 22.197
Virgo, Liza 24.5
Walker, Alan 22.77, 25.134
Wallis, Elizabeth 21.185, 26.102
Weaver, Caroline 25.275
Weinberg, Bella Hass 25.45
Whelan, Eleanor 28.75
Whitten, Penny 28.75
Wilkinson, Freda 22.42
Witt, Diana 25.275
Wright, Jan 27.90
Wu Zhaolu 28.33
Xu Jiaqi (Secretary, CSI) 22.77
pictograms 25.257
Piggott, Mary
'Dorking - a retrospective and update' (Piggott) 20.215
'How the Index Society began - and ended' 22.33-35
obituary 23.226-227
photograph 23.226
reviews by 20.108-109, 20.175, 20.227, 21.101-102, 21.147-148, 22.52-53, 22.107, 22.162-163, 22.216
Pincoe, Ruth
'Apples, pears and oranges: three important books on indexing' 23.124-128
international coordinator 26.37
ISC/SCI Conference 2008 26.133
photograph of 25.275
review by 24.249
Pinker, Steven, The stuff of thought: language as a window into human nature 26.190-191
Pinyin: see Chinese
Pinz, Frank, photograph of 27.180
Pipe, Christopher, 'Authors and indexes' (letter to the TLS) 25.185-186
Pitchford, Jacqueline
articles by
'Dutch, German, Austrian, Flemish and Afrikaans names' Centrepiece 1:11
'WinGARB: a user's view' 25.120-121
Placcius, Vincent, card index boxes 25.238
place names 23.243
classification and 52.56-57
cross-references and 27.57
as hierarchy 27.56-57
Plaxo 27.178
'A plea for bibliographic quality' (Weinberg) 21.90
Please don't eat the daisies (reviewed) 25.166
Pliny the Elder (Historia Naturalis) 25.259
plural vs singular forms
inconsistency 27.190
IS0 999 recommendations 20.74-75, 20.114
web indexing and 20.118
poetry indexing
consistency and 28.5
exploration through indexing 23.216-217, 28.3
form and 24.164-165
index as memory prompt 28.93
indexing the underlying concept 28.3-5
'Poetry and the indexing thereof: the role of the Scottish Poetry Library (SPL)' (Johnstone) 28.2-5
'priest of the invisible' 28.1, 28.4
professional terminology as stumbling block 28.5
Scottish poetry index: an index to poetry and poetry-related material in Scottish literary magazines, 1953-, Vol. 1 (reviewed) 20.48
political ephemera, cataloguing and indexing 22.175-177
Post, Emily, Etiquette, index as a social wonderland (Abrahams) 27.32
Potter, Sylvia, Wheatley Medal (commended) 24.226
Power, John, Japanese names Centrepiece 5 (vol. 26(2)):2
practice and theory of indexing: see theory and practice of indexing
pre-indexing, audiovisual media and 27.175
'"The precious work": from the correspondence between Oula Jones and Bernard Levin, 1981-1999' 24.133-134
Preez, Madely du: see du Preez, Madely
prepositions, use of
examples 28.60-61
ISO 999 20.114
presentation of indexes: see layout/format and style
relationship with 25.231
slips, submission to 25.230
printer's pie 28.85
Magpie pins (ISC/SCI) 28.59
private indexes to published books 26.7
'Problems, some usual (marking Book Indexing Postal Tutorials) (Hall). 20.182-184
Procter, Margaret and Michael Cook, Manual of archival description (reviewed) 22.218-219
'Professional ethics and The Indexer, letters
Buckland, Michael 26.136
Veaner, Allen B 26.136-137
professionalism in indexing
A code of practice? 20.181, 20.189
Code of Professional Conduct (SI) 26.41
'Counterblasts to "professionalism"' - 1 (Mills) (letter) 21.40
'Counterblasts to "professionalism"' - 2 (Barlow) (letter) 21.40
disclaimers and 25.117
ethical considerations 25.167-168
'Ethical places, ethical spaces: stopping to listen' (Jacobs) 25.161-166
ignorance of publishers 25.87, 25.88
'Indexing as a professional activity' (Wallis) 20.189-191
indexing societies, role 25.167-168
legitimized authority and 25.167-168
'professional' defined 25.167
'Professional liability of indexers' (Browne) 20.70-73
'Professionalism ... some comments in reply to John Simkin and Elizabeth Wallis' (Browne) (letter) 21.91-92
'Professionalism defended' (Simpkin) (letter) 21.41
'Professionalism and the indexer' (Halliday) 25.167-168
quality of index and 20.74, 20.114
technician skills distinguished 25.168
training as essential requirement 28.33
professionalism in indexing, recognition
accreditation, database indexing 22.152
ANZSI and (Registered Indexer status) 25.202
ASI and 25.134
associate status 20.180-181
comparability of standards across boundaries, need for 25.167
editorial awareness of 20.61
Foundation Fellows (AusSI) 20.180-181
PSWP (SI Professional Status Working Party) report 27.179
SI accreditation, criticism of 26.162
SI grading structure (2010) 28.82
SI Register of Indexers: see Register of Indexers (SI)
Proust, Marcel, letters, index to 21.195
Prytherch, Ray
Gower handbook of library and information management (ed.) (reviewed) 21.151
Harrod's librarians' glossary (reviewed) 22.107
pseudonyms Centrepiece 2:7, Centrepiece 3:5
PSWP (SI Professional Status Working Party) report 27.179
psychology, indexing 23.106
'Psychology and neuroscience of indexing: what goes on in the mind of the indexer?' (Abbott and Calvert) 25.154-160
Ptolemy (Atlas of the World) 25.259-260
Public Record Office
Guide to special issues and indexes of periodicals (Uhlan and Katz) 20.53
List and Index Society 24.16
Lists and Indexes 24.15
Public sector records management: a practical guide (Smith) (reviewed) 26.47
publications (indexing societies)
conference proceedings, policy towards 26.177
cost of 27.149
Indexing Specialties: see Indexing Specialties series (ASI)
market for 26.177
SI guides 26.178
SI occasional papers (OPs): see Occasional Papers (OPs) (SI)
publications received (excluding those included under book reviews)
Abstracts in new technologies and engineering (Ellway, ed.) 21.56
Alternative literature: a practical guide for librarians (Atton) 20.112
The American heritage student thesaurus 20.232
Anglo-American cataloguing rules 21.199
Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu General Index LI-LX 1982-1991 24.116
The audiovisual cataloging current (Roe) 23.111
Basic approach to keeping your family records (Swinnerton) 20.54
Basic approach to Latin for family historians (Gandy) 20.54
Basic facts about heraldry for family historians (Swinnerton) 20.54
The BBI dictionary of English word combinations (Benson, Benson and Lyon) 21.56
The Cassell thesaurus 21.152
Cataloging and classification standards and rules (Riemer) 20.232
Cataloguing and classification: trends, transformations, teaching and training (Shearer, Thomas) 21.56
Cataloguing sheet maps; the basics (Andrew) 23.244
Chambers guide to grammar and usage (Davison) 23.244
Cheshire: a genealogical bibliography, Vols 1 and 2 (Raymond) 20.54
Classification: options and opportunities (Thomas) 20.53
Collection management in academic libraries (Jenkins and Morley) 21.199
Collins thesaurus: the ultimate wordfinder (Collins and Hands) 23.244
The concise Columbia encyclopedia (Lagassé) 20.53
Copyright: interpreting the law for libraries, archives and information services (Cornish) 23.56
The creation and persistence of misinformation in shared library catalogs: language and subject knowledge in a technological era (Bade) 23.183
Dating old photographs (Pols) 20.54
Dictionary of lexicography (Hartmann and James) 23.56
Directory of Booksellers Association members 1995/96 20.53
The disheveled dictionary: a curious caper through our sumptuous lexicon (Gordon) 21.56
E-Serials cataloging: access to continuing and integrating resources via the catalo and the web (Cole and Jones) 23.183
Education for cataloging and the organization of information: pitfalls and the pendulum (Hill) 24.56
Effective library and information management (Bryson) 21.199
Electronic cataloging: AACR2 and metadata for serials and monographs (Intner, Tseng and Larsgaard) 24.56
Emblematic variants: literary echoes of Alciati's term Emblems: a vocabulary drawn from the title page of emblem books (Heckscher and Sherman) 20.112
Encoded archival description on the internet (Pitti and Duff) 23.111
Encyclopaedia of mineral names 21.199
The extreme searcher's internet handbook (Notes) 25.224
Future Libraries, future catalogues (Oddy) 20.232
The Gilbert and Sullivan alphabet of artistes: a performance record of D'Oyly Carte personnel, 1875-1982 22.55
Great Britain official publications collection guide (National Library of Canada) 20.112
High-level subject access tools and techniques in internet cataloguing (Ahronheim) 23.244
Housmans peace diary and world peace directory 1996 and 1967 20.53, 20.112
How classifications work: problems and challenges in an electronic age (Bowker and Star) 21.199
Humanities collections (Kinder, ed.) 21.56
Information architecture: designing information environments for purpose (Gilchrist and Mahon) 24.116
International information: documents, publications, and electronic information of international governmental organizations (Hajnal, ed.) 21.152
internet References Services Quarterly: A journal of innovative information practice, technologies and resources (Martin, ed.) 20.232
Journal of Access Services: Innovations for Electronic and Digital Library and Information Services (Sapp) 23.183-184
Journal of Archival Organization (Carter and Frusciano) 23.184
Journal of HIV/AIDS: prevention and education for adolescents and children 20.232
Journal of ministry marketing and management (Stevens and Loudon) 20.53
Journal of neuro-AIDS: a forum devoted to advances in ... HIV, AIDS and related viral infections of the nervous system (Price and Sidtis) 20.53
Journal of Poverty: innovations on social, political and economic inequalities (Kilty et al, eds) 20.232
Linguistics: a very short introduction (Matthews) 23.244
Managing cataloging and the organization of information: philosophies, practices and challenges at the onset of the 21st century (Carter) 23.56
NASIG 2001: A serials odyssey. Proceedings of NASIG, May 23-26, 2001 (Scheiberg and Neville) 23.184
National Geographic index: 1989-1993, 1994 and 1995 20.232
Natural language engineering 20.112
Online searching: a scientist's perspective. A guide for the chemical and life sciences (Ridley) 20.232
Organization of multimedia resources: principles and practices of information retrieval (Burke) 21.199
Paper for publishing (Bray and Breen) 20.53
The principles and future of AACR (Weihs) 21.199
Probate jurisdictions: where to look for wills (Gibson and Churchill) 23.111
Public Services Quarterly (Dorner) 23.184
Quality management for information and library managers (Brophy and Coulling) 20.112
Staying legal: a guide to issues and practice affecting the library, information and publishing sectors (Armstrong and Bebbington) 24.56
Utter drivel! a decade of jargon and gobbledygook 20.53
The value and impact of information 20.53
Webster's II new college dictionary 20.54
The wordwatcher's guide to punctuation and its allies (Partridge) 21.199
