About The Indexer
Print ISSN: 0019-4131 Online ISSN:1756-0632
The Indexer is published on behalf of indexing societies worldwide. It seeks to cover the full range of subjects, from articles at the cutting edge of new techniques to contributions discussing in a practical way the new tools available to indexers at all points in the technical spectrum or exploring the history of indexing.
Its reviews section covers both printed and electronic material, including websites and hardware and software of interest to the indexer, while ‘Indexes Reviewed’ highlights some of the best (and worst) examples of indexing in action.
Through regular conference reports it also keeps readers up to date with what is going on across the international indexing community.
First published by the Society of Indexers (UK) in 1958 on a twice-yearly basis, it moved in 2008 to a quarterly publication. From 2019 the journal is published by Liverpool University Press.