Works as entities for information retrieval (Smirglia) 23.244
see also editors
ASI lists of 27.88
complaints to 23.28, 23.95
Directory of Booksellers Association members 1995/96 (reviewed) 20.53
Directory of UK and Irish book publishers, 1997 (reviewed) 20.229
Information Exchange (SI) 27.88
as masters of the requirement 20.4
Small publishers A-Z: the guide to good publishing (reviewed) 21.55
'Publishing a newspaper index on the World Wide Web using Microsoft Access 97' (Kilcullen) 20.195-196
publishing practice 23.181-182
16th century Italy, developments in 25.109-111
author indexing 21.62
Clarke's Publishing Agreements: a book of precedents (reviewed) 25.295-296
Inside book publishing (Clark and Phillips) (reviewed) 27.45
instructions to indexers 20.132
mergers and takeovers 21.66
packagers 27.192
Producing the eighteenth-century book: writers and publishers in England, 1650-80 (reviewed) 28.93
Scientific style and format: the CSE manual for authors, editors and publishers (reviewed) 25.291-292
Scottish Printed Books 1508-2008 (Kamm) 27.45-46
The invisible art: the pursuit of book making (Hurst) 23.181-182
'Publishing and prostitution' (Bell) 22.133-134
'Pubs Committee', a misnomer 25.266
Punch, alphabetization, importance 25.261
in locators 25.246-249
sort order, BSO vs ISO 999 20.75
Purton, Jane, 'Late bloomer: an indexer gets a start' 24.179-180
Puzzles in paper: concepts in historical watermarks (Mosser, Saffle and Sullivan (eds)) 23.243

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Qin Yaxin (1903-1960) 27.106
Qiu Chen, editorial (joint) 27.97
Qiyu, Zhang: see Zhang Qiyu
quality of the index 22.191-194
basic errors/flaws 28.16
BS 3700/ISO 999 compared 20.74, 20.114
continental Europe and 25.76, 25.87
cross-references as test of 26.160, 26.161, 27.8
double posting and 27.8
evaluation of
advice to editors 26.186
automatic assessment, feasibility 26.158-162
factors affecting
image-indexing 27.74-75
indexer shortcomings 28.16
poor working conditions 28.16
'Indexing by numbers: is there scope for metrics in index evaluation' (Johncocks) 26.158-162
indexing rules, relevance of respect for 20.4-5, 26.161, 28.6
indexing software, role in measurement of 26.161-162
judges' report (ANZSI 2008) 27.8
'Judging indexes: the criteria for a good index' (Lee) 22.191-194
knowledge of language of text, relevance 26.155
knowledge of the subject, relevance: see subject knowledge, relevance
Leipzig International Book Art Exhibition and 25.85
long ranges and 26.160
non-quantifiable indicators 26.161
'quality', definitions 26.159
typography and layout/format and style, relevance 27.8
usability test 26.159
veto on payment for poor quality index 27.140
visible structure of index, relevance 25.132
Wheatley Medal criteria 25.132
wit and imagination, desirability 27.7, 27.8
Quinion, Michael
Gallimaufry: a hodgepodge of our vanishing vocabulary (reviewed) 25.295
'Indexes versus indices' 27.37
Why is Q always followed by U? (reviewed) 27.192
quotations, indexing 22.14-20, 22.110, 22.167
'An alternative index to an 1877 'handbook of quotations' (Bell) 25.255-256
'Quote index unquote' (Crystal) 22.14-20

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Rabe, Doreen, 'Are abstracting and indexing databases still relevant?' 23.80-82
Rafferty, Pauline and Rob Hidderley, Indexing multimedia and creative works: the problems of meaning and interpretation (reviewed) 24.242
railways and indexing, Was your father a railwayman: a directory of records relating to staff employed by railways... 20.111-112
Raper, Richard
'How we index: six ways to work' 20.90-91
obituary 25.228
SI founder member 20.161-163
Ratcliffe, Susan, The Oxford dictionary of thematic quotations (ed.) (reviewed) 22.167
rationalism, decline in 24.245-246
Ravilious, C P, 'Authors and indexes' (letter to the TLS) 25.184
Rawson, Claude, review by 20.15
Readers' Forum, introduction 25.226
ReadHowYouWant 27.79
reading and writing
hieroglyphics 25.257-258
history of 22.166-167
indexes in absence of written language 25.257
pictograms 25.257
research guide 24.115-116
silent reading, development of 25.74, 25.236
Recommended Indexing Agreement (ASI) 27.88
recto and verso 25.244
Rees, Nigel
A word in your shell-like: 6,000 curious and everyday phrases explained (reviewed) 24.164
Cassell dictionary of word and phrase origins (ed.) (reviewed) 21.198
Reese, Chip, art book and catalogue indexing 26.132
reference materials for indexers
author/editor's preference as determining factor 27.55
Google: see Google
illustrated catalogues 27.60
reference works, need for an index 25.84
alphabetical structure, relevance 20.21-22
'Reference book indexes reviewed' (Sassen) 28.26-29
Register of Indexers Available (ISC/SCI) 27.34-35
Register of Indexers (SI) 20.95, 20.189-191, 21.34
concerns relating to 20.191
Fellowship as replacement for 25.203
grading structure (2010) and 28.82
Registrar (SI) (Elizabeth Wallis) 21.34
registrum 25.236
reindeer, how to describe 25.256
religion and indexing, 'Indexes and religion: reflections on research in the history of indexes' 21.111-118
Reminiscences and memoirs of North Carolina and eminent North Carolinians (Wheeler) (extract) 25.131
'Reminiscences of a reviews editor' (Bradley) 24.38-39
repackaging/repurposing and the index 26.22
copyright issues 25.200
'From print to web: indexing for accessibility' (Stephen) 27.76-79
'The myth of the reusable index' (Johncocks) 24.213-217
repagination: see pagination, repagination
repeated material, indexing of 27.189
reporting conferences 25.43-44
'Republic of China (1911-49): retrieving the past' (Wu Peijuan) 27.97, 27.111-116
research awards (art history) 23.92-93
running a research business 23.180-181
for writers 24.115-116
retrospective indexes 27.6
Reveal, Judy
editorial 26.97
photograph of 27.89
reverse indexing
Arioflotga (Kuppner) (reviewed) 28.96
'Reverse indexing' (Crystal) 26.14-17
Revier, Henk
'History of GARB, indexing software for loose-leaf publications' 25.119-120
photograph of 26.37
reviewing books
index, value for purposes of 20.3
Indexer reviews section, difficulty in obtaining material 26.1
mentioning the index, why not 26.79
'Reminiscences of a reviews editor' (Bradley) 24.38-39
revision/amendment of index by author/third party 26.186-187, 27.15
paying for changes 27.15
revision/updating of existing index: see new edition/updated material, indexing challenges
Reynolds, Susan, 'Authors and indexes' (letter to the TLS) 25.184-185
Rhoades, Gale, 'Diacritics for indexers' 26.146-147
Rhodes, Neil and Jonathan Sawday, Renaissance computer: knowledge technology in the first age of print (reviewed) 22.218
rhyming slang 23.182
Richards, Tom, Was your father a railwayman: a directory of records relating to staff employed by railways... (compiler) 20.111-112
Richardson, John, 'Indexing Roman imperialism' 24.138-140
Richardson, Ruth and Robert Thorne, The Builder illustrations index 1843-1883 20.45-46, 27.6
Richardson, Samuel
Clarissa, index to 22.213-214
Tom Jones, index to 25.293-294
Riordan, Gill, 'How we index: six ways to work' 20.189-190
Ritter, Robert, The Oxford guide to style (reviewed) 23.109
Robb, David S, review by 20.48
'Robber barons of the information age: the political economy of academic publishing' (Merrett) 23.210-215
Robert D Williamson Award (VALA), 2008 16.84
Roberts, Carol, 'In defence of the professional indexer' (letter) 23.165-166
Robertson, Cecil
memories of
Britton 25.234
Wallis 25.229-230
Robertson, Michael
letter from, 'What indexes imply ...' 26.24
reviews by 20.51-52, 20.109, 22.212-213
Rodriguez, Robert, photograph of 26.65
Roe, Sandra K and Alan R Thomas, The thesaurus: review, renaissance and revision 24.158-159
'The role of the index in Il Libro del Cortegiano' (Norton) 25.108-112
Roman Empire, indexing research project on 24.138-140
Roman numerals
as locators 25.247
volume numbers 24.238
'Roman types' (The Times) 24.238
Romania, Securitate files, index to 25.256
Rombauer, Irma S, Marion Rombauer Becker, Ethan Becker, Joy of cooking (reviewed) 25.220-221
Rondestvedt, Karen, Slavic & East European Information Resources (reviewed) 22.165
Room, Adrian, Literally entitled: a dictionary of the origins of the titles of major literary works... (reviewed) 20.176
Rooney, Kathy, Encarta world English dictionary (ed.-in-chief) (reviewed) 22.107
Ross, BevAnne, Hines Award 20.33, 20.37
Ross, David, The pocket book of Scottish quotations (reviewed) 22.110
Ross, Jan
articles by, 'The impact of technology on indexing' 22.25-26
photograph of 21.185, 24.5
Wheatley Medal (commended) 24.5, 24.100, 27.180
Rowley, Jennifer and John Farrow, Organizing knowledge: an introduction to managing access to information (reviewed) 22.164-165
Royan, Bruce, 'SCRAN: from documentation to access' 22.58-60
RSS (Rich site/Really simple Syndication) 26.168
rules, breaking of 20.4-5, 26.161, 28.6
'it all depends' 28.10
run-on layout/format and style: see layout/format and style
Runge, Laura L and Pat Rogers, Producing the eighteenth-century book: writers and publishers in England, 1650-80 (reviewed) 28.93
Russell, Janet, H W Wilson Award 24.101
Russell, Lord (MacCormick) 33
Russell, Mary, ASI Web Indexing SIG award 27.90, 27.130, 27.133
Russia, indexing in 27.182
Ryan, David, 'From 5 by 3 to CEA - archival indexing at the millennium's end' 21.164-168
Rydings, Tony, death 25.50

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Saarti, Jarma and Kaisa Hypén, 'Thesaurus to ontology: the development of the Kaunokki Finnish fiction thesaurus' 28.50-58
Sabinet Online Limited 23.80-82, 23.170
Sabroski, Suzanne (ed. Reva Basch), Super searchers make it on their own: top independent information specialists share their secrets for starting and running a research business (reviewed) 23.180-181
Saller, Carol Fisher, The subversive copy editor: advice from Chicago (or, how to negotiate good relationships with your writers, your collegaues, and yourself) (reviewed) 28.46-47
Sandford, Iain, Steve Cooper and Fernando Prieto Ramos, 'Developing and using new reference tools to search the jurisprudence of the World Trade Organization: The case of the Appellate Body Repertory' 24.218-222
Sandham, Mark, ASAIB Award 27.90
Sassen, Catherine
articles by
'Gender and authorship in The Indexer, 1958-2007' 27.164-168
'Geographic distribution of authors in The Indexer, 1988-2007' 26.106-110
The joy of cooking, analysis of index 27.142
'Reference book indexes reviewed' 28.26-29
Sauers, Michael P, Blogging and RSS: a librarian's guide (reviewed) 25.222
Savoy Opera, index to published illustrations 20.175-176
Sawday, Jonathan: see Rhodes, Neil and Jonathan Sawday
SCAD/IASC (Société Canadienne pour 'Analyse de Documents/Indexing and Abstracting Society of Canada): see IASC/SCAD (Indexing and Abstracting Society of Canada/Société Canadienne pour l'Analyse de Documents)
Scaliger, Josephus Justus, index to Inscriptiones antiquae totius orbi Romani (1602) 25.75-76
scanners 28.80
use in retrospective/cumulative indexing 25.200-201
Scarcely ever out of my thoughts (Junor) 27.140
Schmidmaier, Dieter, 'Book indexes: experiences and expectations in the German Democratic Republic (GDR)' 25.83-85
Schniederj?rgen, Axel, World guide to library, archive and information science education (reviewed) 26.143
Schoeman, Elna and Jacqueline Kalley
'Databases in small specialized libraries' 23.68-69
scholarly publishing, intellectual capital, ownership of 23.210-215
Scholefield, Pam
SI Conference 2008 26.133-134
SI Conference 2009 27.179
schools: see education
Schroeder, Kimberly A
'Indexing training and workflow on large digitization projects' 21.67-69
'Layered indexing of images' 21.11-14
photograph 25.275
Schroeder, Sandi, Hines Award 25.273
Schroeder, Sandi (ed.), Software for indexing (reviewed) 23.237-238
Schultz, Pieter, photograph of 26.37
'Scientific book reviews: how much do indexes matter?' (Dartnall) 25.186
Scientific style and format: the CSE manual for authors, editors and publishers (reviewed) 25.291-292
Scotland, 'Indexing the proceedings and publications of the Scottish Parliament' (Spratt and Skakle) 22.65-81
Scott, Mark, 'Indexing the law: a controlled vocabulary' 24.123-126
Scottish Archive Network (SCAN) 26.143
Scottish Cultural Resources Access Network (SCRAN) 22.58-60
The Scottish fiddle music index (letter) 20.32
Scottish Poetry Library (SPL)
indexing the journals 28.2-5
INSPIRE (online catalogue) 28.2-5
Scottish poetry index: an index to poetry and poetry-related material in Scottish literary magazines, 1953-, Vol. 1 (reviewed) 20.48
Scottish Printed Books 1508-2008 (Kamm) (reviewed) 27.45-46
Scottish quotations 22.110
Scottish Screen Archive 24.142-144
'Scottish tartans: an indexing challenge' (Lumsden) 22.69-71
'SCRAN: from documentation to access' (Royan) 22.58-60
ScrIndex 26.145
scripture indexing, see also Biblical indexing
Sealy, Irwin Allan, Red (reviewed) 25.151
search engines
by order of preference 28.70
limitations 21.21, 21.63, 22.29-30, 25.181-186, 26.20-21, 26.159
as sense engines 26.21
search and retrieval techniques (electronic)
accessibility considerations 27.78
AltaVista 25.193
'Annotating document content: a knowledge management perspective' 25.23-27
articles in scientific journals, unique reference numbers 20.14
book reviews 22.110, 23.180-181, 24.51-53, 24.159-160, 25.27-30
books, searching for 21.127-131
context, importance 27.63
controlled vocabularies/thesauri and 21.63, 26.33, 26.121, 26.165-166
cookery recipes 27.142
cost-benefit analysis 25.201
decline in use/future prospects 25.194
dtSearch 25.200-201
'Earning online trust' 22.29-30
effectiveness, factors determining 25.192-193, 25.201, 26.171
encyclopaedias and 22.215
etymological research and 27.192
'Google and beyond: information retrieval on the World Wide Web' (Northedge) 25.192-195
human indexing techniques, role 25.192, 25.194, 26.168-169, 27.62-65, 27.192
image retrieval 27.70-76
Inhaltserschliessung durch Indexieren: Prinzipien und Praxis (Fugmann) 21.197
integrated search
aggregated search 26.164-165
distributed search 26.165
keyword searching: see keywords/keyword searching
English vs the rest 28.72
top 10 28.72
lexemes as unit of search 25.194
library catalogues 27.64-65
LibraryThing 26.168
locating files 22.130-132
Lycos 25.193
metadata, role 27.79
methodology 25.192-193
in a multilingual environment 21.196-199
MySpace 25.194
newspapers and journals 26.171, 27.2-3
Online searching: a scientist's perspective. A guide for the chemical and life sciences (Ridley) 20.232
Oxford Dictionary of National Biography On-Line 25.16-18
ranking techniques 25.193
Republic of China Journal Title Database 27.112-116
'spider', definitions and role 25.193, 25.216
tagging: see tagging
units of information 27.78-79
lexemes 25.194
user assumptions, dealing with 25.194, 26.18-24
word search as threat to the index 25.263-264, 26.22-24, 26.171
Yahoo! Directory, decline in popularity 25.192
'Searching the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography' (Mann) 25.16-18
Searight, E E G L, 'Indexing Tibetan names' Centrepiece 3:10
Secker, Louise, Betty Moys Prize 24.226
secret service files, indexing: see intelligence and indexing
Secret Wars (Thomas), risk of index to MI5/MI6 officers 27.140-141
'see also' references: see cross-references
'see' references: see cross-references
Seely, John, Everyday grammar (reviewed) 23.54
Self, Will, index by 24.36
self-publishing, and indexing 21.60
self-standing indexes
alternative extended index, availability on request/online 28.24-25
posting of index to website 27.8
Speculum historiale (Vincent of Beauvais) 25.236
semantic web: see topic maps
semi-automatic indexing 25.23-27
TExtract and 27.84-87
semi-colons, use as separators 25.244
separators: see locators, separators
Septuagint Centrepiece 5 (vol. 26(4)):2
'Serials indexing: from journals to databases' (Barlow) 27.2-6
set-out layout/format and style: see layout/format and style
Seven pillars of wisdom (Lawrence), indexing 24.9-11
Severynse, Marion, The American Heritage Stedman's medical dictionary (ed.) (reviewed) 20.108
Sewalt, Ton, photograph of 26.37
Shaftesley, J M, photograph of 26.102
Shanachie tour: a library road trip across America (Bookesteijn and van de Geer) (reviewed) 27.46
Shanghai Commercial Press 27.102
image 27.100
Shanghai Library 27.97, 27.112-116
Sheldon, Dania, 'Impressions of a first Canadian conference' 24.180-182
Shelfari 27.178
Shell, Alison and Alison Emblow, Wheatley commendation (2007) 25.273, 26.37-38
Shen Zurong (Samuel T. Y. Seng) (1884-1977) 27.106
Shere, Thérèse
articles by, 'Environmental studies and natural history texts: indexing issues' 27.50-57
review by 23.52
term selection (cookery books) 27.142
Sherman, William H, Used books: marking readers in Renaissance England (reviewed) 28.93-94
Shipwreck index of the British Isles. Vol. 1 (Larn) (reviewed) 20.48
'Shirley Kessel 1926-2002' (Gunn) 23.93
Shoah Visual History Foundation 21.85-89, 26.178
Shoebox, international (The Indexer) 21.134-135
Shroud project 23.34
Shumaker, Lois E, 'Indexing the California Home Page' 20.127-128
Shuter, Janet
articles by
'Hence loathèd melancholy!' (Mulvany) (editorial) 21.1
'Homograph arrangement' (3) 20.88
'New and revised indexing standards' 26.96
'Why isn't indexing sexy?' (editorial) 21.105
'"Year 2000 bug" should not affect indexers' (editorial) 21.57
Carey Award 24.42
Classified Contents 23.(4) iv
good practice, international Website 24.147
memories of (Britton) 25.234
reviews by 24.250-252
welcome as editor 20.3
Shuttleworth, Beckie, 'Not student-friendly' (letter) 24.103
Shuttleworth, Christine
'Alexander von Humboldt's Kosmos: indexing it' (translation) 25.2-6
articles by
'Authors and indexes' (letter to the TLS) 25.183-184
'In defence of the professional indexer' (letter) 23.165
'An Indexer in Flytopia' 22.196
'Italian names' Centrepiece 1:15
'Marot, Hofstadter, index' 21.22-23
'Updike on indexing' 21.92
indexes reviewed (editor): see indexes reviewed (Shuttleworth: 1996-)
letter to the Glasgow Herald 27.25
non-indexing publications
The Dark and the Bright: Memoirs 1911-1989 (Hilda Spiel) (translation) 26.135
Walter Benjamin and Bertolt Brecht: The Story of a Friendship (Wizisla) (translation) 28.82
photograph of 21.185, 22.175, 25.226, 25.275, 26.65
reviews by 22.163-164, 22.213, 23.109, 23.110, 23.182, 23.244, 24.114-115, 24.164, 24.241, 24.245-246, 25.65-66, 25.217-218, 25.291, 25.295-296
SI conferences
1978 (Roehampton) (21st Anniversary) 25.207, 25.230, 25.233
1985 (Durham) 25.232
1997 (Dublin) 20.164
1998 (Tynemouth) 20.164
2001 (Sheffield) 22.197
2002 (Cheltenham) 23.92
2003 (Glasgow) 23.224
2004 (Chester) 24.42, 24.100
2005 (Exeter) 24.147, 24.225
2006 (Durham) 24.226, 25.135
2007 (Roehampton) (Golden Retrievers/50th Anniversary) 25.135, 25.203, 25.275-276
2008 (Winchester) (Round Table) 26.39, 26.133-134
2009 (York) (Driving Indexing Forward) 27.179
2010, NIN offer to host 26.178
publication of proceedings 26.177
SI, history of
50th Anniversary (2007) 25.225
1957-67 20.160-164
1958-1967 20.160-164
1968-97 21.33-36
1983-87 21.135
1988-91 22.35-38
1992-95 22.81-82
'Once upon a time: four long-standing members of the Society of Indexers tell how it was in days gone by' (Wallis, Blake, Lee, Britton) 25.229-234
SI (Society of Indexers)
activities and events other than conferences 22.98, 23.169, 24.42, 24.100, 24.146-147, 24.225
affiliation with other indexing societies, 1968-77 20.212-215, 26.88
ANZSI conferences compared 26.133
archives 25.273
Code of Professional Conduct 26.41
Council, 'as hardest committee' to chair 25.232
defence of professional indexers 23.165
directory of indexers (Indexers Available) 20.61, 20.189, 21.133, 27.35
establishment (30 March 1957) 25.261, 26.99
Fellowship, as replacement for Registration 25.203
Future Group 23.92
incorporation/company limited by guarantee, establishment as 25.273, 26.37, 26.38-39
Information Exchange 27.88
International Agreement 21.154, 21.184
Jobslist 27.88
history 25.273-274
transfer to Oxford Brookes University 25.135, 25.274
logo 25.273, 26.37
male domination? 25.229
marketing and promotion of indexing, Christmas cards 27.88
member benefits 28.77
membership numbers 26.37
PDF guides 26.178
print on demand and 26.177
promotion 0f 26.178
Publications Committee 26.177
recommended fees 27.88
Register of Indexers (SI): see Register of Indexers (SI)
relations with other professional organizations
Aslib 20.161
Library Association 20.161
Society of Authors 20.161
SIdelights, baptism 21.95
survey of members
fees 26.37, 27.20-24, 27.88
subject areas 23.225
The Times on (leader of 8 May 1957) 25.227
tips for indexers 27.89
a treasurer's reflections (Britton) 25.233-234
Website, a new look 25.203
workshops, in-house indexing for editors 26.37
SIdelights (SI newsletter) 21.95, 26.176-177
SIdeline 22.43
Siess, Judith A, The New OPL Sourcebook: A Guide for Solo and Small Libraries (reviewed) 25.147-148
Sikh names Centrepiece 3:12
Silvester, John, review by 25.61
Simkin, John E
ANZSI/SI confererences compared 26.133
articles by, 'Professionalism defended' (letter) 21.41
obituary for Josephine McGovern 22.198
photograph of 22.197
'Thoughts of an indexer on the way to a conference' (letter) 27.182
Simpkins, Jean
articles by
'How we index: six ways to work' 20.91
'Indexing after the Millennium: Whatever next?' 21.155
Simpson, Amanda
ASAIB publications officer, appointment as 26.135
Bachelor of Information cum laude 26.135
'The "sin of classification" and an example thereof' (Berson) 25.187-189
singular or plural forms: see plural vs singular forms
The sinking of the Odradek Stadium (Matthews), index to 23.167-168
Sinological Index Series 27.102, 27.103
skirts, on little boys 23.39
Skrikantaiah, T Kanti and Michael E D Koenig (eds), Knowledge management in practice: connections and context 26.187-188
SKY Index
diacritics and 27.171
discussion list 22.43
DNI, presentation to 26.36
index statistics and 26.161-162
reviewed 27.170
software for indexers, repagination and 27.170-171
Y2L compliance 21.57
Skype 28.80
slang, history and use 23.244
rhyming slang 23.182
theatre programme notes as source for 26.119
slips, use of
cats and 25.230-231
cutting and pasting (Gessner) 25.237
De indicibus librorum (Gessner) 25.237
glue 25.237
ordering of 25.237
Speculum historiale (Vincent of Beauvais) and 25.237
submission to the printer 25.230
Smith, Harold, as editor of The Indexer (1958-9) 26.103
Smith, K Wayne, OCLC 1967-97: thirty years of furthering access to the world's information (reviewed) 21.152
Smith, Kelvin, Public sector records management: a practical guide (reviewed) 26.47
Smith, Linda C and Ruth C Carter, Technical services management, 1965-1990: festschrift for Katherine Luther Henderson (reviewed) 20.174
Smith, Sherry L and Kari Kells, Inside indexing: the decision-making process (reviewed) 24.242-243
Snicket, Lemony, index 24.83
Snodgrass, Mary Ellen
An illustrated dictionary of little-known words from literary classics (reviewed) 20.228
Who's who in the Middle Ages (reviewed) 22.219
social innovation, 1960s 24.165-166
social networking 27.145, 27.176-178
Delicious 27.178
duplication 27.177, 27.178
Facebook 27.150, 27.177
fiction retrieval and 28.51
German indexers and 27.178
GMail Chat 28.80
IFLA Satellite Conference (Florence, 2009) 27.147, 27.175
indexers' use of 27.147, 27.150
LibraryThing 26.168, 27.150, 27.178
LinkedIn 27.150, 27.176-177
Ning 27.150, 27.178
Plaxo 27.178
Shelfari 27.178
Skype 28.80
Twellow 27.176
Twitter 27.150, 27.176
URLs for 27.181
social sciences, Chinese citation index 22.128-129
Société Canadienne pour 'Analyse de Documents/Indexing and Abstracting Society of Canada (SCAD/IASC): see IASC/SCAD (Indexing and Abstracting Society of Canada/Société Canadienne pour l'Analyse de Documents)
Society of Authors, and SI 20.161
Society of Indexers (SI): see SI (Society of Indexers)
'Society memberships: to join or not to join' (Ste Marie) 28.76-78
Society for Technical Communications (STC) 23.92
'The sociology of indexing' (letter)
Barlow 25.131
Bell 25.40-42
Software engineering - Recommended Practice for the internet - Web Site Management and Web Site Life Cycle (BS ISO/IEC 23026:2006) (reviewed) 25.216
software, hardware and the Web: reviews
DEXter: an aid to embedded indexing in Word 24.167-168
FreePint (newsletter) 24.252
Indexing for technical communicators 24.250
'Software for HTML indexing: a comparative review' (Hedden) 25.31-37
SPECTRUM terminology for museums 25.70
TExtract 24.250-251
WordEmbed 24.251-252
software for indexers
Adobe FrameMaker 5.5 21.160-163
Adobe FrameMaker (general) 26.133, 27.190
Authex Plus 27.190
Chinese indexing and 22.21-22, 26.6, 27.97, 27.124-127
see also IndexStar
choice of, relevance 26.186, 27.81, 27.168-172
compatibility considerations 27.6
Concordance (Watt) (reviewed) 27.46-47
database software 20.16-17, 20.22, 20.195-196, 26.170
DEXter: see DEXter
diacritics and 27.171
functions distinguished 20.115-120
GARB/WinGarb: see GARB/WinGARB
'History and development of CINDEX' 24.135-137
history and developments in 21.107, 22.23-24, 22.25
HTML indexing software: see HTML indexing software
idxtools 27.190
InDesign 26.133
IndexStar: see IndexStar
Inmagic DB/Textworks 26.170-171
Linux and 27.135
medical indexing and 27.60
Micro Indexing System/MS-Dos 27.137
Microsoft Word: see Microsoft Word
Open Source software 23.58-60
repagination and 27.170-171
Software for indexing (Schroeder) 23.237-238
'Software solutions' (Coates) 27.168-172
'Software tools for indexing: revisited' (Mulvany) 21.160-163
taking out the pain 25.184, 25.186, 27.168-172
wIndex 27.190
Solamito, Anne, How to index a book (reviewed) 25.61
'Some reflections on historical carto-bibliography in South Africa: lessons learnt by a map librarian' (Garson) 23.63-65
'Some thoughts on the early days of indexing' (Blake) 25.230-231
'Something to indicate' (Bell) 23.102-104
songs, indexing: see music, indexing of
Soo, Joan, review by 24.111-112
South Africa
archives, accessing 23.70-73
carto-bibliography in 23.63-65
databases in small specialist libraries 23.68-69
'Dutch, German, Austrian, Flemish and Afrikaans names' (Pitchford) Centrepiece 1:11
indexing in (editorial) 23.57
Indexing for Southern Africa: a manual compiled in celebration of ASAIB's first decade 1994-2004 (Kalley, Schoeman, Burger) 25.47, 25.202, 25.215
ISALLIS, index to 23.66-67
'The Mandela Portal: how do visitors get there?' (Katuu and Hatang) 28.69-73
newspaper, periodical and journal indexing
ISAP 23.74-77, 26.36
ISAPOnline 23.77-79
Weekly Mail index 22.72-75
online journals 23.170
SA ePublications project 23.80-82
South Africa Literature on Library and Information Science, index to 23.66-67
spaces, sort order 20.75
Spaltro, Kathleen, Genealogy and indexing (reviewed) 24.111-112
Spanish language
indexing opportunities 25.92-93
indexing practice 25.93, Centrepiece 3:5
as second most spoken language 25.92-93
translation problems 25.93
in the US 25.92-93
'Spanish personal names' (Cronshaw) Centrepiece 3:5
'Spanish-language materials: a new string to my bow' (Perlman) 25.92-93
Speake, Jennifer
The Oxford dictionary of foreign words and phrases (ed.) (reviewed) 22.163
The Oxford dictionary of idioms (ed.) (reviewed) 22.163
Speakers' Guide (ASI) 27.89
special interest groups (SIGs) (ASI)
advertisement 27.90
The Legal Indexing SIG' (Harper) 26.86
Sports-Fitness Indexing 23.92
value 27.150
Web Indexing 27.147
specialization, by subject 21.66
specific indexing: see classification
SPECTRUM terminology for museums (reviewed) 25.72
Speculum historiale (Vincent of Beauvais) 25.236, 25.237
'spider', definitions and role 25.193, 25.216
Spiteri, Louise, 'Library & information science vs business: a comparison of approaches to abstracting' 20.197-200
Spock's index 23.235
sport, indexes to 23.169, 23.224
2000 Olympic and Paralympic Games and 21.184
Spratt, Tori and Shona Skakle, 'Indexing the proceedings and publications of the Scottish Parliament' 22.65-81
Squashed Philosophers (Hughes) (extract) 25.205
Stacey, Robyn and Ashley Hay, Herbarium (reviewed) 24.241-242
A stage mother's story (reviewed) 25.221-222
Stallybrass, Oliver, as indexer 20.14
standards (British)
alphanumerical order and 20.75-76, 20.114
articles, treatment in an index 20.75
BS 1749 (alphanumeric and other arrangement in indexes), declaration of obsolescence 26.96
BS 3700:1964 20.163
BS 3700:1988 vs ISO 999 20.74-78, 20.163
BS 5261 (Recommendations for preparation of typescript copy for printing) 25.133
BS 6249 (examining documents and determining headings), declaration of obsolescence 26.96
BS 8723:2005 25.61
BS 8723-1:2005 (definitions, symbols and abbreviations) 26.96
BS 8723-2:2005 (thesauri) 26.96
BS 8723-3:2007 (vocabularies other than thesauri) 26.96
BS 8723-4:2007 (interoperability between vocabularies) 26.96
BS 8723-5:2008 (exchange formats and protocols for interoperability) 26.96
BS ISO 999:1996 20.74-78, 20.114
'Good practice in indexing - the new edition of International Standard ISO 999' (Booth) 20.114
indexing autonomy and 25.168
need for revision 26.96
BS ISO/CD 690 (guidelines for bibliographic references) 26.96
BS ISO/IEC 23026:2006 (Software engineering - Recommended Practice for the internet - Web Site Management and Web Site Life Cycle) (reviewed) 25.216
capitalization 20.75
consistency in indexing 20.74
cross-references and 20.76
filing/sorting rules 20.75
introductory/scope notes, use of 20.114
layout/format and style 20.76-77
letter-by-letter arrangement 20.114
locators, elision 20.75, 20.114
'New and revised indexing standards' (Shuter) 26.96
plural vs singular forms 20.74-75, 20.114
prepositions 20.114
punctuation, sort order 20.75
quality of the index 20.74, 20.114
spaces, sort order 20.75
subheadings 20.75-76
symbols, sort order 20.75
terminology, need for precision 20.114
standards (Chinese)
2009 CSI Conference and 27.179
drafting (Rules of Indexing) 25.134, 25.202-203, 25.272, 26.1, 26.37, 26.84
'GB/T 22466-2008 - Guidelines for indexing: China's new national indexing standard' (Wen Guoqiang and Guo Lifang) 27.97, 27.101-106
standards (French), NF Z47-102 27.75
standards (German), DIN 31630 25.82
standards (Netherlands), NEN 3547 25.86
standards (US) (National Information Standards Organization (NISO))
ANSI/NISO Z39-19, proposed revision of 24.62-65
ASI membership of 26.36
NISO TR-03-1999 20.33, 22.215
starting as an indexer
Beyond book indexing: how to get started in Web indexing, embedded indexing, and other computer-based media (Brenner and Rowland) 22.106
'Diary of a trainee indexer, February 2003-May 2005' (Bolton) 24.175-178
'Late bloomer: an indexer gets a start' (Purton) 24.179-180
'Novice notes for prospective indexers' (Osgood/Back Words Indexing) 27.12, 27.13
'Starting out' (Halliday) 24.174-175
'Why indexing?' (Bolton, Faulkner, Peebles and Vaudrey) 24.171-173
Stauber, Do Mi
articles by, 'Do Mi's Second Rule or the functions of subheadings' 24.192-196
Facing the text: content and structure in book indexing (reviewed) 24.111
Facing the text training course 28.31-32
review by 24.113
H W Wilson Award (2007) 25.273
Ste Marie, Janyne
articles by
'Medical indexing in the United States' 27.59-61
'Society memberships: to join or not to join' 28.76-78
Steedhouder, Michael, Zoeken in een register 25.86
Steehouder, Michael, see also Bart, Peter and Michael Steehouder
Steer, Mary Ann, Betty Moys Prize 24.42
Steinmetz, Sol
book indexes in France (letter) 22.200
De architectura (Vitruvius), indexing of (letter) 23.228
Stelmach, Michael, 'The application of index entries to search and retrieval of books and book content' 21.127-131
Stephen, Christopher, 'From print to web: indexing for accessibility' 27.76-79
Stern, Simon, legal indexes, development and impact 28.93
Sterne, Laurence
image of 25.113
The life and opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman (index to) (reviewed) 25.112-113
Stevenson, Robert Louis, letters of 22.138-139
Steward, Barbara, 'Health trade-offs in teleworking' 22.142-146
Stewart, Ann, editorial (joint) 22.160
Stith-Thompson Index of Folk Tales and Motifs 25.242
Stockwell, Foster, A History of information storage and retrieval (reviewed) 22.215
'Strange purposes of indexes' (Bell) 23.167-168
Strathern, Marilyn (compiler), Girton: thirty years ... in the life of a Cambridge college (reviewed) 25.69-70
The stuff of thought: language as a window into human nature (Pinker) 26.190-191
Sturges, Paul: see Line, Maurice et al
style guides
Basisboek technische communicatie (Bart and Steedhouder) (reviewed) 27.45
The Cambridge Australian English style guide 20.110
The Chicago manual of style 23.236-237, 27.60
Editing Canadian English 22.109
medical indexing 27.60
MHRA style guide: a handbook for authors, editors, and writers of theses 27.44-45
The Oxford guide to style 23.109
posting examples to a personal website 27.11
Scientific style and format: the CSE manual for authors, editors and publishers 25.291-292
BS 3700/ISO 999 20.75-76
categorical subheadings, problems raised by 27.53, 27.56-57
children's indexes and 20.193
choice as 25.123
defining the level 28.62-63
functions of 24.192-196, 26.160
German practice 25.80-81
Il Libro del Cortegiano indexes and 25.109, 25.111
locators, number of 26.160, 27.56
mixed types, problems posed by/possible solutions 27.53-54
'The purpose and functions of subheadings' (letter) (Brackney) 25.269
retrospective editing, preference for 26.160
set out/run-on subheadings, examples 20.76-77
'The informative index' (letter) (Fugmann) 25.268-269
thematic arrangement 20.136
subject knowledge, relevance 26.158, 26.160
collaboration with subject experts 28.16
cookery book indexing 27.143
environmental/natural history indexing 27.57
indexer confusion 28.9
medical indexing 27.59, 27.60
subject matter, indexing practice by reference to 25.76, 25.84-85
subject specialization: see specialization, by subject
The subversive copy editor: advice from Chicago (or, how to negotiate good relationships with your writers, your collegaues, and yourself) (reviewed) 28.46-47
catalogues 25.258-259
pictograms 25.257
Sun, Dajin D and Ruth C Carter, Education for library cataloging: international perspectives (reviewed) 25.222-223
surnames: see personal names
surveys of usability: see usability/satisfaction studies
'Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation: an introduction to its indexing methodology' (Crystal and the Shoah Visual History Foundation) 21.85-89
Sutherland, John
articles by
'A ha'p'orth of tar' 27.134
'Authors and indexes' (letter to the TLS) 25.183
'Indexing: a work of art or a sickness beyond cure?' 25.7-8
The boy who loved books (reviewed) 25.292
election as SI president 24.225
photograph of 24.170, 25.135
The switched-on prof' (Observer) 26.151
Sutherland, Linda
reviews by 24.159, 24.167, 24.252, 26.47, 26.188
Swann, Ian, photograph of 22.197
Sweazy, Larry D, Also murder 26.179
Kaunokki/Bella 28.53-54
SVAR (Svensk Arkivinformation) 26.143
Switzerland, indexing in, authors as indexers 27.80
'Sword swallower meets The Indexer 26.64-65
Sylvester, John, reviews by 25.61
symbols, sort order 20.75
dictionary of 23.240
indexer's ability to spot as test of quality 26.159, 26.160
synonym ring 26.122, 27.66
synonyms/alternative terms
biota names 27.52
compound names
biochemistry 27.60
biota names 27.54
personal names Centrepiece 3:5
cross-references and 27.52, 27.59
double posting 27.52
glosses, use of 27.52-53
introductory/scope notes, use to explain practice 27.52
list of equivalences, usefulness 27.52
medical examples 27.59, 27.60
medical indexing 27.59
negotiating skills for indexers
parallel indexing in accordance with varying usage in text, client's insistence on 27.52, 27.59
scientific and common names, choosing between 27.52, 27.59
Szrajber, Tanya, British Museum materials thesaurus (ed.) (reviewed) 21.52-53

Back to top
tables of contents: see contents lists
tables and lists, indexing of
density of 27.57
desirability 27.57
importing terms from PDF, Word, Excel and database files 27.54
tabula alphabetica 25.236
automatic indexing and 26.168-169
by web content creators 25.193
by web users/browsers ('folksonomies') 25.193-194, 26.167-168
as categorization 26.167
definitions 26.166-167
delicious and 26.167
as description 26.167
Google Image Labeller and 26.168
as indexing 26.167-168
LibraryThing and 26.168
professional and user tagging compared 26.167-168
RSS (Rich site/Really Simple Syndication) and 26.168
transparency 26.167
Web 2.0 and 26.166-168
Takishita, Faith, 'Constructing an electronic library web page' 20.125-126
Tamarack Award
2006 25.135
2007 25.273
tartans, indexing 22.69-71
'Controlled vocabularies, thesauri, and taxonomies' (Hedden) 26.33-35
definition 26.34, 26.122-123, 26.187
in fiction 24.246-247
folksonomies and 26.168
Foucault on 22.95
TCV SIG (ASI Taxonomies and Controlled Vocabularies Special Interest Group) 27.66
Textonomy (Chrystal Semantics) 25.194
web search techniques and 25.194, 26.168
'Wondrous taxonomy' (Bates) 22.95
Taxonomy Warehouse 27.3
'Teaching book indexing: cognitive skills and term selection' (Coates) 23.15-17
'Teaching book indexing: a curriculum' (Mulvany) 23.11-14
'Teaching and our profession' (Mulvany) (editorial) 23.1
technical indexing
Basisboek technische communicatie (Bart and Steedhouder) 27.45
The Communicator articles on indexing (Johncocks) 27.45
Indexing: a nuts-and-bolts guide for technical writers (Ament) (reviewed) 27.190-191
Indexing for technical communicators (reviewed) 24.250
training for 32-33
'Indexing workshops for technical writers' 23.134-137
technical problems: see computer management
technical writing, handbook on 22.217
techniques to aid the indexer
importing terms from PDF, Word, Excel and database files 27.54, 27.57
PDF files
cutting and pasting 27.54-55, 27.60
searching for terms 27.54, 27.60
technological developments, impact 22.25-26, 25.225, 27.192
on archives 21.164-168, 24.203-205
Cope-Chatterton cards 25.230-231
death of the index? 20.1, 25.263-264
electronic submission of material to The Indexer, first steps 20.57
electronic transmission of proofs 25.225, 25.267
a possibility? 21.155
future of printing 21.62-63
'The futureproof indexer' (AusSI Conference notice) 20.113
Impacts of changing production technologies (NAIS Report) (reviewed) 20.51-52
'Indexing after the millennium': see 'Indexing after the millennium'
indexing societies, role 25.265-266
on language 22.165
Netherlands publishers' reflections on 25.87
online v the Web 21.62-63
Otlet, Paul (UDC) and 20.179
'Pages in peril: what we may lose as ebooks go mainstream' (Duntemann) 26.148-151
quality control, need for 20.51-52
as reflected in The Indexer 26.102-103
teleworking 22.142-146
on thesauri 21.199
'Whatever next?' (Simkins) 21.155
Ted Hines Award: see Hines Award
telephone directories Centrepiece 3:5
telephones, indexers' use of (2010) 28.80
Skype 28.80
'Telling it like it is: reporting conferences and seminars' (Bell) 25.43-44
'Ten years ago' (Shuter) (editorial) 21.153
term selection (including 'choice of entries' and 'indexable material') 20.3-5, 20.89-92, 20.182-184, 26.35
appropriateness of term to text 27.8, 27.98-99
audiovisual media indexing and 27.173-174
automatic extraction and 24.250-251, 25.77, 25.122, 25.122-125
BS 6249 (examining documents and determining headings), declaration of obsolescence 26.96
categories 27.98
changing terminology 27.99
Choice and form of entries (SI Training course: Unit B) (reviewed) 20.175
'concocting pretexts' 27.99
cookery books 27.142
definition 27.98
'entry' 20.114, 27.98
error in text and 27.174
ethical considerations 25.162-163
eye-catching phrases of little relevance 27.94
fancy terms 20.18-19
fiction indexing and 28.51-56
functionality test 27.99
Il Libro del Cortegiano index 25.109-110
'indexable' content 27.10
poetry indexing and 28.3-5
referencing the references/indexing the index 27.99
repetition of same material and 27.189
representation of concept and term actually used, distinction 27.98
'Teaching book indexing: cognitive skills and term selection' (Coates) 23.15-17
'Term selection: the key to successful indexing' (Zhang Qiyu) 27.97, 27.98-102
term weights/ranking and ('emphasis indexing') 25.122, 25.132
Term Tree 26.53-56
terminology, changes in
changed terminology and new subject matter distinguished 27.68
cross-references, importance of 26.165-166, 27.3, 27.50, 27.68
parliamentary indexing and 26.66, 26.116
proliferation of terms 27.50-51
recording date of as aid to indexing 27.6
theatre programme indexing and 26.118
The testament of Joad (Joad) (extract) 26.7
'Testing usability: "Experience an index usability test" at the ASI Conference (Portland, 2009) (Landes) 27.152-163
Text editing, print and the digital world (Deegan and Sutherland, ed.) (reviewed) 27.95-96
reviewed 24.250-251
'TExtract: a regular user's view' (Bennett) 27.84-87
Thatcher, Virginia S, Indexes: writing, editing, production (reviewed) 20.175
The Times
indexes to (Samuel Palmer) 27.7
leader (8 May 1957) on indexing and the Society of Indexers 25.227
theatre collections, indexing of 25.197-199
dating of items 25.198
thesauri and 25.198
theatre programmes
editions, variations between 26.119
genealogical and family history indexing and 26.120
indexable elements
advertisements 26.119, 26.120
contents/playbill 26.118
cover designs 26.118, 26.119
illustrations 26.118-119
slang, as guide to history and use of 26.119
social history and 26.119-120
terminology, importance of choice 26.118
'Theatre programmes, the indexing of' (Bryans) 26.118-120
Theodore C Hines Award: see Hines Award
theory and practice of indexing
academic vs practioner approach to 27.148
as an enhancement of one's understanding of own book 21.22-23
analysis of 24.111
as art and mystery 27.7
articles, treatment in an index: see articles, treatment in an index
beginning to index 24.174-175
card index boxes 25.238
cataloguing skills, relevance 26.81-82
changes in 21.2-5
Choice and form of entries (Booth and Piggott) (reviewed) 20.175
Classification Research Group and the development of 23.204-208
as a clerical task 25.79, 25.87
A code of practice? 20.181, 20.189
concepts: see concepts, indexing
consistency: see consistency in indexing
as a creative task 24.89, 25.117
cross-references: see cross-references
density of index: see length/density of index
Dr Johnson and 24.84
editing the index 24.197-199
electronic developments, impact 24.32-36, 25.105
outsourcing and 25.262-263
for ePublications 23.80-82
explanatory information, inclusion 25.111, 25.220
freelance: see freelancing
the future 22.25-26, 23.113-114, 24.27-32
headings: see headings
'Headings, catchwords and paste pots' 25.296
history of: see history of indexing
'How we index: six ways to work'
Booth, Pat 20.92
Britton, Barbara 20.90
Raper, Richard 20.90-91
Riordan, Gill 20.189-190
Simpkins, Jean 20.91
Vickers, John 20.91-92
'Index and sequence' (Wan Guoding) 27.105
indexers' and editors' views on 20.58-63
Indexing and abstracting in theory and practice 24.51
Inside indexing: the decision-making process (reviewed) 24.242-243
length/density of index: see length/density of index
locators: see locators
manuals and textbooks: see indexing manuals and textbooks (general)
metatopic as heading: see metatopic as heading
multiple indexes: see multiple indexes
neutrality, desirability: see neutrality in an indexer/index, desirability
'open' versus 'closed'-system 23.23-31
over-indexing 25.221, 26.68-71, 27.191
plural vs singular forms: see plural vs singular forms
pre-indexing, audiovisual media and 27.175
prescriptive approach 27.191
profession defended 23.164-166
professionalism and: see professionalism in indexing
psychology and neuroscience of 25.154-160, 26.94-95
seven ages of man, as one of 25.185
slips, use of: see slips, use of
sources/publishing outlets 27.146-148
subheadings: see subheadings
time-frames: see time-frames for indexing
what the author wrote/what he thinks he wrote distinguished 25.181-186
'There's more to an index...' (Bell) 20.14
Theron, J.C. (Christie)
'Indexes to A South African bibliography to the year 1925 23.58-62
obituary of 24.148
thesauri and glossaries
AIDS and HIV/AIDS-related terminology (reviewed) 20.176
The American heritage student thesaurus 20.232
Art and architecture thesaurus (AAT) 27.71
ASIS thesaurus of information science and librarianship 21.197-198
British archaeological thesaurus 27.95
British Museum materials thesaurus 21.52-53
BS 8723 2005 25.64-65
The Cassell thesaurus 21.152
Collins thesaurus: the ultimate wordfinder 23.244
Glossary of terminology in abstracting, classification, indexing, and thesaurus construction (reviewed) 21.101, 22.107-108
Harrod's librarians' glossary (reviewed) 20.108-109, 22.107, 26.46
Keywords: a revised vocabulary of culture and society, revised (reviewed) 24.246
Manual of archival description 22.218-219
The Marin Institute Thesaurus (alcohol and drug problems) (reviewed) 20.49
Moys classification and thesaurus for legal materials 23.52-53
Multilingual glossary for art librarians (IFLA) 27.71
sourcing of 27.3
Taxonomy Warehouse 27.3
Thesaurus construction and use: a practical manual (Aitchison, Jean et al) (reviewed) 21.149, 23.53
Thesaurus of disability index terms (reviewed) 20.227
Thesaurus for graphic materials (TGM) 27.71
Thesaurus of monument types: a standard for use in archaeological and architectural recording 22.53-54, 27.95
'Thesaurus to ontology: the development of the Kaunokki Finnish fiction thesaurus' (Saarti and Hypén) 28.50-58
UNESCO thesaurus: a structured list of descriptors for indexing and retrieving literature 20.108
thesauri and glossaries, construction and use of 21.149, 23.53, 24.158-159
alcohol and drug problems 20.49
annotating for personal use 27.6
archaeological objects 21.52-53
in Australia 26.165
Bible 23.179-180
BS 8723-2:2005 (thesauri) 26.96
cartoons 25.101, 25.102
'Comparative evaluation of thesaurus creation software' (Hedden) 26.50-59
'Controlled vocabularies: an introduction' (Leise) 26.121-126
'Controlled vocabularies, thesauri, and taxonomies' (Hedden) 26.33-35
cross-references, importance of 26.165
culture 24.246
definitions 26.33, 26.50, 27.71
in the electronic age 21.63, 21.199
emotional dictionary/thesaurus project 22.152
fiction 28.52-56
a glossary for 21.101
HILT (High Level Thesaurus) Project 22.152-153
importing and exporting 26.51
index as glossary 20.14
in Iran 25.19-22, 25.106, 26.12
learning architecture and 26.165-166
Library of Congress Subject Heading Guide (LCSH): see Library of Congress Subject Heading Guide (LCSH)
literary warrant 26.166
machine-based techniques, limitations 25.177, 25.179
multilingual thesauri, problems and solutions 25.19-22, 25.176-181
natural language problems and 27.71
rules enforcement 26.51
serials/cumulative indexing and 27.3, 27.6
Shoah Visual History Foundation 21.86-88
specialist indexing skills, as means of developing 27.3
term display and editing 26.50-51
theatre collections, indexing of and 25.1988
thesaurus display 26.50
thesaurus searching 26.51, 26.165
translation of indexes and 25.90
'True and tested products: thesauri on the Web' (Hudon) 23.115-119
in Turkey 25.176-181, 26.9, 26.11-12
user requirements, differentiating between 28.53
user warrant 26.166
user-defined relationships and attributes 26.51
web indexing and 20.127-128
thesauri and glossaries, construction and use of (software) 26.50-59
MultiTes Pro 26.51-53
TCS-10 26.56-59
Term Tree 26.53-56
'Thesaurus to ontology: the development of the Kaunokki Finnish fiction thesaurus' (Saarti and Hypén) 28.50-58
Thirkell, Angela, index to novels of 21.6-10
'Thirty-nine to one: indexing the novels of Angela Thirkell' (Bell) 21.6-10
Thomas, Alan R 24.114
Thomas, Dorothy
American Society of Indexers oral history. Vol. 1 (reviewed) 20.44
articles by, 'Indexing after the millennium: the next few years' 21.60-61
Thomas, Linda and Shan Wareing, Language, society and power: an introduction (eds) (reviewed) 22.54-55
Thomas, Peter W (compiler), Medicine and science at Exeter Cathedral Library: a short-title catalogue of printed books, 1483-1900 (reviewed) 24.114
Thompson, Marita, 'Indexing Aboriginal media' (Thompson) 20.94
Thornton, James, Wheatley Medal 21.33
Thornton, John
as editor of The Indexer (1959-63) 26.103-104
SI founder member 20.163
Three Choirs Group
as guest editors, editorial 25.225
history 25.225
Tibetan names Centrepiece 3:10
Tiden project, Norway 24.25
time lapse between original text and indexing, issues raised by 25.91
time-frames for indexing 20.59-64, 20.89-92
deadlines, importance of meeting 27.14
embedded indexing 21.19, 24.213
web indexing 20.119
titles, practice relating to
Arabic Centrepiece 2:14
Ethiopian Centrepiece 3:8
Spanish Centrepiece 3:5
Tibetan Centrepiece 3:10
Turkish Centrepiece 2:7
TLS (Times Literary Supplement), letters to 10.85, 25.133, 25.183-186
Toase, Charles A., 'The unknown Mr Frederick Page' (letter) 22.200
Tolkien, J R R, The Lord of the Rings (reviewed) 23.106-107
Tomaiuolo, Nicholas G, The web library: building a world class personal library with free web resources (reviewed) 24.244-245
tomb inscriptions, indexing of 25.220
Tomm, Jillian, 'Cyberspace and private-interest funding' 23.120-123
Tong, Richard, 'Text categorization: Computer-based indexing of electronic documents' 20.33-34
Toole, Wendy, reviews by 25.146-147, 25.221-222
topic maps
'The medium is not the message: topic maps and the separation of presentation and content in indexes' (Northedge) 26.60-64
semantic relevance/3-D indexing 22.25-26, 26.14-15
'Wired reference: Confessions of an e-publisher' (extract) 25.88
Topliff, Cath, photograph of 26.65
Towery, Margie
articles by, 'A Joycean usability experiment' 26.66-67
cookery book indexing 27.142
Indexing specialties: history (reviewed) 21.197
H W Wilson Award 26.84
web availability of index 27.180
Towery, Margie and Enid L Zafran (eds), Indexing specialties: scholarly books (reviewed) 25.62
training for indexers
ANZSI courses 25.202, 25.272, 27.179-180, 28.30
ASI Training in Indexing Course 25.202, 28.31
'Be a peach: enhancing your work through training' 23.18-22
BIPT (Book Indexing Postal Tutorials) 20.182-184, 23.8-10
book indexing, a curriculum 23.11-14
business practice 27.89
Choice and form of entries (Unit B) (reviewed) 20.175
conference provision for 27.179
cost 27.150
database indexing 27.2
distance learning 20.185-187, 24.175-178, 24.183, 24.186-188, 25.48, 25.134
DNI courses 26.178, 28.30-31
embedded indexing 28.32
Facing the text (Do Mi Stauber) 28.31-32
Graduate School (formerly USDA (US Department of Agriculture) Graduate School Correspondence Study Programme) 20.185-187, 24.183, 27.59, 28.31, 28.32
'How can we take a socio-cognitive approach in teaching indexing and abstracting' (Fourie) 23.83-85, 27.147
China 27.104
Denmark 25.77
France 25.77
Germany 25.77
Iran 25.05-08
Netherlands 25.77
USA 27.59
indexing disasters, learning from mistakes 26.133
'Indexing training and workflow on large digitization projects' (Schroeder) 21.67-69
IndexWest tutorials 28.32
library and information science courses, adequacy 25.107
LIS courses 28.32-33
Mastering index skills: steps along the way (ASAIB 2001 Conference Papers) 23.107-108
matching/mismatching the demand 25.132
medical indexing 27.59, 27.60
methods 23.21-22
peer review: see peer review
responsibility for 27.147
self-directed learning 28.33
sharing experiences 26.133
SI courses
1956-1967 20.162
1958-67 20.162
1968-76 21.34
distance learning course (2002) 24.175-178, 25.48, 28.31
CILIP Seal of Recognition 26.84
licensing by ASI 25.134
Introduction to Indexing Workshop 28.31
training for editors in-house workshops 26.37, 28.31, 28.33
workshops 25.273
teaching as training 28.32
thesauri, value of 27.3
UC Berkeley Extension course 24.186-188, 28.31
web indexing courses 21.132-133
'What's an indexer worth?' (Hagger) 27.31
training of society volunteers 25.137
Transferred illusions: digital technoloogy and the form of print (Deegan and Sutherland) (reviewed) 28.47
alphanumerical order and 25.90
cultural differences and 25.90, 25.91-92
error in translation of text for indexing 25.90
false friends 25.90
grammatical structure and 25.90, 25.93
increasing frequency 25.89
length, differences between languages 25.93
linguistic skills of translator 25.90, 25.93
literal vs idiomatic 25.90
locators, effect on 25.90
machine/automatic translation, value 25.177, 25.216
names and 25.90
time lapse between original text and translation, issues raised by 25.91
to translate or reindex? 25.90
controlled vocabulary, relevance 25.90
WTO publications 23.220, 25.91
'Translating and indexing: some thoughts on their relationship' (Booth) 25.89-92
usability test 25.91-92
transliteration problems 25.90
Arabic Centrepiece 2:9, Centrepiece 3:12
Asian names Centrepiece 3:12
Chinese names Centrepiece 3:12
Ethiopian Centrepiece 3:8
Turkish 25.179, Centrepiece 2:5
Trantino, Charlee
books by, Under darkness 26.179
reviews by 25.293-294
H W Wilson award 25.135
Trask, R L, Key concepts in language and linguistics (reviewed) 22.54
Triennial International Meetings
2006 25.135
2009 26.39, 26.131, 26.132, 26.179, 27.89
Triffit, Geraldine, 'Bibliography in a digital age' 26.127-131
Triffitt, Geraldine, 'Australia Aboriginal Names' Centrepiece 2:1
Trollope, Anthony, An editor's tales, a cautionary tale 21.24
Trubshaw, Bob, '"A funny lot": indexing and local history books' 24.184-185
'True and tested products: thesauri on the Web' (Hudon) 23.115-119
'Try under "Diabolical"' (Turner) 27.7
Tseng, Gwyneth, Alan Poulter, Debra Hiom, The library and information professional's guide to the internet (reviewed) 20.110
Tulic, Martin
editorial 24.57
review by 25.64-65
archives, history and organization 26.8-11
book indexing in 26.12
classification in
Dewey classification system, use of 26.9-10
difficulties relating to 26.9-12
Library of Congress Subject Heading Guide and 26.10
thesauri in 25.176-181, 26.9, 26.12
distinguishing between multiple appearances of the same name 26.10
Turkic Centrepiece 2:5
The Turkic speaking peoples (Catagay and Kuban), for want of an index (Mango) 27.29
Turkish Association of University Librarians (UNAK) Conference 26.49
Turkish, indexing and, transliteration problems 25.179, Centrepiece 2:5
'Turkish names' (Alakus) Centrepiece 2:5
'A Turkish treasure trove' (Alakus) 26.8-13
Turner, Barry, The writer's handbook 1999 (ed.) (reviewed) 21.151-152
Turner, E S, 'Try under "Diabolical"' 27.7
Twitter 27.150, 27.176
Tyler, Connie
MicroIndexer, editor of 25.232
photograph of 21.185, 22.197
Tyler, Dave, reviews by 21.54, 22.108, 22.217-218
tyranny of distance (indexing societies) 25.49-50, 25.202, 27.179
equality of opportunity and 27.150
SI Consultative Council and 25.273
website discussion and 27.178

Back to top
UC Berkeley Extension Course 28.31
'UC Berkeley Extension course: learning to index at a distance' (Coates) 24.186-188
ULAN (Union List of Artist Names) 27.71
'An unauthorizable index' (Bell) 24.83
Understanding data and information systems for recordkeeping (Bantin) (reviewed) 26.188
UNESCO, a role for? 27.182
Union List of Artist Names (ULAN) 27.71
United States
19th century indexing in 20.156-159
newspaper preservation in 24.25-26
units of information
lexemes as 25.194
linking between documents 27.79
non-textual matter 27.78-79
paragraphs/related paragraphs as 27.78-79
Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) 20.178
image-indexing and 27.71
Universal Resource Locators (URLs): see URLs and links
The University of Google (Brabazon) (reviewed) 26.48
University of Kent Centre for the Study of Cartoons and Caricature: see cartoons, indexing of (University of Kent Study Centre)
University of Texas Policies and Procedures Website 21.73-76
'The unknown Mr Frederick Page' (Toase) (letter) 22.200
Unruh, Betty: see Elias, Art and Betty Unruh
Unwalla, Michael
ASI Web Indexing SIG award 26.85
'Web indexing: extending the functionality of HTML Indexer' 25.128
'Updike on indexing' (Shuttleworth) 21.92
Urdang, Laurence: see duGran, Claurene
URLs and links
good practice in choosing/keeping 20.125-126
library websites 20.125-126
order of listing 20.126
stability 25.251
updating 20.126
usability/satisfaction studies 21.106, 22.5, 22.91-95, 22.200-201
abiding by the rules vs doing the right thing 20.4-5
adjectival indexing and 27.7
ASI 25.134
audiovisual media and 27.172-174
Braille, indexing in 27.78
browsing option and 28.50, 28.51
concept indexing, value to user 20.67, 26.21-22
consulting the user 28.53
cross-references 20.66-67
cut the clutter 27.99
determining the requirement/assessing user requirements 20.3-5, 38.1
editors' and indexers' views compared 20.58-64, 20.131-134
educating the user 26.23-24
ethical considerations and 25.165
'From print to web: indexing for accessibility' (Stephen) 27.76-79
golden rules 27.100
importance of/need for 27.148
indexer smugness and 26.23-24
indexing terminology 25.266-267
'Information access or information anxiety... '(J?rgensen and Liddy) 20.64-68
internet usage and 26.22-23, 28.60
'A Joycean usability experiment' (Towery) 26.66-67
layout/format and style and 25.89, 27.54, 27.99
'Let's get usable! Usability studies for indexes' (Olason) 22.92-95
'Libraries, librarians, indexes and indexing: should we care?' (Weihs) 26.79-82
'Logical order' (Cousins) (letter) 20.31
multiple access points 27.99
multiple formats 27.77
multiple indexes 20.66, 27.4
as primary goal 27.57
professional terminology as stumbling block 28.5
relevance test
fuzzy logic and 28.50-51
'relevance' 28.50-51
structure of index and 27.99
terms, need to reflect users' preference 27.191
'Testing usability: "Experience an index usability test" at the ASI Conference (Portland, 2009) (Landes) 27.152-163
testing your options 27.99
theatre collection indexing and 25.198
thesauri 28.53
translation of indexes and 25.91-92
Twente University (Netherlands) 25.86
'The usability of academic library website indexes: an investigation' (Kingsley) 26.71-78
user annotations as guide 26.66-67
user manual indexes 27.191
user motivation and 28.51
visible structure of index, relevance 25.132
'Who are we indexing for exactly?' (Clarke) 26.35
'Whom should we aim to please?' (Bell) 20.3-5
Used books: marking readers in Renaissance England (Sherman) (reviewed) 28.93-94
user manuals, indexing of 24.97
difficulty of 27.191
Indexing: a nuts-and-bolts guide for technical writers (Ament) (reviewed) 27.190-191
quality of 27.190-191
Real World Adobe InDesign (Wright) (H W Wilson Award (2009)) 27.90, 27.130, 27.132-133
user motivation 28.51
user warrant 26.166
user/indexer mismatch: see indexer/user mismatch

Back to top
van Asperen, Theo A H M
'Glasgow Art Club archives' 25.290, 26.25-32
reviews by 25.218
van der Laan, Renée, photograph of 26.37
Vatican Secret Archive, Index Room 22.61-64
Vaudrey, Margaret
editorial (joint) 24.167-170
'Why indexing?' 24.173
Veaner, Allen B, articles by, 'Professional ethics and The Indexer (letter) 26.136
Verbaas, Jaap, photograph of 26.37
Vergil, Polydore, De inventoribus rerum 25.238
'Verifying personal names on the Web' (Bridge) 23.149-156
Vermont governor's veto on payment for poor quality index (1845) 27.140
Vickers, John A
'How we index: six ways to work' 20.91-92
In lighter vein: occasional writings (reviewed) 22.218
'Indexing Wesley's journals and diaries' 25.9-11
Indexing your book 27.137
reviews by 20.48-49, 21.55, 23.179-180
Wheatley Medal 21.34
Vintage Sports-Car Club, cumulation and searching of journal indexes 25.200-201
Virgo, Liza
photograph of 24.5
Wheatley Medal winner 24.5, 24.100
vision impairment, aids to accessibility 27.76-79
The visual appeal of indexes: an exploration' (Lennie) 28.60-65
visual dictionaries
controlled vocabularies and 27.71, 27.75
Descriptive and visual dictionay of objects (Canadian Heritage Parks) 27.71
An illustrated dictionary of little-known words from literary classics (reviewed) 20.228
Nouveau dictionnaire visuel multilingue (Corbeil and Archambault) 27.71, 27.72
Oxford visual dictionary. English, French, German, Spanish (reviewed) 20.228-229
volunteer indexing
advertised projects 21.184
Glasgow Art Club archives and 26.30
'Indexing archives for access' (Hicks) 24.200-202
not-for-profit ventures 21.107
'Nulli secundus: a volunteer effort' (Binkowski) 25.125-127
prisoners, use of
Portlaoise 26.49
Walla Walla 26.83
volunteer societies
ANZSI Victoria 25.137
'Around the world' 25.135-137
ASI Pacific North West Chapter 25.137
'Disintermediate or die? Volunteer societies in an information age' (Jermey) 25.265-266
honoraria 25.136
recognition 25.136-137
recruitment 25.136
training 25.137
Vonnegut, Kurt, Kurt Vonnegut: a man without a country (reviewed) 25.69

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Waite, Maurice, The Oxford spelling dictionary (ed.) (reviewed) 22.163
Waldman, Rabbi Chaim Yosef, as indexer 23.82
editorial on 23.185-186
indexing archaeology of 23.187-191
indexing Yr Eurgrawn Wesleyaidd 23.193-196
Welsh Books Council 23.197-198
Walford Award for services to bibliography, 1966 20.96
Walker, Alan
ANZSI life membership 28.34
ANZSI Medal 26.37
'Chinese index science' (Ge Yong-Qing), foreword to 22.76
conference reports, ASI 2009 27.131
'Indexing commonplace books: John Locke's method' 22.114-118
photograph of 22.77, 25.134
Walker, Dwight
editorial 20.177
reports on the AusSi Web Indexing Prize 20.6-7, 20.121-124, 21.15-18, 21.108-110
review by 25.216
Walker, Nick, 'I'll take the low road ...' 25.200-201
Walker, Peter M B
Chambers history of science and technology (ed.) (reviewed) 22.107
Walla Walla (Washington State Penitentiary), indexing projects 26.83
Wallis, Elizabeth
articles by
'Indexing as a professional activity' 20.189-191
'Some founding members' 25.229-230
Carey Award 21.57
MBE, award of 21.105
obituary of for
Margaret Anderson 20.218
Brian Armitage 20.32
photograph of 21.185, 26.102
as Registrar (SI) 21.34
reviews by 20.229
Wallis, Elizabeth and Cherry Lavell, 'The index of Enigma messages' 22.31-33
Walls, Madge. Paying the Price 27.133
'Wan Guoding (1897-1963): indexing pioneer' (Wang Yage and Hou Hanqing) 27.97, 27.102-106
Wan Guoding (1897-1963)
Agricultural index 27.104
Chinese characters, sort orders/retrieval (MuBi) 27.102-103
Index and sequence (1928) 27.105
life of 27.102
New bridge (xinqiao) dictionary (1929) 27.103-104
promotion of indexing 17.104
training of indexers 27.104
Wang Yage and Hou Hanqing, 'Wan Guoding: indexing pioneer' 27.97, 27.102-106
Wang Yanxiang, 'Indexing software in China: past, present and future' 27.97, 27.124-127
Wang Yungwu, Four Corner Sorting Method 27.103
Ward, W Reginald and Richard P Heitzenrater, The Works of John Wesley Vol.24. journals and diaries VII (index) (reviewed) 25.68-69
Warner, Marina, 'The Arabian Nights and Orientalism: perspectives from East to West' (TLS review, extract) 25.242
Washington Post, letter to 24.97
'Washington read' 24.61, 28.18-19
watermarks 23.243
Watt, R J C, Concordance (reviewed) 27.46-47
Watts, Richard J: see Bex, Tony and Richard J Watts
'Ways of indexing' 24.102
Weaver, Carolyn
'The little extras: a customer service approach to indexing' 27.9-16
photograph of 25.275
Web 2.0
description and applications 26.19-20, 26.166
'Future of indexing in a Web 2.0 world' (Browne/ATW) 26.85
'Learning architecture: issues in indexing. Australian education in a Web 2.0 world' (Mitchell) 26.163-168
learning architecture, implications for 26.166-169
risks of 26.22
RSS (Rich site/Really simple Syndication) and 26.168
tagging: see tagging
'Web 2.0 and users' expectations of indexes' (Johncocks) 26.18-24
web indexing
alphanumerical sort order 20.127, 25.251
ASI Web Indexing SIG 27.147
AusSI Web Indexing Prize 20.121-124, 21.15-18, 21.108-110
bibliographies 20.6-7, 25.251
'A book-style index for the web: the University of Texas Policies and Procedures Website' (Fetters) 21.73-76
California State Library Home Page 20.127-129
'cataloguing' websites 26.164
contents lists 20.127
courses in 21.132-133
cross-references and 20.118, 20.126, 20.128
disambiguation, problems of 26.15-16
display of index 20.117-118
fees 24.119-120
future prospects 21.10-11
'How to index online' (Wright) 20.115-120
indexing blind 20.118, 24.214
Indexing specialties: web sites (Hedden) 26.191
manuals 27.147
menu screens 20.118
meta tags and 21.182-183, 26.167
methodology 20.128-129
database approach 20.127
newspaper, periodical and journal indexing 20.16-17, 20.22, 20.195-196
plural vs singular forms 20.118
'Text categorization: Computer-based indexing of electronic documents' (Tong) 20.33-34
time-frames 20.119
'The usability of academic library website indexes: an investigation' (Kingsley) 26.71-78
'Web indexing: extending the functionality of HTML Indexer' (Unwalla) 25.128
Website indexes (Lamb) 25.223
'What makes a good Web index?' (Henninger) 21.182-183
Web Indexing Award (ASI SIG) 26.36, 26.85
2007-8 26.135
2008-9 27.90, 27.130, 27.133
Webb, Sylvia P, Creating an information service (reviewed) 20.230
WebRing 22.43
website construction
an index, costing the benefit 28.71
browsers, choosing 20.125, 20.128
see also Netscape
content management: see content management
continuous updating and design changes, need for 28.72
Google rankings and 27.12
graphics, use of 20.125
lessons learnt 20.125-126
maintenance and updating 20.126, 20.129, 27.12
Malaspina University-College Library (British Columbia) Website 20.125-126
'The Mandela Portal: how do visitors get there?' (Katuu and Hatang) 28.69-73
navigation 20.126
structuring 20.118
textual content, importance 28.72
user analysis 28.69-70, 28.72
websites as a marketing tool
availability of award-winning indexes and 27.180
examples 27.15
value-added, importance of 27.12
Weekly Mail (South Africa), indexing 22.72-75
weights, measures and units, dictionary of 23.181
Weihs, Jean, 'Libraries, librarians, indexes and indexing: should we care?' (Weihs) 26.79-82
Weinberg, Bella Hass
articles by
'Addendum' 24.41
'The body of a reference work in relation to its index: an analysis of Wordsmanship' 20.18-22
'Book indexes in France: mediaeval specimens and modern practices' 22.2-13
'The British Museum catalogue of Hebrew incunabula: an evaluation of its information design and indexes' 25.12-15
'Disclaimers in indexes and databases' 25.114-118
'The index of a sixteenth-century architecture book' 23.140-148
'Index structures in early Hebrew Biblical word lists' 22.178-186
'Indexes and religion: reflections on research in the history of indexes' 21.111-118
'Indexing: it's the law!' 24.79-82
'Indexing advice in publications on paper management' 23.218-223
'Indexing after the millennium: future conditional' 21.62-63
'International publication of indexing knowledge: newsletters vs The Indexer' (letter) 20.218
'Known orders: unusual locators in indexes' 25.242-252
'A plea for bibliographic quality' (letter) 21.90
Can you recommend a good book on indexing? Collected reviews on the organization of information 21.147-148
Hines Award 21.57
life and work 20.45
photograph of 25.45
Wellisch, Hans H
Glossary of terminology in abstracting, classification, indexing, and thesaurus construction (reviewed) 21.101, 22.107-108
on Hazel Bell as editor of The Indexer 20.2
'Indexing after the millennium: the indexer as helmsman' (Wellisch) 21.59
Indexing from A to Z (reviewed) 20.175, 24.124-128
life and work 20.45
'Looking back and looking ahead' 20.2
obituary of 24.40-41
reviews by 21.149, 21.197
Welsh Books Council 23.197-198
Welsh language, indexing in 23.192, 23.193-196
Welsh, Sue, Betsy Anagnostelis and Alison Cooke, Finding and using health and medical information on the internet (reviewed) 23.53-54
Wen Guoqiang, editorial (joint) 27.97
Wen Guoqiang, Guo Lifang, Qiu Chen, 'GB/T 22466-2008 - Guidelines for indexing: China's new national indexing standard' 27.97, 27.101-106
Wescombe, Christabel, AusSi Web Indexing prize 20.1
Wesley, John
'Indexing Wesley's journals and diaries' (Vickers) 25.9-11
works of (index to) 25.68-69
The Wesleyan Magazine (Yr Eurgrawn Wesleyaidd), indexing 23.193-196
'What indexes imply ...' (Robertson) (letter) 26.24
'What is an index?' (Beare) 24.6-8
'What makes a good Web index?' (Henninger) 21.182-183
'What's an indexer worth?' (Hagger) 27.31
What's in a word-list? Investigating word frequency and keyword extraction (Archer) (reviewed) 27.143-144
Wheatley, Benjamin Robert, 'The other Wheatley' (Lee) 24.2-5
Wheatley, Henry Benjamin
centenary 23.34
facsimile editions of books by 26.177
Index Society and 20.160
life and work 23.86-91
as Index Society secretary 22.33-35
'What is an index?' (Beare) 24.6-8
Wheatley Medal
1960-67 20.162
1967 21.33, 21.186
1968 21.33
1969 21.33
1970 21.34
1971 21.34
1972 21.34
1973 21.34
1974 21.34
1975 20.218, 21.34
1976 21.34
1994 20.37
1996 20.37
2003 24.5, 24.100
2004-5 24.226
2006 25.135
2007 25.273, 26.37-38
2008 26.135
2009 27.180
call for nominations 27.1
criteria 22.191-194
importance of (Lee) 25.232
quality of submissions 27.180
Wheeler, Jean
'Indexing: a current awareness bibliography' 20.25-30, 20.81-86, 20.137-140, 20.149-152, 20.201-207, 21.25-32, 21.77-84
retirement 21.105
Wheeler, John H, Reminiscences and memoirs of North Carolina and eminent North Carolinians (extract) 25.131
Wheen, Francis, How mumbo-jumbo conquered the world (reviewed) 24.245-246
Whelan, Eleanor, photograph of 28.75
Wheldall, Kevin, Barbara Hird, and Maureen MacGlashan, obituary of Frank Merrett 24.227
'When local becomes global' (Forrest, McCarthy, MacGlashan) (editorial) 22.57
Whitcut, Janet, Better wordpower (reviewed) 22.163
White, Martin L, H W Wilson Award 20.33, 20.37
Whitrow, Magda, Walford Award 20.96
Whittaker's Reference Handbook of Quotations: English, Latin, French (1877) 25.255-256
Whitten, Penny, photograph of 28.75
'Who are we indexing for exactly?' (Clarke) 26.35
'Whom should we aim to please?' (Bell) 20.3-5
Who's who in the UK information world 1995/96 (reviewed) 20.49
'Why indexing?' (Bolton, Faulkner, Peebles and Vaudrey) 24.172-173
Why is Q always followed by U? (Quinion) (reviewed) 27.192
'Why isn't indexing sexy?' (Shuter) (editorial) 21.105
history 26.21
interactive indexing and 26.21
Wikipedia: a new community of practice (O'Sullivan) (reviewed) 28.94-95
Wilkinson, Freda
obituary of 22.42-43
photograph of 22.42
Willet, Shelagh, 'Khoe-San names (African click languages)' Centrepiece 3:1
Williams, Robert V and Ben-Ami Lipetz (eds), Covert and Overt: Recollecting and Connecting Intelligence Service and Information Science (reviewed) 25.148-149
Wilson, Alan, AusSI Web Indexing Prize 20.121
H W Wilson Award
1995 20.33, 20.37
1996 20.93
2004 24.101
2006 25.135
2007 25.273
2008 26.84
2009 27.90, 27.130, 27.132-133
Wilson, Harriett, memoirs 22.133-134
Wilson, T D, 'Information seeking behaviour and thebagher digital information world' 25.28-31
Winchester, Simon, The meaning of everything: the story of the Oxford English Dictionary (reviewed) 24.54-55
wIndex 27.190
Windmail 22.43
'WinGARB: a user's view' (Pitchford) 25.120-121
Wintrip, John, Betty Moys Prize 27.180
'Wired reference: Confessions of an e-publisher' (Attwooll) (extract) 25.88
Wisden Cricketers' Almanack 23.169, 23.228
Witt, Diana, photograph of 25.275
women in indexes
names Centrepiece 2:8
treatment in their own right 25.220
'A women's thesaurus in Turkey: addressing the challenge' (Alakus) 25.176-181
'Wondrous taxonomy' (Bates) 22.95
word-by-word: see alphanumerical sort order
WordEmbed (reviewed) 24.251-252
Worden, Diane, 'indexing as hard labour: another international instance' (letter) 22.200
Wordsmanship: a dictionary (duGran) (discussed) (Weinberg) 20.18-22
'Working with the author' (Griffith-Jones) 24.16-17
working methods: see theory and practice of indexing
cost 27.149
indexing for editors (SI) 26.37
'Indexing workshops for technical writers' (Brown) 23.134-137
Web Indexing workshop (Hedden) (NIN) 25.88
World guide to library, archive and information science education (reviewed) 26.143
World Trade Organization (WTO), Appellate Body Repertory 24.218-222, 25.91
World War II, code-breaking in 22.31-33
'The world's greatest index' (Bell) 20.208
Wormesley, David, Gibbon's History of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire (reviewed) 20.14
'Wot, no index? - or the death of the "Washington read"' (MacGlashan) 28.18-19
Wright, Jan C
articles by
'How to index online' 20.115-120
'Indexing after the millennium: getting the tools right' 21.19-20
embedded indexing (ASI Conference presentation (2008)) 26.133
photograph of 27.90
review by 24.159
H W Wilson Award 27.90, 27.130, 27.132-133
writers: see authors
writing, history of: see reading and writing
Wu Peijuan, 'Republic of China (1911-49): retrieving the past' 27.97, 27.111-116
Wu Zhaolu
photograph of 28.33
SI Conference 2009 and 27.179
Wyman, Pilar
conference reports
ASAIB 2009 27.129-130
ASI 2008 26.132-133
ASI 2009 27.130-131
Indexing specialties: medicine (ed.) 22.51
'Medical indexes reviewed' 21.124-126

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XML indexing
see also HTML
overview of 24.75-78
use of 24.66-67
XRefHT32 25.35-36, 25.223
Xue Chunxiang (with Hou Hanqing), 'Example-based text categorization (EBTC): the key to automatic indexing?' 27.97, 27.117-122

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Yahoo! Directory, decline in popularity 25.192
Yanxiang, Wang: see Wang Yanxiang
'"Year 2000 bug" should not affect indexers' (Shuter) (editorial) 21.57
yearbook indexing, in China 26.6
'Yellow Spots', editorial 24.169-170
'Yesterday is history: the evolution of the Weekly Mail index' (Merrett) 22.72-75
Yoshikawa, Kazuyoshi, Index général de la correspondance de Marcel Proust (ed.) (review) 21.195
Yr Eurgrawn Wesleyaidd, indexing 23.193-196

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Zafran, Enid L, art book and catalogue indexing 26.132
Zafran, Enid L (ed.)
Index it right! Advice from the experts, vol. 1 (reviewed) 25.62-63
Starting an indexing business (reviewed) 22.51-52
Zafran, Enid L and Joan Shapiro, Starting an indexing business (4th ed.) (reviewed) 27.191-192
Zaragayouna, Ha?fa, Touria Ait El Mekki, Laurent Audibert and Adeline Nazarenko, 'IndDoc: an aid for the back-of-the-book indexer' 25.122-125
Zedelmaier, Helmut, 'Facilitas inveniendi: the alphabetical index as a knowledge management tool' 25.235-242
Zenodotus, alphanumerical sort order and 25.259
Zhang Qiyu
The manual of book indexing 26.6
'Term selection: the key to successful indexing' 27.97, 27.98-102
Zoeken in een register (Steehouder) 25.86
Zwinger, Theodor, Theatrum vitae humanae (1565) 25.235-236
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